(07 Aug 2016, 9:31 pm)peter wrote I'm aware that this was a while ago and things may have changed (and so it may be slightly out of date) but in the publication (that was part of the original post above) it gives a long list of DCC contracts all of which were due to end 30/7/16...I don't recall any changes of operators/services occurring recently so I was just wondering does anyone know if these have been extended, and if so how long for, or if they have simply awarded all the contracts to the same operators (though i find it hard to believe that not one has changed for one reason or another)???Well, the Scarlet Band 58 stayed the same and DCC even provided new timetables for the areas it serves in common with other services which had changed, so they must have been sure of that back in June.
RE: Tender Discussion Thread