4516 is currently sitting at the back of Ashington depot. According to this site. It's with Yorkshire Tiger. But I heard it got withdrawn. Would love to see it in service again as 1402 is still in service
(13 Jun 2021, 10:43 am)Micheal Aaron wrote [ -> ]4516 is currently sitting at the back of Ashington depot. According to this site. It's with Yorkshire Tiger. But I heard it got withdrawn. Would love to see it in service again as 1402 is still in service
I believe it has been converted into a driver trainer (or that was the plan anyway!)
I heard 1401 & 1402 were going driver training after they were withdrawn from Blyth. Now 1402 is at Ashington and 1401 stayed at Blyth
What happened to 4523? That was the last of that type to be withdrawn I believe....
(13 Jun 2021, 10:43 am)Micheal Aaron wrote [ -> ]4516 is currently sitting at the back of Ashington depot. According to this site. It's with Yorkshire Tiger. But I heard it got withdrawn. Would love to see it in service again as 1402 is still in service
It won't see service again, its next trip from Ashington will be Alpha's Scrapyard. Same with 1401/02 when they're withdrawn properly no doubt.
1768/1769 Both withdrawn at Durham Belmont Depot and is on Deaths Row
Are 1759 and 1760 now withdrawn from redcar.1766 seems to be the only one doing crew duties for redcar
Can anyone confirm if 1403 is running again as it tracked on bus org doing a X7/X8 trip last week
(20 Jun 2021, 5:50 pm)Ryland wrote [ -> ]Are 1759 and 1760 now withdrawn from redcar.1766 seems to be the only one doing crew duties for redcar
Waiting for parts for them I believe
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(25 Jun 2021, 5:53 am)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]Waiting for parts for them I believe
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are Alpha at Weetslade running a bit low with their spare parts inventory, then .....?

Dart 1800 still going, on the X14 today.
(28 Jun 2021, 10:12 pm)Driver9*** wrote [ -> ]Dart 1800 still going, on the X14 today.
Spotters have got a bit carried away speculating that 1800/01 are withdrawn. They are in fact very much still alive & on the go.
Rumour mill is starting up again .
So can anyone confirm the following withdrawl at redcar
Have these been withdrawn or waiting repair.
Probably awaiting repair. No doubt they are awaiting parts but there is supply issues accross the country, so no doubt for the time being they are being used as Christmas Trees until the new parts arrive. It's a common practice used by various bus operators.
(06 Aug 2021, 8:18 pm)Ryland wrote [ -> ]Rumour mill is starting up again .
So can anyone confirm the following withdrawl at redcar
Have these been withdrawn or waiting repair.
Given service reductions are still across the region, these will be mothballed/awaiting repair. 1567 is definitely awaiting an engine.
Didn't know where to put it but 1402 is now driver training
(12 Aug 2021, 2:55 pm)Train8261 wrote [ -> ]https://flic.kr/p/2mgGX5S
Photo of 1402 now in driver training
Must be the 4th or 5th repaint its had in its life.
(12 Aug 2021, 5:53 pm)Driver9*** wrote [ -> ]Must be the 4th or 5th repaint its had in its life.
Its the 4th repaint for 1402s in its life, in 17 years its had:
Original livery to Interurban
Interurban to quorum
Qorum to Interurban
Interurban to training
Reports today 4644 has gone up in smoke
Which omicity have been withdrawn
Any others
(17 Sep 2021, 5:56 am)Ryland wrote [ -> ]Which omicity have been withdrawn
Any others
4659 too.
Have the Cross Pennine ones been withdrawn
(17 Sep 2021, 5:56 am)Ryland wrote [ -> ]Which omicity have been withdrawn
Any others
(17 Sep 2021, 6:08 am)mb134 wrote [ -> ]4659 too.
According to BusTimes 4658 as well.
(17 Sep 2021, 9:02 am)Train8261 wrote [ -> ]Have the Cross Pennine ones been withdrawn
None have tracked on BusTimes since the end of July so highly plausible
I suppose with some of the service changes made which have yet to be, and may not be, reverted, Arriva have the opportunity to dispose of these old Omnicities. At Jesmond the X16 withdrawal frees up 2 buses so Cross Pennine's can be withdrawn. At Darlington, the X26/27 are now half hourly instead of 20 minutes which frees up 2 Omnicities.
Is there a reason there being withdrawn
(17 Sep 2021, 11:33 am)Train8261 wrote [ -> ]Is there a reason there being withdrawn
Because they're old, life-expired buses which are surplus to requirements?
^ and that's putting it nicely
(17 Sep 2021, 11:33 am)Train8261 wrote [ -> ]Is there a reason there being withdrawn
Basically,theyre knackered,theres only a few options for them
1) Sold to another operator
2) Scrapped
3) Maybe 1 or 2 retained and put into driver training role
(17 Sep 2021, 6:47 pm)V514DFT wrote [ -> ]Basically,theyre knackered,theres only a few options for them
1) Sold to another operator
2) Scrapped
3) Maybe 1 or 2 retained and put into driver training role
There's certain types of vehicle that, when put into a driver training role, basically impart the lesson, "Look how appalling these old buses are, aren't you grateful we've got some slightly newer, less knackered, ones?"
(17 Sep 2021, 10:51 am)peter wrote [ -> ]According to BusTimes 4658 as well.
None have tracked on BusTimes since the end of July so highly plausible
Again this is just going off BusTimes but 4643 hasn't tracked since August 25th and 4652 hasn't tracked since August 14th respectively. Of course, if there's a lack of spare parts/delayed delivery some of these could end up being resurrected but given that they're life expired you'd hope if PVR's ever do re-increase Darlington that newer vehicles are sourced from elsewhere