Even the world renowned Man in Seat 61, is getting in on the action!
Appreciate I'm bringing up a topic of old, but keen to know if the campaign is still as fervent as it was back then!
(11 Oct 2019, 9:34 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Even the world renowned Man in Seat 61, is getting in on the action!
Appreciate I'm bringing up a topic of old, but keen to know if the campaign is still as fervent as it was back then!
I personally don't mind vinyls on windows, as long as they're not too intrusive. A few lines like on the Angel or Castles Express are fine, but large vinyls like the X66 I can't stand
(11 Oct 2019, 10:38 am)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]
I personally don't mind vinyls on windows, as long as they're not too intrusive. A few lines like on the Angel or Castles Express are fine, but large vinyls like the X66 I can't stand
The worst one I ever had was in Belfast a few years back.
All over wrap for some sort of sliced bread.
Couldn't see much out of the windows at all!
Scarlet Band E200 on the 113 this afternoon, honestly can't see a thing out that back window
![[Image: c60f8191e0060bfd00c0563b68db8fbe.jpg]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191206/c60f8191e0060bfd00c0563b68db8fbe.jpg)
![[Image: acfb84853dc6960a954301f198ee6656.jpg]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191206/acfb84853dc6960a954301f198ee6656.jpg)
(06 Dec 2019, 1:54 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Scarlet Band E200 on the 113 this afternoon, honestly can't see a thing out that back window![[Image: c60f8191e0060bfd00c0563b68db8fbe.jpg]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191206/c60f8191e0060bfd00c0563b68db8fbe.jpg)
![[Image: acfb84853dc6960a954301f198ee6656.jpg]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191206/acfb84853dc6960a954301f198ee6656.jpg)
How does it even get that dirty!
(06 Dec 2019, 3:49 pm)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]How does it even get that dirty!
Because roads have been gritted.
Ventured into deepest, darkest, North Yorkshire, yesterday, and all the cars in the car park were just the same.