North East Buses

Full Version: Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - June 2018
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1430 on X4
4712 on X3/X3A
1613 on 8/8A, 12:50 8 off Darlington.
1508 on 1/5/5A/12
1520 on 6
1590 on Frequenta 2
1591 on 1/5/5A/12/19
1592 on 1/5/5A/12/19
7485 on the 2s serving the 17:28 blyth departure but will be in morpeth at 18:13 and leave morpeth for blyth at 18:18
7620 on 56 whilst 7420 on X12

2823 on 56 rather than 49/49A
1455 on the 5/5A (STILL missing the offside upper branding).
7478 was on 2s this morning don't know if it still is
1437 Frequenta Pulsar on Sapphire X4- and broke down in Sandsend.
Yesterday 1923 on 5/5A.
1328 on the X12
4805 on X66, running Board X66D on the turn that finishes at Stockton at 10pm tonight
1441/3 both now on 5/5a - 1441 out all night
1559 ended up replacing 1415 on X12, and then replaced 1418 an hour later

2843 is on 62/64a
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