22 May 2013, 7:54 pm
As many of you will know, our site has recently undergone a downtime of 48 hours. Preceding this downtime, a significant proportion of our members experienced problems with the North East Buses website (as established in this thread).
Previously, our website used a free web host provider. It came to the point where, after seven months or so, we had actually accumulated so many files on our server, that things were no longer working as they should have been. Downtime was also a lot more frequent than it should have been. As such, the administration team decided that the time had come for us to upgrade to a premium hosting plan with a different hosting provider.
The transfer of our domain from one hosting provider to another unfortunately took 48 hours, and in this time, the site had to be offline both to normal members and administrators also.
A great deal of inconvenience was inevitably caused, but we're now back.
To compensate for the great deal of recent downtime (including the downtime which was planned), we would like to inform all of our members that we still have a lot of plans which we hope to roll out to you all in the coming weeks. A project which many of you will be interested in, is the conversion of the "Bygone Era". To save storage space and to make things easier to access, we are still converting all of our files into the new .pdf format rather than individual image files in multiple parts. Though we needn't "scrimp" on storage space anymore, we still firmly believe that the presentation of the "Bygone Era" is a top priority. In addition to the revamp of the Bygone Era, we are now also able to upload the remaining files we have received from our members. On last count, I was told that there were 6000 or so to be watermarked, converted, uploaded and captioned on here. A great deal of effort will go into the project, as I'm sure you will understand. The result will be brilliant and I ensure you it will be worth the wait.
We still have a lot more plans for future, but the main focus for the moment is to get back on track, and to ensure that very little downtime is caused in the future with our new hosting provider. Details will follow of future updates, but for now, they're secret
I'd like to thank all of our members for the patience that they had during the offline time, and it is my pleasure to welcome you all back. I apologise once more for the inconvenience caused, but I can guarantee it was worth the wait (as you'll find out over the coming weeks)!
A few "bugs" may still exist on the site following the transfer, and the appearance of a few things may change every now and again while we try to replicate some of the styling we lost during the transfer. Unfortunately, all avatars that were previously uploaded to our server were lost during the transfer, and as such, members who previously had an avatar are required to re-upload their avatars if they would wish to do so. If you spot any further mistakes, bugs or odd-balls, feel free to PM one of the administration team or reply to this thread below, and they would be delighted to amend the error.
Many thanks once more, and welcome back to North East Buses.
Dan, on behalf of site management.
Previously, our website used a free web host provider. It came to the point where, after seven months or so, we had actually accumulated so many files on our server, that things were no longer working as they should have been. Downtime was also a lot more frequent than it should have been. As such, the administration team decided that the time had come for us to upgrade to a premium hosting plan with a different hosting provider.
The transfer of our domain from one hosting provider to another unfortunately took 48 hours, and in this time, the site had to be offline both to normal members and administrators also.
A great deal of inconvenience was inevitably caused, but we're now back.
To compensate for the great deal of recent downtime (including the downtime which was planned), we would like to inform all of our members that we still have a lot of plans which we hope to roll out to you all in the coming weeks. A project which many of you will be interested in, is the conversion of the "Bygone Era". To save storage space and to make things easier to access, we are still converting all of our files into the new .pdf format rather than individual image files in multiple parts. Though we needn't "scrimp" on storage space anymore, we still firmly believe that the presentation of the "Bygone Era" is a top priority. In addition to the revamp of the Bygone Era, we are now also able to upload the remaining files we have received from our members. On last count, I was told that there were 6000 or so to be watermarked, converted, uploaded and captioned on here. A great deal of effort will go into the project, as I'm sure you will understand. The result will be brilliant and I ensure you it will be worth the wait.
We still have a lot more plans for future, but the main focus for the moment is to get back on track, and to ensure that very little downtime is caused in the future with our new hosting provider. Details will follow of future updates, but for now, they're secret

I'd like to thank all of our members for the patience that they had during the offline time, and it is my pleasure to welcome you all back. I apologise once more for the inconvenience caused, but I can guarantee it was worth the wait (as you'll find out over the coming weeks)!
A few "bugs" may still exist on the site following the transfer, and the appearance of a few things may change every now and again while we try to replicate some of the styling we lost during the transfer. Unfortunately, all avatars that were previously uploaded to our server were lost during the transfer, and as such, members who previously had an avatar are required to re-upload their avatars if they would wish to do so. If you spot any further mistakes, bugs or odd-balls, feel free to PM one of the administration team or reply to this thread below, and they would be delighted to amend the error.
Many thanks once more, and welcome back to North East Buses.
Dan, on behalf of site management.