North East Buses

Full Version: Seaburn Historic Vehicle Display
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Date has been confirmation as the 29th of August
Information about the event

At the Recreation Ground

Why not bring your vintage vehicle to the Recreation Ground, Seaburn on August Bank Holiday Monday?

This event will feature a selection of historic vehicles on display, trade stands, amusements for all and a free bus service around the local area.

Details of the free bus service will be available nearer the time.

Admission Charges Adult £3; Concessions/Child £2.

There is no charge for those who have entered a vehicle in the event.

To travel to the event by public transport catch Stagecoach North East services E1 or E2 or NexusBus service 558 which stop next to the site, or Stagecoach North East service E6 which stops close to the site.