Cheers Dan! It makes me feel so old realising that service 12 is now over 6 years old, I remember when it was first introduced like it was yesterday! Barely changed since! It sparked retaliation by Go North East who increased the 33 to every 7/8 minutes, but dropped the 42 to every 15 minutes which wasn't a popular decision for 42 folk.
I forgot that Stagecoach once used to run evening 36C's, I had remembered it being Veolia instead but I think that was later on.
I've got some old Stagecoach Sunderland timetables too at the bottom of this page too! -
Sadly the timetables I wanted (5 to Boldon ASDA) (21 Thorney Close - South Bents) and E3 (Sunderland - South Shields) didn't work
Also the trial North Estates Dayrider which had already been extended until 31 December 2012 will now continue into 2013, where it will remain at £23 until the annual fares review in Spring -
I know - it was a shock to me seeing that the 12 was six years old too - I remember getting on it on the first day of service alongside everyone else for 50p..! Didn't make that much of a difference to me considering I was only 9 and that was the standard fare for a child anyway, but yeah... Everyone else loved it.
It appears I have an uncanny habit of repeating exactly what you have said in the past it seems - perhaps I should make sure to read through all posts and/or threads before posting in future!
Ooh, must be getting some pretty good numbers buying those North Estates Dayriders for them to extend the end date again. All good, I guess.
Does anyone have any pictures of the ALX bodied B10BLE's interior before the 'beachball' moquette, so an interior shot with the stripe moquette???
(19 Dec 2012, 9:41 pm)Wellsey18 wrote [ -> ]Does anyone have any pictures of the ALX bodied B10BLE's interior before the 'beachball' moquette, so an interior shot with the stripe moquette???
I'll try and ask around for you - though the bigger enthusiasts who I know don't live within the North East...
On a different note - now we've got 'em!
The Stagecoach in Sunderland route map has finally been updated - something I've been waiting for for years now:
I have been told by a Stagecoach in Sunderland driver that we are to expect 25 new buses to come into service in 2013.
I'm guessing these will be single deckers from another Stagecoach North East variant, but we can always hope for some (preferably new) double deckers, right?! ;-)
A friend also told me on 1 of my FB comments about how rubbish the buses are and he said to a reply: there getting replaced soon, hopefully we will see decker's in Sunderland but don't build your hopes up + it could be a driver trolling you.
I hope its true, we need better buses, Would be even better if we only got some single Decker's but the E's got Enviro 400
(25 Dec 2012, 4:46 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]A friend also told me on 1 of my FB comments about how rubbish the buses are and he said to a reply: there getting replaced soon, hopefully we will see decker's in Sunderland but don't build your hopes up + it could be a driver trolling you.
I hope its true, we need better buses, Would be even better if we only got some single Decker's but the E's got Enviro 400
I couldn't imagine he'd lie to me - he's my sister's boyfriend and he usually tells me what's right and what's wrong (to his knowledge) of the rumours I've heard about the infrastructure of Stagecoach in Sunderland.
I'm close to a few more drivers, so I'll ask them what they know when I next see them!

Good, =D, They will cast off's from somewhere else... probleys be enviro's.
![[Image: 400111_4091336646673_1881593422_n.jpg]](
[Taken from a friend's wall on Facebook]
Does anyone have any idea of what has happened? There is a Stagecoach bus in-shot and it looks empty - perhaps it was involved in the accident? The person claims that 'there's about 10 police and 10 ambulance and 2 fire engines'... Chances are that this statement is a tad exaggerated, but nonetheless, they also said that 'the traffic is unreal'.
I believe the photo was taken from St. Peters Metro, looking down onto North Bridge Street (next to Wearmouth Bridge).