There was the time we went on strike at school because of the shit they served up in the dining hall, as the ringleader, I got in deep shit for that
There was the time me and my friends decided to phone another friends mother and tell her what we were going to do to her, let's just say she was not amused, neither was the school and what was funny about the whole thing, the lad whose mother we rang was stood with us laughing, I will have about 12 when we did that.
Lastly, I caused suicide note gate, in an attempt to get people talking about something, I wrote multiple suicide notes and slipped them in places I knew people would find them, I was caught out because of my distinctive handwriting
I once wanted to have a break from school, so I shaved all my hair off, proper Bic Job, was out of school for 10 days
I also once set fire to my school uniform and pissed on it in protest at the school not supporting me when I was being bullied...Luckily I have my PE kit to change into...
(24 Jul 2014, 4:27 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]There was the time we went on strike at school because of the shit they served up in the dining hall, as the ringleader, I got in deep shit for that
There was the time me and my friends decided to phone another friends mother and tell her what we were going to do to her, let's just say she was not amused, neither was the school and what was funny about the whole thing, the lad whose mother we rang was stood with us laughing, I will have about 12 when we did that.
Lastly, I caused suicide note gate, in an attempt to get people talking about something, I wrote multiple suicide notes and slipped them in places I knew people would find them, I was caught out because of my distinctive handwriting
I once wanted to have a break from school, so I shaved all my hair off, proper Bic Job, was out of school for 10 days
I also once set fire to my school uniform and pissed on it in protest at the school not supporting me when I was being bullied...Luckily I have my PE kit to change into...
Although I'm still in school, I've done quite a few things I wasn't proud of at the time, but look back and chuckle at now;
In my French lessons, I always get bored, because I just hate learning languages. I love everything except languages. So, I slip a few sheets of A4 paper into the room, and as I sit by myself at the back of the room, I have no bother just sitting there drawing and doodling for an hour, despite it making my teacher look bad. One day, we got a kid moved up from Set 3, and he ended up sitting next to me. I was very annoyed, obviously, as this would spoil my 'routine'. For once, I decided to participate. I put my hand up, and the teacher told us to get our organisers out to write in the homework, while everyone else did that and she explained, once she had finished, I accidentally let out a perfectly timed yawn. Everyone started laughing, and the teacher shouted; 'Ur, Murcus, organiser oat!' (she's Irish).
Skipping a GCSE Business Studies exam, despite being predicted a decent grade, because England were playing Brazil in the World Cup. Kinda wish I went now! Did it at A-Level instead and passed with flying colours.
Pouring hydrochloric acid onto someone's seat in science.
The person sat on it and it was only after he stopped itching and started hopping around in pain, that my smiling stopped and panic set in.
The majority of the others are alcohol related, so won't share with there being under 18's about.
(24 Jul 2014, 4:59 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Skipping a GCSE Business Studies exam, despite being predicted a decent grade, because England were playing Brazil in the World Cup. Kinda wish I went now! Did it at A-Level instead and passed with flying colours.
2002 by any chance, all I remember is the game kicked off at silly o'clock in the morning and I was pissed by 9am iirc
(24 Jul 2014, 5:16 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]2002 by any chance, all I remember is the game kicked off at silly o'clock in the morning and I was pissed by 9am iirc
Yeah 2002 as it was an early one!
(24 Jul 2014, 5:14 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Pouring hydrochloric acid onto someone's seat in science.
The person sat on it and it was only after he stopped itching and started hopping around in pain, that my smiling stopped and panic set in.
The majority of the others are alcohol related, so won't share with their being under 18's about.
Lol, same 'ere mate
(24 Jul 2014, 5:18 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Yeah 2002 as it was an early one!
Think it was the World Cup in Japan/South Korea, it was as bad for timing as the Rugby World Cup was 14 months later in Australia
(24 Jul 2014, 5:18 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Yeah 2002 as it was an early one!
Lucky you!
For some daft reason, myself and a load of others went into work early and huddled around a small telly.
Wouldn't bother now.
I've done many stupid things in my time most of which I don't wish to disclose on a public forum.
As for school-related stuff...
One thing that immediately springs to mind is when I stuck a plastic ruler into a radiator during one French lesson. Usually, when you dropped a ruler down the vent it came out back out at the bottom. Not on this occasion. Initially I thought nothing of it, but when the fumes started to hit and people started to feel a little light-headed, I started to panic a little. Luckily, the teacher noticed and switched off the radiator. A molten plastic mess was the retrieved. Nobody saw me do it so ultimately I never got caught.
(24 Jul 2014, 5:58 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]I've done many stupid things in my time most of which I don't wish to disclose on a public forum.
As for school-related stuff...
One thing that immediately springs to mind is when I stuck a plastic ruler into a radiator during one French lesson. Usually, when you dropped a ruler down the vent it came out back out at the bottom. Not on this occasion. Initially I thought nothing of it, but when the fumes started to hit and people started to feel a little light-headed, I started to panic a little. Luckily, the teacher noticed and switched off the radiator. A molten plastic mess was the retrieved. Nobody saw me do it so ultimately I never got caught.
Sounds like the sort of thing Bart Simpson would do.

In a Geography lesson we were using laptops to do some research on something - I got very bored and started switching the keys around and made some inappropriate words. Initially, I though I'd never get caught, but the next day, I got called to the Geography teacher who found out because he checked who was logged on last. He claims that he was working with the previous person who used it, so I got in quite a bit of trouble for that.
Was dolling under the stairs at school with my mates when i was about 14 (it was a last minute idea, we did have Geography with the most boring teacher ever) and it got to 11:55am and got caught after we had survived from 11am!
put on report and got a blast from my mam and dad!
Still laugh about it today, the teachers face! haha
I think it would be easiest to understand if I'm open here -
One time in a Science lesson, I was working with my best friend Rhys (I think I've mentioned him before, basically he has autism), and it was just a couple of Fridays ago. We teamed up and, like everyone else, we made a contraption to empty Mentos into a bottle of Coke, then watch it fizz......
When we got outside, everyone looked at us like we weren't screwed on - because we were wearing protective goggles. That was because Rhys had added an extra ten Mentos, to everyone else's five. Also, he had punched four holes in the top, and covered them up, so when it exploded - it really did explode!
We pulled our string and all (cough cough) five mentos dropped into the bottle or coke. God - the thing practically exploded. Rhys, being Rhys, hit the deck like bombs were being dropped on the field! Coke and fizz etc was being sprayed everywhere - and it looked as if it weren't going to stop. Our Science teacher just put it down to 'luck'

(24 Jul 2014, 5:58 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]I've done many stupid things in my time most of which I don't wish to disclose on a public forum.
As for school-related stuff...
One thing that immediately springs to mind is when I stuck a plastic ruler into a radiator during one French lesson. Usually, when you dropped a ruler down the vent it came out back out at the bottom. Not on this occasion. Initially I thought nothing of it, but when the fumes started to hit and people started to feel a little light-headed, I started to panic a little. Luckily, the teacher noticed and switched off the radiator. A molten plastic mess was the retrieved. Nobody saw me do it so ultimately I never got caught.
Me too mate, I could probably write a book on some of the shit I got up to, but there is a few serious things I am not going to put into a public forum.
A couple from my time in the Care System
When I was 14, I got absolutely hammered on 20/20 and Martini, I went into a Newsagents in Mickey Moor where I lived at the time, I racially abused the shopkeeper, he chased me out the shop, grabbed me and broke my foot...Thay was ny own stupid fault
I once got arrested in Murton, I ran away from a copper drunk, he never bothered chasing me, although he picked me up at 15 minutes later when I knocked myself out by running into a telegraph pole
In 2000 my children's home went to Blackpool for a day out, I did not roll into the house till 4am very very drunk and on some quite substances and was told as a punishment I would not be going to Blackpool, no sooner had I gone to sleep the staff hammered me out of bed and made me goto Blackpool, must be the only time in history someone has been sent to Blackpool as a punishment.
At my friends one night, I had been drinking Vodka, Martini and Cans and tooting on the Rastafarian Old Holborn, I announced I was going to be sick...Let's just say, I never made it to the bathroom and it must have looked like a scene out of the Exorcist [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]
The stupidest one has to be when I was in Gran Canaria, 1 night I fell asleep in a bush and a couple of nights later I was nearly caught having a slash off the top floor of the Shopping Centre while 2 coppers were stood with there back to me no more than 50yds away
I think I might have to write a book one day with some of my and my friends stories as the content
On one of my holidays to Belgium. I decided to get the bus from Ghent all the way back to Brussels.
The first stage was from Ghent to Aalst, no problems there.
For the next stage I had to change in the small town of Asse.
The bus got to Asse and terminated at the depot gates. To continue to Brussels, I had to get the bus from the main road outside which was due in 5 minutes.
Anyway I go to the stop on the main road outside. Stood waiting and I started to sense something was amiss. All the traffic heading past me was heading in a northernly direction and I wanted to go south. Then I realised I was stood on the wrong side of the road thinking I was still in the UK. Fortunatley I didn't miss the bus.
(25 Jul 2014, 10:28 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]On one of my holidays to Belgium. I decided to get the bus from Ghent all the way back to Brussels.
The first stage was from Ghent to Aalst, no problems there.
For the next stage I had to change in the small town of Asse.
The bus got to Asse and terminated at the depot gates. To continue to Brussels, I had to get the bus from the main road outside which was due in 5 minutes.
Anyway I go to the stop on the main road outside. Stood waiting and I started to sense something was amiss. All the traffic heading past me was heading in a northernly direction and I wanted to go south. Then I realised I was stood on the wrong side of the road thinking I was still in the UK. Fortunatley I didn't miss the bus.
Done that many a time in Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague etc when waiting for a tram - even to the point where I am looking in the wrong direction, never mind standing on the wrong side of the road.
(25 Jul 2014, 11:12 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Done that many a time in Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague etc when waiting for a tram
Did it in Spain when getting a bus into the city. Sat there with my mam and dad for about an hour - then realise we were on the wrong side!

I once felt sorry for a Chinese Student in Durham, the lass was waiting for the 20 to Carville, 20 came along, and drove right past her, rather bemused she asked me why the bus did not stop, I told her she had to put her hand out to signal the driver, she could not get her head round the fact that she had to signal the bus to stop...I nearly pissed myself laughing
In Leeds Train Station in 2009, a foreign guy was asking me how to get to Sheffield, he could not speak English and I did not know what language he was speaking, A game of charades and me speaking very loud and very slow went on for about 10 minutes, I was speaking that slowly it sounded like I was trying to get the message through to an absolute retard, my mate was stood 10' away from me looking at me like I was about to create an International Incident
Coming back from a job interview in Manchester in 2000, I decided to go watch Bolton play before I came home, in a pub near Bolton train station, I said to a barmaid "so when are you due" thinking she was pregnant, she wasn't, but she apparently had a problem that caused her weight to balloon, I walked out before I was kicked and my big gob 😛
The discussion about id reminded me of one or two things - will mention the lesser of the two.
Me and a couple of mates were on a night out.
One was 18, the rest of us were under.
We had been in a couple of pubs and were moving on to the last one of the night (it was a bar with a late licence).
We got stopped at the entrance by a bouncer, asking for id.
For obvious reasons we didn't have it and we weren't allowed in.
I had the great idea of going back to a previous pub and swapping shirts - based on the idea, that the bouncer would be looking for a blonde guy in a lime green Ben Sherman shirt and brown haired guy in a blue Ben Sherman shirt etc (it was the mid 90's and those shirts were all the rage).
So away we all trotted, into the toilets of a pub around the corner, agreeing who would have each shirt.
Just to add a bit of sparkle to the idea, we thought that walking in as a group would be too obvious and walking in, in pairs would totally confuse the bouncers.
Confidently, we marched towards the pub of choice.
The first two got knocked back by the bouncers - who were clearly not confused, meaning we spent the night in a pub not so fussed about underage guys in shirts which were too big/too small for the person inside them!