19 Sep 2013, 8:51 pm
19 Sep 2013, 8:58 pm
(19 Sep 2013, 8:51 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Is it me or has the website being going off last few days
Noticed it too.
Seems to happen very regularly
19 Sep 2013, 9:05 pm
(19 Sep 2013, 8:58 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Noticed it too.
Seems to happen very regularly
As if by magic...
19 Sep 2013, 9:10 pm
Same here. Quite commonly end up hitting the cloudflare holding pages.
19 Sep 2013, 9:15 pm
Me too. It's been happening for a while now!
19 Sep 2013, 9:31 pm
The most common reason why you see this page is because the forum is taking up more resources than it should be. This unfortunately causes the server to not respond to all requests as it should be, and as it usually does.
We can prevent this in a number of ways, and that's by making sure the forum isn't quite a strain on the database. With a thread in desperate need of being "parted" again (Go North East - Latest) and a service suggestion thread not far behind it, the forum is taking up a lot of resources. It's a tedious task to part threads which is why neither Liam nor I have volunteered to part the threads ourselves - though we have volunteered each other!
One of us will do it eventually...promise! :p
We can prevent this in a number of ways, and that's by making sure the forum isn't quite a strain on the database. With a thread in desperate need of being "parted" again (Go North East - Latest) and a service suggestion thread not far behind it, the forum is taking up a lot of resources. It's a tedious task to part threads which is why neither Liam nor I have volunteered to part the threads ourselves - though we have volunteered each other!

One of us will do it eventually...promise! :p
21 Sep 2013, 4:32 pm
It's taking the water now, going off all the time, can someone not sort it?
21 Sep 2013, 4:36 pm
(21 Sep 2013, 4:32 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]It's taking the water now, going off all the time, can someone not sort it?
Bihira has massively spiraled out of control in the past few weeks... I've never had ongoing problems like this on previous websites I've managed that use Bihira, but the problem does seem to be universal amongst all sites that use Bihira's hosting.
I checked out another one of my sites at the same time I was having problems on here, and that was going incredibly slow too...
If it is a host issue and not down to things draining the server's resources, then we really can't do anything other than complain to Bihira about it.
21 Sep 2013, 4:50 pm
Does anyone have shell access to check the server loads? It sounds like someone has a script out of control that's giving it a kicking.
21 Sep 2013, 4:55 pm
(21 Sep 2013, 4:50 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Does anyone have shell access to check the server loads? It sounds like someone has a script out of control that's giving it a kicking.
Liam does... hint hint!
22 Sep 2013, 1:10 pm
I get a search engine with a layout of all the pages of the forum. If I hit refresh a couple of times the website eventually appears!
22 Sep 2013, 1:30 pm
(22 Sep 2013, 1:10 pm)gtomlinson wrote [ -> ]I get a search engine with a layout of all the pages of the forum. If I hit refresh a couple of times the website eventually appears!
Yeah, I get that quite a bit on my phone, but never had a problem on my Tablet where I mostly use Tapatalk
Marxista Fozz
07 Oct 2013, 4:52 pm
server keeps overloading.
07 Oct 2013, 4:58 pm
Could you please show us a screen shot or type the error number (if it's a Cloudflare screen) in future? Liam needs the number to be able to determine what the problem is and how to resolve it.
07 Oct 2013, 5:13 pm
since my last post its happened again, apparently the server is that busy it just cant cope with the forum (in a good way that means the forums got more popular)
07 Oct 2013, 5:37 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:13 pm)Terence Price wrote [ -> ]since my last post its happened again, apparently the server is that busy it just cant cope with the forum (in a good way that means the forums got more popular)
sometimes ive been getting the following at peak times.
The maximum server load limit has been reached. Please check back later once the server is less busy.
07 Oct 2013, 5:44 pm
Thanks Chris.
07 Oct 2013, 5:44 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:37 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]sometimes ive been getting the following at peak times.
The maximum server load limit has been reached. Please check back later once the server is less busy.
thats what am getting
07 Oct 2013, 5:52 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:37 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]sometimes ive been getting the following at peak times.
The maximum server load limit has been reached. Please check back later once the server is less busy.
Same here, I don't get it though if I am logged in on my NEB Account when the Server is at full capacity, then I why do I get and others get kicked off if we are logged in.
Over past few days sometimes it's taken anywhere from 20 minutes to an Hour to reconnect to the NEB Server so I can view the site. I noticed when I got kicked off before that there was over 40 Guest Users online, which is ridiculous considering all they do is just sit there, even some of the Newer Users who have Accounts do exactly the same but make no comments on the Threads Available.
07 Oct 2013, 5:59 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:52 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Same here, I don't get it though if I am logged in on my NEB Account when the Server is at full capacity, then I why do I get and others get kicked off if we are logged in.
Over past few days sometimes it's taken anywhere from 20 minutes to an Hour to reconnect to the NEB Server so I can view the site. I noticed when I got kicked off before that there was over 40 Guest Users online, which is ridiculous considering all they do is just sit there, even some of the Newer Users who have Accounts do exactly the same but make no comments on the Threads Available.
At the moment im on and off the website like a yo yo lol
07 Oct 2013, 6:05 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:59 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]At the moment im on and off the website like a yo yo lol
same, whoevers in charge should look at this issue as a high priority
07 Oct 2013, 6:26 pm
(07 Oct 2013, 5:52 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Same here, I don't get it though if I am logged in on my NEB Account when the Server is at full capacity, then I why do I get and others get kicked off if we are logged in.
Over past few days sometimes it's taken anywhere from 20 minutes to an Hour to reconnect to the NEB Server so I can view the site. I noticed when I got kicked off before that there was over 40 Guest Users online, which is ridiculous considering all they do is just sit there, even some of the Newer Users who have Accounts do exactly the same but make no comments on the Threads Available.
It certainly shouldn't be taking that long to re-connect if you're receiving an error - it usually works upon a refresh of the page for me.
Regarding guest users - it's frustrating, but there will always be people who choose to use North East Buses for information and not contribute nor want to be a part of the community. I know quite a few enthusiasts who refuse to join simply because it's the new thing on the scene. With 355 members, we're a rapidly growing community which will continue to grow - so more fool them!

Of course we have some newer members who also choose to remain quiet, even if they do view from an account. Again, rather frustrating indeed but it's their choice at the end of the day.
(07 Oct 2013, 5:59 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]At the moment im on and off the website like a yo yo lol
(07 Oct 2013, 6:05 pm)Terence Price wrote [ -> ]same, whoevers in charge should look at this issue as a high priority
I've not had any errors today but it seems a few of you have. I understand it's irritating and terribly off-putting indeed which is why Liam is looking into what is causing the errors. It would help him greatly if, after being faced with a Cloudflare page, you would copy the error number onto this thread. Liam has been looking into it but he can't see anything wrong from our end at the moment.
07 Oct 2013, 6:36 pm
I keep getting the MyBB generated server load error messages. Can we not try upping the throttle limit?