(14 Jul 2014, 2:44 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Who is Matthew Brown?
A member who uses an alias on the forum perhaps?
Has someone slipped up or is the name a double bluff?

(14 Jul 2014, 4:46 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Guess I came in Last - To be honest I haven't looked at it once since entering my Team, Bring on the Premier League Fantasy Football.
Not long till the real footy starts Adam [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
(14 Jul 2014, 4:53 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Well no!
It could be one of aureolin's mates who joined up for the football...
Still going with the member not using his alias like :p
Something that made me laugh, I was talking to a child before the world cup I asked him who he thought would win, he replied Mexico, well I was not expecting that answer so I asked him why he thought Mexico would win, he replied "it is obvious, they have Jesus playing for them"
The player he was referring to is...José de Jesús Corona
Kid must have been about 6 at best
Also had a chuckle at Mexico's wonderfully named Miguel Angel Ponce
Congrats all!
AdamY - drop me a PM with your key card number and I'll arrange for a ticket to be added for you.