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RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 26 Jan 2015

(26 Jan 2015, 10:21 am)Adam wrote Seems the mighty homeland of the great-great grandmother are wanting change.

The reason why the economy collapsed in Greece was simply because they couldn't grasp the concept of the Euro. Their Drachma system was equivalent of our pence, so for example if something was worth £1.00, the Greeks would say 100 Drachma. 

Anyway, when the Euro came in, the Greeks didn't understand it very well, so were just rounding prices up to the nearest Euro Cent. So, if say beforehand something cost 160 Drachma, it would have been rounded up to €2 (or 200 Drachma), of course leading to everything being more expensive, meaning people couldn't afford it and so on.

I see Alexis Tsipras, the party leader, is considering returning to the Drachma system. As you say, there are interesting times ahead.

There is/was also the issue of tax evasion. I think at one point, half the working population were avoiding paying taxes of one kind or another.
I read somewhere, that the annual expense for benefits under the welfare state, was €20odd bn. A similar amount goes missing through various tax avoidance measures.

One of the stories I heard whilst there in the summer, is that the amount of unfinished houses left, without a roof/upstairs is because of the tax laws.
Apparently you start paying tax, when the roof is installed (or something like that).

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 26 Jan 2015

(26 Jan 2015, 10:50 am)Adam wrote A whole smorgasbord of reasons then.

Some of the laws are a bit bonkers like

Or... A Greek meze of reasons!
*bdum tish*

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 30 Jan 2015

Following on from earlier comments, I have been looking at the Green party as an alternative to cast my vote.
Whilst I am unsure as to who will be standing in my constituency, the Tories and UKIP ain't getting my vote. Neither will the BNP or anything else of that ilk.
The Lib Dems had a chance to show they had something behind them, failing miserably and Labour, well as I have said before - aren't Labour.

I took a look a the Green Party. Some of their manifesto is interesting, some I agree with, some I don't.
I think this article ( from a few days ago, sums their current situation up.
It also has similar thoughts to one I suggest a while back, about the need for a left wing party, to emerge and do for the left, what UKIP has done for the other side - in bringing issues, concerns etc to the wider public conscience.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 9:41 am)Andreos1 wrote Following on from earlier comments, I have been looking at the Green party as an alternative to cast my vote.
Whilst I am unsure as to who will be standing in my constituency, the Tories and UKIP ain't getting my vote. Neither will the BNP or anything else of that ilk.
The Lib Dems had a chance to show they had something behind them, failing miserably and Labour, well as I have said before - aren't Labour.

I took a look a the Green Party. Some of their manifesto is interesting, some I agree with, some I don't.
I think this article ( from a few days ago, sums their current situation up.
It also has similar thoughts to one I suggest a while back, about the need for a left wing party, to emerge and do for the left, what UKIP has done for the other side - in bringing issues, concerns etc to the wider public conscience.
Not sure how seriously I should take a tabloid...But The Greens have said Brits wanting to join IS and Al-Qaeda will be legalised...

Theres hope for the FPF can become fully legit...

Seriously, if true, I think that is quite disturbing

They will also abolish the monarchy and move the queen into a council house...Sure Gentoo could provide the old girl a nice little pad in Pennywell

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 10:29 am)MrFozz wrote Not sure how seriously I should take a tabloid...But The Greens have said Brits wanting to join IS and Al-Qaeda will be legalised...

Theres hope for the FPF can become fully legit...

Seriously, if true, I think that is quite disturbing

They will also abolish the monarchy and move the queen into a council house...Sure Gentoo could provide the old girl a nice little pad in Pennywell

Aye, think you need to look into what a tabloid publishes in a little bit more detail. Wink

Green Party policy states 'it should not be a crime simply to belong to an organisation or have sympathy with its aims, though it should be a crime to aid and abet criminal acts or deliberately fund such acts'.
On BBC1's Sunday Politics Miss Bennett was challenged about the policy and whether that would make it legal for people living in Britain to join brutal terrorist groups such as ISIS.
She said: 'This is a part of our policy that I think dates back to the age of the ANC and apartheid South Africa.'
Pressed on whether that meant it would be allowed to be a member of Al Qaeda or IS, she said: 'Exactly. What we want to do is make sure we are not punishing people for what they think or what they believe.
'Obviously actions of inciting violence, supporting violence, those are absolutely unacceptable, illegal and should be pursued to the full extent of the law.'
She added: 'What we are talking about is a principle that you shouldn't be punished for what you think. And we need to balance, we do not protect freedom by destroying it.'
That's from the Daily Mail. The headline gives a totally different impression, when you read the full article...

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 11:15 am)Andreos1 wrote Aye, think you need to look into what a tabloid publishes in a little bit more detail. Wink

That's from the Daily Mail. The headline gives a totally different impression, when you read the full article...

It was The Mirror I read it in...I would not piss on the Daily Fail if it was on fire

So is Natalie Bennett saying it will be ok to believe in IS/Al-Qaeda ideals, as long as that is all you do, just believe in it, but if you resort to violence of any kind that is unacceptable

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Adrian - 30 Jan 2015

I'll probably end up voting Green in the General Election, as Labour are offering absolutely nowt. I'm also getting sick to death of the constant NHS show every time Labour get air time. 

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 11:25 am)MrFozz wrote It was The Mirror I read it in...I would not piss on the Daily Fail if it was on fire

So is Natalie Bennett saying it will be ok to believe in IS/Al-Qaeda ideals, as long as that is all you do, just believe in it, but if you resort to violence of any kind that is unacceptable

By the looks of it, she is saying you can believe in whichever ideology you have, as long as you don't commit crimes in line with those beliefs.
Pretty much what we have now.

I don't read the Daily Mail at all, but if that is giving a (fairly) balanced piece (once you get beyond the headlines), without opinion or bias towards the right and against the left, then it is a pretty good example to quote.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MurdnunoC - 30 Jan 2015

As a member of The Green Party (since 2010), I am pleased to see that people are seriously considering them as an alternative.

Like Andreos, I don't necessarily agree with every single policy (I'm not a huge environmentalist for one). The main reason I decided to join was because they were the party which were attuned to my views and political beliefs. They are, in my opinion, the only party which caters towards people with moderate left-wing views.

Aside from the constant NHS baiting, one thing that Labour seem to be doing lately is dismissing the Greens in a similar manner to the way the Tories dismiss UKIP. You know, the old 'if you vote Greens/UKIP you'll be sleepwalking into an Ed Miliband/David Cameron-led government'. While there may be some truth to that, it really irritates me that the both Labour and the Conservatives use that as a reason to vote for them. It's very dismissive of the general public (suggesting that their views are irrelevant and their votes meaningless) and it reeks of the established order attempting to maintain the status-quo.

Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 30 Jan 2015

I will be voting for Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid or White, Rat Catching And Safe Sewage Residents Party

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MurdnunoC - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 12:48 pm)MrFozz wrote I will be voting for Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid or White, Rat Catching And Safe Sewage Residents Party

Do they have manifestos?

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 30 Jan 2015

(30 Jan 2015, 6:27 pm)MurdnunoC wrote Do they have manifestos?
At a by-election at Dunny-on-the-Wold the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party campaigned for the Compulsory Serving of Asparagus at Breakfast, free corsets for the under-5's and the abolition of slavery(which no moderate is amused with), the slavery issue was thrown in for a joke

From about the 18:45 mark Wink

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 31 Jan 2015

Teaching staff to be made redundant from two Gateshead schools.
Not exactly a glowing endorsement of the Academy system.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 31 Jan 2015

(31 Jan 2015, 11:26 am)Andreos1 wrote

Teaching staff to be made redundant from two Gateshead schools.
Not exactly a glowing endorsement of the Academy system.
How does the Academy and Free School System actually work...Is it like Private Education, smaller classes and higher standard of learning???

The way it has gone for the Condom Gov't makes Michael Gove look like a complete bell end

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 31 Jan 2015

(31 Jan 2015, 12:14 pm)MrFozz wrote How does the Academy and Free School System actually work...Is it like Private Education, smaller classes and higher standard of learning???

The way it has gone for the Condom Gov't makes Michael Gove look like a complete bell end

Basically ran as a business, independent of local authority control.
An Academy receives central Government funding and doesn't need to adhere to the National Curriculum.
Class sizes I my eldests school, aren't dissimilar to the size of my classes (LEA).

A free school is something I am not too sure about, but having had a quick look at the .gov website, they don't seem to different to an academy.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 04 Feb 2015

Has anyone read The Road to Serfdom by Hayek?

Despite not agreeing with many of the theories contained in it, it was an interesting read.

If anyone on here is interested in politics, I would recommend reading it.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Adrian - 07 Feb 2015

Time to Modernise Politics and Reform Flawed Voting System

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MurdnunoC - 08 Feb 2015

(07 Feb 2015, 8:04 pm)aureolin wrote Time to Modernise Politics and Reform Flawed Voting System

I'm very much for electoral reform and favour a PR-type system in which two votes are cast: one for candidate of choice; the other for party of choice. Cabinets/Shadow Cabinets can be made up from those not directly elected as 'candidate of choice'. Candidates can then represent their constituents without the added burden of a ministerial position. After all, how can the Prime Minister truly represent the constituents of Witney (or in the past, Sedgefield) when there are matters of international importance to attend? 

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 08 Feb 2015

(08 Feb 2015, 9:42 am)MurdnunoC wrote I'm very much for electoral reform and favour a PR-type system in which two votes are cast: one for candidate of choice; the other for party of choice. Cabinets/Shadow Cabinets can be made up from those not directly elected as 'candidate of choice'. Candidates can then represent their constituents without the added burden of a ministerial position. After all, how can the Prime Minister truly represent the constituents of Witney (or in the past, Sedgefield) when there are matters of international importance to attend? 
Sounds like a good idea mate...

Is that the system Nick Clegg rattles on about and was defeated in the 2011 Referendum???

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 11 Feb 2015

Daft question...

How do I find if I will be eligible to vote or will I need to wait till my voting card arrives, as I have voted in every single election 2001 is it safe to say I am almost certainly registered to vote???

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Adrian - 11 Feb 2015

(11 Feb 2015, 9:34 pm)MrFozz wrote Daft question...

How do I find if I will be eligible to vote or will I need to wait till my voting card arrives, as I have voted in every single election 2001 is it safe to say I am almost certainly registered to vote???

If in doubt -

You're in Durham aren't you? If so, I had 'the occupier' letter through the door recently, which listed those eligible to vote at my address.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MrFozz - 11 Feb 2015

(11 Feb 2015, 9:38 pm)aureolin wrote If in doubt -

You're in Durham aren't you? If so, I had 'the occupier' letter through the door recently, which listed those eligible to vote at my address.
Cheers mate

Yeah, I am in Murton mate, sure I have seen 'To the Occupier' letter lying about somewhere in the last few weeks...

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 23 Feb 2015

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RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Andreos1 - 09 Mar 2015

Two things annoying me today, but sticking them in here, due to the nature of them.

The first one, relates to Thatcher. Always had my suspicions and now it appears to be true

The second 'annoyance', goes to back to a post I made previously about the dictatorship that is the EU and the un-elected President Junker wanting to form an EU army.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - LeeCalder - 09 Mar 2015

As soon as I'm 18 I am going to vote UKIP

Politics (and other political stuff) - R852 PRG - 09 Mar 2015

(09 Mar 2015, 5:10 pm)leestransportphotos wrote As soon as I'm 18 I am going to vote UKIP

Don't think I've ever made a good presence in this thread, so now may be the time. I have a politically-interested friend who informs me of a lot things, and he is a Conservative-obsessed guy. Very intelligent too, could prove you wrong in a situation he has little knowledge of.

I have always agreed with UKIP's policies, but I fear being seen as a racist. If I had to pick out of the 4 when I first vote - they'll get mine.

My mam's side of the family (primarily coal mining) has always been a (well, there's only her now! Tongue) Labour family - strongly opposed and despising of Conservatives. Her side of the family was literally torn apart during the fights for the pits against Margaret Thatcher.

Whereas my dad's side of the family (which in comparison between him and my mam, he had a much better upbringing in a middle-class environment) has always been Conservative, and opposed to Labour.

A hard battle to fight, but I know for a fact we have always gone with Conservative since Labour got the push out office a few years ago.

My thoughts on the Liberal Democrats: can't stand that Nick Clegg, wanting us to go to school on Saturdays...citaro5284 wouldn't get his reviews for gods sake! Tongue On a serious note, I literally can't stand them or anything they stand for.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - Adrian - 09 Mar 2015

(09 Mar 2015, 5:10 pm)leestransportphotos wrote As soon as I'm 18 I am going to vote UKIP

Why UKIP out of interest? What stands out as a vote winner?

(09 Mar 2015, 5:32 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Don't think I've ever made a good presence in this thread, so now may be the time. I have a politically-interested friend who informs me of a lot things, and he is a Conservative-obsessed guy. Very intelligent too, could prove you wrong in a situation he has little knowledge of.

I have always agreed with UKIP's policies, but I fear being seen as a racist. If I had to pick out of the 4 when I first vote - they'll get mine.

My mam's side of the family (primarily coal mining) has always been a (well, there's only her now! Tongue) Labour family - strongly opposed and despising of Conservatives. Her side of the family was literally torn apart during the fights for the pits against Margaret Thatcher.

Whereas my dad's side of the family (which in comparison between him and my mam, he had a much better upbringing in a middle-class environment) has always been Conservative, and opposed to Labour.

A hard battle to fight, but I know for a fact we have always gone with Conservative since Labour got the push out office a few years ago.

My thoughts on the Liberal Democrats: can't stand that Nick Clegg, wanting us to go to school on Saturdays...citaro5284 wouldn't get his reviews for gods sake! Tongue On a serious note, I literally can't stand them or anything they stand for.

Which UKIP policies stand out to you, and for what reasons? 

Politics (and other political stuff) - R852 PRG - 09 Mar 2015

(09 Mar 2015, 6:06 pm)aureolin wrote Why UKIP out of interest? What stands out as a vote winner?

Which UKIP policies stand out to you, and for what reasons? 


Another that I've always liked is that we would pay exactly the same student fees as International students. Assuming I've got this right, and not wrong, that would mean I would pay less for university, and everyone would be equal. Like someone once said to me - 'money is necessary for survival, not matter how much you have'. My thoughts on it are cheaper things are, no matter how much you have to spare, will always appeal.

Without wanting to come across as racist, I like the whole 'British jobs for British people' idea. Like always, if I expand on that point, I'll end up digging myself a I'll leave that one there.

Although, having said that, one thing that would worry me was the fact I heard that Nigel Farage doesn't have a degree or further education? Do you know this to be true? I must say, that would put me off slightly.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - MurdnunoC - 09 Mar 2015

(09 Mar 2015, 6:16 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Independence.

Another that I've always liked is that we would pay exactly the same student fees as International students. Assuming I've got this right, and not wrong, that would mean I would pay less for university, and everyone would be equal. Like someone once said to me - 'money is necessary for survival, not matter how much you have'. My thoughts on it are cheaper things are, no matter how much you have to spare, will always appeal.

Without wanting to come across as racist, I like the whole 'British jobs for British people' idea. Like always, if I expand on that point, I'll end up digging myself a I'll leave that one there.

Although, having said that, one thing that would worry me was the fact I heard that Nigel Farage doesn't have a degree or further education? Do you know this to be true? I must say, that would put me off slightly.

You do realise International students tend to pay more to study in the UK. I think you may have misunderstood something there.

RE: Politics (and other political stuff) - R852 PRG - 09 Mar 2015

(09 Mar 2015, 6:29 pm)MurdnunoC wrote You do realise International students tend to pay more to study in the UK. I think you may have misunderstood something there.

Oh I see...................#fail. Well that's embarrassing. Tongue

That aside, I still agree with independence and the 'British jobs for British people' campaign.