(13 Feb 2015, 5:46 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Just a bit early for that Aureolin, in all seriousness what would I be paying £300-£400 for exactly, as to me there doesnt appear to be that many differences.
Anything else?, admittedly Colour quality is alot better on the D5100.
Dan has taken some fantastic photos with his camera, which I'm sure he'll admit, make better use of his camera than the example you've provided. Even looking at the two samples you've provided though, you can see the colour difference, focal length, and depth of field straight away. You can see the detail on the seat moquette on Dan's, and also the depth of the foliage in the background.
I didn't think I'd be able to find a comparison on the web, but I've managed it:
Note the sensor difference, and try not to take much notice in megapixels as it's own entity. Sensor determines how much light the camera uses to create an image. In digital cameras, the sensor is millions of light sensitive spots which record what you're shooting. Hence why size matters, as the bigger it is, the more information it can record.
Few samples taken using the Nikon D5xxx range.
FTN708W by
C522LJR, on Flickr
FTN708W by
C522LJR, on Flickr
Go North East: 630 / NK61EGY by
danielgrahamm, on Flickr
Arriva North East: 1582 / NK64EEV by
danielgrahamm, on Flickr
(13 Feb 2015, 6:35 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Dan has taken some fantastic photos with his camera, which I'm sure he'll admit, make better use of his camera than the example you've provided. Even looking at the two samples you've provided though, you can see the colour difference, focal length, and depth of field straight away. You can see the detail on the seat moquette on Dan's, and also the depth of the foliage in the background.
I didn't think I'd be able to find a comparison on the web, but I've managed it: http://www.imaging-resource.com/cameras/...sung/st72/
Note the sensor difference, and try not to take much notice in megapixels as it's own entity. Sensor determines how much light the camera uses to create an image. In digital cameras, the sensor is millions of light sensitive spots which record what you're shooting. Hence why size matters, as the bigger it is, the more information it can record.
Few samples taken using the Nikon D5xxx range.
FTN708W by C522LJR, on Flickr
FTN708W by C522LJR, on Flickr
Go North East: 630 / NK61EGY by danielgrahamm, on Flickr
Arriva North East: 1582 / NK64EEV by danielgrahamm, on Flickr
Ok so I am sold on getting a DSLR Camera, I now think my Camera is not good as thought it was but it could be worse could be the Vivitar I had beforehand.
I was looking at the Nikon D3200 + 18-55mm VR II Lens for £279.99 at Currys.
(13 Feb 2015, 7:24 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Ok so I am sold on getting a DSLR Camera, I now think my Camera is not good as thought it was but it could be worse could be the Vivitar I had beforehand.
I was looking at the Nikon D3200 + 18-55mm VR II Lens for £279.99 at Currys.
Good choice. You'll not regret buying one like, but I'd recommend you look at one in a shop first. You can't exactly stick them in your pocket that's all.
(13 Feb 2015, 7:37 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Good choice. You'll not regret buying one like, but I'd recommend you look at one in a shop first. You can't exactly stick them in your pocket that's all.
Will have to save up, which shouldnt take to long as I am owed Birthday/Christmas Money off both my Dad and Brother.
The reasons I decided to upgrade was because I was having difficulties catching photos of moving buses with them often blurring especially in winter so this has been leading me to take less ambitious shots and just take photos where buses aren't really moving (bus stations and timing points) to increase the chance of catching the bus especially for odd workings, a few times over the last month I've read the ANE rare & odd workings thread and seen non Sapphire buses on the 7 and to make sure I got a photo of the working I had to go to Aycliffe Town Centre for the shot and I think the novelty factor of seeing photos in Newton Aycliffe has worn off now.
Another reason is some of the photos image quality was not great some of the time.
I am looking forward to getting my Nikon D5100 but sadly I won't have it for tomorrow morning so I'll have to use my Sony camera tomorrow which is annoying as the battery probably won't last the full day.
I'd just like to add I bought a camera last week. Because I'm a novice and don't know whether my interest in photography will last (or whether I'll have the time to take pictures) I opted to buy a 20MP Nikon Coolpix for £70 as a sort of 'practice camera'. I was tempted by a buy a 'Bridge Camera' however a salesperson in Jessops at the Metrocentre (who seemed to steer me towards the most expensive cameras in the shop despite me stating I was a novice

) advised me that there was essentially no difference, quality-wise, between a P&S and a Bridge. After a week of owning this camera, I now wish I'd just went for the DSLR.
Well my Nikon D5100 has arrived today.
Now to spend the rest of time figuring out how to use it.
(16 Feb 2015, 2:47 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Well my Nikon D5100 has arrived today.
Now to spend the rest of time figuring out how to use it.
What do you think of it on first impressions?
(16 Feb 2015, 4:44 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What do you think of it on first impressions?
Not had much practice with it yet, think I'm starting to get the hang of it though which is good, so far I've only really taken photos of the dog lying down so if I have chance tomorrow I may quickly head out to get some practice in before heading on a trip out.
Trying to connect my Nikon D5100 to my laptop via the USB but nothing is happening, do I need to install ViewNX2 or do anything else to make it work?
(18 Feb 2015, 5:59 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Trying to connect my Nikon D5100 to my laptop via the USB but nothing is happening, do I need to install ViewNX2 or do anything else to make it work?
Should read as a USB mass storage device regardless, but I never use USB. I've got an SD reader in my laptop, so never had the need to.
Try installing the basic device driver only if you can?
It's fine now, problems may have been down to flat battery.
How did you manage to kill the battery?!
Just went flat, must of used it longer than I thought I did on Monday when I was testing it out and used the camera a lot today.
I'll make sure to fully charge this battery and my other battery before my next trip out.
My Olympus SZ-14 is playing up.
Never knew GBRf 66s were extremely bright orange!
(19 Feb 2015, 8:18 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]My Olympus SZ-14 is playing up.
Never knew GBRf 66s were extremely bright orange!
Not one they've taken from Colas?
(19 Feb 2015, 8:27 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Not one they've taken from Colas?
Na, it's one of the new ones.
I've been fiddling with the saturation on the photo, and have managed to get the colour just right.
Seem as I kept ending up back at the home page when I tried posting this last night.
Right, yesterday was my first day out with my new camera - it was a long day as I'd not really had chance to get any practice with my camera before yesterday so I was all over the place not knowing what to do, not knowing which setting to have it in and when to press the shutter down to take the shot. Failed to catch many buses as it was taking ages to focus so by the time it took the shot I ended up with the front of the bus either just in shot or not in shot at all. So it hasn't been a total success then although I got some good shots (most of them are where buses weren't moving). I have it in sports mode at the moment and I've not touched any of the other settings yet as I have pretty much no clue what any of it means.
I have changed some of the settings since yesterday which will hopefully improve things. If anyone has any advice on how to maybe help me improve things with my new camera I would like to hear.
Photos from yesterday can be seen here:
(19 Feb 2015, 10:00 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Seem as I kept ending up back at the home page when I tried posting this last night.
Right, yesterday was my first day out with my new camera - it was a long day as I'd not really had chance to get any practice with my camera before yesterday so I was all over the place not knowing what to do, not knowing which setting to have it in and when to press the shutter down to take the shot. Failed to catch many buses as it was taking ages to focus so by the time it took the shot I ended up with the front of the bus either just in shot or not in shot at all. So it hasn't been a total success then although I got some good shots (most of them are where buses weren't moving). I have it in sports mode at the moment and I've not touched any of the other settings yet as I have pretty much no clue what any of it means.
I have changed some of the settings since yesterday which will hopefully improve things. If anyone has any advice on how to maybe help me improve things with my new camera I would like to hear.
Photos from yesterday can be seen here:
What's the switches set to on your lens? Both AF and VR should really be on. If you ensure that's the case, and then switch to sport mode, it should pretty much focus straight away. Try holding the shutter button down though as I think the default sport setting is continuous shooting, which is what you'll need.
(19 Feb 2015, 10:05 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What's the switches set to on your lens? Both AF and VR should really be on. If you ensure that's the case, and then switch to sport mode, it should pretty much focus straight away. Try holding the shutter button down though as I think the default sport setting is continuous shooting, which is what you'll need.
I don't think either are on right now, will see that they are and keep it in sport mode.
(19 Feb 2015, 10:07 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I don't think either are on right now, will see that they are and keep it in sport mode.
Switch both on, and lightly hold the shutter button to focus.

You'll be able to continuously shoot on the fly after that.
I might go for a bridge camera later this year, I see that there's one going for £90 at Jessops.
One positive today is my camera appears to be taking photos faster today after I asked for advice the other night

(21 Feb 2015, 8:12 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]One positive today is my camera appears to be taking photos faster today after I asked for advice the other night 
Glad to hear!
I noticed your photo of 1441 has come out very well. The quality difference is immense.
(21 Feb 2015, 8:35 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Glad to hear!
I noticed your photo of 1441 has come out very well. The quality difference is immense.
Yeah the quality is great, the photos of the two Solos I took in Durham on Wednesday look great. Looking forward to the summer when I can get out further and more scenic places once I've gotten used to the camera and the sun is in better places as it was a problem today, most of Stockton High Street was in the shade this morning, because of other things that happened that's all I really had to upload that I was happy with.
Seem to be getting the hang of my Nikon D5100 now, after some painful practice things seem to be getting easier and it seems to be producing some good images too,
here's a photo I took on the A167 near Aycliffe Village this afternoon and the bus was moving at speed too.
So hopefully I will continue to get to know the camera even more and hopefully produce some better quality images.
Somehow accidentally turned face detector on and I can not figure out how to turn it off.
Also I have zero idea why but the camera seems to be vering off to the left for some reason (unless it's just my arms).
Also I can not get a clear shot of the LED screens on Wright StreetLite's, can't get a clear shot to save my life.
(07 Apr 2015, 3:39 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Somehow accidentally turned face detector on and I can not figure out how to turn it off.
Also I have zero idea why but the camera seems to be vering off to the left for some reason (unless it's just my arms).
Also I can not get a clear shot of the LED screens on Wright StreetLite's, can't get a clear shot to save my life.
There's a few things you can do. To keep it basic, stick it in sport mode first of all.
Then if you flip the screen out, and press the 'i' button, you can change settings. I haven't got my camera with me, but off the top of my head, change the focus mode so that it's set to 'AF-A' (default/auto) or 'AF-C' (continuous). You'll obviously need to make sure that AF is on (switch on the side of your lens).
There's another option for area mode. Off the top of my head, you'd be best off having that on 'dynamic'.
Also make sure continuous (rather than single) shooting is on. It'll let you just lightly touch the shoot button initially to focus, and then hold for continuous shots. It may help you taking 5-6 shots each time, and then selecting the best one out of them? At least 2 or 3 of them will come out with the destination.
(07 Apr 2015, 4:24 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]There's a few things you can do. To keep it basic, stick it in sport mode first of all.
Then if you flip the screen out, and press the 'i' button, you can change settings. I haven't got my camera with me, but off the top of my head, change the focus mode so that it's set to 'AF-A' (default/auto) or 'AF-C' (continuous). You'll obviously need to make sure that AF is on (switch on the side of your lens).
There's another option for area mode. Off the top of my head, you'd be best off having that on 'dynamic'.
Also make sure continuous (rather than single) shooting is on. It'll let you just lightly touch the shoot button initially to focus, and then hold for continuous shots. It may help you taking 5-6 shots each time, and then selecting the best one out of them? At least 2 or 3 of them will come out with the destination.
It's only StreetLite's it struggles to catch, especially the amber screens on Arriva's examples.
Will have a look later.
Does anyone know any good cameras for £100 or less?
Just managed to scrap a six-month old camera and now my one-year old camera is on strike.
And don't you dare suggest shock-proof cameras.