We haven't had a new thread for a while - so let's start one.
I imagine there will be lots of nominations, so will start it off.
My first nomination goes to the driving instructor getting his learner driver to practice parallel parking about 250yds down the road from St Leonards in Durham. At chucking out time.
(22 Feb 2016, 4:53 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]My first nomination goes to the driving instructor getting his learner driver to practice parallel parking about 250yds down the road from St Leonards in Durham. At chucking out time.
Brilliant. I appreciate that everyone needs to learn, but it's too unpredictable for kids weaving in and out of parked cars. I feel sorry for the learner to be put into that situation.
(22 Feb 2016, 4:53 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]We haven't had a new thread for a while - so let's start one.
I imagine there will be lots of nominations, so will start it off.
My first nomination goes to the driving instructor getting his learner driver to practice parallel parking about 250yds down the road from St Leonards in Durham. At chucking out time.
Oh, god, that poor learner driver. It'd be like driving through a herd of sarcastic sheep!
(22 Feb 2016, 4:53 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]We haven't had a new thread for a while - so let's start one.
I imagine there will be lots of nominations, so will start it off.
My first nomination goes to the driving instructor getting his learner driver to practice parallel parking about 250yds down the road from St Leonards in Durham. At chucking out time.
I endured a similar experience during my actual test! The pressure must have helped as I passed that attempt unlike the first one where I failed on a reverse-around-corner on a cul-de-sac.
(22 Feb 2016, 7:08 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Brilliant. I appreciate that everyone needs to learn, but it's too unpredictable for kids weaving in and out of parked cars. I feel sorry for the learner to be put into that situation.
(22 Feb 2016, 7:24 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Oh, god, that poor learner driver. It'd be like driving through a herd of sarcastic sheep!
And the added pressure of city centre traffic, building up in either direction.
(22 Feb 2016, 7:29 pm)James101 wrote [ -> ]I endured a similar experience during my actual test! The pressure must have helped as I passed that attempt unlike the first one where I failed on a reverse-around-corner on a cul-de-sac.
Failed my first one for rolling down a hill backwards on my hill start.
Felt so confident for the first half a mile - then that happened!
The driver of a Ford Ka coming from the direction of Retail World and approachig the Kingsway roundabout.
They pulled behind a Ford Focus that was parked on the give way lines at the roundabout.
What the driver of the Ka didn't realise was that the Focus driver had broken down and had his hazards on.
A good few moments passed (including a spell poised to pull away after checking the road was clear) before the Ka driver realised her mistake.
Bloke on the train.
Must have been sitting there 2 hours before he suddenly remembered about the Burger King in his rucksack.
He was looking gloomy and suddenly perked up, before rummaging and pulling out a soggy, brown bag.
He devoured the 'sweaty' chips and disected his burger in minutes.
(30 Mar 2016, 6:30 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Bloke on the train.
Must have been sitting there 2 hours before he suddenly remembered about the Burger King in his rucksack.
He was looking gloomy and suddenly perked up, before rummaging and pulling out a soggy, brown bag.
He devoured the 'sweaty' chips and disected his burger in minutes.
David Attenborough could've narrated that...

A group of idiots that complained about me jumping the bus queue when I was the 3rd person in the queue. I went on behind the two people before me. What makes it more embarrassing is that that group are less polite and less friendly than a 3 year old girl.
(02 Apr 2016, 8:23 pm)neilwatson wrote [ -> ]A group of idiots that complained about me jumping the bus queue when I was the 3rd person in the queue. I went on behind the two people before me. What makes it more embarrassing is that that group are less polite and less friendly than a 3 year old girl.

My contribution for this thread today, although it's technically
numpties of the day:
Had a short stopover in York this morning on my trip, decided to get some snaps of Transdev's new CityZap service during this time, got one shot which is the one on my Flickr:
https://flic.kr/p/FuCWdC but I fancied another, so I walked a bit further up the road outside the rail station, there was another two enthusiast's getting photos of it so I walked a bit further up the road to where a pelican crossing was and there was two woman stood there in my way chatting away without a care in the world, after one minute I thought, they are going to stay there until the lights change, after two minutes I discovered that they hadn't pressed the button so I had to press it for them, had I not pressed it goodness knows how long they would have been there! Annoying when the lights changed they took their sweet time to cross and annoyingly the CityZap had pulled off the stand and was sat at the lights. Managed to get a shot, just!
I know this makes me come across as an arsehole but it amazes me how people will stand at a pelican crossing and not press the button and expect the lights to change for them!

(02 Apr 2016, 8:45 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]My contribution for this thread today, although it's technically numpties of the day:
Had a short stopover in York this morning on my trip, decided to get some snaps of Transdev's new CityZap service during this time, got one shot which is the one on my Flickr: https://flic.kr/p/FuCWdC but I fancied another, so I walked a bit further up the road outside the rail station, there was another two enthusiast's getting photos of it so I walked a bit further up the road to where a pelican crossing was and there was two woman stood there in my way chatting away without a care in the world, after one minute I thought, they are going to stay there until the lights change, after two minutes I discovered that they hadn't pressed the button so I had to press it for them, had I not pressed it goodness knows how long they would have been there! Annoying when the lights changed they took their sweet time to cross and annoyingly the CityZap had pulled off the stand and was sat at the lights. Managed to get a shot, just!
I know this makes me come across as an arsehole but it amazes me how people will stand at a pelican crossing and not press the button and expect the lights to change for them! 
Happens all the time at the crossings by the university at Haymarket. I was amused, the other week, to discover that nothing whatsoever has changed in the
years since I was a student.
(02 Apr 2016, 8:29 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Eh? 
Two friends invited me and a few other people to a barbecue in Durham. I was playing football with her and her dad and a couple of their friends.
Went to Whitley Bay to get a quiet day on the Metro Replacements...... They finished yesterday.
(03 Apr 2016, 7:51 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote [ -> ]Went to Whitley Bay to get a quiet day on the Metro Replacements...... They finished yesterday.
They finished mid-morning

(03 Apr 2016, 8:00 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]They finished mid-morning 
Today? Even worse then, I arrived at 2PM haha.
The traffic on the a1 at Washington services is currently horrendous. I suspect our x21 driver wishes he'd gone through birtley.
Anyhow, just saw a true numpty somehow turn their car about 40 degrees and drive right into the big concrete central reservation, before righting themselves and driving off, a headlight down.
(06 Apr 2016, 10:44 am)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]The traffic on the a1 at Washington services is currently horrendous. I suspect our x21 driver wishes he'd gone through birtley.
Anyhow, just saw a true numpty somehow turn their car about 40 degrees and drive right into the big concrete central reservation, before righting themselves and driving off, a headlight down.
Thanks for the info, I have just told my mam just I am heading north on the A1 to my house from London, I Am currently in the Newark area
(06 Apr 2016, 11:31 am)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Thanks for the info, I have just told my mam just I am heading north on the A1 to my house from London, I Am currently in the Newark area
The hold up was an accident between birtley and the other end of team valley according to the travel feeds on Twitter. Didn't look at the highways agency website to find out exactly where.
(06 Apr 2016, 10:44 am)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]The traffic on the a1 at Washington services is currently horrendous. I suspect our x21 driver wishes he'd gone through birtley.
Anyhow, just saw a true numpty somehow turn their car about 40 degrees and drive right into the big concrete central reservation, before righting themselves and driving off, a headlight down.
Hahah. How did they manage to do that? Were they attempting an illegal u-turn or something?
(06 Apr 2016, 12:36 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Hahah. How did they manage to do that? Were they attempting an illegal u-turn or something?
Nowhere to make one. I couldn't work out how he'd done it without being drunk or half asleep. It's a completely straight section of road.
(06 Apr 2016, 2:19 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Nowhere to make one. I couldn't work out how he'd done it without being drunk or half asleep. It's a completely straight section of road.
I know someone who somehow managed to come off their moped riding along straight section of road on a dry day. He still can't give an satisfactory explanation for it!
Old guy who lives down near the school.
Big'un's taxi was late, this morning, so Littl'un and I didn't even set off until after the 22 was due. There were people waiting at all the bus stops, including this guy.
When I left, about 15 minutes after the bus was due, by now, he was still there. I normally avoid him like the plague as his has no sense of personal boundaries and most of what comes out of his mouth makes me extremely uncomfortable. He was in a bit of a state though and started ranting about "these bloody buses".
I empathised and explained that they were being delayed in Durham, but that shouldn't affect this one and offered to look at the tracker for him....
"Well, according to this, it's already been."
"Aye. I went into the house to ring the doctor's and tell them the bus hadn't come and it came past, then."
Yeah, I certainly enjoyed standing in a queue like a melon in Tesco Express waiting for a self-service till, one was free but some silly mare was stood in front of it whilst she talked to the person on the opposite till [emoji35]
This angered me even more as I saw this:
https://flic.kr/p/FUw3Nb whilst I was in the queue waiting. Fortunately it was still there after I gave up waiting for self-service and ended up going to a human instead.
Not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last!
Me! - I went to the gym tonight but instead of taking my card to scan to enter the gym, I took my Railcard. Fortunately I realised as soon as I left the house, otherwise I would have felt a right prat wondering why my card won't scan. [emoji1]
(05 Jul 2016, 6:56 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Me! - I went to the gym tonight but instead of taking my card to scan to enter the gym, I took my Railcard. Fortunately I realised as soon as I left the house, otherwise I would have felt a right prat wondering why my card won't scan. [emoji1]
Why change a habit of a lifetime

The man on Raby Way in Byker earlier today who tried to flag the A1 freebus down and he appeared to try to force the rear emergency exit door on 557 open! I then boarded the bus and he ran shouting behind
Someone today asking the conductor on 142064 today at MetroCentre which was terminating at MetroCentre if it is the Glasgow train, guess they are not local or didn't look at the destination on the front of the train.
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