As most of you will know from a similar thread in the Go North East section of the forum, we are currently trying to put together a history for each of the vehicles in the Arriva North East, Go North East and Stagecoach North East fleets.
If you can contribute towards this for Stagecoach North East, do post below. I'd prefer it if you had dates in terms of month and year in which these movements have taken place.
With thanks to Richard Smiles and his fleet lists for the following info...
Will update fleet list vehicle history for each of the vehicles where appropriate later today.
20551 - 20553 (P551 – 553ESA) were previously 551 - 553 with Stagecoach Glasgow and were acquired by Busways in June 2002 and originally being allocated Fleet No.s 2274 - 2276.
22664 (T664OEF) was previously 22664, originally 664 with Stagecoach on Teesside formerly Stagecoach Transit (Stockton Depot) since new in 1999. This vehicle was subsequently transferred to Busways Stagecoach in Sunderland in September 2003 as part of a major revision of the Stagecoach North East Group Fleet.
22666 (V166DEF) was previously 22666, originally 666 with Stagecoach on Teesside formerly Stagecoach Transit (Stockton Depot) since new in 1999. This vehicle was subsequently transferred to Busways Stagecoach in Newcastle (Walkergate Depot) in October 2003 as part of a major revision of the Stagecoach North East Group Fleet.
22672/673/675 (V672/673/675 DDC) were previously 22672/673/675 originally 672/673/675 with Stagecoach on Teesside formerly Stagecoach Transit (Stockton Depot) since new in 1999. These vehicles were subsequently transferred to Busways Stagecoach in Sunderland in September 2003 as part of a major revision of the Stagecoach North East Group Fleet.
33492 (R472MVN) was new to Stagecoach on Teesside (Transit Group) in November 1997 as Fleet No. 472. It was re-numbered 33492 as part of the Stagecoach UK Bus national renumbering scheme in January
2003. It had spent all of its working life so far at Stockton Depot before now moving to the Busways Group of Fleets being allocated to South Shields from September 2009.
And also...
Can anyone contribute any more to these?
There might be stuff you can use from the Vehicle Profiles at
Not all of the vehicle types are up there yet, but more will be going live in the next few weeks.
(29 May 2014, 3:58 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]The "Jeff's Bus Lane" website below may prove very useful - not just for Stagecoach, but for Go North East, Arriva and possibly the independent operators as well.
It has all of the latest news from October 2002 to October 2012! 
Oh yes, I hadn't seen the News feature before now - just the fleet lists! Ta.
(29 May 2014, 4:00 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Oh yes, I hadn't seen the News feature before now - just the fleet lists! Ta.
Whey man.
Was thinking your comments about Jeffs site strange.
Now they make sense.
They used to be a great read.
(29 May 2014, 4:37 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Whey man.
Was thinking your comments about Jeffs site strange.
Now they make sense.
They used to be a great read.
Someone should have told me I was being a div!
I used to use the fleet lists when I was captioning my photos when I first started taking them and that was the only use of the site I was aware of, and obviously when it closed I moved over to Scott's site where the news was prominently shown on the homepage - where even the biggest div couldn't miss it!
(15 Oct 2014, 6:17 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]This, and another, very useful website has unfortunately been taken offline. 
I think it's quite humorous that copyright infringement has been claimed to be the reasoning for the closure of this website. Knowing the owner of this website still views this website, I'll bite!
1. Overview
Copyright protects your work and stops others from using it without your permission.
You automatically get copyright protection when you create:
- original non-literary written work, eg software, web content and databases
'Original' being the key word here? If information had been sourced from this website and other sources before publication on that website, how could this be considered original..? Perhaps I have misunderstood the context of this section, however.
4. Copyright
You can’t copy or use copyright material without permission. For example, you can’t buy a painting and then use copies of it for a book cover, or buy a CD and use a track from it in a film.
To use something protected by copyright you must either:
- agree a licence with the owner to use it
Would you argue
this post could potentially be considered to be a 'license' to use some information from the Vehicle Profiles section of that user's website? If push came to shove, I think it could be perceived as that - especially when I am sure I had been granted permission to use the website previously too!
Permitted use of copyright works
You may not need permission if you’re using a copyright work for the following reasons:
- non-commercial research and private study
The information which had been quoted and referenced from the website in question to this website was being freely distributed and I'd argue it could be classed as 'non-commercial research' too.
Do you reckon Stagecoach gave the owner of this website permission to modify their registered trademark?
The whole situation is laughable. It's a shame that this website has been taken offline, but the reasoning for its closure is somewhat silly.