(04 May 2020, 7:00 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]But not really what a spoiler plugin is for! 
It doesn't matter what it's made for, its what it gets used for! [emoji23]
Sent from my LM-G710 using Tapatalk
(04 May 2020, 6:36 pm)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]On other forums (LTT in particular) it gets used as a way to 'compress' the post down by hiding parts that aren't essential. For instance, I use spoiler tags whenever I post an image, so the image would be inside the spoiler tag and therefore hidden until it's clicked on. This is particularly handy when you're doing quite a long post and referencing lots of things. Granted, it's not something that's you'd use all the time, but it does come in quite handy.
I've just been going through all my travel data for the last 6 months and I was going to make a post about it, comparing the costs of travelling by bus compared to car, comparing different pricing strategies etc. (I spent far too much time in Excel last night!). Ideally I would like to have the tables and graphs of the data in the post, and it would be much better imo to have them hidden unless you want to click on it.
I suppose I could just create a blog and post it on there like some others do!
I started planning the post out last night and so far I'm up to 3 A4 pages long (with the tables/graphs). I really need to realise that this isn't for work and I don't need to be writing a 100 page report on it like usual, but I can't help myself!
Don't write about it then?
A much easier alternative, and I think a lot would thank you for it...
(03 May 2020, 9:42 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]https://ukbuses.co.uk/
The most up to date fleetlist I’ve found for Arriva is on this website
Sent from my iPhone XS using Tapatalk
That fleet list is way off in some places - huge inaccuracies - but that said we've managed to obtain a copy of Arriva's own fleet allocation sheets and we've updated the fleet list using that. News will be backdated in due course.
I really like the new look of the forum having seen it evolve from it's early days when I first joined back in 2012, this forum has come a long way since then through a continuous background work done by Dan, Adrian and Liam to name a few and those who have shared content over the years, the forum wouldn't be what it is today without this joint effort.
Hopefully with this refresh this will bring back old forum members who have came and gone over the years along with welcoming new members from all across the country over the months ahead so that the sub forums for other local areas become more active with updates for us up here in the North East to keep up to date. Maybe this could be a focal point for a future expansion of the forum in the future.
The only thing missing for me from the new layout is the Latest Threads for GNE/SNE/ANE, I think these should be kept given we still have Latest Threads for our local independent operators along with operations for elsewhere in the country in personal opinion, I've always liked viewing those myself personally in order to keep up to date with things even if the vast majority of posts made on those threads weren't specifically related to that specific area of the forum as often posts have had to be removed or moved elsewhere for going off topic.
I've been working my way through my old GNE photos over the past few days dating back to 2015, hopefully will start getting some of these uploaded in the coming days and weeks ahead so these can be used within Fleet News/Bygone Era if needed as I have uploaded a shed load of Arriva/Stagecoach ones prior to these, I also have a shed load of Independent Operators photos to go through for the NE aswell.
Dan feel free to use any of photos as part of these updates
(06 May 2020, 7:13 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I really like the new look of the forum having seen it evolve from it's early days when I first joined back in 2012, this forum has come a long way since then through a continuous background work done by Dan, Adrian and Liam to name a few and those who have shared content over the years, the forum wouldn't be what it is today without this joint effort.
Hopefully with this refresh this will bring back old forum members who have came and gone over the years along with welcoming new members from all across the country over the months ahead so that the sub forums for other local areas become more active with updates for us up here in the North East to keep up to date. Maybe this could be a focal point for a future expansion of the forum in the future.
The only thing missing for me from the new layout is the Latest Threads for GNE/SNE/ANE, I think these should be kept given we still have Latest Threads for our local independent operators along with operations for elsewhere in the country in personal opinion, I've always liked viewing those myself personally in order to keep up to date with things even if the vast majority of posts made on those threads weren't specifically related to that specific area of the forum as often posts have had to be removed or moved elsewhere for going off topic.
I've been working my way through my old GNE photos over the past few days dating back to 2015, hopefully will start getting some of these uploaded in the coming days and weeks ahead so these can be used within Fleet News/Bygone Era if needed as I have uploaded a shed load of Arriva/Stagecoach ones prior to these, I also have a shed load of Independent Operators photos to go through for the NE aswell.
Dan feel free to use any of photos as part of these updates
I suppose it would be good to have just a 'Latest News' thread to have that all in one place and keep the 'Discussion' to their own threads.
(06 May 2020, 9:05 pm)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]I suppose it would be good to have just a 'Latest News' thread to have that all in one place and keep the 'Discussion' to their own threads.
I agree, I think removing the "Latest News" threads for GNE/SNE/ANE limits conversation as what has been kept under these are the sub forums which only get sporadic use.
(06 May 2020, 9:11 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I agree, I think removing the "Latest News" threads for GNE/SNE/ANE limits conversation as what has been kept under these are the sub forums which only get sporadic use.
I suppose there's nowt stopping anyone from just making the Latest News thread if there is actually any news!
Hey, I grew up without discussion boards, too!
But that's because my first foray into the Internet was via 56k dial up, at the ripe old age of 28.
I'm having a problem with the page not loading properly, meaning i'm having to refresh the page sometimes.
This only happened about 5 times since the update, could be a problem on my end though.
(06 May 2020, 9:47 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Hey, I grew up without discussion boards, too!
But that's because my first foray into the Internet was via 56k dial up, at the ripe old age of 28.
The good ole AOL dial up?
I remember those days, i used to go offit because my mam would pick the phone up and the internet would cut off hahaha
(06 May 2020, 10:16 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I'm having a problem with the page not loading properly, meaning i'm having to refresh the page sometimes.
This only happened about 5 times since the update, could be a problem on my end though.
The good ole AOL dial up?
I remember those days, i used to go offit because my mam would pick the phone up and the internet would cut off hahaha
I haven't had an issue with the site at all, could be because I always have it open in the background (I'm one of those people who never closes tabs!)
We first got internet in the early 2000s so we didn't have to deal with that, we had Telewest Blueyonder, I think it was a 10 meg connection. One of my friends didn't get an internet connection until we started secondary school in 2008!
(06 May 2020, 7:13 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I really like the new look of the forum having seen it evolve from it's early days when I first joined back in 2012, this forum has come a long way since then through a continuous background work done by Dan, Adrian and Liam to name a few and those who have shared content over the years, the forum wouldn't be what it is today without this joint effort.
Hopefully with this refresh this will bring back old forum members who have came and gone over the years along with welcoming new members from all across the country over the months ahead so that the sub forums for other local areas become more active with updates for us up here in the North East to keep up to date. Maybe this could be a focal point for a future expansion of the forum in the future.
The only thing missing for me from the new layout is the Latest Threads for GNE/SNE/ANE, I think these should be kept given we still have Latest Threads for our local independent operators along with operations for elsewhere in the country in personal opinion, I've always liked viewing those myself personally in order to keep up to date with things even if the vast majority of posts made on those threads weren't specifically related to that specific area of the forum as often posts have had to be removed or moved elsewhere for going off topic.
I've been working my way through my old GNE photos over the past few days dating back to 2015, hopefully will start getting some of these uploaded in the coming days and weeks ahead so these can be used within Fleet News/Bygone Era if needed as I have uploaded a shed load of Arriva/Stagecoach ones prior to these, I also have a shed load of Independent Operators photos to go through for the NE aswell.
Dan feel free to use any of photos as part of these updates
(06 May 2020, 9:11 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I agree, I think removing the "Latest News" threads for GNE/SNE/ANE limits conversation as what has been kept under these are the sub forums which only get sporadic use.
(06 May 2020, 9:25 pm)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]I suppose there's nowt stopping anyone from just making the Latest News thread if there is actually any news!
Glad you like the new look forum, Malarkey! For the photos to work properly for the Bygone Era, you'll need to datestamp the photo on Flickr to be relevant to the time period it was originally taken. Appreciate this can be difficult for purchased/scanned photos though.
With reference to the discussion on latest news: are either of you able to define what latest news actually is, though? What you think is latest news, others might not. That's the beauty of the split discussion topics: it steers conversation so that it's related to the topic. If anything I dare say this new format allows the forum to be more conversational, whereas previously there was a bit of conflict when it steered off-topic, or people deviated away from 'latest news'. There have been 365 replies to the [url=
https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forum/showt...p?tid=2428]Go North East Coronavirus service levels[/url] discussion thread; at times the conversation has steered off-topic which could have been an issue in the latest threads, but isn't as much of an issue in this discussion thread, but this contains all information about timetables, buses transferring to other depots, buses being parked up, etc.
The reason why the operator-specific threads have been retained for other smaller operators is because there is far less discussion about these operators. Having hundreds of sub-forums for each operator for then very little discussion to take place in individual threads wouldn't make any sense.
If we think fleet re-allocations is what we would define as latest news, why have those movements taken place? Is it as a result of service changes? In which case there will already be a thread for that and these fleet re-allocations would be posted in that thread.
It's a new way of using the forum and it will take some getting used to. Not too keen on introducing another 'latest' thread just yet as I think by default most people will end up going back to using that as it's what they're used to.
(06 May 2020, 10:16 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I'm having a problem with the page not loading properly, meaning i'm having to refresh the page sometimes.
This only happened about 5 times since the update, could be a problem on my end though.
Like streetdeckfan, I've had a tab open with the site active pretty much constantly since Saturday gone and I've not had any issues. I was having some issues with my internet connection last week though, and when I rang up my ISP, they (predictably) blamed the increase in traffic with more people working from home etc.
I seen a few people don't like not having the latest news threads (which personally I disagree with). Just a quick suggestion which might make the forum run a bit better and it's the best of both worlds.
Instead of having a forum for GNE, Arriva, Stagecoach and Other Operators a better option could be to have general forums instead such as the following:
- North East Buses Discussion (Anything which doesn't fit one of the below)
- Vehicles and Infrastructure (Anything about vehicles, NSA's etc)
- Allocations and Timetables (Anything about new timetables, and allocation of buses - rare workings etc).
- Fantasy and Speculation (Anything about people's ideas - new Streetdecks for the X21 or whatever or rumoured discussion - I heard from my father's friend who knows a bus driver chat)
- Local Events
- Bygone Era
It just makes more sense as most the discussion could be multi operator anyway but they got lost in the wrong forum such as NSA's, new route ideas, coronavirus chat just for example.
You'd then also have a new Megachat thread for each of the big 3 within the North East Buses Discussion for things which don't deserve their own thread such as asking why older buses are used on the X30 etc which keeps those happy who prefer a big thread and keeps the number of threads down.
(07 May 2020, 9:58 am)Storx wrote [ -> ]I seen a few people don't like not having the latest news threads (which personally I disagree with). Just a quick suggestion which might make the forum run a bit better and it's the best of both worlds.
Instead of having a forum for GNE, Arriva, Stagecoach and Other Operators a better option could be to have general forums instead such as the following:
- North East Buses Discussion (Anything which doesn't fit one of the below)
- Vehicles and Infrastructure (Anything about vehicles, NSA's etc)
- Allocations and Timetables (Anything about new timetables, and allocation of buses - rare workings etc).
- Fantasy and Speculation (Anything about people's ideas - new Streetdecks for the X21 or whatever or rumoured discussion - I heard from my father's friend who knows a bus driver chat)
- Local Events
- Bygone Era
It just makes more sense as most the discussion could be multi operator anyway but they got lost in the wrong forum such as NSA's, new route ideas, coronavirus chat just for example.
You'd then also have a new Megachat thread for each of the big 3 within the North East Buses Discussion for things which don't deserve their own thread such as asking why older buses are used on the X30 etc which keeps those happy who prefer a big thread and keeps the number of threads down.
The sort of thread which maybe gets one answer (if we are lucky), but sits there for ever and day.
I think that's why dedicated threads are needed.
No disrespect at all the OP at all (
https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forum/showt...p?tid=2433), but how often is there going to be chat about the AB4? Does it need its own thread?
I can remember when there was all sorts of problems with people creating random threads or sometimes duplicates of something already similar. That was quickly stamped down on by mods.
I love the layout but can we please have a view unread posts at top of forum pretty please

(07 May 2020, 6:46 pm)idiot wrote [ -> ]I love the layout but can we please have a view unread posts at top of forum pretty please 
On desktop, this link can be found on the side panel. On mobile, this link can be found on the main menu - hit the hamburger icon to the left of the NEB logo and you'll find it there
(07 May 2020, 6:46 pm)idiot wrote [ -> ]I love the layout but can we please have a view unread posts at top of forum pretty please 
It's there on mine. On the left in the grey box.
(08 May 2020, 8:02 am)Liam wrote [ -> ]On desktop, this link can be found on the side panel. On mobile, this link can be found on the main menu - hit the hamburger icon to the left of the NEB logo and you'll find it there
That's the route I've been taking. Saves a scroll to the top of the page too.
However when taking a screenshot for idiot, I've noticed by avitar has gone. Not sure if it's a temporary glitch or something else.
What’s all these pointless threads that are opening up, having a fleet number and incident thread just started up, should this be put into the incidents thread, this is going to open up a can of worms, is a new thread going to be started every time when someone asks a question or make a statement?, is this the best way ahead for this forum[emoji2955]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(08 May 2020, 9:03 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]That's the route I've been taking. Saves a scroll to the top of the page too.
However when taking a screenshot for idiot, I've noticed by avitar has gone. Not sure if it's a temporary glitch or something else.
Looks like quite a lot of avitars have disappeared, then again, I can never remember who had one.
Mine's still there so that's all that matters

(08 May 2020, 11:01 am)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]Looks like quite a lot of avitars have disappeared, then again, I can never remember who had one.
Mine's still there so that's all that matters 
Mine was looking a bit dated. Opportunity to change it around a bit.
(08 May 2020, 11:48 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Mine was looking a bit dated. Opportunity to change it around a bit.
I never bothered setting one until the other day, thought I'd combine the Castles Express and X-Lines branding in Illustrator and it doesn't look that bad, wish they'd kept Castles Express as the name just flows much better, and IMO sounds so much better.
Funnily enough the new Nexus bus stop timetables still refer to the X21 as Castles Express so it's not completely dead yet!
I am happy for the operator segregation, especially between Go North East, Arriva and Stagecoach, to continue.
An advantage in shelving the monthly segregation is if we lose track of when we last looked at applicable threads. IIRC I came here on April 11th then May 2nd, but was not sure where I was up to in April's thread. The little >> will help me more easily pick up where I left off!
Having on the front page the name and date of most recent post, together with word New or Old, is also a good reference to which sections will have updates since our last visit.
Not sure if I'm being thick but....
.... I've got 6 notifications on my control panel, and I can't clear them.
First world problems, but it's highly annoying.
(11 May 2020, 8:21 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Not sure if I'm being thick but....
.... I've got 6 notifications on my control panel, and I can't clear them.
First world problems, but it's highly annoying.
Are you on desktop or mobile?
On desktop there should be a little option to 'delete all alerts'? Failing that, you can delete them individually after clicking 'View Alerts'.
(11 May 2020, 8:45 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Are you on desktop or mobile?
On desktop there should be a little option to 'delete all alerts'? Failing that, you can delete them individually after clicking 'View Alerts'.
Thanks Dan, I'm on desktop.
Clicking on 'Alerts' in the control panel doesn't do anything. That'll be the issue.
(11 May 2020, 10:03 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]Thanks Dan, I'm on desktop.
Clicking on 'Alerts' in the control panel doesn't do anything. That'll be the issue.
Can you try refreshing your browser cache for me please?

I've noted that despite the change of layout on the forum, and the capability to create threads etc, all discussion has merged back into two main threads
(14 May 2020, 8:07 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I've noted that despite the change of layout on the forum, and the capability to create threads etc, all discussion has merged back into two main threads
That probably has something to do with the fact that there's really sod all else to talk about at the minute. Pretty much everything is either to do with COVID or the upcoming service changes. It wouldn't make sense to create new threads for each little thing when they all fall under the same umbrella.
Once things start to pick up I'd imagine we'll see a lot more discussion around other things
(14 May 2020, 8:07 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I've noted that despite the change of layout on the forum, and the capability to create threads etc, all discussion has merged back into two main threads
Where we notice discussion splitting into two different conversations, we're taking the opportunity to split the thread. We've done that earlier with the Nexus contract awards for May and also the rumoured/confirmed commercial service changes that GNE are doing.