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(23 May 2015, 3:43 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Wow. It's not everyday that I say that, but wow. For the 3rd(?) rail photo that you've done, you've done a great job, not everybody can do that within their first few photos, especially railway photography. 
This is my fourth (first photo got binned as it was blurry) but I have been taking bus photos for a year now so I can transfer some of my bus photo skills into trains.
This shot was actually not too hard as it wasn't moving very fast as it had just left Newton Aycliffe Rail Station. This photo was taken on a foot bridge leading to Oak Leaf Sports Complex.
If you are planning on taking Photos at The Galleries then I would suggest not to bother, basically to take Photos you have to go to the following Locations, the Roundabout at the Junction exiting The Galleries if you are to head towards Lambton/Oxclose or onto the Motorway, Opposite exit if you were head towards Albany on the 4 and the Junction next to Glebe/Walk In Centre.
I have been caught twice in the last week, at Sainsburys Car Park Bus Link and on the Grass Verge just down from the Bus Station as if you were entering/exiting the Interchange coming from Lambton etc, both times I was caught on CCTV and a Security Guard was sent to tell me to stop taking Photos on Private Land.
I was informed if I wanted to take Photos I would have to go into The Galleries Management Suite which located Upstairs in The Galleries near Natwest & Halifax, to ask for permission to take Photos on there Property, otherwise if I didnt Management would call the Police and I would likely be Arrested and Forced into Deleting my Photos, or having Camera taken off me altogether.
(30 Jun 2015, 3:03 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]If you are planning on taking Photos at The Galleries then I would suggest not to bother, basically to take Photos you have to go to the following Locations, the Roundabout at the Junction exiting The Galleries if you are to head towards Lambton/Oxclose or onto the Motorway, Opposite exit if you were head towards Albany on the 4 and the Junction next to Glebe/Walk In Centre.
I have been caught twice in the last week, at Sainsburys Car Park Bus Link and on the Grass Verge just down from the Bus Station as if you were entering/exiting the Interchange coming from Lambton etc, both times I was caught on CCTV and a Security Guard was sent to tell me to stop taking Photos on Private Land.
I was informed if I wanted to take Photos I would have to go into The Galleries Management Suite which located Upstairs in The Galleries near Natwest & Halifax, to ask for permission to take Photos on there Property, otherwise if I didnt Management would call the Police and I would likely be Arrested and Forced into Deleting my Photos, or having Camera taken off me altogether.
Only go to Washington if I have too the bus station manager who saw me the other week had almost had a go at me he gives me the willies (pardon my French) it's another world for he gives me the creeps usually I take photos on that long stretch of road or my alternative Concord most buses go to the Galls on there anyways my mum should know that area she was born there if they dare forced me to delete the photos I got an idea I googled this up after South Shields rally when I lost my photos but I recovered them via a PC recovery tool and it worked photos were on later than planned
(30 Jun 2015, 3:03 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I was informed if I wanted to take Photos I would have to go into The Galleries Management Suite which located Upstairs in The Galleries near Natwest & Halifax, to ask for permission to take Photos on there Property, otherwise if I didnt Management would call the Police and I would likely be Arrested and Forced into Deleting my Photos, or having Camera taken off me altogether.
They're scaremongering you. Typical paranoid security guards with nowt better to do.
The likelihood of being arrested, even if the police were called, is non-existent. At most they'd ask you to move on.
Also the police don't have the power to force you to delete your photographs, and I don't see why they would. It'd require a court order to force you to comply with any such action.
I'd perhaps go to the management office and ask for a copy of the policy.
(30 Jun 2015, 3:37 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]Only go to Washington if I have too the bus station manager who saw me the other week had almost had a go at me he gives me the willies (pardon my French) it's another world for he gives me the creeps usually I take photos on that long stretch of road or my alternative Concord most buses go to the Galls on there anyways my mum should know that area she was born there if they dare forced me to delete the photos I got an idea I googled this up after South Shields rally when I lost my photos but I recovered them via a PC recovery tool and it worked photos were on later than planned
I well Bazza you wont be going The Galleries anymore.
Weird thing is the Bus Station Management and the Security Guards all dead canny at The Galleries, and you can have a civilised conversation without confrontation as I have done on Numerous Occasions when they have came to tell me I cant take photos, they also think that the No Photography Rule is stupid and fully understand that we not causing any harm in what we are doing either, they simply just do there Jobs in a calm and professional manner, had a nice 10 Minute conversation with the Guard who came to speak to me this afternoon about Photography and the Laws etc, unlike those Jobsworths at Nexus who immediately insult you by calling you a Terrorist in front of others in Public with zero shame or remorse at all.
Taking your camera would be really harsh like...
What is the worst that can happen really, an exclusion order/ASBO banning you from there property
(30 Jun 2015, 4:03 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I well Bazza you wont be going The Galleries anymore.
Weird thing is the Bus Station Management and the Security Guards all dead canny at The Galleries, and you can have a civilised conversation without confrontation as I have done on Numerous Occasions when they have came to tell me I cant take photos, they also think that the No Photography Rule is stupid and fully understand that we not causing any harm in what we are doing either, they simply just do there Jobs in a calm and professional manner, had a nice 10 Minute conversation with the Guard who came to speak to me this afternoon about Photography and the Laws etc, unlike those Jobsworths at Nexus who immediately insult you by calling you a Terrorist in front of others in Public with zero shame or remorse at all.
Strange how they're also told to enforce no smoking around the doorways and walkways, but never bother enforcing that one!
(30 Jun 2015, 4:32 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Strange how they're also told to enforce no smoking around the doorways and walkways, but never bother enforcing that one!
And also do nothing about e-cigarette smokers smoking inside the Bus Station etc either, seen loads people doing it as of late when passing through various Interchanges across the region.
(30 Jun 2015, 5:06 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]And also do nothing about e-cigarette smokers smoking inside the Bus Station etc either, seen loads people doing it as of late when passing through various Interchanges across the region.
Aye, they're not interested. I've been told at Gateshead for having my camera out (but not using it), and when I've asked what they're doing about the smokers, apparently that's none of my business...
It may be worth someone making an appointment with Galleries management to see if they'll come to some level of common sense. Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding on their part? Having said that like, we tried similar with Nexus, and they had said they were going to review the policy in the near future - something we probably need to follow up on actually.
(30 Jun 2015, 5:11 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Aye, they're not interested. I've been told at Gateshead for having my camera out (but not using it), and when I've asked what they're doing about the smokers, apparently that's none of my business... 
It may be worth someone making an appointment with Galleries management to see if they'll come to some level of common sense. Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding on their part? Having said that like, we tried similar with Nexus, and they had said they were going to review the policy in the near future - something we probably need to follow up on actually.
They all seem to be high the whole "This is Private Land you cant take Photos here" or "You cant take Photos here due to there being Government Listed Buildings nearby" though, thing is if you ask for an explanation as to why i.e. with Nexus, then all I get is "Its because your on Private Land and I have to be seen on Camera telling you off otherwise I get it in the ear off of Management, further to that I have been told you can take Photos from the outside looking in, but take photos on the inside looking out, but what they all fail to realise is that regardless of whether it is Private Land or not, if the Land in question is open to the General Public in which a Bus Station is, then you can take as many photos as you want as the Law states if read in full, obviously there must some form of loop hole in which they are using to there advantage that we are perhaps unaware of.
It isnt just an issue with up here in the North East either, It is an issue across the Country, I have had issues elsewhere such as Bradford and Leeds Interchange when I went on a West Yorkshire Adventure this time Last Year, and I am sure other Enthusiasts off the Forum have had issues elsewhere up and down the Country also, perhaps cutting out the "Middle Man" such as Nexus and Shopping Centre Management such as The Galleries and Intu, and going in the direction of seeking advice from our Local Councilours across the Region and getting there backing would perhaps be a better option.
(30 Jun 2015, 4:05 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Taking your camera would be really harsh like...
What is the worst that can happen really, an exclusion order/ASBO banning you from there property
They wouldn't dare take my camera not without a fight it's like I went to Huddersfield once I wasn't taking any photos inside the bus station and the manager had a right go at me Nexus so far are the worse I've come across the other day that idiot who looks down on every bus spotter when they turn up at Nexus who gets the nickname Cockeyed Joe aka Mr A he calls me the name I hate I have told him countless of times that is not my name now but he never listens to me the GNE customer service advisor who works at the galleries gives me the creeps he had a go at NEB very own Lee when we had witnessed a trident on X1 if I saw that guy again I would ignore him and report him to GNE but then again I won't do that
Let's say Nexus/Galleries Staff get arsey with you and call the Police, and you be an arse to the police, could the police be arses themselves and make you stop taking pictures by using the prevention of terrorism act to make someone stand down...
That must be a record for the use of the word arse in reply [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]
Well me and Gary Devlin got told to stop taking photos near (Not on NEXUS property) Haymarket because of the terrorism threat.
(30 Jun 2015, 9:16 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Well me and Gary Devlin got told to stop taking photos near (Not on NEXUS property) Haymarket because of the terrorism threat.
That is because you 2 look like terrorists

(30 Jun 2015, 9:16 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Well me and Gary Devlin got told to stop taking photos near (Not on NEXUS property) Haymarket because of the terrorism threat.
Abdul Ali al-Calder

Always stand your ground, but its pointless being abusive or abrupt with them, as it immediately puts you in the wrong.
If they're suggesting that you can't have a camera on a public footpath, near Haymarket, for that reason, then you need to urge them to contact the relevant authorities with their concerns.
Basically - don't let someone scaremongering you with something that's in the spotlight, when you're perfectly within your right to be there. Just be polite and accommodating when discussing the matter.
(30 Jun 2015, 9:16 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Well me and Gary Devlin got told to stop taking photos near (Not on NEXUS property) Haymarket because of the terrorism threat.
You wonder why I don't really ever do 'bus station' shots... This is one of the reasons why, I do not want this happening to me as I hate being in trouble and would panic thinking the worst is going to happen if I ever found myself in this situation.
If you ever see me in Washington Galleries Bus Station now I'll will likely to just be changing buses as I do not want to be in trouble especially for something as little as this.
(30 Jun 2015, 9:41 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Always stand your ground, but its pointless being abusive or abrupt with them, as it immediately puts you in the wrong.
If they're suggesting that you can't have a camera on a public footpath, near Haymarket, for that reason, then you need to urge them to contact the relevant authorities with their concerns.
Basically - don't let someone scaremongering you with something that's in the spotlight, when you're perfectly within your right to be there. Just be polite and accommodating when discussing the matter.
I'm always polite too the staff because at the end of the day they are just doing their job, but, some of them do it in the wrong manner.
He said something too us like " You two are going to have too move from here" too which I asked why and he said something like "Well the threat of terrorism is high"
Too which I replied "Sir, do I look like a terrorist?" He said no and moved on.
Victory claimed.
(30 Jun 2015, 9:44 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I'm always polite too the staff because at the end of the day they are just doing their job, but, some of them do it in the wrong manner.
He said something too us like " You two are going to have too move from here" too which I asked why and he said something like "Well the threat of terrorism is high"
Too which I replied "Sir, do I look like a terrorist?" He said no and moved on.
Victory claimed.
When approached, knock your camera quickly into video recording mode and record it. That way as long as you remain polite (which I've no doubt you do!), you can send the footage in for complaint.

(30 Jun 2015, 9:46 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]When approached, knock your camera quickly into video recording mode and record it. That way as long as you remain polite (which I've no doubt you do!), you can send the footage in for complaint. 
What an idea! Thanks Adrian.
(30 Jun 2015, 9:16 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Well me and Gary Devlin got told to stop taking photos near (Not on NEXUS property) Haymarket because of the terrorism threat.
Was this last Friday where that arsehole of American bloke shouted at you myself Gary and steven if that guy told me that I would shout at him and tell him to go back to where he came from
(30 Jun 2015, 10:01 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]Was this last Friday where that arsehole of American bloke shouted at you myself Gary and steven if that guy told me that I would shout at him and tell him to go back to where he came from
No Bazza.
And that is racist.
(30 Jun 2015, 10:01 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]Was this last Friday where that arsehole of American bloke shouted at you myself Gary and steven if that guy told me that I would shout at him and tell him to go back to where he came from
Would you do the same if the Bloke was Black?
(30 Jun 2015, 10:03 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]No Bazza.
And that is racist.
Would saying 'go back to where you came from' to a Yank not be Xenophobic rather than racist
(30 Jun 2015, 10:07 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Would saying 'go back to where you came from' to a Yank not be Xenophobic rather than racist
Yes, but the man was also black in which case it could come across racist
(30 Jun 2015, 10:07 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Would you do the same if the Bloke was Black?
He was.
(30 Jun 2015, 10:01 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]Was this last Friday where that arsehole of American bloke shouted at you myself Gary and steven if that guy told me that I would shout at him and tell him to go back to where he came from
He had not finished his shift at work so couldnt go home.
(30 Jun 2015, 10:12 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Yes, but the man was also black in which case it could come across racist
He was.
Comes across as very racist, but I doubt Bazza said with racism in mind...
Though to most it would certainly look that way
(30 Jun 2015, 10:15 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Comes across as very racist, but I doubt Bazza said with racism in mind...
Though to most it would certainly look that way
No racism in mind what I meant to say was if he started on me I would have said go back to where you came from referring to company not country
(30 Jun 2015, 10:22 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]No racism in mind what I meant to say was if he started on me I would have said go back to where you came from referring to company not country
To be fair Bazza...You do have a knack for putting your foot in it at times

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