Don't know how true this info is but it's from a reliable source. Enviro 400 10000 currently on Loan from Manchester could be spending 3 days on trial for service x34 to test engine and performance between boldon and felling bypass as it's a rare chance to have engine performing at maximum rpm. No Idea how much truth is in this and no doubt I will be corrected but he seemed to know what he was saying. Provisional date around April time. Again I can't verify or confirm but thought I would get the groups opinions see if there's any weight to it
Best wishes
(28 Feb 2014, 9:51 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Is Any of the Sunderland Mans going to south shields. Have Seen Picture of 22463 taken in Stockton. Is that the first one to go. Regards Robin
Not sure on transfers yet, only confirmed one is 22463 so far.
(28 Feb 2014, 4:29 am)ADLEnviro wrote [ -> ]Bit of history behind this Dan, I'm not showing my age here mind.
This is historical for Sunderland, goes back to the 70s when the point inspector in the Central Bus Station would blow his whistle spot on 11pm and every last bus would shut its doors and race to the outer estates and back to either Hylton Road or Fulwell depots and in later years the Wheatshef. This practice today operates from Fawcett Street, not sure if you still have the inspector with the whistle mind.
I remember this, the buses would sit on their respective stands with the drivers revving up their engines. As soon as the Inspector blew the whistle, it looked like the drivers were competing to be the first the reach the narrow exits - I'm surprised there weren't any pile-ups!
I'm not old enough to remember anything further back (honestly!) but I've been told by elderly relatives that this tradition actually had it roots back in the days of the tram when there would be a line-up of trams in Fawcett Street waiting for the whistle to send some northwards towards Southwick, Fulwell and Seaburn and some southwards towards Villette Road, Grangetown, Durham Road or Kayll Road.
David P
Dan. There is an Odd 19... sitting in South Shields Depot The afternoon is it one off newcastles buses come to stay at Chichester depot. Regards Robin
(01 Mar 2014, 8:00 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. There is an Odd 19... sitting in South Shields Depot The afternoon is it one off newcastles buses come to stay at Chichester depot. Regards Robin
Howay Dan? Explanation?! :p
As we had a chat about the gas buses and what will happen on a Sunday with them i can confirm that the 5A and 23 just past my house and are both normal E200's working today, both how ever are 63 reg ones... these are heading towards the town
(02 Mar 2014, 8:46 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]That's brill!
#Daretodream! - Dan was this the houses u were on about on Grindon lane?
If so that's the new estate, they built the houses on their after they knocked the old Broadway School down in the area
I hadn't actually noticed it when taking the photograph, just noticed something on top of the building when I looked at it. Really is great to see everyone's spirits so high in Sunderland right now.
Yeah, those were the Monopoly Houses I was referring to!

(02 Mar 2014, 9:47 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I hadn't actually noticed it when taking the photograph, just noticed something on top of the building when I looked at it. Really is great to see everyone's spirits so high in Sunderland right now.
Yeah, those were the Monopoly Houses I was referring to! 
It is, can't for 2pm, wish i was down London, Sunderland fans took it over last night!
Thought they were

, its a nice little estate although not sure if its part of Springwell or Grindon.
(28 Feb 2014, 7:27 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Stagecoach North East fleet list updated. I have only updated the fleet lists to show 21104's removal from the fleet, 22066 losing its sub-branding for service 37 following repaint, 22666/735 having gained a rear advertisement for Southmoor Academy and the gas buses entering service. I will update the ALX300 cascades/withdrawals upon publication of Stagecoach North East's fleet cards (or if anyone on here has a complete list?) - make my life easier. 
Sorry were going back but when does stagecoach publish their fleet cards?
(02 Mar 2014, 9:51 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]wish i was down London, Sunderland fans took it over last night!
A bit OTT there Michael I think

(02 Mar 2014, 10:10 am)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]A bit OTT there Michael I think 
Maybe but have u not seen the pictures... fans just took up all of the streets.
Even Ellis Short (owner) was out getting drunk with the supporters haha
Even if we loose don't care, least we got their!
(02 Mar 2014, 10:07 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Sorry were going back but when does stagecoach publish their fleet cards?
Should be released at some point next week.

(02 Mar 2014, 9:42 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]As we had a chat about the gas buses and what will happen on a Sunday with them i can confirm that the 5A and 23 just past my house and are both normal E200's working today, both how ever are 63 reg ones... these are heading towards the town
Gas E300s are operating on the 3s/16s/20s
Everything else appears to be E200 operated.
(02 Mar 2014, 10:17 am)dans_bus_photos wrote [ -> ]Gas E300s are operating on the 3s/16s/20s
Everything else appears to be E200 operated.
Least their out on the 20, not like on a evening
(02 Mar 2014, 10:17 am)dans_bus_photos wrote [ -> ]Gas E300s are operating on the 3s/16s/20s
Everything else appears to be E200 operated.
28014 on service 3:
28002 on service 3 (and note the defective destination display):
Attached a clearer shot of the #daretodream banner for the Mackems too..

Just wondering if the new E300's in Sunderland run by tears?

(02 Mar 2014, 5:59 pm)benambro wrote [ -> ]Just wondering if the new E300's in Sunderland run by tears? 
Its ran by horse mate, no one is crying

(02 Mar 2014, 6:01 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Its ran by horse mate, no one is crying 
I will be tomorrow when I'll be inevitably getting on a ALX300 in Billingham.
On Thursday 27th February, the Sunderland gas bus Scanias entered service. And on this rare occasion (as I don't normally upload my newest photos), I have decided to upload all the photos of the gas buses on their first day in service. The only one I didn't get a photo of is 28010 which either remained in the depot or was camera shy. Anyway I hope you enjoy the photos -
Going by the fleet list on here, does anyone know when 36963 - SN63 VUW is due to be repaired?
Only asking because it has Sunderland ® next to it
(05 Mar 2014, 2:33 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Going by the fleet list on here, does anyone know when 36963 - SN63 VUW is due to be repaired?
Only asking because it has Sunderland ® next to it
Was repaired a while ago. Clearly one I forgot to update!
If I can access the admin section on the school computers, I will update it in a bit... Free all afternoon.
(05 Mar 2014, 2:55 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Ah =D! Thanks
Think I'd forgotten to update the Stagecoach fleet list in general... Sorted out a few things (including a few for GNE) but will have to leave the others for tonight. Another class due in the ICT room so I won't have it to myself!