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RE: Trespassing - Malarkey - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 8:38 pm)Jimmi wrote I was walking through Park Lane this afternoon and someone was taking photos in the bus station, not of buses but the actual interchange itself, this annoyed me because nothing was said and also I was walking through that way at the time and I will have ended up in his photo which I didn't wish to be in and ended up covering my face to avoid being photographed. I know I can't really talk as I take bus photos with people on-board who may not want to be photographed. I am fine with appearing in bus photos but I don't know what that photo was for, it could end up being used anywhere, I don't want to see my picture pop up if say someone was attacked in Park Lane as people may assume I was involved.

It wasn't me was it, although saying that most likely wasn't be as you said they were taking photos of Interchange itself, As for the Nexus Ruling I have opted to simply ignore it and take photos in the Bus Station as I please, if I am then confronted then i'll inform them of the Photography Law which they are clearly unaware of.

RE: Trespassing - Jimmi - 29 Oct 2014

It wasn't me was it, although saying that most likely wasn't be as you said they were taking photos of Interchange itself, As for the Nexus Ruling I have opted to simply ignore it and take photos in the Bus Station as I please, if I am then confronted then i'll inform them of the Photography Law which they are clearly unaware of.
Not sure, this was between where the taxi rank and the metro station is.

RE: Trespassing - Malarkey - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 10:20 pm)Jimmi wrote Not sure, this was between where the taxi rank and the metro station is.

Probs was me then as I quite taking Photos on that Corner in PL, But definitely was not taking of the Interchange itself. 

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 10:13 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote It wasn't me was it, although saying that most likely wasn't be as you said they were taking photos of Interchange itself, As for the Nexus Ruling I have opted to simply ignore it and take photos in the Bus Station as I please, if I am then confronted then i'll inform them of the Photography Law which they are clearly unaware of.

suppose Nexus have there own rules and regulations taking photos on property but be careful who is on from Nexus some can be a awkward on property especially David he always says "Excuse me you shouldn't be taking photos here" but wherever nexus say to photo i will photo eg where my mate Ryan works is a canny spot for photos Go North East and Stagecoach galore i've photoed at that point Arriva or other Go North East Services like 700, 42, 238, 38, 60, 61, X7 i photo near the church or where Nexus puts me without causing harm i understand that rules are there for a reason not having a go but when i plan to photo i usually do an orbit of the bus station to see who is on or i ask the GNE Advisor Peter who is on then that will give me a better idea of who is on

RE: Trespassing - Dan - 29 Oct 2014

Annoyed me greatly the other day upon realisation that I always get death stares from the wicked witch of the west, even though I rarely take photos in Park Lane or indeed any other bus stations in T&W, yet I saw a bloke hobbling along the middle of the road the other day and he proceeded to walk around the middle island thing to get to the 56 stand from the 42 stand... Not a word was said.

So the people endangering their lives are fine to walk around and potentially cause a nuisance, but those who are (in more cases than not) being sensible and just taking photos are treated like terrorists. Good one.

Re: RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 11:31 pm)Dan wrote Annoyed me greatly the other day upon realisation that I always get death stares from the wicked witch of the west, even though I rarely take photos in Park Lane or indeed any other bus stations in T&W, yet I saw a bloke hobbling along the middle of the road the other day and he proceeded to walk around the middle island thing to get to the 56 stand from the 42 stand... Not a word was said.

So the people endangering their lives are fine to walk around and potentially cause a nuisance, but those who are (in more cases than not) being sensible and just taking photos are treated like terrorists. Good one.

Must admit, I shortcut across the middle island in Park Lane virtually everytime I am there and never been pulled for it yet

RE: Trespassing - Jimmi - 29 Oct 2014

Annoyed me greatly the other day upon realisation that I always get death stares from the wicked witch of the west, even though I rarely take photos in Park Lane or indeed any other bus stations in T&W, yet I saw a bloke hobbling along the middle of the road the other day and he proceeded to walk around the middle island thing to get to the 56 stand from the 42 stand... Not a word was said.

 So the people endangering their lives are fine to walk around and potentially cause a nuisance, but those who are (in more cases than not) being sensible and just taking photos are treated like terrorists. Good one.
Often is the case, also it seems to be okay to light up a fag anywhere in the bus stations yet people standing somewhere safe taking photos is like a serious offence.

Re: RE: Trespassing - Dan - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 11:33 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Must admit, I shortcut across the middle island in Park Lane virtually everytime I am there and never been pulled for it yet
See GNE drivers doing it all the time too and it annoys the hell out of me (sorry, fozz!)

Admit to having walked across from the Lime stand to the middle bit for a photo after dark on several occasions, but that's about it.

Re: RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 29 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 11:42 pm)Dan wrote See GNE drivers doing it all the time too and it annoys the hell out of me (sorry, fozz!)

Admit to having walked across from the Lime stand to the middle bit for a photo after dark on several occasions, but that's about it.

Can see why it annoys you, considering there are signs up that says no pedestrians, I find it crackers that I can walk across the bus station unchallenged, yet the minute I pull a camera out, nexus treat you like they have just caught you shagging there dog lol...

One thing that really irritates the shit out of me, Dalton Park bus lane, it has been there nearly 12 years and loads of car drivers have still not learnt to give way to buses

RE: Trespassing - Jimmi - 29 Oct 2014

One thing that really irritates the shit out of me, Dalton Park bus lane, it has been there nearly 12 years and loads of car drivers have still not learnt to give way to buses
Often happens, some days the bus can be sat there for ages waiting to get out.

Re: RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 30 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 11:54 pm)Jimmi wrote Often happens, some days the bus can be sat there for ages waiting to get out.
I have often heard bus drivers say 'I wont stop for them, I have right of way and it is therd own stupid fault if they hit me', a few years ago I actually thought an Arriva driver was going to hit some guy for nearly smashing into him...

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 30 Oct 2014

(29 Oct 2014, 11:31 pm)Dan wrote Annoyed me greatly the other day upon realisation that I always get death stares from the wicked witch of the west, even though I rarely take photos in Park Lane or indeed any other bus stations in T&W, yet I saw a bloke hobbling along the middle of the road the other day and he proceeded to walk around the middle island thing to get to the 56 stand from the 42 stand... Not a word was said.

So the people endangering their lives are fine to walk around and potentially cause a nuisance, but those who are (in more cases than not) being sensible and just taking photos are treated like terrorists. Good on
I've seen drivers go on the road Nexus fails to pull them during the day yet on the night when security is out nobody does it but if we do it or any other bus spotter does it Nexus has words with us and they threten some of us but Nexus are like farmers they allow some people but not bus enthusiasts 

RE: Trespassing - northern156 - 30 Oct 2014

(30 Oct 2014, 10:09 am)Racer_Experience wrote Nexus are like farmers they allow some people but not bus enthusiasts 

That's a very.. err.. different way of describing farmers! (Maybe city farmers you're on about) Tongue

Re: Trespassing - MrFozz - 30 Oct 2014

Definately an interesting and unusual comparison...

I think he means farmers may allow you on there land and Nexus is the stroppy farmer that hates anything to do with having you on there least that is how I interperet it...

One of the funniest things I have heard in a while

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 31 Oct 2014

Caught red handed Richard Tiplady taking photos on Nexus Property

Re: RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 31 Oct 2014

(31 Oct 2014, 4:33 pm)Racer_Experience wrote Caught red handed Richard Tiplady taking photos on Nexus Property
Where is tha

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 31 Oct 2014

(31 Oct 2014, 4:36 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Where is tha

Inside Park Lane interchange I was getting some gas and hybrids 

RE: Trespassing - Tom - 31 Oct 2014

(31 Oct 2014, 4:46 pm)Racer_Experience wrote Inside Park Lane interchange I was getting some gas and hybrids 

Your being hypocritical there - I saw you in Haymarket yesterday taking photos...

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 31 Oct 2014

(31 Oct 2014, 5:08 pm)Tom wrote Your being hypocritical there - I saw you in Haymarket yesterday taking photos...

that was outside the property where Nexus don't mind me taking photos at that spot i've seen plenty of bus spotters take photos where i was yesterday but Richard broke the rule and took photos inside Park Lane where i took them nearby where the buses come in and out or by the church where the lights were

RE: Trespassing - Tommy1581 - 01 Jan 2015

When I visited Sunderland a few months ago. I rang Nexus and asked for permission to take photos inside the Interchange. Permission was granted as long as I went to the Travel Shop to make them aware that I'm taking photographs. On arrival, I went to the Travel Shop and told them I was taking photos and had permission via phone, I was told that (in a loud and abrupt voice) "Photography is ILLEGAL and not permitted within the Interchange, and that the person who granted you permission was NOT allowed to do so." So I just got some timetables and went to various locations around Sunderland to take photos.

RE: Trespassing - Adrian - 01 Jan 2015

(01 Jan 2015, 1:50 pm)ArrivaNE_7522 wrote When I visited Sunderland a few months ago. I rang Nexus and asked for permission to take photos inside the Interchange. Permission was granted as long as I went to the Travel Shop to make them aware that I'm taking photographs. On arrival, I went to the Travel Shop and told them I was taking photos and had permission via phone, I was told that (in a loud and abrupt voice) "Photography is ILLEGAL and not permitted within the Interchange, and that the person who granted you permission was NOT allowed to do so." So I just got some timetables and went to various locations around Sunderland to take photos.

Just goes to show how moronic Nexus' "policy" towards enthusiasts is. Not that anyone has actually seen an official policy! The security at Heworth seem OK with it as of late, and I've not had any grief from them. I was at Gateshead Interchange a number of weeks ago now though, and Dan had barely stepped foot on the pavement, before someone from Nexus was over like a hawk. At the same time though, they're happy enough for smokers to continue, despite all the signs.

RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 01 Jan 2015

I know the quotes below were posted over a year ago...but

(09 Jan 2014, 5:42 pm)Malarkey wrote I'm afraid I have some great news that'll put a smile of the face of every Bus Enthusiast in Tyne and Wear.

After getting caught taking a photo on the sly in Park Lane of the New B9's on the 56, I was told a little wee story about certain Bus Enthusiast that everyone loves to Hate, which occurred on 2 Separate Occasions over past week or 2.

From what the Station Manager told me whilst telling me off, Nexus have decided to "Spoiler Alert" Officially Ban "Bazza" from taking any photos at any Bus Station which is owned by Nexus, This after Bazza on more than Occasion went out into the Middle Island to take Photos in Park Lane despite being told not to do so beforehand. Bazza then on both Occasions apparently "Blew a Gasket" at the Nexus Staff who were Managing the Station on those 2 separate Days.

I was told that Bazza should receive a Letter through the Post in the next Week or so, if he hasn't already and the Ban will come into affect Immediately, I then asked if at any point did the Nexus Staff insult him by calling him "Barry", To which the Station Manager replied "Yes as that's his Name", I then said that's why he kicked off, as we all know he hates been called "Barry", To which I got a Confused look and a Simple Reply of, Just make sure in Future when you take Photos that is no Nexus Staff about otherwise write a Letter for Permission to do so, then the bloke walked away.

Furthermore I am Curious as to whether this Ban for Bazza means that he is unable to then get a Bus from Park Lane/Gateshead etc as well as been unable to take Photos, Surely if he Banned then he is Unable to use the Bus Station altogether.

I thought I would just make sure Everyone was made aware in case anyone else gets a Ban or Something by Nexus for Taking Photos etc. At least something has finally been done about Bazza. Hopefully he takes it Seriously and Doesn't step foot on Nexus Property to take Photos.

Did Bazza stick to his photography ban on Nexus land???

(09 Jan 2014, 6:32 pm)Dan wrote I personally admire Bazza in some ways... He's put through hell in this hobby and although he brings a lot of it upon himself, he still plods on doing what he loves - taking photographs of buses.

He's never said a bad word about me as far as I know, so I really don't feel like I can say much about him. Granted he - or the things he does/is rumoured to do - may irritate me if I'm in a bad mood, but I actually think I dislike the people who constantly take the piss out of him more so. I have even less respect for the people who take the piss out of him (or others) by saying things sarcastically on the public domain, but when questioned, they act all innocent.

Would love them to take a step in his shoes, just to see what it's like - everyone taking the piss out of you and doing things to annoy you.

A lot of enthusiasts in the community ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Agreed Dan, some of his actions are not responsible at times, and probably doesn't help himself or do himself any favours at times, but as pointed out, goes through hell and the grief he gets is uncalled at times, and he gets it in the most public way, normally here.

The man is probably one of the most enthusiastic enthusiasts I have ever met, he loves the hobby and lives for it too, most people count sheep to get to sleep, Bazza probably counts Citaro's, Scania's and MPDs to nod off...

RE: Trespassing - Jimmi - 01 Jan 2015

(01 Jan 2015, 2:18 pm)aureolin wrote Just goes to show how moronic Nexus' "policy" towards enthusiasts is. Not that anyone has actually seen an official policy! The security at Heworth seem OK with it as of late, and I've not had any grief from them. I was at Gateshead Interchange a number of weeks ago now though, and Dan had barely stepped foot on the pavement, before someone from Nexus was over like a hawk. At the same time though, they're happy enough for smokers to continue, despite all the signs.

I got evil looks from Nexus staff when I was talking some photos by the traffic lights on the other side of the road from Gateshead Interchange a few weeks back, I thought one was even going to cross the road and tell me to stop. Also got looks when I was stood outside the church opposite Park Lane the other week so now I can't be arsed to go anywhere near them anymore because I feel like I am a serious vigilante just for taking some photos of buses and get arrested for accusing me of being a terrorist so now I am currently working on ideas on spots for different shots in Sunderland because I don't want Nexus giving me looks for taking photos of buses leaving their hideous elephant of an interchange.

I think we all want to see Nexus' policy on enthusiasts as so far all we seem to have gotten is "it's illegal" and is it just a bus enthusiast policy or is it a ban on ALL photography because if this is the case I want to see them stop people taking selfies because we aren't allowed to take photos in their bus stations so really no one else should be either as to me it's just generalising a particular type of people which is not fair on us.

RE: Trespassing - Adrian - 01 Jan 2015

(01 Jan 2015, 2:49 pm)Jimmi wrote I got evil looks from Nexus staff when I was talking some photos by the traffic lights on the other side of the road from Gateshead Interchange a few weeks back, I thought one was even going to cross the road and tell me to stop. Also got looks when I was stood outside the church opposite Park Lane the other week so now I can't be arsed to go anywhere near them anymore because I feel like I am a serious vigilante just for taking some photos of buses and get arrested for accusing me of being a terrorist so now I am currently working on ideas on spots for different shots in Sunderland because I don't want Nexus giving me looks for taking photos of buses leaving their hideous elephant of an interchange.

I think we all want to see Nexus' policy on enthusiasts as so far all we seem to have gotten is "it's illegal" and is it just a bus enthusiast policy or is it a ban on ALL photography because if this is the case I want to see them stop people taking selfies because we aren't allowed to take photos in their bus stations so really no one else should be either as to me it's just generalising a particular type of people which is not fair on us.

It's pathetic. They'll stand watching you at Gateshead. Whilst I disagreed, I used to at least respect the rules they have, but I couldn't care less now. Nexus aren't interested in talking about them, or trying to come up with a compromise. Photography being illegal is nonsense. As is the old "cameras are banned from the Interchange" line they give. 

I'll stick an FOI in for the policy.

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 01 Jan 2015

(01 Jan 2015, 2:29 pm)MrFozz wrote I know the quotes below were posted over a year ago...but

Did Bazza stick to his photography ban on Nexus land???

Agreed Dan, some of his actions are not responsible at times, and probably doesn't help himself or do himself any favours at times, but as pointed out, goes through hell and the grief he gets is uncalled at times, and he gets it in the most public way, normally here.

The man is probably one of the most enthusiastic enthusiasts I have ever met, he loves the hobby and lives for it too, most people count sheep to get to sleep, Bazza probably counts Citaro's, Scania's and MPDs to nod off...
I often read books nowadays I try and avoid as many nexus properties as I can now for the past 12 months when am in Sunderland I usually stand outside my mates work place which is next door to park lane and I get everything there stagecoach GNE if it's for Arriva however I have to cross over where the church is just to get photos as long as nexus are happy and am happy that's the main thing I try to avoid the best I can the bad stuff aka grief as one fellow bus spotter said to me if any of the bad bus spotters have a go his suggestion was the word block if in public another bus spotter said to me try your best to ignore them but I usually track all news reports here aka NEB Forum for repaints but I do get advice from a few of my good pals like Paul and Ryan (his uncle works for GNE) NEB Forum is the setting stone of my planning eg trips out I try and get every target in as possible if I don't then I usually say "there is always another time" but once I finish my targets depending on time of day I usually either go home have a nice hot bath or have a nice coca cola drink or during cold months a cuppa to keep warm I only go bus spotting 2 times a week depends on extra days but in the new year am planning more trips further afield like Doncaster, Sheffield, Hull again plus other unknown places I never been to

RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 01 Jan 2015

(01 Jan 2015, 2:42 pm)Davie wrote I have to agree, Bazza is a very inspirational person, even if the weather bad (e.g snow) he still goes out and braves it.
I dont know about inspirational...But he does love the hobby, we are all fans of buses, but Baz does go the extra mile, despite the grief we have directed...I would personally drift away from enthusiasm if I was getting that level of grief

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 22 Oct 2015

photos all taken inside Stanley depot by jackdriver15

RE: Trespassing - Michael - 22 Oct 2015

(22 Oct 2015, 12:11 am)Diamond One wrote photos all taken inside Stanley depot by jackdriver15

I think hes related to someone who is a driver so he could of got permission to take pictures like that because of that..

Sure it was said before... not sure though.

RE: Trespassing - Diamond One - 22 Oct 2015

(22 Oct 2015, 12:16 am)Michael wrote I think hes related to someone who is a driver so he could of got permission to take pictures like that because of that..

Sure it was said before... not sure though.

If I take photos inside the depot I wouldn't dare put them on Flickr or any social media sites t even if my dad was a driver or not even it could land the engineers in the crap as I remember once an engineer said to me despite I wasn't taken any photos he said if you do take photos make sure they don't go onto social media aka Facebook Twitter Flickr Instagram etc as the engineer may get a telling off from his boss if am outside and a bus is outside that fair enough it is safe to put on social media

RE: Trespassing - MrFozz - 22 Oct 2015

(22 Oct 2015, 12:16 am)Michael wrote I think hes related to someone who is a driver so he could of got permission to take pictures like that because of that..

Sure it was said before... not sure though.
Looking at those pics, he must have had permission fron somebody, I dont believe you could walk into a depot and get a load of photos without being seen

(22 Oct 2015, 12:25 am)Diamond One wrote If I take photos inside the depot I wouldn't dare put them on Flickr or any social media sites t even if my dad was a driver or not even it could land the engineers in the crap as I remember once an engineer said to me despite I wasn't taken any photos he said if you do take photos make sure they don't go onto social media aka Facebook Twitter Flickr Instagram etc as the engineer may get a telling off from his boss if am outside and a bus is outside that fair enough it is safe to put on social media

That is complete nonsense Bazza, can ya say that again please mate