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Pokemon Go - Printable Version +- North East Buses (https://northeastbuses.co.uk) +-- Forum: Other Forums (https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=7) +--- Forum: General Discussion (https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=51) +--- Thread: Pokemon Go (/showthread.php?tid=1899) |
RE: Games - PO51WNF - 08 Nov 2016 It is a special event ending this Friday, there are more Pokemon spawns and more items from Pokestops. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk RE: Games - Michael - 08 Nov 2016 (08 Nov 2016, 9:44 pm)PO51WNF wrote It is a special event ending this Friday, there are more Pokemon spawns and more items from Pokestops. Ye, then it'll back to the same rubbish Pokemon.... -.- This was earlier in Sunderland City Centre. RE: Games - Michael - 08 Nov 2016 My top Pokemon: RE: Games - BusLoverMum - 08 Nov 2016 The better variety is a permanent change. The greater prevalence of all pokemon is just for this week's event, celebrating the new bonuses. Got 12 items from my first spin, this morning! RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 09 Nov 2016 28 pages hahaha Took over our lifes haha RE: Pokemon Go - Rapidsnap - 11 Nov 2016 It's annoying the speed block on PokeStops and the Spawns. Especially when you are sat on a bus, see a one you haven't got, go to tap on it and knocks it off. RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 11 Nov 2016 (11 Nov 2016, 2:12 am)GMitchelhill wrote It's annoying the speed block on PokeStops and the Spawns. Especially when you are sat on a bus, see a one you haven't got, go to tap on it and knocks it off. Aye. Actually appreciated the roadworks that made my bus crawl all the way from the bus station to gilesgate roundabout, the other day. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 11 Nov 2016 Sat in my house playing it and caught: Ponyta - CP 220 Machoke - CP 364 Horsea - CP 302 Shame i have all of them.. RE: Pokemon Go - Rapidsnap - 12 Nov 2016 Just realised I've had 2 pokemon in the same gym for nearly 3 weeks now. RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 12 Nov 2016 My top 12 are: 1484cp Vaporeon 1111cp Hypo 1087cp Jolteon 1046cp Aerodactyl 1038cp Hypno 976cp Gengar 973cp Hypno 956cp Golbat 952cp Hypno 939cp Cloyster 927cp Hypno 901cp Hypno And today I became level 20 RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 12 Nov 2016 (12 Nov 2016, 11:48 am)NK53 TKT wrote My top 12 are: Very nice. Keep going RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 12 Nov 2016 Just been to mowbray park. Caught 6 onix, one got away! Heading for saltwell park for some vulpix, now. Via CLS,since we've had to change travel plans. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 12 Nov 2016 (12 Nov 2016, 1:25 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Just been to mowbray park. Caught 6 onix, one got away! Think you've just confirmed, it's a Onix nest, i need loads of candy for its gen 2 evolution, Thanks =D RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 12 Nov 2016 Just caught a 1004cp Electabuzz RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 12 Nov 2016 Only encountered 3 vulpix, but bigun caught a chansey in low fell and I've finally hatched not one, but two charmander! RE: Pokemon Go - Rapidsnap - 12 Nov 2016 I'm level 25 with over 90 pokemon of 1000+cp. My current highest is a Clefable name Culdross with 1614cp. One way to look out for my pokemon is to look for blue mystic ones with the pokemon named after places matching the first letter of the pokemon name. Currently I'm in Gyms at Newburn Country Park, Lemington, Willington Viaduct (Metro Bridge between Howdon and Hadrian Road) and Newburn Riverside Park. My username is Rapidsnap RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 16 Nov 2016 (12 Nov 2016, 7:03 pm)GMitchelhill wrote I'm level 25 with over 90 pokemon of 1000+cp. My current highest is a Clefable name Culdross with 1614cp. Nice Gary. I'm off to Latimer's today in Sunderland, then i'm walking too Seaburn, Roker Park, Roker, Roker Marina, Glass Centre and then might cross the bridge to the town and have a walk around Mowbray Park. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 16 Nov 2016 (16 Nov 2016, 11:23 am)Michael wrote Nice Gary. I went for my long walk today and added 6 new Pokemon to my Pokedex.... =D Few eggs hatched which helped, got up to level 23. Nests are currently the same at the min: Exeggcute: Roker Park Onyx - Mowbray park Poliwag/Magnemite - Roker Also my top Pokemon: RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 17 Nov 2016 Nests looks to of changed, someone is reporting that Mowbray park in Sunderland is now a Tentacool nest, as they caught 8 while walking through. RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 17 Nov 2016 (17 Nov 2016, 2:42 pm)Michael wrote Nests looks to of changed, someone is reporting that Mowbray park in Sunderland is now a Tentacool nest, as they caught 8 while walking through. Pah. Boring. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 17 Nov 2016 (17 Nov 2016, 6:33 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Pah. Boring. Yup, typical i have both Tenticool and Tenticruel. New Pokemon Nests are being added To Pokemon Go, 7th Nest Migration Has Just Happened! It’s been 13 days since Last Pokemon GO Nest Migration, And past 3 migrations were 14 days apart from each other, so it’s no surprise that PokemonGO Nest migration occurred today! Here is a list, but its not confirmed... Machop -> Omanyte Kabuto -> Pinsir Machop -> Magikarp Charmander -> Psyduck Kabuto -> Magmar Pikachu -> Duduo Growlithe -> Pikachu Voltorb -> Krabby Shellder -> Magnemite Ponyta -> Bulbasaur Onix -> Psyduck Growlithe -> Doduo Growlithe -> Clefairy Electabuzz -> Paris Charmender -> Krabby http://otakukart.com/animeblog/2016/11/17/new-pokemon-nest-added-pokemongo-7th-nest-migration/ RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 18 Nov 2016 Yep. They're random, these days. Saltwell park has gone all Sandshrew. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 19 Nov 2016 Just caught a Dewgong from my house...only 635. Currently have a seel with a CP of 487 and 46 candies. RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 20 Nov 2016 Have had bulbasaurs in nearby sightings all evening. None reachable, of course. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 20 Nov 2016 (20 Nov 2016, 12:31 am)BusLoverMum wrote Have had bulbasaurs in nearby sightings all evening. None reachable, of course. ![]() Anyone know where Tangela spawns?, i don't think i've seen one on the tracker etc. Caught 123/142 Pokemon (not including region locked Pokemon) RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 20 Nov 2016 (20 Nov 2016, 11:59 am)Michael wrote I've never seen wild Tangela - though I only saw my first porygon shadow, last week. Bulbasaurs again, today. Ran out in the cold for a wee walk and I've worked out where they're not. Suspect they might be around a nearby playing field. Will try to test out my theory, in the morning, before the storm hits! Though, having said that, I've not seen one since the update, this evening (though nor have I been playing much) Found a nest quite close to us, at Broomside park in Durham. It's growlithe, at the moment, so not terribly exciting, but they're not something we're overwhelmed with, so was nice ot catch a few. Considering heading to South Shields, next weekend, for charmander at Cleadon park. Think we can get to that easily from the 20/20A RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 20 Nov 2016 (20 Nov 2016, 11:10 pm)BusLoverMum wrote I've never seen wild Tangela - though I only saw my first porygon shadow, last week. I seen my first Porygon shadow thw other day too it's annoying when you don't find what u want. ----- Reading that Gen 2 will be out soon too, so another 100 Pokemon will be added (expect for legenary Pokemon) Also heard Ditto is in the game BUT you can't catch it yet, it's said Ditto will be catchable when gen 2 comes out. Gen 2 Pokedex can be found here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_National_Pokédex_number#Generation_II Few pre-evolutions and evolutions for gen 1 Pokemon... get loads of candies! We don't get to see magmars evolution until gen 4 ![]() ----- Do hope we get to see mega evolution in the game though...it first appear's in the anime in gen 6... Some good ones though... that Charizard X... http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mega_Evolution RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 Just seen this on the Pokemon Go facebook page: --------- Pokémon GO Trainers, It has been an incredible experience since we launched Pokémon GO a few short months ago in July. We are passionate about creating experiences that encourage exploration and promote exercise. We are humbled that hundreds of millions of you around the world have joined us on this journey. So we would like to say thank you - and what better way to say thank you than to celebrate our community. So, starting November 23rd at 00:00 UTC and going through November 30th 00:00 UTC, we will double the amount of XP and Stardust you receive when completing in-game actions. The Pokémon GO team -------------- I bet they're getting ready for gen 2!, i just want to complete my Pokedex.... shame every Pokemon i need, doesn't spawn! RE: Pokemon Go - Adrian - 21 Nov 2016 I've got a bit bored of it lately to be honest. Trainer battles and an actual interactive gym system is a huge miss for me. I've bought Pokemon X off Amazon today though, as it's got quite a number of Gen 1 pokemon in the game to find. So I'll have to dust off the 3DS. RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 2:52 pm)Adrian wrote I've got a bit bored of it lately to be honest. Trainer battles and an actual interactive gym system is a huge miss for me. Yup, i rarely do gym battles but would be good to be able to battle other players just randomly... and have more than 1 move, same as on the Pokemon Yellow game. They need to update it all the time but they just bring out stupid text fixes.... Hopefully, if they've completed gen 2, it'll be out soon, so they can work on gen 3. |