What's everybody got at the moment then? I've got an iPhone 4S, but I'm thinking about swapping the iPhone for either a HTC One, or Sony Xperia Z. Can't really decide on the two yet, but I'm edging towards the Xperia. I'm not keen on the iPhone 5, as the battery life is no where near as good as I need between charges. Unless the 5S really improves this (which I doubt), I'll be staying clear.
I have a samsung galaxy S2, which i got and then the S3 was out and now the S4... dont think ill get a galaxy again.
An old school Nokia E5 on Symbian.
Nobody uses Symbian out there any more, but there are some cracking apps out there.
Currently running my internet on Opera Mini and love it.
The battery life is starting to get a bit iffy, but had it a couple of years and its doing me.
Can't get away with touchscreen phones, so going to stick with qwerty when this goes the journey I think.
(17 Aug 2013, 9:45 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What's everybody got at the moment then? I've got an iPhone 4S, but I'm thinking about swapping the iPhone for either a HTC One, or Sony Xperia Z. Can't really decide on the two yet, but I'm edging towards the Xperia. I'm not keen on the iPhone 5, as the battery life is no where near as good as I need between charges. Unless the 5S really improves this (which I doubt), I'll be staying clear.
Hey mate, I wouldn't touch Sony Ericsson's products with a s****y stick, I had a Xperia X10 on a 2 year contract with Vodafone, had problems with the battery, it wouldn't charge sometimes and had to go back to Vodafone 4 times in 2 years to get fixed, I ended up swapping for a Samsung Galaxy Ace, you should consider Samsung Galaxy S4, my old man has just got one and they are good phones.
I tend to get a new phone every twelve months as a birthday present, but likely going to have that as every twenty four now that I have other presents in mind.
Following on from my ongoing love for BlackBerry (despite all of its flaws), I've switched to Android. I first got the 8520, followed by the 9300, and then the 9360 before getting a Samsung Galaxy S4. Absolutely love it though, and can't fault it (yet!)
I find that the average ten hour battery life of the S4 is no good for me, so I have to keep the 9360 running alongside it, which also serves me for approximately 8 hours.
I think if I had decided to get the iPhone 5 rather than the S4, I would have had to jailbreak it to customize it slightly. That's one reason I didn't like BlackBerry so much - everything was set in its ways and it was far too simplistic. I like to be able to change what I like, when I like (Android!!)
The battery on the Galaxy is terrible, sometimes i have to charge mine up twice a day because of it.
Don't get me wrong i love my galaxy, from the app's to the store on it but iv'e had my galaxy for nearly 2 years now and can't wait to change - atm i don't know what phone i want.
I use an Alcatel OT and a basic Samsung Mini smartphone. I recently resurrected an old Nokia 3210 I had lying around and sometimes use that. The Alcatel OT has an amazing battery-life. I only have it charge it up every week or so. The Samsung, I'm lucky if it lasts a day.
(18 Aug 2013, 8:55 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]An old school Nokia E5 on Symbian.
Nobody uses Symbian out there any more, but there are some cracking apps out there.
Currently running my internet on Opera Mini and love it.
The battery life is starting to get a bit iffy, but had it a couple of years and its doing me.
Can't get away with touchscreen phones, so going to stick with qwerty when this goes the journey I think.
We had E5 handsets from work for a while. They were extremely unreliable though, and most of us were having to reboot them 4 or 5 times a day. We've now got Blackberry 9900s which at least I find a lot better.
(18 Aug 2013, 9:02 am)fozzovmurton wrote [ -> ]Hey mate, I wouldn't touch Sony Ericsson's products with a s****y stick, I had a Xperia X10 on a 2 year contract with Vodafone, had problems with the battery, it wouldn't charge sometimes and had to go back to Vodafone 4 times in 2 years to get fixed, I ended up swapping for a Samsung Galaxy Ace, you should consider Samsung Galaxy S4, my old man has just got one and they are good phones.
I've never had a problem with Sony Ericsson phones personally. However, I do find that most of my phones I have suffer from battery life after a while. Wasn't too bad with a Blackberry, as I could pick a new battery up relatively cheaply. I had a Sony Ericsson C90 for a while, and it worked fine after I put a OEM image on it - came loaded with bulkware thanks to O2.
(18 Aug 2013, 9:04 am)Daniel wrote [ -> ]I tend to get a new phone every twelve months as a birthday present, but likely going to have that as every twenty four now that I have other presents in mind.
Following on from my ongoing love for BlackBerry (despite all of its flaws), I've switched to Android. I first got the 8520, followed by the 9300, and then the 9360 before getting a Samsung Galaxy S4. Absolutely love it though, and can't fault it (yet!)
I find that the average ten hour battery life of the S4 is no good for me, so I have to keep the 9360 running alongside it, which also serves me for approximately 8 hours.
I think if I had decided to get the iPhone 5 rather than the S4, I would have had to jailbreak it to customize it slightly. That's one reason I didn't like BlackBerry so much - everything was set in its ways and it was far too simplistic. I like to be able to change what I like, when I like (Android!!)
Blackberry really don't make bad phones. They're just falling behind in the smartphone market, and get slated as such. I started off almost 10 years ago now when I was issued a 7730 through Vodafone. Pain in the backside to carry round, but was great having email on the move - was pretty much unheard of back then. From there, I had an 8100, 8800, 9000, 9700, and then eventually the 9900. Never been disappointed one yet, but I wouldn't have one of the touchscreen models. It wouldn't feel like a Blackberry to me without a keyboard.
Samsung Galaxy S4 is a great phone. Apart from design (which Apple will always win), it's light years ahead of the iPhone 5. It also keeps right up there with the HTC One. I've never actually had an Android handset for years. Was put off by the old T-Mobile G1. Extremely slow and clunky to do anything with.
A couple of good reviews I was looking over:
Samsung Galaxy S4 vs iPhone 5
Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Sony Xperia Z vs HTC One
They crashed?
Strange. Every phone I have had, has crashed at one point or another.
Never that many times on this phone though.
Was all of the software upto date etc
(19 Aug 2013, 4:33 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]They crashed?
Strange. Every phone I have had, has crashed at one point or another.
Never that many times on this phone though.
Was all of the software upto date etc
Nope that's half the problem with work phones. Restricted by corporate politics

I have a battery problem, the battery drains so quick on the S2 because of the screen it's mad but its every since the phones update its happened.
My phone defiantly the best iv'e had, the camera is brill and the store is great but i won't get anther one.. 2 have came out since i got my S2... wonder if we will have a 5th one... their also getting bigger as they are released.
I've acquired a new hobby since getting this S4... Sitting on trains with plug sockets and watching TV on demand on the massive screen. Imagine doing that on the Note!
(19 Aug 2013, 6:29 pm)Daniel wrote [ -> ]I've acquired a new hobby since getting this S4... Sitting on trains with plug sockets and watching TV on demand on the massive screen. Imagine doing that on the Note!
haha yes. I always carry my iPad around for that very reason.
I've now got a S3... Camera on it is great, which is good for my line of work... I forgot how much I love Android!
Before I had a BB, and it was poop! Had to do a battery pull every other day and that was 15 mins to reboot.
Before that I had a HTC Cha Cha... Android with a keyboard which was great for me at times...
I'm slowly getting better on touch screen (bar Sunday night after a few beers!)
(26 Aug 2013, 1:53 am)malickk wrote [ -> ]Joining any community is like a trend in these days sometimes people joined for getting some entertainment but sometime they want to get useful information and knowledge from other community members. I am new in thins forum and want to find out good friends i found this community is highly interesting.
Welcome to NEB.

I left my house to go to London and Brighton 12 hours ago. My cameras and all phones are on 100% battery.
I bought an ANKER 13000mah power supply last week and I'm using it for the first time today. Took about 12hrs to charge up but apparently you get 4 full charges of an S4 or 5-6 for an iPhone 5.
Would recommend it to anyone. It is easily portable and you can't go wrong with so much power on the go! No doubt I will return home at 10pm tonight with 100% battery on all devices and gadgets still. :p
For all the iPad carriers... 2 full charges I think it was :p
Amazon for 30 quid.
I have a Samsung Galaxy wave at the moment although my contract is for a Galaxy Note, but I knacked that last year when I went to Durham Big Meeting...
Cant get an upgrade for about another 9 months, and will be looking for an S4 when I upgrade or get whatever succeeds the S4 in that time...
Just a random thought, Years ago I used to have a phone on Virgin PAYG, and I used to find it funny to walk into a shop, especially when a woman was serving and ask for £10 Virgin
Marxista Fozz
(21 Sep 2013, 4:26 pm)fozzovmurton wrote [ -> ]I have a Samsung Galaxy wave at the moment although my contract is for a Galaxy Note, but I knacked that last year when I went to Durham Big Meeting...
Cant get an upgrade for about another 9 months, and will be looking for an S4 when I upgrade or get whatever succeeds the S4 in that time...
Just a random thought, Years ago I used to have a phone on Virgin PAYG, and I used to find it funny to walk into a shop, especially when a woman was serving and ask for £10 Virgin 
Marxista Fozz
Get yourself on giffgaff. Heard some great things about them for payg.
(21 Sep 2013, 5:11 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Get yourself on giffgaff. Heard some great things about them for payg.
If you want low signal and shoddy customer service, feel free to join giffgaff!
They have some great Pay & Go tariffs, but you get very little opportunity to use those texts, minutes and data from my experience...
(21 Sep 2013, 5:11 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Get yourself on giffgaff. Heard some great things about them for payg.
Never heard of giffgaff, quite happy at the moment on 3
Marxista Fozz
(17 Aug 2013, 10:56 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I have a samsung galaxy S2, which i got and then the S3 was out and now the S4... dont think ill get a galaxy again.
It's took you long enough to realise! Haha
(22 Sep 2013, 9:11 am)CatsFast101 wrote [ -> ]It's took you long enough to realise! Haha
Realise what?
That i won't get a Galaxy again? It was the best phone out their when i got my S2.. shame im having loads of problems with it atm.
Which phone to get next - i have no idea
The one person who voted they have a apple... please the forum...

(22 Sep 2013, 9:15 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Realise what?
That i won't get a Galaxy again? It was the best phone out their when i got my S2.. shame im having loads of problems with it atm.
Which phone to get next - i have no idea
The one person who voted they have a apple... please the forum... 
Ah, I've never had an S2 so I don't really know what they're like. I had the S1 then straight to the S3. However my S3 broke screen all cracked and then the LCD screen totally died and after a brief spell with a O2 £10 Nokia I'm now back to my S1!!
I like the galaxy range so I'm thinking I'll stay with them. I don't mind apple but I've always had best of both worlds (in my eyes) having an Apple iPad so I can get the App Store, iTunes etc. and then a Samsung Galaxy phone so I can use the andriod systems and google play etc.
(22 Sep 2013, 9:15 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]The one person who voted they have a apple... please the forum... 
Read Post #1.

(22 Sep 2013, 9:24 am)Daniel wrote [ -> ]Read Post #1. 
It was meant to say... Please Leave the forum*
(22 Sep 2013, 9:47 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]It was meant to say... Please Leave the forum*
Oh right, thought you were asking the person to reveal himself!
Aureolin has made up for it by sharing a new device that he's considering..! Have to say it looks pretty good.
(22 Sep 2013, 9:47 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]It was meant to say... Please Leave the forum*
I can safely say that the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S are still the best designed/built phones on the market. That's taking software, cost, etc out of the equation though. That being said, I'd not have another one! A few lads at work bought the 5S on Friday and aside from the finger print reader, it offers bugger all.
The Z1 all the way for me. 20.6mp Camera with Sony's propriety lens (plus addon lenses), water proof up to a certain depth, and massive battery.
well here we go...
I have an Alcatel and its shit, in just 3 months the screen has a crack in it and apart from when someone rings me the sound dont work, never buying from that company again.