Over the last two days, I have been unable to access the site at home using my BT boardband. It's only now, out and about using the 3G on my phone that I can access it. Could the admins please look into the problem?
Sorry you've been experiencing difficulties accessing the site Kuyoyo. What happens when you can't access the site? I myself on occasions encounter a *could not connect to northeastbuses* screen. I'm at work on my phone at the moment so theres not really much I can do now at my end until later tonight. We will try and get back to you later today with what could be the problem. Once again, apologies for this. Thanks.
All I get is 'Internet Explorer cannot display this web page' on the laptop and 'server timed out' on my phone
The problem is too many users being on the server at any one time, i've have this problem all the time, I think it's mainly down to the amount of "Guest Users" who enter the site not the ones who are actually signed up to the Forum, the only other time I have a problem is when the site is having maintenance work done to make the site better. Otherwise I have zero problems.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the site at our end and you're certainly not banned
On occasions I'll see this screen where the request has timed-out. I can normally get back in within a few hours later or the next day. When this happens to me, it doesn't seem to affect anyone else.
Unfortunately at this time all I can possibly suggest is that you try emptying your cache and/or using a different browser, but it may just be something that will work again on its own accord.
Please get back in touch if you continue experiencing problems, and once again apologies for the inconvenience.
The problem was solved for all of 15 minutes last night. As for both suggestion, I have already tried both and nothing happened.
Problem now seems to be solved.
I personally find the Cloudflare caching service causes a few problems when the site fails over on to it (which is a lot more than you'd expect). This is when I'm at work, so I'm assuming it's down to the way our own aggressive caching service is configured internally.
One other thing I've noticed is that the DNS config for the site could do with a once-over. There are a few minor issues there that could do with correcting.
I've been getting this the past 3 day when I've been trying to access the site.
(17 May 2013, 8:06 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I've been getting this the past 3 day when I've been trying to access the site.
Been getting that for most of the last two hours. I tend to check
here at the same time, which also reports the site as being 'down'.
I must apologise on behalf of the administration team. We realise that we have been having an excessive amount of downtime lately.
This excessive downtime should be fixed in a few days, as our website is moving to a new server. Until then, downtime may be more frequent than it has been in the past.
If the result of the new server is not positive, alternative arrangements to pay for hosting and the likes may come sooner than we had first aspired.
Once again, we do apologise for matters out of our control.
(20 May 2013, 1:53 pm)Daniel wrote [ -> ]If the result of the new server is not positive, alternative arrangements to pay for hosting and the likes may come sooner than we had first aspired.
If you guys get really stuck, feel free to give me a shout. I may be able to sort something out for you in terms of hosting.
(20 May 2013, 5:59 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ] (20 May 2013, 1:53 pm)Daniel wrote [ -> ]If the result of the new server is not positive, alternative arrangements to pay for hosting and the likes may come sooner than we had first aspired.
If you guys get really stuck, feel free to give me a shout. I may be able to sort something out for you in terms of hosting.
Thanks for the offer. If we need you, Liam will be in touch via PM

I do think we'll be alright though. We're testing out something this evening. A few updates we had planned for this week are being held back until we've got a definite solution in mind.
North East Buses is unfortunately going to experience some downtime overnight. This is planned to hopefully evade further downtime in the future.
Regular updates will be given on our Facebook page
We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that this is just a rocky stage we'll overcome!
Im having problems logging to the site though my phone, its just started to happen.. everytime i go to log in it just goes back to the screen and hasn't logged in.
Tried clearing your cache?
(09 Jun 2013, 5:06 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Tried clearing your cache?
yeh =(
Which phone do you have and are you using an internal or external browser - the latter being a browser you would have had to download rather than it being there automatically (internal)?
I got a galaxy S2, just normal internet... only start having problems today.. i cna just check on comp for new posts etc.
Same here, it just seem's to be today for me though
(19 Jan 2014, 11:12 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Anyone else having problems with the site running really slow over the past two days? I'm finding it's taking an age to load, and half the time I'm ending up with "500 Internal Server Error" pages.
Yes, particularly last night and since logged on this morning.
Had a few other codes too.

Blame Michael for the missing posts! He deleted his thread entitled 'Slow Website' after I moved the posts over to his thread.
Has been horrific all morning, but fine for me now.
The reasoning behind this is due to our host moving servers. Matters out of our hands, I'm afraid. See statement by Bihira below:
We will be migrating Mahal’s accounts to the new server this week. We recommend not making any major changes to your website during this period. We do not expect any downtime during the migration but it is possible and if it does occur we will try to keep it to a minimum. Lastly, if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.
(19 Jan 2014, 11:18 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]
Blame Michael for the missing posts! He deleted his thread entitled 'Slow Website' after I moved the posts over to his thread.
Has been horrific all morning, but fine for me now.
Oh god, i only deleted my additional post cause it posted twice, it seems to of deleted both of them!
it seem's to be alright for me now though

just had a 404 error for about 10 mins
(20 Jan 2014, 7:10 am)Y961 XBU wrote [ -> ]just had a 404 error for about 10 mins
Bihira's fault again. Surprised it was back up so soon actually.
Sorry all!
the site has been down for the past half hour at least, its only just come back on
(29 Mar 2014, 8:41 am)Y961 XBU wrote [ -> ]the site has been down for the past half hour at least, its only just come back on
Can't explain what the problem was, but it certainly was the first problem I've had in a long while.
Sorry for the inconvenience - hopefully back up for good now!
(29 Mar 2014, 8:46 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Can't explain what the problem was, but it certainly was the first problem I've had in a long while.
Sorry for the inconvenience - hopefully back up for good now!
Unfortunately had the same issue this morning. The issue is downtime from our our servers.
In future, you can check our server status by clicking
here - we're "mahal".
Time needs to be put forward

(30 Mar 2014, 7:55 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Time needs to be put forward 