(11 May 2015, 3:28 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Im in Durham on Wednesday morning for an Appointment, think I might head up Consett afterwards for the Launch
Full Details below.
How many more StreetLite's need to arrive for the 45/46? As given these launches are happening on Wednesday and Friday do we think they may be out for Sunday?
(11 May 2015, 11:06 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]As a result of the above transfer, Washington's DAF SB120/Wright Cadet 8250 (NA52 BVG) has been withdrawn from service.
Though 8263 might of transferred to replace 8249 which was never replaced.
(11 May 2015, 3:59 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]How many more StreetLite's need to arrive for the 45/46? As given these launches are happening on Wednesday and Friday do we think they may be out for Sunday?
Following the arrival of 5418 (NK15 EOJ) and 5419 (NK15 EOL) at the weekend, just one is yet to arrive: 5410 (NK15 EOA).
(11 May 2015, 4:08 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Following the arrival of 5418 (NK15 EOJ) and 5419 (NK15 EOL) at the weekend, just one is yet to arrive: 5410 (NK15 EOA).
Then its the wait for the next 14 new buses......
Are we getting any more Omnidekka's from Brighton or did GNE only buy the 12 of them?
(11 May 2015, 5:28 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Then its the wait for the next 14 new buses......
Are we getting any more Omnidekka's from Brighton or did GNE only buy the 12 of them?
pdiddy seemed pretty adamant that there was 21 in total coming from Brighton & Hove...
(11 May 2015, 5:37 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]pdiddy seemed pretty adamant that there was 21 in total coming from Brighton & Hove...
601 GX03 SVF
602 GX03 SVG
603 GX03 SVJ
604 GX03 SVK
605 GX03 SUA
606 GX03 SUF
613 GX03 SVD
All unaccounted for, if GNE gets all of them, the total will be 19.
(11 May 2015, 5:41 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]All unaccounted for, if GNE gets all of them, the total will be 19.
Personally, I think it would be illogical to assume any further arrivals from Brighton & Hove will be from their '03 plate series, given that Go North East has acquired some of the first '04 plate series Scania OmniDekkas from B&H.
It's quite clear that the Scania OmniDekkas have been allocated fleet numbers alphabetically in registration mark order, hence the gaps with 6129 and 6131. 6128 carries registration mark GX03SV
C while 6130 carries registration mark GX03SV
E. Brighton & Hove have 613 (GX03SV
D), so I think we can assume that this will be 6129. Similarly, 620 (YN04 GJF) for 6131.
So, in addition to the established twelve (with ten having arrived so far), there's plenty of scope to make up 21 buses from B&H's '04 plate series examples (622 - 636).
(11 May 2015, 5:59 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Personally, I think it would be illogical to assume any further arrivals from Brighton & Hove will be from their '03 plate series, given that Go North East has acquired some of the first '04 plate series Scania OmniDekkas from B&H.
It's quite clear that the Scania OmniDekkas have been allocated fleet numbers alphabetically in registration mark order, hence the gaps with 6129 and 6131. 6128 carries registration mark GX03SVC while 6130 carries registration mark GX03SVE. Brighton & Hove have 613 (GX03SVD), so I think we can assume that this will be 6129. Similarly, 620 (YN04 GJF) for 6131.
So, in addition to the established twelve (with ten having arrived so far), there's plenty of scope to make up 21 buses from B&H's '04 plate series examples (622 - 636).
Cheers Dan.
Any idea when the first batch will enter service?
(11 May 2015, 6:02 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Cheers Dan.
Any idea when the first batch will enter service?
Quite a bit of work has to be done on them yet.
The photos that have appeared online of them so far show that the side flipdot destination displays have been removed, and that Go North East has painted over these in red. For these vehicles to be DDA-compliant, they do have to have a side destination, so one would naturally assume that Go North East will fit LED destination displays to the side of the vehicles...
(11 May 2015, 6:06 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Quite a bit of work has to be done on them yet.
The photos that have appeared online of them so far show that the side flipdot destination displays have been removed, and that Go North East has painted over these in red. For these vehicles to be DDA-compliant, they do have to have a side destination, so one would naturally assume that Go North East will fit LED destination displays to the side of the vehicles...
Will these LED destination displays be took from other buses or bought 2nd hand?
What else needs to be done?
(11 May 2015, 6:09 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Will these LED destination displays be took from other buses or bought 2nd hand?
What else needs to be done?
Have you not asked enough questions tonight, Michael?
bloody hell Michael, you after Jeremy Paxman's job...
(11 May 2015, 6:10 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Have you not asked enough questions tonight, Michael?
No, i have one more.... Can you do my uni work?
Be good once they're in service, need to ride last of the Olympian's though!
(11 May 2015, 6:13 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]bloody hell Michael, you after Jeremy Paxman's job...

(11 May 2015, 6:10 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Have you not asked enough questions tonight, Michael?
He is allowed a Minimum of 21 Questions isnt he.
A boy in my maths class, who the teacher loves to wind up; is limited to 3 questions per lesson.
Coincidently, he is actually called Michael, lol.
(11 May 2015, 6:20 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]A boy in my maths class, who the teacher loves to wind up; is limited to 3 questions per lesson.
Coincidently, he is actually called Michael, lol.
Can we have the same rule for our Michael?
(11 May 2015, 6:21 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Can we have the same rule for our Michael?
Why you asking us for when your the Admin, you make the Forum Rules dont you.
(11 May 2015, 6:23 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Why you asking us for when your the Admin, you make the Forum Rules dont you.
"Can we have the same rule for our Michael?"
I'd think that that is a question...!

Evening everyone
Bus Driver question : does anyone know what the maximum hours per day and per week a driver is allowed to drive by law.
Also how often do GNE drivers get a break (for a drink, meal, toilet etc) in a working day, what length of breaks do they get in a day.
(11 May 2015, 7:06 pm)thetravelman wrote [ -> ]Evening everyone
Bus Driver question : does anyone know what the maximum hours per day and per week a driver is allowed to drive by law.
Also how often do GNE drivers get a break (for a drink, meal, toilet etc) in a working day, what length of breaks do they get in a day.
GNE is the same as all the major operators and follow the standard driver GB regs
(11 May 2015, 7:06 pm)thetravelman wrote [ -> ]Also how often do GNE drivers get a break (for a drink, meal, toilet etc) in a working day, what length of breaks do they get in a day.
99% of duties have one break, between the minimum 30 mins upto around 1h30 mins.
A duty would look like this (this is randon just to show what a working day is like)
Clock on 0530, leave depot 0540 to operate first part of duty until 1100, break from 1100 until 1130, second part of duty from 1130 until 1400, return to depot and cash in to clock off at 1415.
(11 May 2015, 7:22 pm)G-CPTN wrote [ -> ]Vehicles running under tachographs must follow EU rules (which are different, and in some respects more stringent - which is why operators try to run under GB rules where they can).
You can also mix the two, but to be fair he asked what GNE was like and over 99% of GNE drivers run to GB domestic rules.
(11 May 2015, 7:32 pm)G-CPTN wrote [ -> ]What about the X10?
Exactly why I didn't say 100% as they and the NX drivers are on EU rules.
(11 May 2015, 3:13 pm)Jackamcardle wrote [ -> ]I'm extremely annoyed that Go North East are not having any of the launch days on a Saturday. I cannot attend the launch of my beloved local service because of school. They can't really call it a family fun day if you can't bring your children along to join in. I might have to fake a sick so that I can go now...
They recently launched both the Red Kite Streetlite and the Red Kite Gemini brands at the NEBPT Bus and Coach show? That was on bank holiday Monday, and could be attended by anyone such as yourself, who wouldn't be at school on a bank holiday. I personally attended and it was a pleasant surprise to see both.
(11 May 2015, 6:23 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Why you asking us for when your the Admin, you make the Forum Rules dont you.
It's the Democratic People's Republic of NEB actually. We're a socialist state.
Thanks Roar and G-CPTN, your comments are appreciated.
and thanks Roar for the working day example you gave.
Roar - Using the working day example that you gave, other than the 30 min break, are there other opportunities during the shift, to go use the toilet or grab a drink. Can a driver have a drink with him/her in the cab? Eg: bottle of water or flask.
(11 May 2015, 3:13 pm)Jackamcardle wrote [ -> ]I'm extremely annoyed that Go North East are not having any of the launch days on a Saturday. I cannot attend the launch of my beloved local service because of school. They can't really call it a family fun day if you can't bring your children along to join in. I might have to fake a sick so that I can go now...
If I'm honest I agree.
Although I went to the MetroCentre Bus Rally, I would like to go to the launches but I can't.
Again, how can they call it a family fun day if kids are at school!