(07 Sep 2014, 3:50 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]The majority of South Shields' services are now resuming their normal routes, and the E2 (27723) heading towards Sunderland was filled to capacity - something I don't normally see on a Sunday.
Seeing Metros with more than five people in a carriage was something unusual for a Sunday..........
(07 Sep 2014, 4:13 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Do you have a one for Stagecoach?
Those vehicles on service 552 included (though not limited to):
- 36462
- 36466
- 36467
- 36476
- 37144
Those vehicles on service 553 included (though not limited to):
- 19141
- 19142
- 19146
- 19149
- 19155
- 19156
- 19161
- 19163
- 19197
- 19204
- 19217
- 19379
- 19382
- 19385
- 19389
- 19430
- 27740
Once again no gas buses out on a Sunday...
(07 Sep 2014, 5:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Once again no gas buses out on a Sunday...
When I went round the back the other day, the barriers and general work appeared to be going on inside of the depot instead of outside...
I'm guessing they've encountered a problem, and have realised it's coming from the inside opposed to the outside, hence work continuing.
(07 Sep 2014, 5:08 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]When I went round the back the other day, the barriers and general work appeared to be going on inside of the depot instead of outside...
I'm guessing they've encountered a problem, and have realised it's coming from the inside opposed to the outside, hence work continuing.
Being nothing but a problem for them, hopefully its done soon
(07 Sep 2014, 4:26 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Those vehicles on service 552 included (though not limited to):
- 36462
- 36466
- 36467
- 36476
- 37144
Those vehicles on service 553 included (though not limited to):
- 19141
- 19142
- 19146
- 19149
- 19155
- 19156
- 19161
- 19163
- 19197
- 19204
- 19217
- 19379
- 19382
- 19385
- 19389
- 19430
- 27740
Today we had 15 Walkergate E400 and I believe 14 from Slatyford as one suffered a blowout en-route to South Shields early this morning. It was replaced with an ALX300 MAN.
(07 Sep 2014, 8:20 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]It appears that lots of the ADL E400s are having (have had) engine problems in the past - which I think have included 19158/60/95. I assume one of the withdrawn "T*** BNL" ALX300s may return to service to cover for this E400 if it has had a complete engine failure.
Was the MAN ALX300 a Slatyford or South Shields example?
It wasn't an engine failure, the front tyre that went bang
(07 Sep 2014, 8:32 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Whoops!
I've heard people say both "engine blow out" and "tyre blow out" - making it very easy to get confused when someone only says "blow out".
Yeah my fault, been a long day lol
Yes it was 22074 that came to the great north run yesterday insteed of a E400 double Decker when the Tyre Blow out On Route to South Shields on Friday or Saturday. Regards Robin
So the 23 has just had to go on to the part of the path because this cat wouldnt move from middle of the road haha
(08 Sep 2014, 9:12 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Yes it was 22074 that came to the great north run yesterday insteed of a E400 double Decker when the Tyre Blow out On Route to South Shields on Friday or Saturday. Regards Robin
Erm........the tyre blowout happened on Sunday morning. Why do people say things when they don't even know the facts...........jeez
(09 Sep 2014, 9:14 am)mrnut85 wrote [ -> ]Erm........the tyre blowout happened on Sunday morning. Why do people say things when they don't even know the facts...........jeez
Probably for the same reason, that people can be so rude, when others are slightly inaccurate in their posts. Could you have not politely corrected him instead?
(09 Sep 2014, 12:29 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]It appears one of South Shields ADL E300s may be VOR due to there being so many rare/odd workings recently. If this is the case I assume it may be 27738 as I haven't seen it in a while. Does anyone know what is wrong with it?
27738 was the bus involved in the serious accident on Highfield Road.
(09 Sep 2014, 12:56 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I'm sure that was involved in a crash last summer as well. How bad was the damage to the bus?
It was indeed involved in the serious accident at the new crown too. It's away being repaired at the moment so will be back in a few weeks
19160 will most likely be off for some time, the engine is rather "cattled" and the funds needed to replace it are abit low
Out of interest, does anyone know why the 'named' Enviro 200s had their names removed? E.g. I remember Bertie, Ozzy etc.
(10 Sep 2014, 7:55 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I'm sure that all of the engines in that batch of ADL E400s are "Euro 4". So when they replace it they might as well put a "Euro 5", or even better a "Euro 6" engine in if they can - if those engines aren't too expensive.
It's not just cost, it's the engine size etc too
(10 Sep 2014, 7:55 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I'm sure that all of the engines in that batch of ADL E400s are "Euro 4". So when they replace it they might as well put a "Euro 5", or even better a "Euro 6" engine in if they can - if those engines aren't too expensive.
to be honest I doubt they will invest to heavily in new buses or engines until the quality contract control debacle is sorted
(10 Sep 2014, 2:34 pm)MRmoxy wrote [ -> ]to be honest I doubt they will invest to heavily in new buses or engines until the quality contract control debacle is sorted
I think it'd be wrong not to continue steady investment, as its going to be more expensive if QCS comes in and they've held off.
Souter pulling out is a bluff.

(10 Sep 2014, 9:20 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I think it'd be wrong not to continue steady investment, as its going to be more expensive if QCS comes in and they've held off.
Souter pulling out is a bluff. 
I don't know, he gets a decent profit from the investment he makes in Newcastle, he wont make the same investment if he is getting £20 million a year less from it
(10 Sep 2014, 8:32 am)Simmy wrote [ -> ]Out of interest, does anyone know why the 'named' Enviro 200s had their names removed? E.g. I remember Bertie, Ozzy etc.
supposedly because one senior manager said "we aren't f***ing eddie stobart we don't need names on our buses" that's what I was told
(11 Sep 2014, 12:46 am)MRmoxy wrote [ -> ]I don't know, he gets a decent profit from the investment he makes in Newcastle, he wont make the same investment if he is getting £20 million a year less from it
Whatever he makes currently, it will be a lot less if he pulls out completely.
(11 Sep 2014, 8:26 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]£20m?
Whatever he makes currently, it will be a lot less if he pulls out completely.
The resources in the North East could be pumped into other regions or Stagecoach could in fact set up shop elsewhere in the UK, to make more profit than they would in the North East under a Quality Contracts scheme.
Whether it's a bluff or not, there is potential for umpteen amount of things to happen.
All 3 X34 boards this morning were E400 operated. Therefore 19196 has returned to service following repaint.
22022 is still carrying South Shields fleet names.
(11 Sep 2014, 3:42 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]When I walked past the rear of the depot at 15:10, ADL E300 "NK11 BGU" (27737) has been debranded and is getting sanded down ready for repaint. Will it get rebranded, repainted into corporate livery, or will the "Economic" livery return! 
I'd suggest it'd be good if the vehicle was to receive corporate livery only - this would potentially open doors for future investment.
(11 Sep 2014, 7:34 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]ADL E300 27728 appears to be having stalling/cutting out issues this morning. Whilst travelling on it to college its engine cut out whilst the driver was having a small layover at Seaburn Morrisons, and it almost cut out again at the traffic lights at the Wheatsheaf, but the driver revved it to avoid this from occuring again.
In other news, 16839 (R839 OVN) and the tax expired 22673 (V673 DDC) are still at the rear of Sunderland depot - the same place as they were on Tuesday, along side a gas bus 28021.
Was on 27728 tonight and was sounding terrible along the coast road but never stalled
Caetano Levante 59301 has Returned to Stagecoach Western in Plain Blue Livery for Megabus following Repaint at Sunderland Wheatsheaf Depot, Dunfermline Dave on Flickr has a Photo, but due to having copyright notices on the Photo I am unable to provide a Direct Link, but here is a Link to his Account.
No gas buses this Sunday also John Street turn off is closed so buses are diverting via the 700 route and up the side of empire cinema onto John Street
(14 Sep 2014, 9:37 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]For reasons unknown, there is nothing mentioned on the Stagecoach website and SNE Twitter Page.
Probably because no bus stops are affected ?