27164 is on 37s today
24110/4/5 have all spent the day on 52/58s
(01 Nov 2014, 8:19 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]A MAN E200 was on the X34 this afternoon.
I was told it was 36473
(02 Nov 2014, 4:28 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Therefore, that must have also been on alongside the MAN example. 
The MAN was 39701. It was my ride home from work at the toon

10000 making a welcome return on the 62/63.
(08 Nov 2014, 9:38 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]In South Shields Today:- MAN E200s 39703 and 39713 were on the X20.
- ADL E200 37144 was on services 10/11/30.
- MAN ALX300 22734 was on the 3/4/7/8 circuit.
Images owned by Flickr user "Dan's Bus Photos".
35XXX / 36XXX / 39XXX are being used on the X20 because of the roadworks in Fellgate
22734 on E's. Currently waiting time at the Queen Victoria, Roker. Rear destination display says 'A1'
(11 Nov 2014, 6:25 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]MAN ALX300 22067 was on the "E" services today.
Think the other one was too.
Would have been the 1510ish E1 from Sunderland I think - running about ten minutes late by all accounts.
27168 on 13 07.47 ex salters lane
19433 on 22. Also back on its old bus was 22341. That worked 22 earlier
22214 on 12s in Sunderland for the second day (at least) in a row.
at least 2 of the orange 'The Zone' Enviro 300's are on the 52, will be interesting to see how often this occurs.
(13 Nov 2014, 12:56 pm)benambro wrote [ -> ]at least 2 of the orange 'The Zone' Enviro 300's are on the 52, will be interesting to see how often this occurs.
So much for the vinyls Ive just seen 27176 on the 35
R-OVN Olympian(?) on the X34 towards Newcastle. Spotted on Gateshead High Street between 4.45ish and 5pm.
(13 Nov 2014, 5:32 pm)BJ10VUS wrote [ -> ]R-OVN Olympian(?) on the X34 towards Newcastle. Spotted on Gateshead High Street between 4.45ish and 5pm.
(13 Nov 2014, 4:49 pm)alanf wrote [ -> ]So much for the vinyls Ive just seen 27176 on the 35
How hard is it for Stagecoach to run them on the 36/37/38 as they should be! The mind boggles.
(13 Nov 2014, 10:07 pm)benambro wrote [ -> ]How hard is it for Stagecoach to run them on the 36/37/38 as they should be! The mind boggles.
They used to be fairly good with 24101-6 on the 36. I suppose any of that type would appear on there so it was easier than remembering which 27s are branded.
What route is 16833 on today?
(17 Nov 2014, 3:43 pm)Andy wrote [ -> ]What route is 16833 on today?
Its only supposed to be used on service X34 to provide extra capacity. For any other South Shields based service a low floor single decker should be used in the event of a replacement bus being required, even if it means sending out 22734 on something like the 12 (a dart route).
(17 Nov 2014, 5:43 pm)Simmy wrote [ -> ]Its only supposed to be used on service X34 to provide extra capacity. For any other South Shields based service a low floor single decker should be used in the event of a replacement bus being required, even if it means sending out 22734 on something like the 12 (a dart route).
16833 only operates on the X34 to time correct the service as was the case tonight as it operated the 17:20 from Newcastle.
An Enviro 300 appeared to be on service X34 at the start of service this morning. Didn't get ID as was passing by on an E6.
(18 Nov 2014, 1:02 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]22214 on 13s
I noticed that today dan seemed very odd having an old t reg man on instead of the gas bus