(26 Jan 2023, 8:44 pm)col87 wrote [ -> ]I not sure using examples in Tyneside helps something that’s for the Tees Valley.
What might work would be a mixture like this so using Hartlepool as an example.
Supported services to all Villages and North Tees Hospital Monday - Saturday daytime. Much better than trying to book Teesflex which you might not be able to get in time. Last service from North Tees at 8:10 PM allowing for shift change and visiting hours plus supported service on Sundays.
DRT model for Sundays/bank holiday ( villages plus areas of town without a commercial service such as Rift House , West Park, Burbank areas.
I think it would work like that.
Must admit I just mentioned up here as I don't know Teesside well enough village wise.
Yeah that wouldn't be the worst. It's an awkward one to fix as I don't think they'll ever work for rural areas as there's just not the demand. I still think it'll actually be better to work with a local taxi firm and do it for the 4 people who use them no doubt across all the villages tbh.
DRT if it's ever going to work is to be the last mile which is a massive problem in some areas.
(26 Jan 2023, 8:37 pm)RobinHood wrote [ -> ]Clearly TeesFlex isn't a viable solution though, otherwise it wouldn't be at risk of ending.
All it does is provide further evidence that A) DRT once again doesn't work; and B) these niche journeys that fall outside of the existing bus network will never be sustainable no matter how many suggest otherwise or petition for it.
I'm minded to agree, but only because I don't think DRT is a viable solution across such a vast area as the whole of the Tees Valley CA. It's been pushed in as a sticking-plaster approach, instead of working with operators to ensure some of the more common travel needs are met.
It's costing the authority a million a year to provide, and I'd be very surprised if Stagecoach weren't making at least 25% from that. It'd likely be a lot cheaper to work out some fully secured services, even running only a couple times a day, covering a lot of these smaller settlements.
I don't think a lot of these journeys are niche; they're people trying to access shops and services, which is essential. Living in a smaller settlement shouldn't mean you're cut off from the world, but its further evidence that the objectives of private enterprise are at odds with the objectives of good public services.
(26 Jan 2023, 9:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]That's like saying a commercial bus network doesn't work because they cut, cancel and rely on public money to fund it.
What I will say, is that it's clearly another example of a network which has flaws and despite those making the decisions, thinking they know best - they clearly don't.
Well yeah, it's so successful that it's been propped up and over-reliant on public money for years. You'll be telling me that branding doesn't work next.

(27 Jan 2023, 10:53 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]I'm minded to agree, but only because I don't think DRT is a viable solution across such a vast area as the whole of the Tees Valley CA. It's been pushed in as a sticking-plaster approach, instead of working with operators to ensure some of the more common travel needs are met.
It's costing the authority a million a year to provide, and I'd be very surprised if Stagecoach weren't making at least 25% from that. It'd likely be a lot cheaper to work out some fully secured services, even running only a couple times a day, covering a lot of these smaller settlements.
I don't think a lot of these journeys are niche; they're people trying to access shops and services, which is essential. Living in a smaller settlement shouldn't mean you're cut off from the world, but its further evidence that the objectives of private enterprise are at odds with the objectives of good public services.
Well yeah, it's so successful that it's been propped up and over-reliant on public money for years. You'll be telling me that branding doesn't work next.
I think we all know the answer to that one

PB0001987/309 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Darlington & Stockton Tees Flex to Darlington & Stockton Tees Flex
Service number: T
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
PB0001987/308 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Foggy Furze Stagecoach Depot to Foggy Furze Stagecoach Depot
Service number: H (Hou)
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
PB0001987/307 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Portrack Stagecoach Depot to Portrack Stagecoach Depot
Service number: R ® (Rou)
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
(30 Jan 2023, 3:04 pm)GuyParkRoyal wrote [ -> ]PB0001987/309 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Darlington & Stockton Tees Flex to Darlington & Stockton Tees Flex
Service number: T
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
PB0001987/308 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Foggy Furze Stagecoach Depot to Foggy Furze Stagecoach Depot
Service number: H (Hou)
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
PB0001987/307 Cancelled (Short notice)
Route: Portrack Stagecoach Depot to Portrack Stagecoach Depot
Service number: R ® (Rou)
Service type: Flexible Registration
Effective date: 25 Feb 2023
see update here.
I think we can say that will be the end of it then.
Honestly I think services like TeesFlex would be a great addition to services in major areas. I think Peterlee could massively benefit from them. Instead of waiting at Peterlee Bus Station for say 45 mins for an X10 book it so you're there for 10 mins before
(31 Jan 2023, 5:40 pm)col87 wrote [ -> ]Ben must have got his mates involved half them comments make no sense as am fairly sure it didn’t start till about 8 Am and finished at 8PM
They can't be very good mates if they can't even get his name right. Ben Houghen I've heard of, but not sure who this Ben Hougher is. Wonder if it is pronounced 'huffer' ?
Well Ben not wanting to lose one of his vanity projects has extended it by 18 months so plenty more chances to see them parked up out of use on Victoria Road or Stockton High Street. I bet the drivers love them as it seems an easy shift.
Someone might want to tell SNE that (assuming they are continuing as the operator):
Still says: Tees Flex was introduced in February 2020, on an initial 3-year trial, with funds provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority. The contract’s end date is 24 February 2023, and we have not been asked to continue beyond that date.
Seems a bizarre way to manage a service...leave communitis thinking they are about to be cut off, let the operator announce it ceasing then seemingly catch said operator unawares and extend by 18 months at the eleventh hour. And we think Nexus are bad!
(20 Feb 2023, 12:07 pm)col87 wrote [ -> ]Well Ben not wanting to lose one of his vanity projects has extended it by 18 months so plenty more chances to see them parked up out of use on Victoria Road or Stockton High Street. I bet the drivers love them as it seems an easy shift.
Extended just beyond when he's next back up for election in 2024 then!
I think you may be right. It'll be used politically by his opponents if it's seen to fail, so much like the airport, he'll continue to pour money into it.
(20 Feb 2023, 2:33 pm)stagecoachbusdepot wrote [ -> ]Someone might want to tell SNE that (assuming they are continuing as the operator): https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and.../tees-flex
Still says: Tees Flex was introduced in February 2020, on an initial 3-year trial, with funds provided by Tees Valley Combined Authority. The contract’s end date is 24 February 2023, and we have not been asked to continue beyond that date.
Seems a bizarre way to manage a service...leave communitis thinking they are about to be cut off, let the operator announce it ceasing then seemingly catch said operator unawares and extend by 18 months at the eleventh hour. And we think Nexus are bad!
Yes considering Stagecoach own the buses unless Ben has somehow managed to buy them and is going to drive them himself then it’s turned into a right farce.
(21 Feb 2023, 8:50 am)col87 wrote [ -> ]Yes considering Stagecoach own the buses unless Ben has somehow managed to buy them and is going to drive them himself then it’s turned into a right farce.
Stagecoach website has been updated today confirming the extension. A last minute stunt to save face no doubt. You don't just suddenly find out the service you are commissioning is expiring with no notice - Houchen's office should have had a plan (whether terminate, reprocure, extend) sorted well ahead of Friday instead of this ballsup.
(21 Feb 2023, 8:50 am)col87 wrote [ -> ]Yes considering Stagecoach own the buses unless Ben has somehow managed to buy them and is going to drive them himself then it’s turned into a right farce.
They don’t own them… but yes they’ve extended the contract by 18 months. Let’s hope they actually put something in place for when the contract runs out next time. The world could look very different in 18 months time though…
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't Stagecoach own the older Sprinters that were once part of the Late and Overloaded (Little and Often) experiment in Ashford?
Why dont they just open nore bus routes? Instead of dhitty expensive taxis cant believe ppl actually signed it should be signing for more bus routes
(03 Mar 2023, 12:59 am)Rapidsnap wrote [ -> ]Don't Stagecoach own the older Sprinters that were once part of the Late and Overloaded (Little and Often) experiment in Ashford?
The older ones they do yeah, the newer ones are leased
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Should of terminated they need tk be focusing on actually making bus routes and not taxis
But bus routes can't work everywhere.
You can't just say throw a bus route here every 2 hours it costs money, whereas Tees Flex offers the flexibility for people travelling at all times and don't have to wait 90 mins for another bus.
(05 Mar 2023, 9:18 am)Unber43 wrote [ -> ]But bus routes can't work everywhere.
You can't just say throw a bus route here every 2 hours it costs money, whereas Tees Flex offers the flexibility for people travelling at all times and don't have to wait 90 mins for another bus.
I still think they market DRT's wrong. They should advertised as a cheaper taxi rather than a bus. It's pretty much what they are and try to tap into the taxi market which is a shambles lately taking hours etc doing the pensioners who get the bus from Sainsburys to their house etc.
Right now they're in an awkward middle where taxi passengers won't use them as they're a bus and I don't like buses and bus users don't use them as I have to book one and that's not a bus.
(05 Mar 2023, 9:55 am)Storx wrote [ -> ]This.
I still think they market DRT's wrong. They should advertised as a cheaper taxi rather than a bus. It's pretty much what they are and try to tap into the taxi market which is a shambles lately taking hours etc doing the pensioners who get the bus from Sainsburys to their house etc.
Right now they're in an awkward middle where taxi passengers won't use them as they're a bus and I don't like buses and bus users don't use them as I have to book one and that's not a bus.
I was getting on a Teesflex fairly recently and overheard a group of 3 college age/part time job aged kids talking about it.
I won't quote them exactly, but they kept seeing the buses - but had no idea how it worked.
I'd argue that those three are probably part of the target audience and not enough is being done to promote the service beyond PR pieces in the local paper (not something these kids are likely to read) and the stand out blue livery.
(05 Mar 2023, 11:44 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]I was getting on a Teesflex fairly recently and overheard a group of 3 college age/part time job aged kids talking about it.
I won't quote them exactly, but they kept seeing the buses - but had no idea how it worked.
I'd argue that those three are probably part of the target audience and not enough is being done to promote the service beyond PR pieces in the local paper (not something these kids are likely to read) and the stand out blue livery.
maybe...just maybe branding can work
(05 Mar 2023, 9:18 am)Unber43 wrote [ -> ]But bus routes can't work everywhere.
You can't just say throw a bus route here every 2 hours it costs money, whereas Tees Flex offers the flexibility for people travelling at all times and don't have to wait 90 mins for another bus.
Excellent then I will be one for midnight if it all times then. Seriously it clearly is not working the way Teesflex works is you try book for a certain time and you might get lucky with one near by. A proper bus service you know the bus will be there and can plan round that.
(05 Mar 2023, 7:02 pm)col87 wrote [ -> ]Excellent then I will be one for midnight if it all times then. Seriously it clearly is not working the way Teesflex works is you try book for a certain time and you might get lucky with one near by. A proper bus service you know the bus will be there and can plan round that.
I agree, there are pro and cons to both.
Maybe there should be a service a mid-night especially Friday & Saturday.
(05 Mar 2023, 5:21 pm)Unber43 wrote [ -> ]maybe...just maybe branding can work
Doubt it.
If it did, they'd have done more than recognise it.
It would have drawn them to use the service