With the reduced timetables, I've been commuting back on a night via the 82 and tonight on 682 I saw a quirky message on the NSA screen. Any thoughts on it?
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(31 Mar 2020, 8:41 pm)Indigo701 wrote [ -> ]With the reduced timetables, I've been commuting back on a night via the 82 and tonight on 682 I saw a quirky message on the NSA screen. Any thoughts on it?
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Quite odd. Could it be a latitude reading i.e. 54.897784 degrees north? Might be coming from the GPS tracking which makes the bus appear on the app and be visible to control?
(31 Mar 2020, 8:58 pm)missedbus wrote [ -> ]Quite odd. Could it be a latitude reading i.e. 54.897784 degrees north? Might be coming from the GPS tracking which makes the bus appear on the app and be visible to control?
Could be, 682 is part of a handful where the audio announcements happen and text freezes.
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(31 Mar 2020, 9:00 pm)Indigo701 wrote [ -> ]Could be, 682 is part of a handful where the audio announcements happen and text freezes.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy A7 using Tapatalk
I'd probably be due quite a significant payment if I got a £1 for every time I've reported dodgy NSA's on the 82 in the past.
There's also a handful which consistently show 'Next Stop: Washington Galleries"