(16 Sep 2013, 10:41 pm)Acky81 wrote [ -> ]Why was 14669 14670 and 14671 at the wheatsheaf???? There former home when they were Sunderland busways vehicles
I'm not sure - I was just given an estimated time of their departure so I could get a photo. I of course could not resist, so with no questions asked, I jumped at the opportunity of getting the three together.
22467 is covering for an E200 on 4s today.
39731 is also out replacing an ALX300 on 20s today.
22075,22462,22468 and 22196 have all been on the 23 today
(18 Sep 2013, 5:51 pm)dans_bus_photos wrote [ -> ]22075,22462,22468 and 22196 have all been on the 23 today
Sticking to the allocation list there, aren't they?

Seems some of the new E200's will be for the 3/10/11 - by Driver talk
Not Confirmed
Well the new enviro 200s are suppost to replace the majority of the darts and im assuming they will end up on the 10/11/18/19etc. I cant see them going on the 3s though as the new enviros arnt replacing the MANs
(18 Sep 2013, 6:39 pm)dans_bus_photos wrote [ -> ]Well the new enviro 200s are suppost to replace the majority of the darts and im assuming they will end up on the 10/11/18/19etc. I cant see them going on the 3s though as the new enviros arnt replacing the MANs
Can't see them on the 8/18 or 19..
We might end up seen them on the 5/5A, newer buses on a route which is part NEXUS = keeps contract?
18/19 will probley's use newer buses
They could end up on the 12, we don't know or they could be used on any service.
I believe the Scania E300s are due for service 16 (PVR of 10) and service 20 (PVR of 5). This accounts for 15 of the 17 E300s due, leaving 2 spare vehicles.
The 21 E200s are due to displace Pointer 2 Darts which makes the likelihood of them appearing on service 3 being slim.
Allocated on a daily basis should be:
- 2x Dennis Dart SLF/Alexander Pointer 2 - Service 8
- 10x Dennis Dart SLF/Alexander Pointer 2 - Service 10/11
- 6x Dennis Dart SLF/Alexander Pointer 2 - Service 18/19
The above accounts for 18 of the 21 E200s due. This would then allow for 3 spare - one for each service.
18 of the above Pointer 2 Darts could then be cascaded to the Newcastle fleet, whilst Sunderland's 3 ALX200s could also be withdrawn.
Like i said it was driver talk, We just have to wait and see
I can't wait to ride the gas buses like
(18 Sep 2013, 7:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Like i said it was driver talk, We just have to wait and see
I can't wait to ride the gas buses like
Given that I'm positive you (the drivers) are correct in suggesting that the new E200s will appear on services 10/11, could the drivers have meant that the Scania E300s will appear on service 3 on evenings?
Services 3 and 20 interwork on evenings, so the gas buses will appear on the 3 then (will be a great photo opportunity, assuming Sunderland do allocate these new vehicles correctly - rather unlike the 23, which is meant to be allocated 6 MAN E200s and 2 ADL E200s..)
(18 Sep 2013, 7:18 pm)Daniel wrote [ -> ]Given that I'm positive you (the drivers) are correct in suggesting that the new E200s will appear on services 10/11, could the drivers have meant that the Scania E300s will appear on service 3 on evenings?
Services 3 and 20 interwork on evenings, so the gas buses will appear on the 3 then (will be a great photo opportunity, assuming Sunderland do allocate these new vehicles correctly - rather unlike the 23, which is meant to be allocated 6 MAN E200s and 2 ADL E200s..)
Iv'e noticed that theirs always Enviro's on the 10/11, maybe that's where the drivers got the idea from.
I hope they will appear on the 3 on a night and maybe a Sunday.
I wonder if the Gas buses will appear on most services on a Evening/Sunday with it being a reduced level of service.
Anybody know how long these will take to re-fuel or what ever u call it for a Gas bus haha
The enviro 200s are on the 10/11 daily because they work off the short 5/5A workings on a morning between the docks and the wavendon. Im pretty sure there is 2 early morning journeys that terminate at the wavendon and then run light to pennywell to start on the 10/11s
There are, and I've seen and photographed both of these runs. I have also seen E200s on a morning at 0750 heading up Holborn Bank towards Pennywell, but I can't seem to figure out where they slot in on 10/11s?
I'm led to believe the e200s are to be allocated to the 10/11 and 23.
This will, in turn, cascade Pointer 2 vehicles out the Sunderland fleet, probably to Newcastle.
(18 Sep 2013, 7:54 pm)JakeSavage wrote [ -> ]I'm led to believe the e200s are to be allocated to the 10/11 and 23.
This will, in turn, cascade Pointer 2 vehicles out the Sunderland fleet, probably to Newcastle.
Accounting for 18 of 21. What happens with the spare ones? I could accept 2 spare (one for each service) but 3 seems unlikely.
Is Michael happy we are bringing speculation, rumour and discussion to the Stagecoach section?

I hope they are on the 23.. means ill have sets of new buses in my area on the 16 amd 23... haha
I am, sick of reading about GNE all the time on the fourm.
(18 Sep 2013, 8:09 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I hope they are on the 23.. means ill have sets of new buses in my area on the 16 amd 23... haha
I am, sick of reading about GNE all the time on the fourm.
What are the loadings like on the 23? I don't use the service as often as I should, so I don't feel it's fair for me to comment on the numbers.
I would accept that they are for services 10/11 and 23 if they were also for the 5/5A too. That would leave no spares, but the two ADL E200s currently allocated to service 23 could act as spares for these services.
The MAN E200s could then move over to services 18/19, displacing those Pointer 2 Darts to Newcastle - alongside the ones from services 10/11.
The ADL E200s currently allocated to services 5/5A could move over to service 8, also displacing those Pointer 2 Darts too.
The 23 gets decent loadings
The 5/5A is a good choice.. new buses could let Stagecoach keep the contract part of the service
Think by the new year we could see the whole fleet nearly Enviro and Gas.
On the X34 for the first time and a E400 for the first time... i have to say i like the E400.
On the 100 now.. first time, same for the E300... good bus..
My random Journey today.
35 From Prospect to park lane
38 - Park lane to ASDA
38 - ASDA to park lane
X3 - park lane to Boldon ASDA
X34 – Boldon ASDA to Newcastle
100 – Newcastle to Metrocentre
X66 – Metrocentre to Gateshead
Metro to Park Lane
23 from Homeside to Springwell
All Normal Allocations
Not that important, but 19194 was displaying '34' on its rear blind while operating a Horsley Hill-bound X34.
The 3 isn't the best bus for timing and soon as some roadworks are on the route the reliability suffers.
The whole Sunderland stagecoach network could do with a refresh. Scrap the 10 minute frequencies and start some new routes.
(21 Sep 2013, 9:25 am)idiot wrote [ -> ]The 3 isn't the best bus for timing and soon as some roadworks are on the route the reliability suffers.
When i used to work in Hylton Castle - i had this problem 5 days a week and that included the 6:41am bus from the prospect
I had some suggestions for changes.
8 and 20 merged keep at every 10 mins
18/19 Split - no one ever uses the service (only peak times) - surprised they still running
Im assuming you mean sending the 20 to south hylton? As that would add atleast an extra 10 minutes onto journeys from Prestbury road and does South Hylton need a every 10 minute bus when they have the metro.
I'd definitely like to see the 8/20 merged, but how would it work?
There is a small turning circle just before Prestbury Road (see
here - I think you will need to be on a computer to view it though) where the service could turn around and then head back down Hylton Road to St Annes, where it could pursue the usual 8 route.
Can full size single deckers be used on the 8 though? Some of the estates the 8 goes through in South Hylton are pretty tight, but not much tighter than those in Hill View (and I've seen ALX300s be used on the 10/11 very occasionally).