(26 Oct 2014, 5:05 pm)glen1234 wrote [ -> ]How many colours brands are there going to be is it going to be 3 or 4 colours on the stagecoach buses on Teesside.

Orange 'Time Zone' as carried by 27166-9
Light Blue 'Zone Out' as worn by 27170-2/4
Green 'O Zone' as carried by 27173 and also likely to be on 27175-7
Purple 'Comfort Zone' which should be worn by 27178-81
(20 Oct 2014, 4:02 pm)mrnut85 wrote [ -> ]The fob is for the greenroad and it's not a driving licence it's our Driver Qualification Card for our CPC
Just noticed your reply. Thank you!
Is Green Road about fuel efficiency, acceleration breaking etc I take it?
27739 going strong on Ecos today.
(27 Oct 2014, 12:58 am)idiot wrote [ -> ]Just noticed your reply. Thank you!
Is Green Road about fuel efficiency, acceleration breaking etc I take it?
In short hand yes lol
Do u think Stagecoach will ever get next stop announcements?
(27 Oct 2014, 4:41 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Do u think Stagecoach will ever get next stop announcements?
My honest opinion is they'll become a legal requirement before long.
(27 Oct 2014, 4:55 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]My honest opinion is they'll become a legal requirement before long.
I also think that Next Stop Announcements will form a part of the DDA-compliance requirement within the next few years.
As annoying as they may be, they are eternally useful for disabled people. Buses should be as accessible for blind people as they are for those that do not have any disabilities whatsoever.
(27 Oct 2014, 5:02 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I also think that Next Stop Announcements will form a part of the DDA-compliance requirement within the next few years.
As annoying as they may be, they are eternally useful for disabled people. Buses should be as accessible for blind people as they are for those that do not have any disabilities whatsoever.
So should we have announcements in buildings "Turn left here" etc? Why should public transport always be singled out for extra expense? Its becaiuse of DDA that the sevices have been cut so much as contract prices have shot up.
(27 Oct 2014, 7:46 pm)Cock Robin wrote [ -> ]So should we have announcements in buildings "Turn left here" etc? Why should public transport always be singled out for extra expense? Its becaiuse of DDA that the sevices have been cut so much as contract prices have shot up.
Public transport should be accessible for all, and I'd say the benefits far outweigh the costs on this one. It allows a blind customer to retain a level of independence whilst using buses, where they would have had to rely on others for assistance in the past.
I'm not a huge fan of next stop announcements, because I feel certain operators have taken them too far. They should be simple and straight to the point, like the iBus announcements in London, for example.
The latest E300 to be registered with the DVLA is 27175 (SN64 OKA), which was registered yesterday however this does not indicate if or indeed when the vehicle arrived at Stockton.
How Money more 27's are coming to Teesside. Also have Heard Rumors that the south shields man's could be on there way out of shields to go back to Newcastle is this true. Regards Robin
Once the rest of the batch of 25 new ADL E300s enter service at Stockton there will still be approximately 12-15 non-DDA MAN ALX300s remaining which, along with the non-DDA active reserves, have to be replaced by 1st January 2016.
The predictions for next years orders at the moment may either be Stockton receiving more investment, or another depot receiving more investment with the displaced vehicles being cascaded to Stockton. "mrnut85" did mention that there was a "little" rumour going around relating to the replacement of 22050/67/70 and the possibility of vehicles being cascaded to Stockton, but I think its best to wait until the beginning of next year when the 2015/2016 order is revealed.
Moreover, when the north east order press release was issued at the beginning of the year, it mentioned a total of 51 new vehicles for the north east which consisted of Gas Buses 28018-40, ADL E200s 37143/4, ADL E300s 27157-81, and one mystery vehicle. Was this a typo error or is there another vehicle expected to be delivered?
When Robin said "27's" I think he was referring to the fleet numbers of the new vehicles (27157-27181) rather than the number of vehicles being delivered.
Anyone know what's happening with 19199 ?
Confirmation of E300 deliveries at Stockton:
27177 (SN64 OKC) arrived on Monday evening and was registered with the DVLA yesterday
27176/8 (SN64 OKB/D) arrived last night (Tuesday) and will likely be registered with the DVLA today
This effectively leaves just 27179-81 to be delivered with 3 nights this week - delivery might be completed a week ahead of schuldue.
(29 Oct 2014, 6:03 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Confirmation of E300 deliveries at Stockton:
27177 (SN64 OKC) arrived on Monday evening and was registered with the DVLA yesterday
27176/8 (SN64 OKB/D) arrived last night (Tuesday) and will likely be registered with the DVLA today
This effectively leaves just 27179-81 to be delivered with 3 nights this week - delivery might be completed a week ahead of schuldue.
Thanks for the update Kuyoyo =)
Hi everyone. I've just signed up to this website after reading the comments over the last few weeks and I would like help shed some light on the current situation at Stagecoach on Teesside.
For example, if you take a look at the Stagecoach on Teesside home page, it highlights next weeks launch of the new branded ADL's from 10:00 - 14:00 next Friday. If you click on the link it will bring up the new map for Teesside and Hartlepool. ENJOY...

Can't remember if this one has already been noted or not...
Just in case it hasn't, 27736 has now been repainted. On the E2 heading over Wearmouth Bridge towards Sunderland now.
If it has, just ignore me!
(29 Oct 2014, 6:30 pm)bertibassett wrote [ -> ]Hi everyone. I've just signed up to this website after reading the comments over the last few weeks and I would like help shed some light on the current situation at Stagecoach on Teesside.
For example, if you take a look at the Stagecoach on Teesside home page, it highlights next weeks launch of the new branded ADL's from 10:00 - 14:00 next Friday. If you click on the link it will bring up the new map for Teesside and Hartlepool. ENJOY... 
Very interesting. So the map confirms the branding is all wrong. Wonder if they'll change it before the launch. 36/37/38 look to be unaltered, except chopped off at M'bro. Park End reduced from 3 an hour to 2 an hour evenings.
Wonder if the 10A/11A mentioned replaces the 610/611? Looks like it.
And no mention of the 58A. So looks like it continues as an early morning only service. Suspected it may be running all day to compete with the A66!
(29 Oct 2014, 7:47 pm)Cock Robin wrote [ -> ]Very interesting. So the map confirms the branding is all wrong. Wonder if they'll change it before the launch. 36/37/38 look to be unaltered, except chopped off at M'bro. Park End reduced from 3 an hour to 2 an hour evenings.
Wonder if the 10A/11A mentioned replaces the 610/611? Looks like it.
And no mention of the 58A. So looks like it continues as an early morning only service. Suspected it may be running all day to compete with the A66!
Apparently the branding only confirms the "links to certain places" but everyone who reads it would suspect them to be the "new routes" The 38 has changed from Norton Roundabout straight into the Glebe just like the old 38A from years gone by. As for ParkEnd there used to be only 2 an hour previously and that seemed to work. I suspect the facts and figures have been poured over and adjusted to suit most peoples travelling plans. You can't please all of the people all of the time me thinks.
So it looks like Hartlepool service 6 eveing journeys have been withdrawn again about time some competation to stagecoach happened
27176/8 were registered with DVLA yesterday.
Attached is the breakdown of the vehicle's date of registration (take a day off for delivery dates for those registered in their delivery week, take 3 off for those registered the Monday of the following week)
(30 Oct 2014, 9:20 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]27176/8 were registered with DVLA yesterday.
Attached is the breakdown of the vehicle's date of registration (take a day off for delivery dates for those registered in their delivery week, take 3 off for those registered the Monday of the following week)
27179 (SN64 OKE) arrived last night, leaving just 27180/1 (SN64 OKF/G) to be delivered.
As such, the full branding list for the E300s are known:
'Time Zone' branding (Orange Based): 27166, 27167, 27168, 27169
'Zone Out' branding (Blue Based): 27170, 27171, 27172, 27174
'O Zone' Branding (Green based): 27173, 27175, 27177, 27178
'Comfort Zone' branding (Purple Based): 27176, 27179, 27180, 27181
12078 is on 1 making a rare appearance on there
(29 Oct 2014, 10:32 pm)col87 wrote [ -> ]So it looks like Hartlepool service 6 eveing journeys have been withdrawn again about time some competation to stagecoach happened
Well haven't seen a registration change for it so it shouldn't be coming off for a couple of months. No way they should get dispensation to withdraw them without notice.
Can't really say I'd be shocked to see the Sunday-Thursday evening 6 withdrawn. Every time I've seen one, and on the few occasions I myself used it, the loadings have being absolutely pitiful. I've not seen more than 6 passengers use it at any one time
(30 Oct 2014, 11:21 pm)beefcake wrote [ -> ]Can't really say I'd be shocked to see the Sunday-Thursday evening 6 withdrawn. Every time I've seen one, and on the few occasions I myself used it, the loadings have being absolutely pitiful. I've not seen more than 6 passengers use it at any one time
Well on the Hartlepool guide it has no mention of any eveing sunday to thursday eveingjourneys on the 6 it should do the full route thats what people in the town want not having to get one bus and wait ten minuates for another one
I'm on the E2, just noticed theres a sign saying:
Electronic cigarettere aren't permitted onboard our buses