This may cause a debate,whats everyones views on school kids filling up normal buses on normal routes,when there is perfectly good enough school buses provided,personally i think they should be banned,shame there isnt a way where the bus pass knows if that child lives on a school bus route or in close proximity to a school bus route that takes them to their school,ita a difficult one to explain,but it irritates me that people who have been to work or are elderly and are just trying to go about their business have to board a bus and listen to potty mouth teenagers who have no respect for anything,or cant get on because its full,which is what happened today (17.9.21),i mean luckily today was a warm day,but what happens if today it had of been chucking it down and had of been cold,that poor elderly man could of ended up ill,because he had to stand and wait for the next bus,or had to walk to find an alternative,i know i probably sound boring,but i was brought up in a time where you respect your elders,its not on,and something needs to be done about it,but that'll never happen
(17 Sep 2021, 6:32 pm)V514DFT wrote [ -> ]This may cause a debate,whats everyones views on school kids filling up normal buses on normal routes,when there is perfectly good enough school buses provided,personally i think they should be banned,shame there isnt a way where the bus pass knows if that child lives on a school bus route or in close proximity to a school bus route that takes them to their school,ita a difficult one to explain,but it irritates me that people who have been to work or are elderly and are just trying to go about their business have to board a bus and listen to potty mouth teenagers who have no respect for anything,or cant get on because its full,which is what happened today (17.9.21),i mean luckily today was a warm day,but what happens if today it had of been chucking it down and had of been cold,that poor elderly man could of ended up ill,because he had to stand and wait for the next bus,or had to walk to find an alternative,i know i probably sound boring,but i was brought up in a time where you respect your elders,its not on,and something needs to be done about it,but that'll never happen
They're paying customers like everyone else. You cannot ban someone simply for opting to use a bus.
If there's a specific issue, you're best off reporting it directly to the school. Or invest in some good headphones.

(17 Sep 2021, 6:32 pm)V514DFT wrote [ -> ]This may cause a debate,whats everyones views on school kids filling up normal buses on normal routes,when there is perfectly good enough school buses provided,personally i think they should be banned,shame there isnt a way where the bus pass knows if that child lives on a school bus route or in close proximity to a school bus route that takes them to their school,ita a difficult one to explain,but it irritates me that people who have been to work or are elderly and are just trying to go about their business have to board a bus and listen to potty mouth teenagers who have no respect for anything,or cant get on because its full,which is what happened today (17.9.21),i mean luckily today was a warm day,but what happens if today it had of been chucking it down and had of been cold,that poor elderly man could of ended up ill,because he had to stand and wait for the next bus,or had to walk to find an alternative,i know i probably sound boring,but i was brought up in a time where you respect your elders,its not on,and something needs to be done about it,but that'll never happen
Coming from a sixth former further down south, I understand your frustration with kids/teens being loud, but public buses are there for everyone who are able to use them. It’s unfair to ban a collective group of people, when it may just be a handful being loud and foul mouthed (at least down here anyways).
And how would this be enforced? What if, a particular school had a half day and then you’d get loads of kids all jumping on a public bus at midday? Or maybe a group of students stayed late because of clubs/activities, hence missing the school bus?
So, if school kids are banned from normal routes, how do those in the depths of Newton Hall get to St Leonard's on a dark, rainy morning? (fill in other too far to comfortably walk in crap weather but too near to qualify for transport combinations, as you wish)
A few times I made the mistake of getting the X21 around school finish, and it was a terrifying experience. I think when school kids get on, drivers just completely forget about capacity limits as they just cram them on until no more can fit. One time I remember it being full of kids standing upstairs, with some sitting on the stairs and even on the floor! I had my laptop on the table, and one shouted at me to move it so they could sit on the table. I obviously told them where to go.
As I've said before, I refused to get the scholars bus for most of my time at school because the experience was absolutely horrific.
And, once our school moved site I never once used the scholars bus for the ~5 years I was there. I would always get the public bus, but the most trouble we'd cause would be laughing at the dating section in the Metro!
(18 Sep 2021, 11:01 am)streetdeckfan wrote [ -> ]A few times I made the mistake of getting the X21 around school finish, and it was a terrifying experience. I think when school kids get on, drivers just completely forget about capacity limits as they just cram them on until no more can fit. One time I remember it being full of kids standing upstairs, with some sitting on the stairs and even on the floor! I had my laptop on the table, and one shouted at me to move it so they could sit on the table. I obviously told them where to go.
As I've said before, I refused to get the scholars bus for most of my time at school because the experience was absolutely horrific.
And, once our school moved site I never once used the scholars bus for the ~5 years I was there. I would always get the public bus, but the most trouble we'd cause would be laughing at the dating section in the Metro!
I absolutely hate using buses during School time
The 43 always gets really crowded at Regent Centre even when the Social distancing was on buses. The driver was fine with letting nearly every single kid on the bus at the same time
Even I hate using anything when the school finish. I try and avoid everything. It makes my anxiety skyrocket