01 Dec 2020, 4:11 pm
Someone got their head jammed in the original Metro barriers but it didn’t mean the North East wasn’t ever allowed barriers again.
Time moves on, technology develops, safety features have advanced and operational procedures & training more stringent nowadays.
Exit doors have a sensitive edge now, they don’t allow the bus to move off until they’re closed, and there’s a screen in the cab for the driver to monitor before shutting them.
Sure, a few bus stops may need small changes to kerbside infrastructure or street furniture, or for the odd stop if changes can’t be made/funded then simply add a line to that stop’s NSA, e.g “Next stop, Corner House. Please exit via the front doors at this stop”.
I don’t personally think there should be such resistance to dual doors. They’re accepted and used safely worldwide and in recent years have been (re)introduced in Bristol, Brighton, Cambridge & Edinburgh.
Time moves on, technology develops, safety features have advanced and operational procedures & training more stringent nowadays.
Exit doors have a sensitive edge now, they don’t allow the bus to move off until they’re closed, and there’s a screen in the cab for the driver to monitor before shutting them.
Sure, a few bus stops may need small changes to kerbside infrastructure or street furniture, or for the odd stop if changes can’t be made/funded then simply add a line to that stop’s NSA, e.g “Next stop, Corner House. Please exit via the front doors at this stop”.
I don’t personally think there should be such resistance to dual doors. They’re accepted and used safely worldwide and in recent years have been (re)introduced in Bristol, Brighton, Cambridge & Edinburgh.