North East Buses

Full Version: Late evening journeys on X30/X71
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- Are the late evening journeys on the X30 & X70 performing well?

- Are there plans to introduce a Sunday X31 to create a 30 minute Stanley - Newcastle service on Sundays? If not, are there plans to upgrade capacity and use E400s on the X5/16A/X30 Sunday boards?
(15 Mar 2020, 10:54 pm)L469 YVK wrote [ -> ]- Are the late evening journeys on the X30 & X70 performing well?

- Are there plans to introduce a Sunday X31 to create a 30 minute Stanley - Newcastle service on Sundays? If not, are there plans to upgrade capacity and use E400s on the X5/16A/X30 Sunday boards?
In all honesty with the current coronavirus situation, passenger numbers will be down because of homeworking etc. Maybe in the summer when hopefully things settle down, they’ll have a better idea. So no I doubt we’ll see any expansion.