Post here your first bus in 2013!
I suspect mine will be the usual Stagecoach Enviro 200 on the second 4 bus of the day; either the ADL Enviro 200 dart, or an Enviro 200 bodied MAN 14.240! Will get a fleet number on Wednesday

I'll try and get a photo of mine on Wednesday morning when I'm going to the train station to meet all of my friends from school to get the train down to London!
No idea what it'll be yet though... Depends when we need to be down there for!
Cool! Have a fab trip
If you're taking the Grand Central service, it's absolutely brilliant! Only made one return trip to London, back in June, amazing service it is!

(31 Dec 2012, 9:33 pm)Brandon wrote [ -> ]Cool! Have a fab trip
If you're taking the Grand Central service, it's absolutely brilliant! Only made one return trip to London, back in June, amazing service it is! 
I think I am..! Wasn't too keen on East Coast when I went with them in the summer holidays this year - carriages out of bounds, plugs sockets didn't work, my seat had been taken...
Stagecoach Sunderland's MAN Enviro 200 39727 (NK09EGV) for me this morning on the 4!
Mine was 5154 (T804CBW) on the 17 this morning...
My first vehicle happened to double as my first drive too. Stagecoach Olympian 16840 R640OVN

Couldn't ask for better quality.
So, what was every ones first bus of 2014? - I haven't been on what yet so can't say...
(02 Jan 2014, 8:40 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]So, what was every ones first bus of 2014? - I haven't been on what yet so can't say...
GNE's 5210, followed by 3819 and 8268 (off memory), ANE's 4663, and then GNE's 5165.
First bus of the year was 1769, followed by 4644 then 22198 and 1924.
First as a passenger was Leven Valley Dart SN51UCR on the 0638 Rimswell-Stockton 506 this morning.
First drive was Cadet 1922 0710-1140 on 28/30's. 2nd bus of the day was Cadet 1904 on 5A.
Caught 7627 (X1) and 22674 (13) home.
See what tomorrow brings.
(02 Jan 2014, 8:43 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]GNE's 5210, followed by 3819 and 8268 (off memory), ANE's 4663, and then GNE's 5165.
So you went to Hexham or somewhere on the 85?
(02 Jan 2014, 9:07 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]So you went to Hexham or somewhere on the 85?
4663 is Belmont-based. Was on the 24.
(02 Jan 2014, 9:09 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]4663 is Belmont-based. Was on the 24.
Ah right

Mine was GNE's 8335 on the 51
I wonder if the pilot was lucky enough to get an SPD on the 56 as his first journey...
Andreos1 needn't worry about luck though... Have you been on the 71 yet, A1?

I will tell you on Tuesday night what my first bus of the year will be.
Likely favourites are the following vehicle types.
Transbus MPD
Volvo B10BLE / Wright Renown
Scania Omnicity.
Haven't used a bus yet, but will either be a Versa, MPD or StreetLite depending on how I get to Seaham tomorrow
President 6013 on the GNE M2, and Versa 8295 (I *think*) on the return M2 journey.
(02 Jan 2014, 9:50 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I wonder if the pilot was lucky enough to get an SPD on the 56 as his first journey... 
Andreos1 needn't worry about luck though... Have you been on the 71 yet, A1? 
No, not yet.
Last bus of the year was a Citaro operated 4 on Tuesday night (almost a Renown on a 78) and chances are 1st bus of the year, will be a 4 1st thing tomorrow morning.
Haven't been on a 71 since late November and that was a Loylne!
(as was the time prior to that)
Mine is.. 36972 on the 23 to Sunderland city centre.
Mine could be anything, but it'll be either on the 306, 308, 309, 310 or 58!

Last bus of 2013 was Highwayman 5228.
First of 2014 was Volvo B10BLE FAB FIFTY SEVEN 5167.
Last bus of 2013: SimpliCity Versa 8327 on the 61
First bus of 2014: Likely to be another SimpliCity Versa or possibly a Drifter StreetLite, however I will confirm when tomorrow/sunday/monday when I get on it.
Mine was 7810 on the 308.
I can't remember what my last bus of 2013 was. Me and a few friends were off on a drinking/party sesh to celebrate a friend's 18th, but we had pre-drinks at a pub before going there so, me being the lightweight I am, was a fair bit beyond tipsy. Judging by the drunk group photo we took whilst on the bus though, I would guess it was a Solar on the 56.
(03 Jan 2014, 10:13 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]I can't remember what my last bus of 2013 was. Me and a few friends were off on a drinking/party sesh to celebrate a friend's 18th, but we had pre-drinks at a pub before going there so, me being the lightweight I am, was a fair bit beyond tipsy. Judging by the drunk group photo we took whilst on the bus though, I would guess it was a Solar on the 56.
Love it!
(03 Jan 2014, 11:41 pm)andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Love it!
was certainly quite a night haha