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RE: Pokemon Go - Adrian - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 2:57 pm)Michael wrote Yup, i rarely do gym battles but would be good to be able to battle other players just randomly... and have more than 1 move, same as on the Pokemon Yellow game.Gym battles are very poorly thought out to be honest. People starting the game now have no chance, as most gyms are populated with level 25+ trainers. Perhaps it should have been a fictional trainer per gym with 6 randomly assigned Pokemon to defeat? Their CP is based on your own level, and you just get rewarded for defeating the gym, rather than taking it over. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 3:06 pm)Adrian wrote Gym battles are very poorly thought out to be honest. People starting the game now have no chance, as most gyms are populated with level 25+ trainers. That would be good, but not on all of them though, if u get defeated you can't battle it again for 24 hours. RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 21 Nov 2016 My top 30: 1 1493cp Vaporeon 2 1484cp Flareon 3 1484cp Vaporeon 4 1434cp Vaporeon 5 1254cp Flareon 6 1226cp Hypno 7 1172cp Jolteon 8 1170cp Seaking 9 1111cp Hypno 10 1102cp Victreebel 11 1098cp Pidgeot 12 1064cp Venomoth 13 1046cp Aerodactyl 14 1038cp Hypno 15 1022ccp Fearow 16 1017cp Kingler 17 1014cp Jolteon 18 1004cp Electabuzz 19 988cp Machoke 20 980cp Magneton 21 976cp Gengar 22 973cp Hypno 23 965cp Golbat 24 956cp Golbat 25 952cp Hypno 26 939cp Cloyster 27 927cp Hypno 28 901cp Hypno 29 881cp Pidgeot 30 866cp Parasect RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 Trainers, We have made adjustments to the CP (Combat Power) of various Pokémon. Some Pokémon, such as Alakazam, Rhydon, and Gengar will have their CP increased. Others will have their CP lowered. These changes will allow a more balanced and competitive battling and training experience in Gyms. We will continue to adjust the CP going forward to improve the game balance when necessary. The Pokémon GO team ---- Edit: this activates when u power up a Pokemon... Couple of changes to mine are: My Arcanine has dropped from 1845 to 1828. My Laprus has gone from 1639 to 1762. Pokemon Go - Jimmi - 21 Nov 2016 Can't even play this stupid game, if I am out and about and using mobile data, this is the furthest I can get! [emoji35] ![]() Works fine at home when connected to WiFi though. Useless! [emoji19] RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 7:11 pm)Jimmi wrote Can't even play this stupid game, if I am out and about and using mobile data, this is the furthest I can get! [emoji35] Hmm, a few people have this problem, have u. tried uninstalling it and installing it again? RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 6:57 pm)Michael wrote Trainers, Ours have all changed automatically. Even my CP19 Dragonaire has gone up to CP20 and my CP 22 Gengar all the way up to 32. I'll have to get rid of it now. It's not as cute ![]() My best (and most perfect) Vaporeon has gone up all the way to 2707! RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 21 Nov 2016 Current top 12 RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 7:43 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Current top 12 Very nice!. =D My top 12: RE: Pokemon Go - Jimmi - 21 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 7:16 pm)Michael wrote Hmm, a few people have this problem, have u. tried uninstalling it and installing it again?No, I haven't. What I may do tomorrow is open the app up before leaving the house and keep it open all day, although it is probably going to eat up my mobile data. My fear is, I've played it so little in the last few months that I am now so far behind and will probably never get back up to the same level as most other people are on, I'm currently on level 8! RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 22 Nov 2016 (21 Nov 2016, 11:50 pm)Jimmi wrote No, I haven't. Loads will be just starting now, wouldn't worry about it Pokemon Go - Jimmi - 22 Nov 2016 It's signed me out and I can't seem to get back in. FFS [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 22 Nov 2016 (22 Nov 2016, 9:44 am)Jimmi wrote It's signed me out and I can't seem to get back in. Happens a lot, it's bloody annoying RE: Pokemon Go - BusLoverMum - 22 Nov 2016 (22 Nov 2016, 9:44 am)Jimmi wrote It's signed me out and I can't seem to get back in. bigun's old phone was problematic, like that. RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 22 Nov 2016 My level is 21 My new top 35 with the cp changes are: 1 1680cp Vaporeon 2 1666cp Vaporeon 3 1636cp Flareon 4 1621cp Vaporeon 5 1508cp Kingler 6 1502cp Jolteon 7 1385cp Flareon 8 1379cp Hitmonlee 9 1295cp Jolteon 10 1273cp Aerodactyl 11 1251cp Starmie 12 1237cp Gengar 13 1168cp Seaking 14 1167cp Magneton 15 1105cp Mr Mime 16 1091cp Venomoth 17 1074cp Machoke 18 1062cp Fearow 19 1045cp Pidgeot 20 1044cp Victreebel 21 1042cp Electabuzz 22 1042cp Hypno 23 988cp Mr Mime 24 972cp Hypno 25 969cp Mr Mime 26 956cp Haunter 27 926cp Jynx 28 918cp Golbat 29 910cp Golbat 30 906cp Hypno 31 891cp Hypno 32 884cp Mr Mime 33 879cp Rhyhorn 34 877cp Mr Mime 35 869cp Hypno The pokemon I have are: Abra-Best is 485cp Aerodactyl-Best is 1273cp Beedrill-Best is 843cp Bellsprout-Best is 510cp Bulbasaur-Best is 331cp Butterfree-Best is 834cp Caterpie-Best is 173cp Clefairy-Best is 410cp Cloyster-Best is 1137cp Cubone-Best is 372cp Diglett-Best is 202cp Dragonair-Best is 546cp Dratini-Best is 332cp Drowzee-Best is 545cp Eevee-Best is 569cp Ekans-Best is 67cp Electabuzz-Best is 1042cp Fearow-Best is 1062cp Flareon-Best is 1636cp Gastly-Best is 520cp Gengar-Best is 1237cp Geodude-Best is 640cp Gloom-Best is 828cp Golbat-Best is 918cp Goldeen-Best is 561cp Grimer-Best is 583cp Growlithe-Best is 157cp Haunter-Best is 956cp Hitmonlee-Best is 1379cp Hitmonchan-Best is 66cp Horsea-Best is 524cp Hypno-Best is 1150cp Jigglypuff-Best is 310cp Jolteon-Best is 1502cp Jynx-Best is 926cp Kakuna-Best is 198cp Kingler-Best is 1508cp Koffing-Best is 224cp Krabby-Best is 536cp Machoke-Best is 1074cp Machop-Best is 641cp Magikarp-Best is 81cp Magnemite-Best is 504cp Magneton-Best is 1167cp Marowak-Best is 711cp Meowth-Best is 319cp Metapod-Best is 182cp Mr Mime-Best is 1105cp Nidoran Female-Best is 395cp Nidoran Male-Best is 292cp Nidorina-Best is 578cp Nidorino-Best is 701cp Oddish-Best is 460cp Onix-Best is 601cp Paras-Best is 373cp Parasect-Best is 820cp Persian-Best is 716cp Pidgeot-Best is 1045cp Pidgeotto-Best is 554cp Pidgey-Best is 266cp Poliwag-Best is 106cp Poliwhirl-Best is 293cp Poliwrath-Best is 200cp Ponyta-Best is 691cp Psyduck-Best is 507cp Raticate-Best is 796cp Rattata-Best is 293cp Rhyhorn-Best is 879cp Sandshrew-Best is 650cp Seadra-Best is 659cp Seaking-Best is 1168cp Seel-Best is 515cp Shelder-Best is 493cp Slowpoke-Best is 526cp Spearow-Best is 310cp Squirtle-Best is 155cp Starmie-Best is 1251cp Staryu-Best is 475cp Tentacool-Best is 199cp Vaporeon-Best is 1680cp Venomoth-Best is 1091cp Venonat-Best is 445cp Victreebel-Best is 1044cp Voltorb-Best is 279cp Vulpix-Best is 396cp Wartortle-Best is 292cp Weedle-Best is 147cp Weepinbell-Best is 626cp Weezing-Best is 88cp Zubat-Best is 272cp RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 Nice line up. People are reporting they've caught Ditto HOWEVER it's disgused as another Pokemon and it's totally random. Not sure if it's true or not though Edit: Sounds like it's true! RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 12:35 am)Michael wrote Nice line up. Video can be found here: https://twitter.com/WhatUpMC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 Trainers, Professor Willow has finally discovered Ditto! Trainers all over the world have been reporting its appearance. Ditto has been known to disguise itself as other Pokémon, so keep an eye out, some Pokémon may actually be Ditto, and when you capture them, there’s a chance that Ditto will reveal itself. If you do encounter a Pokémon that is Ditto in disguise, the Pokémon in that specific encounter will also reveal itself as Ditto for other Trainers. Ditto is also a unique Pokémon when you interact with Gyms. When training or battling at a Gym, Ditto will copy the appearance, types, and moves of the first Pokémon it sees, and it will stay that way through the remainder of those Gym battles. The Pokémon GO team RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 Got a Lickitung on rader but can't find it! Typical when i need one! Edit: GONE = typical! RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 12:35 am)Michael wrote Nice line up. Just happened to me!!!! 146cp Rattata is now a 210cp Ditto!!!! RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 5:44 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Just happened to me!!!! Lucky!!! 15 Pokemon later for me and NOTHING... ![]() ![]() RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 5:45 pm)Michael wrote Lucky!!! Well..... You do have a magmar and an arcanine, I have neither so it is clearly different for all RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 6:34 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Well..... ![]() ![]() Never know though, nests are changing a lot lately, so we never know what could appear next. RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 6:37 pm)Michael wrote I hatched two today, got a Chancey and Jynx RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 6:39 pm)NK53 TKT wrote I hatched two today, got a Chancey and Jynx I haven't even got a Chansey yet, sick of Jynx's though. RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 6:41 pm)Michael wrote I haven't even got a Chansey yet, sick of Jynx's though. I need a Snorlax, I got a dratini earlier, first one I have ever caught, but I have hatched one earlier and it is a dragonair now. I am closing in on a dragonite... ![]() RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 23 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 6:45 pm)NK53 TKT wrote I need a Snorlax, I got a dratini earlier, first one I have ever caught, but I have hatched one earlier and it is a dragonair now. I am closing in on a dragonite... Nice, Drantini seem to be a rareish spawn, they spawn down Roker in Sunderland, only place I've seen them. Dragonite is one of the strongest Pokemon in the game atm, that could change when Gen 2 comes out.... which is rumoured to be before the new year, as they've now released Ditto... I really want Articuno but no idea when the legendary birds are coming out. Each generation have a different set of legendary Pokemon: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Legendary_Pok%C3%A9mon#List_of_Legendary_Pok.C3.A9mon RE: Pokemon Go - Rapidsnap - 23 Nov 2016 I caught 3 Dittos today RE: Pokemon Go - NK53 TKT - 25 Nov 2016 (23 Nov 2016, 9:48 pm)GMitchelhill wrote I caught 3 Dittos today I caught one more, both of mine were Rattatas RE: Pokemon Go - Michael - 28 Nov 2016 Just got to level 24. |