(16 Mar 2015, 7:42 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Even better.
Like I say, I'm unsure if this will be the same for next year, but nonetheless, I think being able to organise an event like this (and pull it off!) would be nice anyway. The added idea of a preserved vehicle could generate just as much interest.
I do wish you well, but you're going to have to find a preservation group willing to do it! I'd assume most would just want to do their own thing, and organise their own events, but who am I to say either way!
On another note, I'd be more than interested doing a day trip by rail somewhere. It's less reliant on people letting you down.
(16 Mar 2015, 7:45 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I do wish you well, but you're going to have to find a preservation group willing to do it! I'd assume most would just want to do their own thing, and organise their own events, but who am I to say either way! 
On another note, I'd be more than interested doing a day trip by rail somewhere. It's less reliant on people letting you down.
Might contact the County Durham Bus Preservation Group about it, they seem to have a nice selection of vehicles, many in great condition. I would also think with the amount of vehicles, the more money generated towards their restoration the better!

(16 Mar 2015, 7:33 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]then the motorway to the Lakes. Bit of a ride around Kendal, Keswick, then head up to Carlisle before using the motorway back to the north east
Eh? A66 and A69 motorways?? We're not that developed you know!!! A69 is a 30mph to 50mph windy narrow track road, depending on what slow-moving vehicles you get stuck behind! (Whole section from just outside Carlisle [Scotby] to Hexham is single-carriageway, albeit with a few crawler lanes along the way)
(20 Mar 2015, 10:08 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Eh? A66 and A69 motorways?? We're not that developed you know!!! A69 is a 30mph to 50mph windy narrow track road, depending on what slow-moving vehicles you get stuck behind! (Whole section from just outside Carlisle [Scotby] to Hexham is single-carriageway, albeit with a few crawler lanes along the way)
I see. Not a regular user of those roads at all so I was assuming they're not bad.

(20 Mar 2015, 10:11 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I see. Not a regular user of those roads at all so I was assuming they're not bad. 
A69 is just crap anyway, A66 you'll get blown over in the high winds - geography lesson over!!

Is anything like this scheduled in the future?