(17 Sep 2014, 9:00 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Which, after you faff around with your settings, should work.
There shouldn't be any issues with Tapatalk other than that, which is a Tapatalk issue rather than NEB issue (so far as I can make out).
Settings are the same as they've always been. Loading behaviour set as 'Jump to first unread'. Doesn't seem to make a difference. I've noticed that it only seems to be certain threads that it starts at the first page with though. Tried removing and reinstalling the app on both Android and iOS and can still replicate the issue.
(18 Sep 2014, 5:23 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Settings are the same as they've always been. Loading behaviour set as 'Jump to first unread'. Doesn't seem to make a difference. I've noticed that it only seems to be certain threads that it starts at the first page with though. Tried removing and reinstalling the app on both Android and iOS and can still replicate the issue.
Yup - everyone is in the same boat.
A fault with the Tapatalk plugin so far as I can make out.
Despite changing the view on my phone to 'NEBuses' and the laptop showing BBB, it automatically refers back to the version using the last form of tech I use.
Log on phone, revert to NEBuses.
Log onto laptop and it is displayed as NEBuses.
Change laptop to BBB and when logging on via phone later, it has reverted to BBB.
So the cycle continues.
I have tried playing with 'default', but nothing changes.
(28 Oct 2014, 1:55 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Despite changing the view on my phone to 'NEBuses' and the laptop showing BBB, it automatically refers back to the version using the last form of tech I use.
Log on phone, revert to NEBuses.
Log onto laptop and it is displayed as NEBuses.
Change laptop to BBB and when logging on via phone later, it has reverted to BBB.
So the cycle continues.
I have tried playing with 'default', but nothing changes.
That's because Liam hasn't finished it yet.
Once Liam finishes it and we set 'NEBuses' to be the default setting for mobile users and 'BBB' for desktop users, that's when it'll work.
Clicked quote on two posts in the GNE Suggestions thread last night and one of the posts keeps coming up when I hit reply on a different post even though I've pressed for it to not do this again a few times now but still comes up everytime I reply to another post in that thread on my mobile.
Don't want to start a new thread but has anyone else's style changed for the forum?
(30 Dec 2014, 11:37 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Don't want to start a new thread but has anyone else's style changed for the forum?
Liam is working on a new theme which is mobile-friendly but shared with the main desktop theme ('NEB Responsive' if you use the dropdown menu at bottom right of this page)... Guessing it might be this?
(30 Dec 2014, 11:47 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Liam is working on a new theme which is mobile-friendly but shared with the main desktop theme ('NEB Responsive' if you use the dropdown menu at bottom right of this page)... Guessing it might be this?
I can't see anything on the bottom right of the page
I liked the style before =(
(27 Jan 2015, 12:11 pm)Scott wrote [ -> ]Is that really necessary. Kuyoyo may have over reacted, but there is no need for comments like that.
The only saved data that could cause the browser to run slow are the RAM, or the internet history. The solutions would be to use Task Manager to end unnecessary processes, or to wipe history and cookies.
Some old browsers don't work that well on newer sites, and as most browsers are free, there is no hassle in upgrading.
Bit late? This was months ago!
It seems tonight, trying to post a quote reply sends you to the main site home page.
The issue that Kuyoyo posted about above is happening to me this morning, anyone else?
After trying to quote mb134's post, I have been redirected back to the NEB homepage.
Completely doesn't work, can't send PMs either
Not sure I'm afraid. We haven't made any changes, and it seems to be working fine for me.
EDIT: No it isn't!
I can't quote or reply to anyone
Dan, I know you haven't edited that post!!!

Can't send PMs to anyone, can't quote anything.
Bloody forum is being a pair of b*llocks again.

Almost every post I make doesn't work even in quick reply.
MyBB Code in quick reply will also send you to NEB homepage
MyBB code works fine now in quick reply
Quick Reply wasn't even working for me earlier, but if this goes through, then it is now...
@Tommy - even copying and pasting the MyBB quoting code over to Quick Reply doesn't work for me...
I dread to think what's gone wrong this time. Have let Liam know...
Still won't let me post...on the GNE pages etc
I'm struggling too. I can't quote.
Forum is starting to piss me off, its either working then u click to post and it goes back to the home page or it just goes straight to home when clicking somewhere.
It seems to be working on some parts but not all.
Dan did Liam find out whats wrong?
No, he didn't know what was wrong. I've asked for support on the MyBB forums.
Tapatalk works fine, but that's the only way of posting without difficulties (for now)...
Hmmmmmmmmm, iv'e deleted my history etc, logged in and out
I'm finding, if you quick reply and preview the post, it actually posts.
We're still working on trying to fix this. A member of the MyBB forum community has requested administrative access to the forum so he can have a look at our settings and/or attempt to work on a fix.
Will keep you all posted as/when updates occur.
Until things are fixed, I've disabled all plugins, meaning that there are some elements of the forum which will look slightly odd.
Its doing it again grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr