(04 Sep 2014, 5:15 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I suggest a few people drop an email to the Sunderland City Council's 'City and Neighbourhood' team. They're listed as a contact on this page here - http://www.sunderland.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1292
"Street Parking
Pavements are constructed and provided for pedestrian use. We have a responsibility to keep the roads and footpaths safe to use.
The Highway Code states that motorists should not park partially or wholly on the footway unless signs permit it. If there are waiting restrictions in place then these extend across the footway and the matter can be dealt with by the Parking Services section of the council. Where there are no waiting restrictions in place then complaints of obstructive parking may be dealt with by the Police.
If you have a query regarding vehicles parking on a pavement please contact City and Neighbourhoods."
It'll probably do GNE a favour if more than just them are complaining about it.
I believe the kerbs have been provided to park vehicles completely on them as to keep the bus route clear, unfortunately residents have taken it upon themselves to park upon the road and block the bus route. Haven't been on the 71 for a good few weeks but from past experience its the same residents who are looking for a payout for damage to their vehicles.
(04 Sep 2014, 6:21 pm)nk55 wrote [ -> ]I believe the kerbs have been provided to park vehicles completely on them as to keep the bus route clear, unfortunately residents have taken it upon themselves to park upon the road and block the bus route. Haven't been on the 71 for a good few weeks but from past experience its the same residents who are looking for a payout for damage to their vehicles.
I hadn't any knowledge of the particular road, but having looked at Google Maps, it certainly does look like that.
I'd say it's still worth an email if there's an obstruction to the highway. Reason I say that, is because when someone in my street was getting building work done, the council gave them a bollocking for preventing the bin wagon getting down the street.
(04 Sep 2014, 6:30 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I hadn't any knowledge of the particular road, but having looked at Google Maps, it certainly does look like that.
I'd say it's still worth an email if there's an obstruction to the highway. Reason I say that, is because when someone in my street was getting building work done, the council gave them a bollocking for preventing the bin wagon getting down the street.
I agree, if the blocking continues then the 71 will be pulled from the estate & these idiots will have won and although not a great deal of folk use the 71 around the estate they'll be the ones loosing out.
(04 Sep 2014, 6:30 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I hadn't any knowledge of the particular road, but having looked at Google Maps, it certainly does look like that.
I'd say it's still worth an email if there's an obstruction to the highway. Reason I say that, is because when someone in my street was getting building work done, the council gave them a bollocking for preventing the bin wagon getting down the street.
Roads also need to be clear for fire engines and ambulances.
(04 Sep 2014, 6:56 pm)nk55 wrote [ -> ]I agree, if the blocking continues then the 71 will be pulled from the estate & these idiots will have won and although not a great deal of folk use the 71 around the estate they'll be the ones loosing out.
I hope GNE resist if they can. I know it's been said on here many a time, but somewhere with so few services these days can ill-afford to lose one.
(04 Sep 2014, 7:23 pm)R838PRG wrote [ -> ]Roads also need to be clear for fire engines and ambulances.
Aye, and you'd argue that you'd struggle getting a fire engine through, if you can't get a Cadet through.
Group Chief Exec's total remuneration up from a mere £942,000 to £1,960,000 for the financial year, whilst shareholders cough for a dividend increase of 4.3%. Generous. Wonder how many employees got a pay award anywhere near that...
(04 Sep 2014, 4:41 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/story/...fds_403246 - I'd imagine it was the 29, so a Versa would have to be used on the 29 for the time being?
or another Solo SR from Deptford/Saltmeadows/Percy Main or perhaps a red versa 5389/5390 only problem is the corners on that route if a Vyking can do it then surely a Versa could cope
(04 Sep 2014, 9:08 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]or another Solo SR from Deptford/Saltmeadows/Percy Main or perhaps a red versa 5389/5390 only problem is the corners on that route if a Vyking can do it then surely a Versa could cope
The 28A goes to Kibblesworth too and that has no problems.
(04 Sep 2014, 9:08 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Group Chief Exec's total remuneration up from a mere £942,000 to £1,960,000 for the financial year, whilst shareholders cough for a dividend increase of 4.3%. Generous. Wonder how many employees got a pay award anywhere near that...
Taken a step back with this one - was very tempted to get on my soap box earlier on...
It's almost as if everything that has been said in QCS relating to shareholders was true and it has been shown to be true - again!
Those pension funds a certain member harps on about - will be raking it in!
(04 Sep 2014, 9:39 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Taken a step back with this one - was very tempted to get on my soap box earlier on...
It's almost as if everything that has been said in QCS relating to shareholders was true and it has been shown to be true - again! 
Those pension funds a certain member harps on about - will be raking it in!
Better in the bank accounts of members of the public who paid to buy shares in a successful company - than being using to write off the debts of a publically-accountable public body.
And lets look at the fact the quoted figure is the Go Ahead Group as a whole - that's including Go South Coast, Brighton & Hove, Oxford Bus Company, Thames Travel, Carousal, Anglian Bus, Hedingham Omnibuses, Chambers, Konectbus and the non-London Parts of Metrobus .
(04 Sep 2014, 9:44 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Better in the bank accounts of members of the public who paid to buy shares in a successful company - than being using to write off the debts of a publically-accountable public body.
And lets look at the fact the quoted figure is the Go Ahead Group as a whole - that's including Go South Coast, Brighton & Hove, Oxford Bus Company, Thames Travel, Carousal, Anglian Bus, Hedingham Omnibuses, Chambers, Konectbus and the non-London Parts of Metrobus .
Howay man. There is stating the obvious and then, stating the obvious.

The Go ahead Group website generally gives us a good idea it is group profits it is referring to.
Imagine one division making that much money!
I went down the A1 today and traffic was a nightmare in both directions, hopefully GNE will do something with the X22 as it interworks with the 14 and why should the 14 suffer delays because of major roadworks on the X22.
(04 Sep 2014, 10:15 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I went down the A1 today and traffic was a nightmare in both directions, hopefully GNE will do something with the X22 as it interworks with the 14 and why should the 14 suffer delays because of major roadworks on the X22.
Still issues around Chester and the A167?
(04 Sep 2014, 10:19 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Still issues around Chester and the A167?
Not sure, the works at the roundabout in Chester were still going on the other day and the X25 I was on nearly crashed into a car because there was a dump truck obstructing the view from the junction.
(04 Sep 2014, 10:25 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Not sure, the works at the roundabout in Chester were still going on the other day and the X25 I was on nearly crashed into a car because there was a dump truck obstructing the view from the junction.
Collapsed gas main by all accounts.
Agree that measures need to be put into place to limit delays on interworking services.
It will only get worse with the roadworks on the Western Bypass.
(04 Sep 2014, 10:27 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Collapsed gas main by all accounts.
Agree that measures need to be put into place to limit delays on interworking services.
It will only get worse with the roadworks on the Western Bypass.
I've already seen times when the 14/X22 have been running late when there has been no roadworks.
(04 Sep 2014, 10:31 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I've already seen times when the 14/X22 have been running late when there has been no roadworks.
Must admit i've been doing the 14/X22 since june and NEVER been delayed!!
(05 Sep 2014, 5:06 am)nk55 wrote [ -> ]Must admit i've been doing the 14/X22 since june and NEVER been delayed!!
Always like clockwork when I've used it aside the odd Saturday. Once had a driver who obviously knew the area and had us go through Lamesley, Valley and the backstreets of the Teams.
(04 Sep 2014, 7:23 pm)R838PRG wrote [ -> ]Roads also need to be clear for fire engines and ambulances.
I haven't travelled on the 71 since it stopped serving Sunderland however the comment regarding emergency vehicles reminded me of something.
Where I live, one end of the street is a dead end and a few months back someone in the dead end area needed an ambulance - due to parked cars, the ambulance needed to stop have way down the street and the paramedics to walk up to the house. The same happened when my wife needed an ambulance and again the ambulance needed to park halfway down the street. Had a fire engine try to come up the street before - hit a cars wing mirror then gave up. The council did sod all when I contacted them. However (now sort off bus related) match days at the stadium with parked along Southwick Road and the council recently introduced parking permits. However it didn't seem to have much impact but the traffic wardens (or civil enforcement officers) were out in force and no doubt made a fortune.
I grew up in Silksworth and used to live on Davison Avenue. The roads were not massive as it was a housing estate we still had buses going round there (132, 129? and a Stagecoach service at some point - maybe the 17?). My nan lived Tunstall Bank Estate and I remember there were issues with parked cars on a few occasions (service 141 and 47?).
(05 Sep 2014, 5:06 am)nk55 wrote [ -> ]Must admit i've been doing the 14/X22 since june and NEVER been delayed!!
Most days it has been on-time, it's just been the odd occasion where it has been late, although it may end up being a different story with these roadworks on the A1.
Predicting chaos around Chester later - judging by the cones and diversion signs which are being put up, the entire stretch of A167 northbound is being closed between Ropery Lane and Picktree Lane.
No idea about southbound traffic.
The diversion is signed via Woodstone Village.
(05 Sep 2014, 2:47 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Predicting chaos around Chester later - judging by the cones and diversion signs which are being put up, the entire stretch of A167 northbound is being closed between Ropery Lane and Picktree Lane.
No idea about southbound traffic.
The diversion is signed via Woodstone Village.
Work is due to start on the roundabout next to the total garage, installing traffic lights and widening approach roads.
Noticed the destination blind of the 885 and 886 have changed from 'Scholars All Welcome' to 'Park View School All Welcome'. Nice touch like

(05 Sep 2014, 3:33 pm)nk55 wrote [ -> ]Work is due to start on the roundabout next to the total garage, installing traffic lights and widening approach roads.
Any idea if the designer is the same person who is behind the other two recent 'adaptations' in the area?
Saw the new layout on Park Road North for the first time at the weekend!
As bonkers as the one at Perkinsville!
(05 Sep 2014, 4:02 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Any idea if the designer is the same person who is behind the other two recent 'adaptations' in the area?
Saw the new layout on Park Road North for the first time at the weekend!
As bonkers as the one at Perkinsville!
Probably!!, looking at the plans on dcc website its looking like a simply widening of approac road from the A1M and adding the traffic lights and road markings. Nortlands roundabout should work in our favour but due to the gas main failing on tuesday its been a nightmare, but we'll see come monday!!.
Work ia also due to begin on removing the old railway bridge in leadgate and realigning the road. Work is due to continue until march 16.
Does anyone know how the streetlite is doing on the Lime?
(06 Sep 2014, 10:27 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Does anyone know how the streetlite is doing on the Lime?
I'd suggest the trial has been very successful.
For a light-weight vehicle, 5375 has exceeded my expectations to say the very least. I had a ride of it on August 30th from Stanley all the way back to Sunderland on the 8, and I was impressed. The vehicle did get
very warm at the back, and I could feel that the vehicle was being pushed to its limits (especially on the small A19 stretch), but it's managed to keep to time which suggests that it can cope.
I really do think that Go North East will invest in a light-weight vehicle for the "Lime" - whether it's the Streetlite or the Versa, I do not know. I do think this will be a temporary stop-gap measure, which will tie the services over for a few years (perhaps the 2018/19 financial year) before heavy-weight vehicles are brought in. That way, Go North East can upgrade the "Lime" again (or whatever it may become) and upgrade another service with fairly new vehicles. I'd also suggest the same will happen with the Citylink.
If you want to have a go, it'll be on the 11:53 #8 from Sunderland.