Yesterday something strange happened.
Normally when I see a bus spotters in the bus station I slow down and smile and wave and get my picture taken honestly I don't see the harm in it and I've been on the other side of the fence before. Yesterday I saw a spotter I didn't recognise so I smiled waved and slowed down as per usual however I don't think the poor lad was used to a nice bus driver as he looked rather uncomfortable. Are drivers normally b**st***s? I rarely had problems back when I properly took up the hobby. Have things changed that much. What's your opinion on drivers?
Just FYI if you are on the forums.. It was Middlesbrough around 1700 yesterday
(03 Jun 2015, 6:14 pm)Multi21 wrote [ -> ]Yesterday something strange happened.
Normally when I see a bus spotters in the bus station I slow down and smile and wave and get my picture taken honestly I don't see the harm in it and I've been on the other side of the fence before. Yesterday I saw a spotter I didn't recognise so I smiled waved and slowed down as per usual however I don't think the poor lad was used to a nice bus driver as he looked rather uncomfortable. Are drivers normally b**st***s? I rarely had problems back when I properly took up the hobby. Have things changed that much. What's your opinion on drivers?
Just FYI if you are on the forums.. It was Middlesbrough around 1700 yesterday
I wonder if it was Jimmi, given that he was in the area and posted a photo taken around that time!
You get some good eggs and some bad eggs, these days, which is to be expected. I've been threatened by drivers in the past, some more severely than others, and they've all been reported to the companies in question via the appropriate channels. I rarely complain to the companies these days about drivers sticking their fingers up, as it takes more effort to write the complaint than the quality of the response you get back, in most cases.
Love going down to Teesside and Darlington, as you can pretty much guarantee most drivers will smile and wave. I've never had any issues with grumpy drivers in those places, compared to locations in Tyne & Wear. Always like it when a driver slows down, as it improves my chances of getting a good photo (no blur and destination coming out nicely).
(03 Jun 2015, 6:14 pm)Multi21 wrote [ -> ]Yesterday something strange happened.
Normally when I see a bus spotters in the bus station I slow down and smile and wave and get my picture taken honestly I don't see the harm in it and I've been on the other side of the fence before. Yesterday I saw a spotter I didn't recognise so I smiled waved and slowed down as per usual however I don't think the poor lad was used to a nice bus driver as he looked rather uncomfortable. Are drivers normally b**st***s? I rarely had problems back when I properly took up the hobby. Have things changed that much. What's your opinion on drivers?
Just FYI if you are on the forums.. It was Middlesbrough around 1700 yesterday
Most of Ashington's drivers slow down and give the thumbs up, smiles etc, and they know me by name.
I've had one come of the coach and rant, let's just say that he received a lovely compliment from my mam.
I've had a couple of forum members who are drivers, wave and give me smiles. Some drivers are just there to do their job, earn a wage and that, they don't take any notice of me of which is fine. It's just the ones who feel the need to give gestures who are letting the companies down. The 'big three' act on this and give the driver a warning - but I've read cases of when some independents turn around and say that the enthusiasts shouldn't be taking photos and the drivers can give them gestures and shout all they want.
(03 Jun 2015, 6:14 pm)Multi21 wrote [ -> ]Yesterday something strange happened.
Normally when I see a bus spotters in the bus station I slow down and smile and wave and get my picture taken honestly I don't see the harm in it and I've been on the other side of the fence before. Yesterday I saw a spotter I didn't recognise so I smiled waved and slowed down as per usual however I don't think the poor lad was used to a nice bus driver as he looked rather uncomfortable. Are drivers normally b**st***s? I rarely had problems back when I properly took up the hobby. Have things changed that much. What's your opinion on drivers?
Just FYI if you are on the forums.. It was Middlesbrough around 1700 yesterday
This will have probably have been me as I was there at that time yesterday.
Didn't even notice that I got a wave I'm afraid.
I often look rather uncomfortable, I don't know why it just often seems like I do and a few people have said this to me.
I haven't really had any abuse from drivers when I have been out and about taking photos, think I have only had one give a handgesture which was a Belmont driver on the 6 in Bishop Auckland. I have had a few drivers cover their faces though. I have had a few good drivers who have given waves, thumbs up and have stayed at stops a bit longer for me to get photos.
So I don't know why I looked uncomfortable yesterday but it just seems to be a look I have on my face sometimes, I may have been thinking something at the time or possibly me being focused on my camera. Think I'll have to have a look through my photos from yesterday now.
As someone who takes photos, I'd say getting a wave, thumbs up, etc, is few and far between, so I don't expect it. I always acknowledge if a driver has slowed down, paused, or gave me a wave though. Perhaps some of that is on my part though, as I tend to keep myself to myself, whereas I know others make a point to get to know other enthusiasts, drivers and so on, so they're more likely to see a familiar face in that respect.
On the other hand, other than speeding up/covering face, it's pleasing to say that I've had very few incidents with drivers when I'm photographing the bus. I've had a handful of incidents up here; verbally challenged twice, and a couple of finger salutes. The worst run in I had was in London, where a driver took so much of an exception with me that he got out of his cab and off his bus. This one escalated to the point of asking a friend to grab a hold of my camera for a minute, as I stormed over to have a 'quiet word' with the driver. Perhaps not the reaction he was expecting, he sharp got back in his cab and closed the doors mind...
Oh and I did have some pratt from Nexus try and tell me that photography was illegal once at Heworth.
(03 Jun 2015, 6:45 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Oh and I did have some pratt from Nexus try and tell me that photography was illegal once at Heworth.
Photography is illegal everywhere in Nexusland.

I regularly see the same spotters, always give a wave and a smile, and one instance almost brought the bus to a halt to allow a good picture. I do wonder where the pictures go though, because I never see myself anywhere!
(05 Jun 2015, 4:18 pm)MrPottski wrote [ -> ]I regularly see the same spotters, always give a wave and a smile, and one instance almost brought the bus to a halt to allow a good picture. I do wonder where the pictures go though, because I never see myself anywhere!
Nor do I.
I'd be famous if the images included me were on Flickr - only about 5 on there atm and one on YouTube.
(05 Jun 2015, 4:29 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Nor do I.
I'd be famous if the images included me were on Flickr - only about 5 on there atm and one on YouTube.
There is a fair few of me kicking around on Flickr.
I've even appeared in one of Dan's photos (2 if you count the one he cropped me out of)
(05 Jun 2015, 4:38 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]There is a fair few of me kicking around on Flickr.
I've even appeared in one of Dan's photos (2 if you count the one he cropped me out of)
Everything is right about that bus, love the design livery and especially the destination screens!
(05 Jun 2015, 4:18 pm)MrPottski wrote [ -> ]I regularly see the same spotters, always give a wave and a smile, and one instance almost brought the bus to a halt to allow a good picture. I do wonder where the pictures go though, because I never see myself anywhere!
Got a wave from a Darlington driver on Woodland Road in August last year.
Arriva North East 1426 / NK09 EKB by
Jimmi's Bus Photos, on Flickr
Viewing some of these old photos makes me glad I upgraded to the Nikon.
I very rarely have an issue when out taking photographs myself, my view of it is if drivers want to make themselves look daft by giving gestures or whatever then that's not my problem, I'll still upload the photo and if their management happen to see it as dissy them then it's their own stupid fault. I won't go out of my way to get drivers into trouble though.
Of course I will always try to slow down if it's possible, to give a better chance of a shot, especially when there's traffic in front of me etc... I seem to get photographed quite a lot in Middlesbrough but half of the people I don't know so never find the photos...
(05 Jun 2015, 6:31 pm)MrPottski wrote [ -> ]Everything is right about that bus, love the design livery and especially the destination screens!
Depends on what depot you are at. Some spotters like myself, have hundred thousands upon hundred thousands of photos, that we don't have time to upload.
(03 Jun 2015, 6:45 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]As someone who takes photos, I'd say getting a wave, thumbs up, etc, is few and far between, so I don't expect it. I always acknowledge if a driver has slowed down, paused, or gave me a wave though. Perhaps some of that is on my part though, as I tend to keep myself to myself, whereas I know others make a point to get to know other enthusiasts, drivers and so on, so they're more likely to see a familiar face in that respect.
On the other hand, other than speeding up/covering face, it's pleasing to say that I've had very few incidents with drivers when I'm photographing the bus. I've had a handful of incidents up here; verbally challenged twice, and a couple of finger salutes. The worst run in I had was in London, where a driver took so much of an exception with me that he got out of his cab and off his bus. This one escalated to the point of asking a friend to grab a hold of my camera for a minute, as I stormed over to have a 'quiet word' with the driver. Perhaps not the reaction he was expecting, he sharp got back in his cab and closed the doors mind...
Oh and I did have some pratt from Nexus try and tell me that photography was illegal once at Heworth.
I had a similar problem a few weeks ago this idiot a female Nexus Advisor told me it was illegal to take photos and that I needed a letter I told her that I did have one I was like in my head screaming the words "it is not illegal" I can name and shame this person her name is Julie luckily I didn't loose my temper all I was doing was taking a photo of a citylink on 27 when she is lurking about I take photos then ignore her yet last year when the bus station was being rebuilt non of her colleagues didn't say nowt including every enthusiasts nightmare David Archbold who you would expect to say something didn't just proves depends who's on they can be arses
(22 Sep 2015, 12:01 am)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]I had a similar problem a few weeks ago this idiot a female Nexus Advisor told me it was illegal to take photos and that I needed a letter
I had this situation at Gateshead Interchange a few months ago when I first got back into buses as a hobby. A lady and two male security guards informed me I could not take photos of buses in the bus station.
At first I thought it was some sort of joke and was expecting Dom Jolly to appear. However they were insistent. I was completely shocked, its a bit like saying you cannot play football on a football field in case you injure yourself or the spectators.
I never had the problem of photography in bus stations when I was a teenager in late 1980s. Its officialdom gone mad.
Luckily I've yet to experience a grumpy or angry driver when I'm taking photos.
(22 Sep 2015, 10:27 am)Charles41 wrote [ -> ]I had this situation at Gateshead Interchange a few months ago when I first got back into buses as a hobby. A lady and two male security guards informed me I could not take photos of buses in the bus station.
At first I thought it was some sort of joke and was expecting Dom Jolly to appear. However they were insistent. I was completely shocked, its a bit like saying you cannot play football on a football field in case you injure yourself or the spectators.
I never had the problem of photography in bus stations when I was a teenager in late 1980s. Its officialdom gone mad.
Luckily I've yet to experience a grumpy or angry driver when I'm taking photos.
i rarely go to Gateshead these days as i know Nexus would stalk me if i was on property or not plus when am at a bus station i usually check who is on from nexus before i photo or check if any spotters before i photograph if its someone i trust i go over automatically if its someone i do not trust i flee the area and then think of an alternative for an hour or two
but nexus are getting strict i remember once the new coaster bus when it was newly branded i took a photo behind glass and i fled but the nexus advisor was being horrible to a deaf person who was a enthusiast like me i was like "Nexus Advisors have no respect" yet GNE advisors do not mind if i take photos just proves Nexus are strict while GNE are not there polite towards there customers (i nickname one of the GNE advisors a Legend Advisor) but Nexus do not care they just do maintenance sort out timetables and be horrible to enthusiasts
I got a smile in two of my photo's off Gary Hunter on the 82 on Sunday evening..... although I did almost force him to smile
Also, I got a photo of Dan Annis looking very happy with his new Solo!
(29 Sep 2015, 8:46 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I got a smile in two of my photo's off Gary Hunter on the 82 on Sunday evening..... although I did almost force him to smile 
Also, I got a photo of Dan Annis looking very happy with his new Solo!
Yes, Dan is a canny driver. When I last had him on the M12 he asked if I wanted to take a quick photo before we set off from Gateshead.
A-line Coaches: KX58 BJE by
DRS68008, on Flickr
I had a bit of an awkward encounter whilst I was out bashing the DalesBus network last Sunday...
I rode the 856 from Northallerton to Hawes with another enthusiast joining me for this journey, we had not taken any pictures or anything prior to boarding the bus however the driver knew the other passenger I was with, we sat at the back of the back of the bus and conversed whilst also doing some browsing on our phones, when we reached Bedale however the driver stopped the bus, got out of the cab and started to tell me and my friend as it was suspected that we were recording on board the bus which was not the case, I admittedly took a quick pic on my phone whilst on board the bus just to highlight I was making the journey on some of my social media accounts, I honestly didn't know how this was picked up considering the subtlety I deployed into doing this although my friend did later point out he was staring at us in the mirror near constantly throughout the journey.
Felt so embarrassed by this and now reduced my desire to board another Dales & District bus as I've had issues with their drivers before and sods law those are the ones you always seem to encounter, before losing work to Hodgsons I had one that would regularly make hand gestures towards me, sometimes didn't even need to take a photo to receive this.
Worse thing is someone else said the exact same happened to them and I think another enthusiast highlighted this happening to them but was actually filming, another claimed to have a rude driver on the same service (potentially the same one but can't confirm that case).
Another moment of embarrassment was around Christmas time when I visited South Shields Interchange for a few pics, and within two minutes I had a Stagecoach driver stop the bus at the exit to the Interchange and demanded that I delete the photograph which I was reluctant to do so and I insisted that it was within my right to take the photo, as the stand off was preventing any other buses that were forming in a line behind from leaving, in the end I had to say I had deleted it to which he thanked me by saying "if I see that pic anywhere, I'll do you!" Charming! No idea what became of this incident as Stagecoach never got back to me about it!
Anyone else had similar instances to the above whilst spotting?
(20 May 2021, 9:23 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Another moment of embarrassment was around Christmas time when I visited South Shields Interchange for a few pics, and within two minutes I had a Stagecoach driver stop the bus at the exit to the Interchange and demanded that I delete the photograph which I was reluctant to do so and I insisted that it was within my right to take the photo, as the stand off was preventing any other buses that were forming in a line behind from leaving, in the end I had to say I had deleted it to which he thanked me by saying "if I see that pic anywhere, I'll do you!" Charming! No idea what became of this incident as Stagecoach never got back to me about it!
Anyone else had similar instances to the above whilst spotting?
I love how some drivers don't see the irony of what they're saying, when they're driving around a huge bus covered in cameras...
I've been asked to delete a photo once
Also by a Stagecoach driver in South Shields. It was about four years ago. He just didn't want to be photographed. He was happy for me to photograph the bus whilst he waited on the pavement.
I had to deal with an aggressive member of the public in Byker. That ended with me telling her to call the police if she did not like my hobby.
Five or six years ago I got challenged by security at Gateshead Metro. I was new to the hobby then and found it quite off-putting.
It's been a few years since I've had any hassle. Saying that due to work commitments I'm not as active in the hobby as I used to be.
Generally dont have any issues when out and about, though had some when up in blyth taking photos with arriva drivers on a couple of occasions.
I think the metro interchange are enforced by nexus, shouldn't really be a problem if your not on their land and taking photos from the adopted highway [emoji106]
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(05 Jun 2021, 6:08 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]![[Image: 4b58c0540e42b454d4c53516fad5b67b.jpg]](
Here’s a “pleasant” driver i saw a post on Twitter about.
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Oh god! Looks like the driver I encountered on a trip to Bluewater back in November 2018, his story sounds much the same as mine, he was NOT happy with me
(05 Jun 2021, 6:22 pm)omnicity4659 wrote [ -> ]Love it. That's my standard greeting when someone points a camera at my vehicle.
I once brought the village of Whalley in Lancashire to a standstill as some wifey was kicking off with me asking why I was taking a photo of her in her Lexus when in actual fact I was trying to snap a Stagecoach E300. She seemed full of herself to think I was snapping her precious Lexus like
Drivers don't normally see me as I'm sat in my car. Mind I did have a woman approach me asking if I had just photoed her car, she was happy enough when I explained I was photoing the buses. Though drivers being abusive to me doesn't bother me, I just roll my eyes. If I get flipped off their prob get caught out in the end anyeay, especially if the management is enthusiast friendly and regularly look at the bus photo online.
I don't see the problem with it. Your taking a photo of a bus. I don't see what the problem is.
It just seems some people complain for the hell of it. I've had staff approach me on the odd occasions when I've been photo at Haymarket yet I've been on public land
I've had a driver on the X8 round mine question why I took a photo of his bus. I said I do this every day. And he said. Werid thing to do
I always see a pattern when taking pictures. When I take pictures of GNE buses the drivers either don’t take notice or they wave. There’s a particular driver that is usually on the 57 that always waves. When photoing Arriva they just don’t mind. No waves but no foul gestures.
However, the first and only time I photoed Stagecoach buses, there was already many problems. I was at South Shields. Just keep in mind that I am 12 years old, and I was 11 at the time. Some of the drivers didn’t mind, no waves or anything. Most others rolled their eyes or had an annoyed look on their face, which I understand some people don’t want to be photographed so I didn’t most most of those. And finally there was a select few of drivers who put their rude fingers up at me, which is not a great thing to do at children.
This is why I only photograph GNE buses.
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If I'm sitting on a bus and spot someone trying to take a photo, I'll pretty much always stick my fingers up at the camera.
Not only because I absolutely hate getting my photo taken and I'd imagine they wouldn't want to post it online, but also because I kinda like ruining people's day!
(09 Aug 2021, 10:01 am)transportintyneandwear wrote [ -> ]I always see a pattern when taking pictures. When I take pictures of GNE buses the drivers either don’t take notice or they wave. There’s a particular driver that is usually on the 57 that always waves. When photoing Arriva they just don’t mind. No waves but no foul gestures.
However, the first and only time I photoed Stagecoach buses, there was already many problems. I was at South Shields. Just keep in mind that I am 12 years old, and I was 11 at the time. Some of the drivers didn’t mind, no waves or anything. Most others rolled their eyes or had an annoyed look on their face, which I understand some people don’t want to be photographed so I didn’t most most of those. And finally there was a select few of drivers who put their rude fingers up at me, which is not a great thing to do at children.
This is why I only photograph GNE buses.
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You've probably been unlucky, because in about 13 years of taking photos, I've only had this happen a handful of times. I wouldn't say any operator is worse than the next for it, but you're always going to get the odd idiot... if someone is daft enough to give me a middle finger when I'm taking a photo, it'll still go up online and it's out of my control if someone takes exception and reports it to the operator.
I wouldn't expect waves or anything, as you've got to appreciate that the driver's attention is on the road, not someone standing taking a photo of their bus. Especially if you're in or around bus stations.
It's the general public that have more of a problem with photography from experience, but even then, most are just curious about what you're up to. So being polite and having a chat is always best policy.