(01 May 2014, 7:32 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]In South Shields today, 22067 is on the "E" services.
While 27725 spent the day on the 3/4/7/8 diagrams and 27735 the X20.
South shields Dennis Alexander dart 33101 was seen on 3 in Hartlepool
(02 May 2014, 6:10 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]36479 (NK61 EDP) was also on the "E" services today.
36479 was used to time correct a bus that broke down in Sunderland and operated the 12:04 E6 and subsequent services
(03 May 2014, 9:10 am)mrnut85 wrote [ -> ]36479 was used to time correct a bus that broke down in Sunderland and operated the 12:04 E6 and subsequent services
And was kept out until at least 21:30 - I saw it on an E1 (?) departure for South Shields last night around that time.
(05 May 2014, 1:14 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]The South Shields E400s are once again on the "E" services today, including ADL E200 36470.
It was all Enviro when I saw them today - hence not bothering with them.
(05 May 2014, 6:05 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Services E2 and E6 serve my street, next to the Marsden Inn, which means I can easily spot the odd workings. The E400s weren't needed anyway as there was hardly anyone sitting on the top deck. 
They never seem to fill capacity on Sundays regardless of whether it's an E300 or E400 allocation - exception being when it's the middle of summer! Never quite understood the E400 allocation on Sundays, especially when sub-branding is carried for service X34 on the rear of the vehicles.
(05 May 2014, 6:05 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Services E2 and E6 serve my street, next to the Marsden Inn, which means I can easily spot the odd workings. The E400s weren't needed anyway as there was hardly anyone sitting on the top deck. 
Were they on all day or did the come on as the morning progressed?
Trying to remember what time I was in Park Lane this morning, as the two Economic services I saw, were both E300's. Heading up towards Shields, there weren't any deckers which caught my eye.
Would have jumped on one for a ride along the coast if I knew they were on.
I do like the fact SNE anticipate bigger loads at this time of the year and allocate the bigger vehicles.
You cant anticipate what the public will do, but always better safe than sorry. Would prefer a decker turning up, than a crowded single decker with standing room only.
35155 on X1s this morning.
Plenty of Stockton deckers out today. Must have seen 6 or 7 in half an hour including Olympians on 36, 52.
(06 May 2014, 1:53 pm)Roland Pratt wrote [ -> ]Plenty of Stockton deckers out today. Must have seen 6 or 7 in half an hour including Olympians on 36, 52.
There was 2 Tridents on the 58 with a MAN as I followed all 3 of them down Durham Road into town at 1255! lol
To sum up:
17025 replaced 22731 on 58s at 0850 this morning. 17032 was working the 0902 trip
17026 worked the 0814 58 before ending up on the am school 36 and later swapped for 22488 to work the PM 38 school board
17029 worked the 0826 58 before ending up on 36/38, it is still out now and unless someone realises, it will work the 36A this evening
E300 24110 replaced 22063 on 37s earlier today, at 1450 (22 minutes down), it was replaced in Middlesbrough by 36-branded sister 24102 which will work 37s all evening
(05 May 2014, 9:02 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Were they on all day or did the come on as the morning progressed?
Trying to remember what time I was in Park Lane this morning, as the two Economic services I saw, were both E300's. Heading up towards Shields, there weren't any deckers which caught my eye.
Would have jumped on one for a ride along the coast if I knew they were on.
I do like the fact SNE anticipate bigger loads at this time of the year and allocate the bigger vehicles.
You cant anticipate what the public will do, but always better safe than sorry. Would prefer a decker turning up, than a crowded single decker with standing room only.
Totally agree about the better safe than sorry.
17027 currently laying over in Stockton prior to working the 0902 58.
36-branded MAN E300 24103 spent the day on the 35, as seen below at the new Stockton terminal of Church Road
(08 May 2014, 3:09 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]22196 on 4s.
22076 (?) on there today.
22021 on 3, heading for city centre towards Hylton Castle
28008 on the X1, just about to pass barnes park heading for doxford
How long have last of volvo olympians at stockton got in service.
I was trying to say how long have volvo olympian at stockton got left in service.
I'm not really an expert in the Stagecoach world, but is an ALX300 on the 100 from Newcastle to the Metrocentre a rare working? It's just it normally has Enviro 300s on when I see it.
(11 May 2014, 6:32 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I'm not really an expert in the Stagecoach world, but is an ALX300 on the 100 from Newcastle to the Metrocentre a rare working? It's just it normally has Enviro 300s on when I see it.
It's one of those things that shouldn't happen, but does on a daily basis.
(11 May 2014, 7:40 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]It's one of those things that shouldn't happen, but does on a daily basis.
Bit like Presidents on the 21?
(11 May 2014, 7:44 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Bit like Presidents on the 21?
Exactly, but the E300 allocation often ends up elsewhere on another service rather than being VOR (as is the case with the B5LHs)!
35158 on 3s in Sunderland today.
(12 May 2014, 9:04 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]35158 on 3s in Sunderland today.
22075 meanwhile on 4s.
17026 currently covering the 1740 38 from Park End to Norton Glebe as the inbound 38 (24115) was 13 minutes late and counting on the 1640 from The Glebe.
(10 May 2014, 7:23 pm)glen123 wrote [ -> ]I was trying to say how long have volvo olympian at stockton got left in service.
Who knows? I heard a rumour they might last as long as the six Tridents and all get replaced together as none are DDA compliant.
MAN E300s go walkies - 24108 spent the day on the 58s and will still be out tonight on xx50 52s.
Stocktons 37s are coming off Junction Road and going through the Glebe estate at the moment then down the ring road. Ive never followed one im just wondering are they going through Roseworth to get back on route or going straight up Durham road to North Tees hospital