Got some photos from a bus event or rally? Display them here! Discussion and queries also permitted on this thread.
All my photos are in the above link for the MetroCentre Bus Rally 2013.
Overall I really enjoyed myself, today was the first time I've ever been to the MetroCentre Bus Rally as far as I can remember, I may of went as a child years and years ago but I really can't remember.
I was rather impressed with the amount of buses there was there compared to what is at Seaburn Bus Rally, I also thought GNE may have brought some more buses such as:
Festival of the North East Gemini
Wear Tees Xpress Renown
OK Expressway
KeyMobileApp ELC Loyne
Just to list a few. Maybe next year once the New Depot is open GNE will send even more buses as the depot will only be 30 seconds away from MetroCentre Coach Park.
I was found it quite odd that GNE sent two of their demonstration buses to the rally. I also was quite shocked Arriva showed up, but I was also disappointed that they didn't bring their United/Arriva ALX400's with them either.
I was also disappointed that Stagecoach didn't show up with a few buses, although I recall they didn't show up at Seaburn last year, yet there Sunderland Depot is only a few minutes away. Basically same scenario with there Slatyford/Byker/Walker Depots in Newcastle to/from the MetroCentre.
Other Operators I expected to see were Weardale who also no showed for whatever reason.
But anyways as I said I really enjoyed myself today and I hope other did also and I look forward to looking at your photos also. Finally I have to say My Overall Favourite/Favourites, I have 2 on this occasion are:
Sunderland Busways Dennis Dart and the Northern MCW MetroBus.
I was at the rally today, all be it for only an hour or so. I had a very busy day so I couldn't exactly stay too long.
Anyway, it was a rather interesting line-up. I too was very surprised to see the absence of 3964, which is a shame but never mind.
I remember passing the Sunderland Busways Alexander Dash broken down on the A1114 on the way there and back, just off the junction where the Revolution car modifying centre thing is.
I didn't realise A-Line had two Plaxton Centros though. I thought it was only one!
I'm pleased I did manage to squeeze the rally into my hectic day though

It was only my 2nd Metrocentre rally today but I really enjoyed it today.
I'm glad we could get something organised at Arriva to bring some vehicles, thankfully we seemed to generate a bit of interest with our mini display. Thanks should go to management who allowed us to bring 4 vehicles today, first time I believe?
It was great to see the amount of vehicles there today, nice to see more independents bringing vehicles... the Perryman's Holy Island Solo was a highlight for me, they've done a great job with that!
I particularly enjoyed the little line ups of the Geminis and then the eco-green vehicles and thanks to the Go North East drivers/management who wanted us involved too

Hopefully next years will be even better!
(05 May 2013, 9:17 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]It was only my 2nd Metrocentre rally today but I really enjoyed it today.
I'm glad we could get something organised at Arriva to bring some vehicles, thankfully we seemed to generate a bit of interest with our mini display. Thanks should go to management who allowed us to bring 4 vehicles today, first time I believe?
It was great to see the amount of vehicles there today, nice to see more independents bringing vehicles... the Perryman's Holy Island Solo was a highlight for me, they've done a great job with that!
I particularly enjoyed the little line ups of the Geminis and then the eco-green vehicles and thanks to the Go North East drivers/management who wanted us involved too 
Hopefully next years will be even better!
Arriva have been at previous rallies albeit not for the last five years. The picture in the link provided is taken from a set detailing the 2008 rally:
Northumbria used to be regular participants in these rallies too. They even used to provide a bouncy castle for the kids to play. Now those were the days!
I *think* 3964 was on Festival duties. There are press events all weekend for it
I got there at 10.30am and left just before 2pm, I'm quite guttered that I missed out on getting photos of all the Hybrids and Geminis together lined. Quite a nice thing to do between Arriva and GNE, Stagecoach will be gutted they didn't have the E400H's there.
I also thought GNE may have took an opportunity to unveil a 100 years of Northern Livery on the one of there buses, but I guess that may happen later in the year. Although the 100th Anniversary is on Tuesday. Doesn't seem to me there doing much to Celebrate atm.
It would been nice to Perrymans bring down a few more buses, I thought they may brought down one of their Solo SR's or an MCW Evolution/Mercedes down with them, and yeah the Holy Island Livery looked really nice also I forgot to mention that in my previous post.
Also speaking of the Independent scene it would've been nice to see TGM Classic and Stanley Travel there also.
(05 May 2013, 10:41 pm)gtomlinson wrote [ -> ]I *think* 3964 was on Festival duties. There are press events all weekend for it
When I went past the depot 10:20am this morning on the 27 it was sitting in the Depot.
Did anyone else get an email from the forum stating this message had been added to the thread - followed by an extract of the original text?
Apparently Im subscribed to it, except if it is a new thread which Id never seen, I am not sure how I can be subscribed to it...
Not sure if it is a glitch which needs looking at
(05 May 2013, 10:58 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I got there at 10.30am and left just before 2pm, I'm quite guttered that I missed out on getting photos of all the Hybrids and Geminis together lined. Quite a nice thing to do between Arriva and GNE, Stagecoach will be gutted they didn't have the E400H's there.
I also thought GNE may have took an opportunity to unveil a 100 years of Northern Livery on the one of there buses, but I guess that may happen later in the year. Although the 100th Anniversary is on Tuesday. Doesn't seem to me there doing much to Celebrate atm.
It would been nice to Perrymans bring down a few more buses, I thought they may brought down one of their Solo SR's or an MCW Evolution/Mercedes down with them, and yeah the Holy Island Livery looked really nice also I forgot to mention that in my previous post.
Also speaking of the Independent scene it would've been nice to see TGM Classic and Stanley Travel there also.
(05 May 2013, 10:41 pm)gtomlinson wrote [ -> ]I *think* 3964 was on Festival duties. There are press events all weekend for it
When I went past the depot 10:20am this morning on the 27 it was sitting in the Depot.
i passed at 1:10pm yesterday and 3964 was sat there
Just trying to track down the entry list for the Tees Tyne Rally and came across the list of events on the NEBPT website.
Interesting event in September that I'd never heard of Can anyone give any additional info as to what its about?
Did anyone get down to Shields?
Was it just me, or was there less of a turn out than previous years? I heard some of the competitors talking and they said as much.
The Northern MCW Metrobus was turned out impressive again.
Didn't bother with Shields. It's a bit of a pain for me to get there on a Sunday. Anything interesting there?
Nothing unusual or different to normal (saying that I havent been for a couple of years).
There seemed to be one or two TWPTE/Busways Atlanteans missing, the Arriva Optare wasnt there either.
The Northern RM was there, with what looked like a massive dint on the roof just above the rear window.
The competitors I heard talking didnt seem too impressed either.
Unless some vehicles had left early, there seemed to be big gaps in the display area too.
Overall for the Hour and Half I was there today, it was a good turn out for people who went, my only problem was in some areas it quite difficult to take photos of certain buses due to where other were parked.
I enjoyed it though which is the main thing, I went up to the rally on a Sunerland Corporation Bus, No Idea on the Make though, but it was a nice ride despite what little leg room I had. I then went back into Durham on the Northern MCW Metrobus which brought back some childhood memories of the old X4 Newcastle - Washington - Sunderland and the old X5 Newcastle - Hartlepool in which the MetroBus was used on.
Here is a Link to the photos I took today.
Small announcement regarding Seaburn, attending will be Stagecoach on Teesside's Volvo B10B trainer 21037 (L37 HHN), the last B10B with Stagecoach and the last pre-Stagecoach vehicle at Stockton depot. 21037 is one of the 12 Volvo B10Bs ordered by Cleveland Transit just prior to the Stagecoach takeover and the last of the 7 L-reg examples. Now 19 years old, it's entering what is likely to be its last year with Stagecoach but her future after Stagecoach is more-or-less secure.
While at Seaburn, she will be a mobile advertisement for next year's Stockton Depot open day, to be held on the 6th April. The event will be more tailored towards a community day I understand but still expect a few historic vehicles on display along with Teesside vehicles.
Seaburn Rally is coming up on Bank Holiday Monday!
As such, I decided it would be nice to merge all of the bus rally threads into one and clean up the off topic section a little

The Seaburn Historic Vehicle Display was the first rally that I attended last year, so I was looking forward to attending again this year.
I was rather disappointed that Go North East were not in attendance at this year's rally, but I guess there was a perfectly good reason for this!
Now, now... I can't have everyone joining in and laughing at my expense when I drop a footlong BMT and the sauce goes everywhere.

Cookies were nice though!
I was quite disappointed GNE didn't show up, from what I heard they didn't even get invited to come along and join in the festivities, I was surprised Stagecoach showed up with E200 39731, but nevertheless I enjoyed it, but not as much as last year though.
Link to the Photos I took today
I was planning on going to Seaburn this year but changed my mind and opted to get on with Uni work instead. I usually attend the Metrocentre Rally, mainly because it's the most convenient and I know roughly when it will take place. However I would like to attend another one at some point, just to compare and socialise if nothing else.
(26 Aug 2013, 4:59 pm)Liam wrote [ -> ]Dropping it is an understatement! You basically launched it off the floor, met by an explosion of the sandwich contents. Luckily it was made by a total guru 
It wouldn't have been as good of a day if it wasn't for my amazing banter and casual insults about myself. All about the banter bus!
Waste of a good sandwich that
I was going to pop along, but given that I ended up going out about midnight last night and rolling in at 4am this morning, I was in no fit state to do anything. I'm glad I didn't though given some of the reviews. I am quite surprised at the GNE no show. Did Arriva take anything along?
Would be good to arrange some sort of site meet for the next rally. It'd be good to have a bit crack on and that, rather than just being there for an hour or so and then clearing off. Anything that has potential to end up in a beer garden works for me!

(26 Aug 2013, 6:13 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ] (26 Aug 2013, 4:59 pm)Liam wrote [ -> ]Dropping it is an understatement! You basically launched it off the floor, met by an explosion of the sandwich contents. Luckily it was made by a total guru 
It wouldn't have been as good of a day if it wasn't for my amazing banter and casual insults about myself. All about the banter bus!
Waste of a good sandwich that 
I was going to pop along, but given that I ended up going out about midnight last night and rolling in at 4am this morning, I was in no fit state to do anything. I'm glad I didn't though given some of the reviews. I am quite surprised at the GNE no show. Did Arriva take anything along?
Would be good to arrange some sort of site meet for the next rally. It'd be good to have a bit crack on and that, rather than just being there for an hour or so and then clearing off. Anything that has potential to end up in a beer garden works for me! 
Only Stagecoach attended, the Arriva guys who brought vehicles to the Metrocentre (as well as those who have brought vehicles in the past) were all working. GNE didn't no-show, it's rumoured they weren't invited (and neither were the 500 Group, but we entered vehicles anyway).
Undoubtly, 21037 did attract the attention of many visitors during the day (I spent almost the whole day looking after the vehicle along with a friend) and hopefully she will be doing the same again next year (but possibly looking slightly different).
The sauce managed to explode somehow and one half of the footlong was covered. This was before Liam even got it out of his bag!
He recommends I eat the other half first, so I try to turn it round without actually touching it and it ends up falling to the ground somehow. Luckily everything was still well wrapped and in the bag and all. Perfectly good sandwich, despite one side being er... covered in sauce. Other side was immaculate!
(26 Aug 2013, 7:18 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Only Stagecoach attended, the Arriva guys who brought vehicles to the Metrocentre (as well as those who have brought vehicles in the past) were all working. GNE didn't no-show, it's rumoured they weren't invited (and neither were the 500 Group, but we entered vehicles anyway).
Undoubtly, 21037 did attract the attention of many visitors during the day (I spent almost the whole day looking after the vehicle along with a friend) and hopefully she will be doing the same again next year (but possibly looking slightly different).
For someone that doesn't know about the ins or outs, or infact politics of rallys, it's surprising to me if it's true that GNE weren't invited. From what I've seen previously, they've always been forthcoming in supporting these events, and brought a good selection along with them.