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(04 Jul 2021, 1:21 pm)Metroline1511 wrote [ -> ]It could therefore be worth continuing to wear our masks on buses. Then other passenger may be concerned in case we have the virus and avoid sitting next to us.
It's the sitting immediately behind me I don't like. Coughing, spluttering and whatever else.
At least if they're sitting next to me, I can face the other direction and have some control over breathing in their germs.
(04 Jul 2021, 12:17 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]I'm in two minds.
Hate wearing the mask, but always conscious of people around me who don't respect body space and could be carrying all sorts.
I was like that before all this rona stuff to be honest!
Absolutely this. We shouldn't forget that generally speaking, buses were a cesspit for germs prior to COVID, due to shoddy or non-existent cleaning regimes. Let's hope that the importance of a high standard of cleaning is part of the longer term measures, and its actually legislated to what standard public places and transport has to be cleaned to. It'll be dropped before we know it otherwise.
When travelling, I'll probably continue to wear one on busier buses, but nice to have the flexibility not to, say if you have the bus to yourself. It's also nicer not to have to on longer distance stuff or trains.
All in all though, it feels like a step too soon. I agree with dropping most other measures, but the priority should have been to ensure at least all adults have been offered and had the opportunity to receive both vaccinations, before moving further. As a result, I'll be restricting myself to foot journeys from July 19th until the end of August on the most part, which will be 2nd jab + 15 days thereabouts.
(04 Jul 2021, 2:23 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Absolutely this. We shouldn't forget that generally speaking, buses were a cesspit for germs prior to COVID, due to shoddy or non-existent cleaning regimes. Let's hope that the importance of a high standard of cleaning is part of the longer term measures, and its actually legislated to what standard public places and transport has to be cleaned to. It'll be dropped before we know it otherwise.
When travelling, I'll probably continue to wear one on busier buses, but nice to have the flexibility not to, say if you have the bus to yourself. It's also nicer not to have to on longer distance stuff or trains.
All in all though, it feels like a step too soon. I agree with dropping most other measures, but the priority should have been to ensure at least all adults have been offered and had the opportunity to receive both vaccinations, before moving further. As a result, I'll be restricting myself to foot journeys from July 19th until the end of August on the most part, which will be 2nd jab + 15 days thereaboutsThe regime has been
It is prudent to continue to wear a mask on any form of shared transport. As with many I've completed my vaccination, but already evidence supports the Delta variant is impervious to Moderna or Astra Zeneca. Its not hard to simply put one on for a journey or in shops.
As for the buses, in general those who have no option have returned more frequently, but numbers are still low on many services
(06 Jul 2021, 6:54 am)54APhotography wrote [ -> ]It is prudent to continue to wear a mask on any form of shared transport. As with many I've completed my vaccination, but already evidence supports the Delta variant is impervious to Moderna or Astra Zeneca. Its not hard to simply put one on for a journey or in shops.
As for the buses, in general those who have no option have returned more frequently, but numbers are still low on many services
I don't disagree, but I feel that the vast majority wont bother from the 19th, now that it's been deemed as 'personal choice'.
Of course, remember that we were constantly told that face coverings are to protect others (not you), so it's not really a personal choice. It's others that are being given the choice of adding an additional layer of protection for you or not.
Standard Government tactic of blame-shifting. People have been given the choice, therefore it's their fault if it goes t**s up, but if it pans out well it's a Government success...
(06 Jul 2021, 7:33 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]I don't disagree, but I feel that the vast majority wont bother from the 19th, now that it's been deemed as 'personal choice'.
Of course, remember that we were constantly told that face coverings are to protect others (not you), so it's not really a personal choice. It's others that are being given the choice of adding an additional layer of protection for you or not.
Standard Government tactic of blame-shifting. People have been given the choice, therefore it's their fault if it goes t**s up, but if it pans out well it's a Government success...
Sadly I concur, the notion that responsibility is for the individual troubles me greatly, relying on others 'common sense has got us in the mess we are in today... Those who believe a mask has no benefit are probably the same who think its all a government conspiracy.. It beat the common cold two years on the bounce, so that's a bonus!
For the times i travel other than by bike, a mask will be worn
(06 Jul 2021, 7:33 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]I don't disagree, but I feel that the vast majority wont bother from the 19th, now that it's been deemed as 'personal choice'.
Of course, remember that we were constantly told that face coverings are to protect others (not you), so it's not really a personal choice. It's others that are being given the choice of adding an additional layer of protection for you or not.
Standard Government tactic of blame-shifting. People have been given the choice, therefore it's their fault if it goes t**s up, but if it pans out well it's a Government success...
I think it also comes down to using common sense. If I have the whole upper deck to myself like I usually do on a night, then I most certainly won't be wearing one.
If the bus is packed, I will.
And it'll probably be a sliding scale from there, depending on how busy the bus is, if I'm sitting far away from others, if the windows are open etc.
I find it interesting the opinions of folk on here with regard to wearing a mask, and just as interesting how operators approach it going forward. Though I don't think using public transport as a scenario of wear you might wear a mask is particularly helpful with rebuilding confidence. I'm sure it was MP, rather than Chris Whitty who I read that from.
It's as easy to find scientists who believe they are of little benefit as it is to find scientists who believe they are effective. I personally think a mask is a marginal gain at best, and at the risk of being shot down I can't wait to burn mine!
I must confess, and I appreciate this might be read with disgust, my mask just sits in my jacket pocket when not in use. I don't wash my hands in between putting it on and taking it off and because I find them a bit restrictive and irritating (steamed up glasses is my pet hate, first world problems and all that....) I'm constantly fiddling with it when I do wear the thing. So I guess it kinds of defeats the purpose of it anyway. And based on my own observations when out and about, I suspect I'm not the only one with this lax approach to masks.
As for wearing one on the bus, if it's voluntary I'd have no qualms going maskless.
(06 Jul 2021, 11:35 am)Chris 1 wrote [ -> ]I find it interesting the opinions of folk on here with regard to wearing a mask, and just as interesting how operators approach it going forward. Though I don't think using public transport as a scenario of wear you might wear a mask is particularly helpful with rebuilding confidence. I'm sure it was MP, rather than Chris Whitty who I read that from.
It's as easy to find scientists who believe they are of little benefit as it is to find scientists who believe they are effective. I personally think a mask is a marginal gain at best, and at the risk of being shot down I can't wait to burn mine!
I must confess, and I appreciate this might be read with disgust, my mask just sits in my jacket pocket when not in use. I don't wash my hands in between putting it on and taking it off and because I find them a bit restrictive and irritating (steamed up glasses is my pet hate, first world problems and all that....) I'm constantly fiddling with it when I do wear the thing. So I guess it kinds of defeats the purpose of it anyway. And based on my own observations when out and about, I suspect I'm not the only one with this lax approach to masks.
As for wearing one on the bus, if it's voluntary I'd have no qualms going maskless.
Since March 2020 I have only been on 4 bus journeys as a result of having to wear a face nappy while using buses, because I don't like anything covering my face, in the winter I don’t wear a scarf because of this..
My employer was encouraging people not to use public transport so instead of using the bus I have driven to work. At work I only have to wear a face nappy when I leave my desk.
Pre-COVID my personal choice was to use the bus to get to & from work and not to drive and I have got a lot less read as a result of driving instead of sitting on the bus for 30 minutes each way. I used to go on about 800 bus journeys a year and I cannot wait to get back to travelling around, not to have to wear a face nappy all the time and to be able to breathe as well.
(06 Jul 2021, 8:18 pm)IRHardy wrote [ -> ]Since March 2020 I have only been on 4 bus journeys as a result of having to wear a face nappy while using buses, because I don't like anything covering my face, in the winter I don’t wear a scarf because of this..
My employer was encouraging people not to use public transport so instead of using the bus I have driven to work. At work I only have to wear a face nappy when I leave my desk.
Pre-COVID my personal choice was to use the bus to get to & from work and not to drive and I have got a lot less read as a result of driving instead of sitting on the bus for 30 minutes each way. I used to go on about 800 bus journeys a year and I cannot wait to get back to travelling around, not to have to wear a face nappy all the time and to be able to breathe as well.
I feel a bit for operators, as to an extent they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Passengers, and potential passengers, on both sides of the mask debate will be influenced by masks when they decide if they're going to use the bus or not. My parents have been Metrocentre stalwarts for years when it comes to shopping, but last week chose to have a mooch in Newcastle instead so they didn't have to wear a mask for the whole time.
(06 Jul 2021, 8:18 pm)IRHardy wrote [ -> ]Since March 2020 I have only been on 4 bus journeys as a result of having to wear a face nappy while using buses, because I don't like anything covering my face, in the winter I don’t wear a scarf because of this..
My employer was encouraging people not to use public transport so instead of using the bus I have driven to work. At work I only have to wear a face nappy when I leave my desk.
Pre-COVID my personal choice was to use the bus to get to & from work and not to drive and I have got a lot less read as a result of driving instead of sitting on the bus for 30 minutes each way. I used to go on about 800 bus journeys a year and I cannot wait to get back to travelling around, not to have to wear a face nappy all the time and to be able to breathe as well.
'Face nappy' is a bit derogatory, isn't it? I don't think anybody particularly likes covering their face, but I'd hope most wouldn't consider using terms like that to describe people who opt to continue doing so.
Anyway, it sounds like this 'personal choice' may not be as much a choice as made out. A number of airlines have already stated they'll continue mandating, as have Nexus with the Metro (presumably covered by byelaw 12). I'd imagine NEBus will be meeting with a view of agreeing a consistent approach for buses going forward.
I'm exempt from wearing one but still do. I'm on a bus currently and had to use my inhaler so lowered my mask to do and didn't put it back straight away. The look off another passenger was disgusting

(07 Jul 2021, 1:52 pm)idiot wrote [ -> ]I'm exempt from wearing one but still do. I'm on a bus currently and had to use my inhaler so lowered my mask to do and didn't put it back straight away. The look off another passenger was disgusting 
I'm the same, the only time I don't wear one is when it's a particularly humid day where I struggle to breathe even without one!
(04 Jul 2021, 2:23 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Absolutely this. We shouldn't forget that generally speaking, buses were a cesspit for germs prior to COVID, due to shoddy or non-existent cleaning regimes. Let's hope that the importance of a high standard of cleaning is part of the longer term measures, and its actually legislated to what standard public places and transport has to be cleaned to. It'll be dropped before we know it otherwise.
When travelling, I'll probably continue to wear one on busier buses, but nice to have the flexibility not to, say if you have the bus to yourself. It's also nicer not to have to on longer distance stuff or trains.
All in all though, it feels like a step too soon. I agree with dropping most other measures, but the priority should have been to ensure at least all adults have been offered and had the opportunity to receive both vaccinations, before moving further. As a result, I'll be restricting myself to foot journeys from July 19th until the end of August on the most part, which will be 2nd jab + 15 days thereabouts.
I'll confess that on an empty upper deck I've slid my mask down - annoying that today my really bad knee (rather than my niggling knee) kept me downstairs because an hour on the revered Street deck in a mask made me feel thoroughly nauseous.
But I'm looking forward to being able to be more selective about mask wearing (and losing the maskne) and hopefully getting bigun out of the house before he dies of heart failure.
Been fully vaccinated for a couple of months now so happy to take comfort breaks when they don't scare others. Annoyed that I'm too creaky to take advantage of no 9ne going upstairs.
⚠️ Service X66⚠️ Due to an incident on service X66, from 19:35 until 23:20 service X66 will not operate please use service 49/49A to travel between Metro Centre and Gateshead.
Since Boris has said rules for social distancing will be lifted on the 19th August 2021, I wonder if this means all the dupes will end too, although it is the school holidays, dupes isn't likely to be needed on the routes with dupes atm.
Are we going to see a mass withdrawal of buses?
(12 Jul 2021, 6:34 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Since Boris has said rules for social distancing will be lifted on the 19th August 2021, I wonder if this means all the dupes will end too, although it is the school holidays, dupes isn't likely to be needed on the routes with dupes atm.
Are we going to see a mass withdrawal of buses?
Think we will after all the repaints and transfers happen. Buses will probably be used in the summer holidays to cover the repaints first.
(12 Jul 2021, 6:34 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Since Boris has said rules for social distancing will be lifted on the 19th August 2021, I wonder if this means all the dupes will end too, although it is the school holidays, dupes isn't likely to be needed on the routes with dupes atm.
Are we going to see a mass withdrawal of buses?
I personally doubt we'll see that, I think they might hang on to them for a bit longer if there is even the remote possibility that restrictions could come back later on and duplicates would be needed again.
(12 Jul 2021, 6:34 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Since Boris has said rules for social distancing will be lifted on the 19th August 2021, I wonder if this means all the dupes will end too, although it is the school holidays, dupes isn't likely to be needed on the routes with dupes atm.
Are we going to see a mass withdrawal of buses?
The dupes only exist to support social distancing. As that ends in July, then I cannot see the dupes continuing.
(12 Jul 2021, 6:45 pm)deanmachine wrote [ -> ]Think we will after all the repaints and transfers happen. Buses will probably be used in the summer holidays to cover the repaints first.
That's true, hopefully it helps them speed it up
Have we even got a date for when the Newcastle zone starts?
Go North East look like they have a massive problem due to staff isolating by the amount of posts they've done today.
Can tell its rife again, due to the amount of track and trace notifications people are getting sent!
(15 Jul 2021, 3:15 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Go North East look like they have a massive problem due to staff isolating by the amount of posts they've done today.
Can tell its rife again, due to the amount of track and trace notifications people are getting sent!
And you got the government after 19th July changing the track and trace app so it will be less sensitive to stop workers isolating and making them stay at work as there won’t get a notification, Netherlands did exact the same as the uk government going to do on 19th July a few weeks ago and there infection went up by 800% , and masks were put back to mandatory etc…
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(15 Jul 2021, 3:15 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Go North East look like they have a massive problem due to staff isolating by the amount of posts they've done today.
Can tell its rife again, due to the amount of track and trace notifications people are getting sent!
It's pretty much every business at the moment. One I work with had 50+ T&T pings out of its workforce the other week.
(15 Jul 2021, 3:25 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]And you got the government after 19th July changing the track and trace app so it will be less sensitive to stop workers isolating and making them stay at work as there won’t get a notification, Netherlands did exact the same as the uk government going to do on 19th July a few weeks ago and there infection went up by 800% , and masks were put back to mandatory etc…
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Hopefully it does, its getting ridiculous, you don't even get paid for isolating, you have to apply for it and its a clart on..........
(15 Jul 2021, 3:15 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Go North East look like they have a massive problem due to staff isolating by the amount of posts they've done today.
Can tell its rife again, due to the amount of track and trace notifications people are getting sent!
Yeah, I've noticed they are using that line now, rather than generic 'incident' that was used for weeks on end.
(15 Jul 2021, 3:52 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]It's pretty much every business at the moment. One I work with had 50+ T&T pings out of its workforce the other week.
Yep - I think most people are fairly understanding of it now as every industry is suffering from it at the moment.
I seem to see more posts from Go North East than others on my social feeds, but I’d put that down to them reporting everything and the others probably not being quite as honest about it…
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(15 Jul 2021, 3:57 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Yep - I think most people are fairly understanding of it now as every industry is suffering from it at the moment.
I seem to see more posts from Go North East than others on my social feeds, but I’d put that down to them reporting everything and the others probably not being quite as honest about it…
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I work in education and loads of kids are testing positive now, which wasn't happening before, loads of children are missing their last week of school because they have to isolate.
Ye Stagecoach have only put a post out, due to an increase in drivers self isolating, services maybe other posts though to let people know, which ones -
(15 Jul 2021, 3:52 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]It's pretty much every business at the moment. One I work with had 50+ T&T pings out of its workforce the other week.
I think basically everybody is getting pinged at the minute, I was pinged earlier in the week, and so have a few people that I work with.
In fact, one of them has been pinged twice so she was out of the office for a week, back in 2 days then off again for another week
(15 Jul 2021, 4:04 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I work in education and loads of kids are testing positive now, which wasn't happening before, loads of children are missing their last week of school because they have to isolate.
Ye Stagecoach have only put a post out, due to an increase in drivers self isolating, services maybe other posts though to let people know, which ones -
Presumably that's down to the increase in asymptomatic testing since the last wave, with kids being less likely to show symptoms.
Most of the people in my office have just deleted the app from their phones.
May I ask are we going to get pinged in the winter everytime we come into contact with the cold or flu?
Its a bloody farce. Get rid of your mask and start living your life.
(16 Jul 2021, 2:59 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Go North East have put out a post for July 19th onwards:
Sensible, Stagecoach have shared a similar update.
I can't imagine the inevitable spike from 'Freedom Day' (jesus wept) will do anything to encourage people onto public transport.
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