Slowly feeling better after Eye Surgery on Tuesday, just sick of my Eye Watering and having to persevere with putting Eye Drops in every 2 Hours, other than that I am feeling good.
(08 May 2014, 2:03 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Slowly feeling better after Eye Surgery on Tuesday, just sick of my Eye Watering and having to persevere with putting Eye Drops in every 2 Hours, other than that I am feeling good.
Glad it went well

How long will it take for you to fully recover?
(08 May 2014, 2:48 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Glad it went well 
How long will it take for you to fully recover?
2 Weeks on the sick from the Job Centre, but a whole year to for my eye fully recover from the surgery.
(08 May 2014, 3:28 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]2 Weeks on the sick from the Job Centre, but a whole year to for my eye fully recover from the surgery.
You don't have to put the drops in your eyes for an entire year though, do you? I really do feel sorry for you, if you do!
(08 May 2014, 3:29 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]You don't have to put the drops in your eyes for an entire year though, do you? I really do feel sorry for you, if you do!
No idea, probs just the Month or so, I am back at the eye infirmary next week for a check up, so i'll just have to wait and see.
(08 May 2014, 3:31 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]No idea, probs just the Month or so, I am back at the eye infirmary next week for a check up, so i'll just have to wait and see.
I've used contacts since the age of 10, and gradually I've gotten so used to them that I just get up in the morning and automatically put them in without any struggle or issues. For the first month with them though it was an absolute nightmare, I spent more days with my glasses on because I was being 'awkward' with them instead of actually 'brandishing' them. I think gradually eyes get used to things, so I hope after a short while you begin to adapt to them

(08 May 2014, 3:31 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]No idea, probs just the Month or so, I am back at the eye infirmary next week for a check up, so i'll just have to wait and see.
Fingers crossed it has worked.
Hope you were under general anaesthetic?
Had work done by Mr Inglesby there and preferred the time I was knocked out - compared to the time he didn't and used local anaesthetic.
(08 May 2014, 7:28 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Fingers crossed it has worked.
Hope you were under general anaesthetic?
Had work done by Mr Inglesby there and preferred the time I was knocked out - compared to the time he didn't and used local anaesthetic.
I was under general anaesthetic, had no idea I had a tube down my throat until I went to have something to eat once I came round, and couldn't swallow and started choking, don't recall falling asleep or anything before I went in, other than getting the Bus on the Morning.
(08 May 2014, 7:34 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I was under general anaesthetic, had no idea I had a tube down my throat until I went to have something to eat once I came round, and couldn't swallow and started choking, don't recall falling asleep or anything before I went in, other than getting the Bus on the Morning.
Its part of the fun, counting to 10 ( getting to 5 1/2) and passing out - despite fighting it.
Fingers crossed the surgery works.
Despite looking like a film set for a Carry On film, the doctors and consultants there are good.
(08 May 2014, 7:17 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I've used contacts since the age of 10, and gradually I've gotten so used to them that I just get up in the morning and automatically put them in without any struggle or issues. For the first month with them though it was an absolute nightmare, I spent more days with my glasses on because I was being 'awkward' with them instead of actually 'brandishing' them. I think gradually eyes get used to things, so I hope after a short while you begin to adapt to them 
I just wear glasses, I don't bother with contacts, but probably will in the future

My uncle uses them and has never had any problems with them.
I've never actually had eye surgery but was on the verge of receiving it back in late 2007.
Occasionally, I suffer from Conjunctivitis - a common infection affecting the eye usually treatable with medicated eye-drops. I rarely ever complete a full-course of medication even though I probably should. This, of course, means I've usually got something left over from the last time. Well, in late 2007 I managed to get Conjunctivitis once again so I decided to use the eye-drops I had to sort it out. This caused my eye to become even more infected so I went to the doctors to seek advice and to get another prescription. The doctor, who could be described as 'ambulance happy', heavily implied that my eye was in serious danger and I needed to go to the RVI immediately. An ambulance was called and off I went thinking I was about to lose an eye. When I got to the hospital, I explained what I had done (as I had to my GP). The doctor there examined my eye and concluded that it was a simple case of Conjunctivitis - just as I thought.
All that panic for nowt. However, I did have an exam that day which was postponed due to the alleged seriousness of my condition.