28 Oct 2013, 9:48 am
Yesterday i was made aware of plans to improve our railway in St Helens, something thats been on the decline for many years, the Idea is to have the following done:
New Train Station in Carr Mill (next to the east lancs)
Train Line between St Helens Central and St Helens Junction Re-Opened (most of this is still there with track on it lying dis-used!)
New Transport Hub that would connect St Helens Central with St Helens Junction, Earlstown and Newton (currently none of these stations have a direct Train to the Central Station and have not done for a number of years now!)
for more information please use the following links, all credit goes to the Green Party and i will help in any way i can to make sure this plan goes ahead!
New Train Station in Carr Mill (next to the east lancs)
Train Line between St Helens Central and St Helens Junction Re-Opened (most of this is still there with track on it lying dis-used!)
New Transport Hub that would connect St Helens Central with St Helens Junction, Earlstown and Newton (currently none of these stations have a direct Train to the Central Station and have not done for a number of years now!)
for more information please use the following links, all credit goes to the Green Party and i will help in any way i can to make sure this plan goes ahead!