I was thinking of doing it like this spread out over 2 Days
8am Train - Newcastle to Edinburgh
2pm Bus - Edinburgh to Dunfermline
Stop in Dunfermline over Night
Bus from Dunfermline to Lathalmond and back to Dunfermline
Train from Dunfermline to Newcastle in the Evening
I did the same trip last year.
Got an early EC train up to Edinburgh, got a few photos, got on Stagecoach's 55 (off memory was a fiver for a Dunfermline return as a child), spent some time in Dunfermline photographing buses and then got on the free shuttle bus to the SVBM site. Spent a good few hours there (talked with friends I've made, and hid from the heavy downpour of rain at one point) and then got on the 55 back to Edinburgh. Still had more time for bus photography then too, but was a bit difficult because it was so busy and the light was just too strong.
Got the 1830 train back to Newcastle, as usual.
(18 Jan 2014, 9:32 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I did the same trip last year.
Got an early EC train up to Edinburgh, got a few photos, got on Stagecoach's 55 (off memory was a fiver for a Dunfermline return as a child), spent some time in Dunfermline photographing buses and then got on the free shuttle bus to the SVBM site. Spent a good few hours there (talked with friends I've made, and hid from the heavy downpour of rain at one point) and then got on the 55 back to Edinburgh. Still had more time for bus photography then too, but was a bit difficult because it was so busy and the light was just too strong.
Got the 1830 train back to Newcastle, as usual.
Sounds like a plan to me, as for the Bus from Edinburgh i'll go for the cheapest option which will be that 55 more than likely, How long did you spend at Lathalmond Daniel, as usually I normally spend around 2 Hours when I go to Bus Rallies, Although at Durham last year I was there an Hour and Decided it wasn't that good and went back home after taking a few photos.
(18 Jan 2014, 10:09 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Sounds like a plan to me, as for the Bus from Edinburgh i'll go for the cheapest option which will be that 55 more than likely, How long did you spend at Lathalmond Daniel, as usually I normally spend around 2 Hours when I go to Bus Rallies, Although at Durham last year I was there an Hour and Decided it wasn't that good and went back home after taking a few photos.
Looking at the EXIF info on my photos from that day, I arrived at the museum at 11:30am, and left at 15:35pm.
Of course as I knew a few enthusiasts from up that way I was indoors chatting with them, and if you have seen
the photos, you'll have noticed the varying weather conditions. I did a full round of the site twice to get photos in the sun as well as in the very heavy rain.
SVBM is huge compared to the stuff we have in the North East. They have shuttles for just going around the museum, nevermind going to Dunfermline and back!
(18 Jan 2014, 10:43 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Looking at the EXIF info on my photos from that day, I arrived at the museum at 11:30am, and left at 15:35pm.
Of course as I knew a few enthusiasts from up that way I was indoors chatting with them, and if you have seen the photos, you'll have noticed the varying weather conditions. I did a full round of the site twice to get photos in the sun as well as in the very heavy rain.
SVBM is huge compared to the stuff we have in the North East. They have shuttles for just going around the museum, nevermind going to Dunfermline and back!
I'm definitely up for going in August (16th to be precise) and I think i'll get the Train from Newcastle to Edinburgh at around 8am, getting to Edinburgh for 9.30am, and then head straight over to Edinburgh Bus Station to get the Stagecoach 55, Hopefully get to Dunfermline just before 11am, and leave at about 1.30pm/2pm, Back into Edinburgh for 2.30pm/3pm, take a load of Lothian Photos for an Hour or so on Princess Street before getting the Train back home at about 5pm. But i'll sort Train Tickets etc May/June time.
I've been to Lathalmond several times.
First time I went was the Summer Rally in 2009 where I went up on Northumbria Delta 251.
Then since the Summer Rally 2011, I've went to every major event at Lathalmond. The Spring running day in May is one that I particularly enjoy. Usually when I go up in May, I stay up in the area. The summer rally, I usually do there and back in a day with a few friends from the area.
(18 Jan 2014, 11:43 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I'm definitely up for going in August (16th to be precise) and I think i'll get the Train from Newcastle to Edinburgh at around 8am, getting to Edinburgh for 9.30am, and then head straight over to Edinburgh Bus Station to get the Stagecoach 55, Hopefully get to Dunfermline just before 11am, and leave at about 1.30pm/2pm, Back into Edinburgh for 2.30pm/3pm, take a load of Lothian Photos for an Hour or so on Princess Street before getting the Train back home at about 5pm. But i'll sort Train Tickets etc May/June time.
Just had a thought, you could use buses all the way there - either the early M20 from Newcastle or Arriva to Carlisle (and coach to Dinfermline voa Glasgow) or Arriva to Berwick and First to Edinburgh etc
Hadn't even thought of going up to Dunfermline before, but I think I'll give it a try this year. In addition to the local events of course.

(19 Jan 2014, 11:05 am)andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Just had a thought, you could use buses all the way there - either the early M20 from Newcastle or Arriva to Carlisle (and coach to Dinfermline voa Glasgow) or Arriva to Berwick and First to Edinburgh etc
Let's not forget Lothian put on a service last year from Edinburgh to the SVBM site! If you can get yourself to Edinburgh by train/bus, you've got the Lothian service to the SVBM site there providing they do it again this year.
Believe you had to book the tickets in person last year though.
(19 Jan 2014, 11:05 am)andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Just had a thought, you could use buses all the way there - either the early M20 from Newcastle or Arriva to Carlisle (and coach to Dinfermline voa Glasgow) or Arriva to Berwick and First to Edinburgh etc
I'd rather not sit like 6 Hours on a Coach, As I suffer from Travel Sickness if I on a Coach for a couple of hours, Whereas if I get the train i'm not that bothered and it only takes an Hour and a Half up to Edinburgh which I have done a few times with Family in the Past, Much prefer the Faster Option to be Honest. As for Lothian Service to Lathalmond, where abouts in Edinburgh did it Operate from Daniel.
(19 Jan 2014, 4:31 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I'd rather not sit like 6 Hours on a Coach, As I suffer from Travel Sickness if I on a Coach for a couple of hours, Whereas if I get the train i'm not that bothered and it only takes an Hour and a Half up to Edinburgh which I have done a few times with Family in the Past, Much prefer the Faster Option to be Honest. As for Lothian Service to Lathalmond, where abouts in Edinburgh did it Operate from Daniel.
I forget the name... St. Andrew's Square? About a 2 minute walk from the bus station? Krispy Kreme gave out free doughtnuts there one time

If there's a few looking to go this year, may be worth doing a NEB day trip.

(19 Jan 2014, 4:44 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]If there's a few looking to go this year, may be worth doing a NEB day trip. 
What do you mean, a NEB day trip?
I know where that is Daniel and that Aureolin sounds like a plan to me #NEBGoes2SVBM
(19 Jan 2014, 4:51 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]What do you mean, a NEB day trip?
Like if there's a good handful interested in going, it may be worth getting together and arranging a trip up and back. Just means it'll open it up to more people who fancy it, but don't fancy the idea of finding their way and back alone. Just a thought like.

(19 Jan 2014, 4:55 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Like if there's a good handful interested in going, it may be worth getting together and arranging a trip up and back. Just means it'll open it up to more people who fancy it, but don't fancy the idea of finding their way and back alone. Just a thought like. 
Oh right, yeah it's a good idea.
(19 Jan 2014, 4:55 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Like if there's a good handful interested in going, it may be worth getting together and arranging a trip up and back. Just means it'll open it up to more people who fancy it, but don't fancy the idea of finding their way and back alone. Just a thought like. 
Would be nice! Can hire coaches for the day pretty cheaply now, and anyone with contacts inside a coach company may give NEB a little discount. Depending on numbers, I'm sure we could get there and back for about 20 quid each.
Think it was about 12 quid for the NEBPT trip to Lincoln and the coach was just over half full. Assuming we get similar numbers, the mileage is pretty similar... So we'd be looking at a price like that.
(19 Jan 2014, 5:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Would be nice! Can hire coaches for the day pretty cheaply now, and anyone with contacts inside a coach company may give NEB a little discount. Depending on numbers, I'm sure we could get there and back for about 20 quid each.
Think it was about 12 quid for the NEBPT trip to Lincoln and the coach was just over half full. Assuming we get similar numbers, the mileage is pretty similar... So we'd be looking at a price like that.
I planning on going up to Kingsley's this week as I haven't been up in while, They do Coach Hires, I could query how much it would cost for say 15 People, I think they'd be the cheapest option also if were to go as a Group.
(19 Jan 2014, 5:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Would be nice! Can hire coaches for the day pretty cheaply now, and anyone with contacts inside a coach company may give NEB a little discount. Depending on numbers, I'm sure we could get there and back for about 20 quid each.
Think it was about 12 quid for the NEBPT trip to Lincoln and the coach was just over half full. Assuming we get similar numbers, the mileage is pretty similar... So we'd be looking at a price like that.
Coach would work if there's a fair few, but even if we done train and the Stagecoach bus you suggested from Edinburgh, that would work too. Train may be a better option actually as it gives people a bit more time for photos outside of the event itself.

(19 Jan 2014, 5:45 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I planning on going up to Kingsley's this week as I haven't been up in while, They do Coach Hires, I could query how much it would cost for say 15 People, I think they'd be the cheapest option also if were to go as a Group.
Would be much appreciated, Adam! If it sounds like quite a few people would like to get involved in this trip (obviously a long way away yet), it may be nice if NEB could organise monthly day trips.
(19 Jan 2014, 5:47 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Coach would work if there's a fair few, but even if we done train and the Stagecoach bus you suggested from Edinburgh, that would work too. Train may be a better option actually as it gives people a bit more time for photos outside of the event itself. 
I just thought of the coach hire because there's only a half hour or so difference in the timings if you go direct by coach rather than train and connections. Stands a chance of being cheaper too!
(19 Jan 2014, 5:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Would be nice! Can hire coaches for the day pretty cheaply now, and anyone with contacts inside a coach company may give NEB a little discount. Depending on numbers, I'm sure we could get there and back for about 20 quid each.
Think it was about 12 quid for the NEBPT trip to Lincoln and the coach was just over half full. Assuming we get similar numbers, the mileage is pretty similar... So we'd be looking at a price like that.
I probably wouldn't be able to go, though. If I do make my own tour company like I'd love, I'm sure I'd give you trips heavily reduced.
(19 Jan 2014, 6:00 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]I probably wouldn't be able to go, though. If I do make my own tour company like I'd love, I'm sure I'd give you trips heavily reduced.
If it's an issue of not having your parents there, they'd be more than welcome to come as well. Obviously wouldn't be limited to NEB members!
A friend of my mum's used to hire coaches and we used to go down to Blackpool and the like for a fiver each when the coach was full. Everyone went off and did their own thing. I'm proposing we could do something similar for NEB (and anyone else who wants to come), and have monthly trips to the likes of Glasgow, Edinburgh, etc.
I think the NEBPT used to do something similar but it looks like they're in a spot of bother at the moment, so I don't know if they'll carry on to do this or not.
(19 Jan 2014, 6:07 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]If it's an issue of not having your parents there, they'd be more than welcome to come as well. Obviously wouldn't be limited to NEB members! 
A friend of my mum's used to hire coaches and we used to go down to Blackpool and the like for a fiver each when the coach was full. Everyone went off and did their own thing. I'm proposing we could do something similar for NEB (and anyone else who wants to come), and have monthly trips to the likes of Glasgow, Edinburgh, etc.
I think the NEBPT used to do something similar but it looks like they're in a spot of bother at the moment, so I don't know if they'll carry on to do this or not.
Just not sure if I'd be aloud up to Scotland on my own, but defiantly next year or the year after.
I love that suggestion though, possibly have a suitable sized coach depending on how many people want to go on the trip, because some trips might be more popular than others, and make monthly visits to places like Edinburgh, The Lake District etc. Even more local trips like Alnwick or somewhere. If people don't want to return on the coach or vice-versa, then I suppose a reduced single fare could be used?
(19 Jan 2014, 6:14 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Just not sure if I'd be aloud up to Scotland on my own, but defiantly next year or the year after. 
I love that suggestion though, possibly have a suitable sized coach depending on how many people want to go on the trip, because some trips might be more popular than others, and make monthly visits to places like Edinburgh, The Lake District etc. Even more local trips like Alnwick or somewhere. If people don't want to return on the coach or vice-versa, then I suppose a reduced single fare could be used?
Like I say, your parents would be welcome too. They could do their own thing in Dunfermline (or indeed Edinburgh) while you go to the museum.
I have e-mailed Keith's Coaches for a quote on how much it would cost to hire a midi-sized coach (33 seater) for the trip from Newcastle to Dunfermline, with other stopping points to be confirmed.
I will e-mail a few others too, just to get a rough idea.
The idea would certainly be to have monthly trips around the UK though. This sounds like a brilliant idea, so I really hope it works. If I have some figures for the SVBM trip, it may encourage interest.
(19 Jan 2014, 6:21 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Like I say, your parents would be welcome too. They could do their own thing in Dunfermline (or indeed Edinburgh) while you go to the museum.
I have e-mailed Keith's Coaches for a quote on how much it would cost to hire a midi-sized coach (33 seater) for the trip from Newcastle to Dunfermline, with other stopping points to be confirmed.
I will e-mail a few others too, just to get a rough idea.
The idea would certainly be to have monthly trips around the UK though. This sounds like a brilliant idea, so I really hope it works. If I have some figures for the SVBM trip, it may encourage interest.
Yeah, they probably wouldn't be interested though. The liklehood of it is that I visit Dumfermline with my Dad, and he does his own thing while I visit the main museum. Do you have any idea when is it?
(19 Jan 2014, 6:14 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ] not sure if I'd be aloud up to Scotland on my own, but defiantly next year or the year after. 
I love that suggestion though, possibly have a suitable sized coach depending on how many people want to go on the trip, because some trips might be more popular than others, and make monthly visits to places like Edinburgh, The Lake District etc. Even more local trips like Alnwick or somewhere. If people don't want to return on the coach or vice-versa, then I suppose a reduced single fare could be used?
Just tell them you're off to the Metrocentre man.
Theyll never know

(19 Jan 2014, 6:23 pm)andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Just tell them you're off to the Metrocentre man.
Theyll never know 
I've done that before and they found out by a ticket in my pocket (well, I said I was going to Sunderland when they found a ticket for Middlesbrough to Whitby in my pocket) lol

(19 Jan 2014, 6:23 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Yeah, they probably wouldn't be interested though. The liklehood of it is that I visit Dumfermline with my Dad, and he does his own thing while I visit the main museum. Do you have any idea when is it?
Would be around Saturday 16th August 2014. Ages away yet.

(19 Jan 2014, 6:23 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Yeah, they probably wouldn't be interested though. The liklehood of it is that I visit Dumfermline with my Dad, and he does his own thing while I visit the main museum. Do you have any idea when is it?
Saturday 16th August Tom
(19 Jan 2014, 6:28 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Would be around Saturday 16th August 2014. Ages away yet. 

- I go on holiday for the 20th of July or something like that and return on the 4th of August or whatever to Spain, so I'll be back just in time