Bus Related Outings and Reviews - TEN 6083 - 28 May 2016
Today had a trip to North Shields for the second time this week with the other half as we were going to ScreenCon at Parks Leisure Centre. Times displayed on tickets. Started off by driving to MetroCentre as we wanted to catch the 08:45 310 to North Shields to change onto a 9 and if got the bus we would've had to get up really early.
08:05 10 MetroCentre Bus Station - Eldon Square Bus Station (GNE 6075)
Started off by getting 6075 to Newcastle. We sat upstairs behind the stairs for the short journey to Newcastle where we alighted at Eldon Square Bus Station.
08:42 310 Haymarket Bus Station - North Shields, Rudyerd Street (GNE 6106)
This route was as what I said the other day alright in Newcastle but once past Jesmond got a bit boring with the majority of the route being housing estates. The drivers did a changeover at Verne Road like they did the other day when we travelled on this route.
09:46 9 North Shields, Rudyerd Street - North Shields, Howdon Road (GNE 4915)
This was a nice change as I rarely travel on a B10 these days for the short journey to Parks Leisure centre where we alighted across the road for Screen Con. After meeting Norman Lovett (Red Dwarf), Ian Whyte (Game Of Thrones, Predator) and Caroline Munro (The Spy Who Loved Me) and buying some merchandise, we left to head to the bus stop to wait for our next bus. We were going to get the 9 to Jarrow or 17 to Cramlington depending what came first.
11:25 9 North Shields, Howdon Road - Jarrow Bus Station (GNE 5248)
the 9 showed up first which was for the second time this week 5248 for the short journey to Jarrow. Sure there was a new driver on this today or new to the route as there was a GNE person in a high vis jacket telling him directions.
11:46 27 Jarrow Bus Station - Newcastle, Market Street (GNE 5330)
We alighted at Jarrow where there was a 27 waiting but pulled away as we were walking across to the stop. 5330 then came not long after that which we boarded. This filled up quite quickly around Hebburn. At Gateshead the driver got out of his seat and announced the Tyne Bridge was closed and we would be making a diversion over the Redheugh Bridge into Newcastle only stopping at Market Street. We alighted at Market Street and headed to Boots to print off photos we got at Screen Con and then headed our separate ways with her getting 6049 and myself getting 6118.
13:05 47 Eldon Square Bus Station - MetroCentre Bus Station (GNE 6118)
While waiting for a bus to the MetroCentre 6080 and 6118 pulled up so I decided to get 6118 for a change of scenery as I travel plenty on the TENs. Didn't realise these have different seats and no screens on this batch of B9's as I usually get a Streetlite if getting a Red Kite. Seats aren't as nice as the TENs but at least they don't have the Steve & Karen NSA's like 6071-6083 have Which I am not a fan of. The sooner we get Emma on them the better. Apart from less Windows and lower back seats not a bad ride. I alighted at MetroCentre and headed for the coach park back to the car.
Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Malarkey - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 9:06 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Havent got time to write a review because of the Champions League Final, But heres a Flickr post off today, More will be on soon https://www.flickr.com/photos/140662069@N02/26705370234/in/dateposted-public/
Its finding the time when your always busy doing other things that is the issue for me.
Nevertheless here are a selection photos from my albeit short outing to Sunderland and Houghton le Spring this afternoon, before the battery died on my Camera.
I am off work over the next week on Holiday, so hopefully I will go out on a few trips, still debating whether I fancy going further afield to Manchester on Friday 3rd June or not.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 8:41 pm)citaro5284 wrote Got to get my priorites sorted so......what is in a pret club classic?
Mind I hate long hair, I am at the barbers nearly every 3 to 4 weeks.
Chicken, bacon, various salady bits and a good slathering of mayo. No low fat crap and still little over 500 calories (I have a proper bus tyre to shift, at the moment - middle age isn't being kind to me)
Big'un was the blond haired spit of Hank Zipzer, before his trim (we love Hank, mind). Had to try a new stylist, though, since our old one is now a plumber, and he had a splash of Edward Scissorhands, complete with the associated hair absolutely everywhere. Don't think Big'un was keen. Cut is a bit too little boy for him, too. Think we'll try someone different next time.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 8:55 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Interesting review, I seem to always have 22034 by chance (my grandparents live in next to the X77/X78/GNE 74 route) and the past ten times eight of them on the X78 I have had 22034, not great but not rubbish, there is a ramp because I have seen it before. On another note if you want a great SNE SPD catch 35192, I use them regularly on the 32/32A and the 7 to/from my school so I know plenty about those buses, and 35191 is worst of all and if you want info about the ALX300s 22038, 22408 and 22050 are some of the best (22038 only because of the registration) and the worst is 22031 by far
BIB doesn't surprise me!
The one we caught in Hartlepool, on the 1, last week - ex Newcastle - was a nice bus. Didn't feel tired at all, even if the floor of the bus at the entrance looked ready to collapse.
There looked to be a cupboard above the door on the ALX300 with a wheelchair sticker on, so I wonder if there was a ramp stored in there. Nothing to fold or (visibly) slide out, though. I know that simply kneeling to the kerb level was a massive novelty 25 years ago, but it still potentially leaves a gap which makes it impossible to navigate for a wheelchair, even if it is possible to heave a buggy over it (which is not what the DDA regs are for).
The KFC reg does make me
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Jimmi - 28 May 2016
Had a fairly long day out today, here's what I got up to...
0745 X66 Harrowgate Hill W.M.C. - Stockton High Street North (ANE 4656)
I was given a lift to Harrowgate Hill by my sister this morning, meaning I got to avoid the annoying changing of buses which is now a real pain since the timetable changes the other week where all my services got put back 5 minutes and I now seemingly have difficulties connecting with just about everything. Anyway, 4656 was my first bus this morning, the driver greeted me by saying "Hello Matthew" as the driver for this journey was NEB's own MrPottiski, after the greetings I sat in my usual seat by the emergency exit door and made my way towards Stockton. This one felt slightly rough this morning, possibly why 2849 replaced it for one trip after this?
0824 84 Stockton High Street North - University Hospital of North Tees (Stagecarriage: YJ07 VRK)
As nothing seemed to be going on in Stockton, I got bored and decided I'd have a quick ride on this to fill some time in, not a bad little Solo really although it was a pretty smooth short journey really. I alighted at North Tees Hospital then waited for another bus back to Stockton.
0846 37 University Hospital of North Tees - Stockton High Street North (Stagecoach on Teesside: 27166)
Had a choice between this and a Dots branded example on the 59, but as this left one minute earlier, so I opted for the 37. Pretty comfortable journey towards Stockton, a old bloke was chatting to the young female driver when he boarded at his stop. After this journey I went to buy some refreshments for the day.
0932 S1 Stockton High Street South - Teesside Park Morrisons - 1017 S1 Teesside Park Toys R Us - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1415)
Waited for this at the southern end of the high street, unfortunately someone was sleeping rough in the bus shelter, so we had to stand outside the shelter. On-board 1415 it was reasonably busy on the journey to Teesside Park which is good to see, nowt much to say about the journey with it being reasonably short, jumped off at Morrisons and got some photos then had a quick wander round the shops where I bought some stuff in USC and then jumped on the S1 back to Stockton 30 minutes later, irritatingly I just missed the X12 to Middlesbrough at the Uni, so I stayed on the S1 until Stockton High Street.
1028 17A Stockton High Street North - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 1914)
After alighting the S1, I photographed 2849 on the X67 then I decided to catch 1914 on the 17A. Not sure how much longer the Cadet's have at Stockton but I can't imagine it's much longer, so better take up the opportunities whilst I can. This one rattled at the back a bit but other than that it wasn't too bad. This route is slightly longer than I remember it being and I'm sure I think this every time I do it. I did eventually arrive in Middlesbrough though.
1215 64 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Eston Square (ANE 4700)
After some more shopping plus chippy for lunch, I returned to my bus outing with 4700 being my next journey. 4700 had a previous life at Redcar before the other examples arrived but later went to sale with Arriva Bus and Coach although it was never sold, so it became part of the Arriva North East fleet at Redcar once again. I fancied getting one of these examples to see if the e-leather is anymore comfortable than the fabric, not sure but my seat wasn't too uncomfortable. Apart from the strange seating layout (and the fires) I actually don't think these are bad buses, they seem to have a bit of power under the bonnet. This bus was quite warm though which was a little un-pleasant.
1255 63 Eston Square - Redcar Morrisons (ANE 1432)
Typical 63, wait for one and two come along at once! Sadly 1432 was at the front, so I had to get that one instead of the Temsa behind, I like the Pulsar's but I get them all the time on the 5/5A and 7, so It's nice to get something different. 1432 wasn't too bad though, think the last time I rode this one was when it was on loan to Darlington depot a few years back (was on-loan for a day fairly recently as well). Annoyingly we got stuck at the level crossing in Redcar which meant we were sat for a while, little wonder this service struggles to keep to time!
1408 22 Redcar High Street - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 4512)
Decided I wanted a ride on this today, so I just had to find it, fortunately shortly after arriving in Redcar I found it on the 22 to Ings Farm, so I waited for it to come back. Would have preferred it to be on the 81 to Stokesley as I quite like that route, oh well! Back to the 22, some of the passengers actually thought this 16 year old Renown was a modern bus! Must say, I did quite like this bus and I enjoyed riding it very much... Until of course some people had to spoil my fun by being annoying as owt, large family (of course it was!) with them being scattered around the bus with some right behind me who insisted at shouting to each of them, so just imagine how loud someone sat at the back just behind me is shouting to someone sat in the wheelchair bay, they were irritating the hell out of me and I was so pleased when they got off.
1515 1 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Hartlepool Victoria Road (Stagecoach in Hartlepool: 35162)
Looked round the bus station to look for something interesting to ride, in the end I went with this Dart on service 1 to Hartlepool. I sat at the back on this journey and soaked in the views out of the window, I quite like the 1 route, I like the industrial scenery as you leave Middlesbrough then Seaton Carew seafront, it's a cracking route, do it if you get the chance. Dart was pretty standard really but with the scenery it made for a good journey to Hartlepool which I haven't been to for ages, so I had a bit of a wander round after this journey, was especially nice as the sun came out and it was lovely out.
1702 X35 Hartlepool, Marina Way - Peterlee Bus Station (GNE 5204)
Ended up down at the Marina. Decided I'd get this to Peterlee, seem as the 23 doesn't run down here. Pretty quiet journey really, not much really occurred on this journey, so I just took in the views until I reached Peterlee Bus Station.
1750 21 Peterlee Bus Station - Sedgefield Barclay's Bank (ANE 4813)
Just missed getting a photo of Sapphire 22 branded Streetlite 1599 on the 23, oh well! I then waited for my 21, annoyingly someone was stood smoking next to me, yeah that no smoking in Durham County Council Bus Station's campaign certainly seemed to be worth while then! Anyway I was greeted by 4813 on this journey which pleased me as I'm sick to death of catching 4810/4811 every time I get the 21/X21. Pretty steady away journey really, not a great deal occurred on this journey either. I alighted at Sedgefield rather than continuing on home to Newton Aycliffe as decided to take the opportunity to photograph the Go North East evening service 239 which has been rarely photographed from what I've seen on Flickr, if you want to see this photo click this link: https://flic.kr/p/GFTwTR Photographing this was not as easy as I'd hope it would be, especially because some woman sat at the junction where the bus stop for the 239 is and waited for cars, even though there wasn't any, it was annoying me so much I actually started shouting GO!!! THERE'S NOTHING HERE!!! GO!!!
1858 X12 Sedgefield Black Lion - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1457)
As I didn't want to sit in Sedgefield until 19:37 waiting for the next and last 21 of the night, I took the long way home with the X12 providing the first part of this trek home. This example sounded pretty rough it has to be said, although it did get a bit of a thrash from the driver, he must have done some thrashing on this shift as it left Middlesbrough 10 minutes late earlier in the afternoon.
1937 X66 Stockton High Street North - Darlington Northgate (ANE 1444)
1444 was tonight's non MAX working from Stockton. There was four older passengers on-board for this journey when I boarded in Stockton and then we picked a few down North Road in Darlington, just about all of these wanting to be off at stops the X66 doesn't stop at. Annoyingly in typical fashion when we got to Harrowgate Hill Roundabout I got 'treated' to the sight of the 5A heading to Bishop Auckland but more importantly for me, home, DAMN! So I stayed on until Darlington Town Centre to catch my last bus of the day.
2015 7 Darlington Tubwell Row - Newton Aycliffe, Silkin Way (ANE 1513)
First we got to see 1514 come round with "Not In Service" on the blind with the driver dropping the passengers on-board on the next stand along, with some passengers walking down to try and get on that, shortly afterwards 1513 came round on the 7 to Durham. I sat towards the back and irritatingly the plug socket didn't work. Was a busy journey but fortunately for me the passengers weren't disruptive unlike the last time I got this 7 on a Saturday night. I then walked home and ended my outing for the day.
Thanks for reading, if you got this far. Was certainly a long day but other then the annoying passengers on the 22 it was a pretty enjoyable day out today. Tomorrow I'm heading on a Sunday outing to Richmond Market Place to photograph some Dalesbus services. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 9:06 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Havent got time to write a review because of the Champions League Final, But heres a Flickr post off today, More will be on soon https://www.flickr.com/photos/140662069@N02/26705370234/in/dateposted-public/
Just flicked through your piccies and answered a question about the EYMS E400MMC, btw.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 9:30 pm)TEN 6083 wrote Today had a trip to North Shields for the second time this week with the other half as we were going to ScreenCon at Parks Leisure Centre. Times displayed on tickets. Started off by driving to MetroCentre as we wanted to catch the 08:45 310 to North Shields to change onto a 9 and if got the bus we would've had to get up really early.
08:05 10 MetroCentre Bus Station - Eldon Square Bus Station (GNE 6075)
Started off by getting 6075 to Newcastle. We sat upstairs behind the stairs for the short journey to Newcastle where we alighted at Eldon Square Bus Station.
08:42 310 Haymarket Bus Station - North Shields, Rudyerd Street (GNE 6106)
This route was as what I said the other day alright in Newcastle but once past Jesmond got a bit boring with the majority of the route being housing estates. The drivers did a changeover at Verne Road like they did the other day when we travelled on this route.
09:46 9 North Shields, Rudyerd Street - North Shields, Howdon Road (GNE 4915)
This was a nice change as I rarely travel on a B10 these days for the short journey to Parks Leisure centre where we alighted across the road for Screen Con. After meeting Norman Lovett (Red Dwarf), Ian Whyte (Game Of Thrones, Predator) and Caroline Munro (The Spy Who Loved Me) and buying some merchandise, we left to head to the bus stop to wait for our next bus. We were going to get the 9 to Jarrow or 17 to Cramlington depending what came first.
11:25 9 North Shields, Howdon Road - Jarrow Bus Station (GNE 5248)
the 9 showed up first which was for the second time this week 5248 for the short journey to Jarrow. Sure there was a new driver on this today or new to the route as there was a GNE person in a high vis jacket telling him directions.
11:46 27 Jarrow Bus Station - Newcastle, Market Street (GNE 5330)
We alighted at Jarrow where there was a 27 waiting but pulled away as we were walking across to the stop. 5330 then came not long after that which we boarded. This filled up quite quickly around Hebburn. At Gateshead the driver got out of his seat and announced the Tyne Bridge was closed and we would be making a diversion over the Redheugh Bridge into Newcastle only stopping at Market Street. We alighted at Market Street and headed to Boots to print off photos we got at Screen Con and then headed our separate ways with her getting 6049 and myself getting 6118.
13:05 47 Eldon Square Bus Station - MetroCentre Bus Station (GNE 6118)
While waiting for a bus to the MetroCentre 6080 and 6118 pulled up so I decided to get 6118 for a change of scenery as I travel plenty on the TENs. Didn't realise these have different seats and no screens on this batch of B9's as I usually get a Streetlite if getting a Red Kite. Seats aren't as nice as the TENs but at least they don't have the Steve & Karen NSA's like 6071-6083 have Which I am not a fan of. The sooner we get Emma on them the better. Apart from less Windows and lower back seats not a bad ride. I alighted at MetroCentre and headed for the coach park back to the car.
Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk
Hoping the tickets you get your times off are deeply concessionary, btw! Expensive, otherwise!
Rumours that the Tyne Bridge disruption was a jumper
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 10:40 pm)Jimmi wrote Had a fairly long day out today, here's what I got up to...
0745 X66 Harrowgate Hill W.M.C. - Stockton High Street North (ANE 4656)
I was given a lift to Harrowgate Hill by my sister this morning, meaning I got to avoid the annoying changing of buses which is now a real pain since the timetable changes the other week where all my services got put back 5 minutes and I now seemingly have difficulties connecting with just about everything. Anyway, 4656 was my first bus this morning, the driver greeted me by saying "Hello Matthew" as the driver for this journey was NEB's own MrPottiski, after the greetings I sat in my usual seat by the emergency exit door and made my way towards Stockton. This one felt slightly rough this morning, possibly why 2849 replaced it for one trip after this?
0824 84 Stockton High Street North - University Hospital of North Tees (Stagecarriage: YJ07 VRK)
As nothing seemed to be going on in Stockton, I got bored and decided I'd have a quick ride on this to fill some time in, not a bad little Solo really although it was a pretty smooth short journey really. I alighted at North Tees Hospital then waited for another bus back to Stockton.
0846 37 University Hospital of North Tees - Stockton High Street North (Stagecoach on Teesside: 27166)
Had a choice between this and a Dots branded example on the 59, but as this left one minute earlier, so I opted for the 37. Pretty comfortable journey towards Stockton, a old bloke was chatting to the young female driver when he boarded at his stop. After this journey I went to buy some refreshments for the day.
0932 S1 Stockton High Street South - Teesside Park Morrisons - 1017 S1 Teesside Park Toys R Us - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1415)
Waited for this at the southern end of the high street, unfortunately someone was sleeping rough in the bus shelter, so we had to stand outside the shelter. On-board 1415 it was reasonably busy on the journey to Teesside Park which is good to see, nowt much to say about the journey with it being reasonably short, jumped off at Morrisons and got some photos then had a quick wander round the shops where I bought some stuff in USC and then jumped on the S1 back to Stockton 30 minutes later, irritatingly I just missed the X12 to Middlesbrough at the Uni, so I stayed on the S1 until Stockton High Street.
1028 17A Stockton High Street North - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 1914)
After alighting the S1, I photographed 2849 on the X67 then I decided to catch 1914 on the 17A. Not sure how much longer the Cadet's have at Stockton but I can't imagine it's much longer, so better take up the opportunities whilst I can. This one rattled at the back a bit but other than that it wasn't too bad. This route is slightly longer than I remember it being and I'm sure I think this every time I do it. I did eventually arrive in Middlesbrough though.
1215 64 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Eston Square (ANE 4700)
After some more shopping plus chippy for lunch, I returned to my bus outing with 4700 being my next journey. 4700 had a previous life at Redcar before the other examples arrived but later went to sale with Arriva Bus and Coach although it was never sold, so it became part of the Arriva North East fleet at Redcar once again. I fancied getting one of these examples to see if the e-leather is anymore comfortable than the fabric, not sure but my seat wasn't too uncomfortable. Apart from the strange seating layout (and the fires) I actually don't think these are bad buses, they seem to have a bit of power under the bonnet. This bus was quite warm though which was a little un-pleasant.
1255 63 Eston Square - Redcar Morrisons (ANE 1432)
Typical 63, wait for one and two come along at once! Sadly 1432 was at the front, so I had to get that one instead of the Temsa behind, I like the Pulsar's but I get them all the time on the 5/5A and 7, so It's nice to get something different. 1432 wasn't too bad though, think the last time I rode this one was when it was on loan to Darlington depot a few years back (was on-loan for a day fairly recently as well). Annoyingly we got stuck at the level crossing in Redcar which meant we were sat for a while, little wonder this service struggles to keep to time!
1408 22 Redcar High Street - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 4512)
Decided I wanted a ride on this today, so I just had to find it, fortunately shortly after arriving in Redcar I found it on the 22 to Ings Farm, so I waited for it to come back. Would have preferred it to be on the 81 to Stokesley as I quite like that route, oh well! Back to the 22, some of the passengers actually thought this 16 year old Renown was a modern bus! Must say, I did quite like this bus and I enjoyed riding it very much... Until of course some people had to spoil my fun by being annoying as owt, large family (of course it was!) with them being scattered around the bus with some right behind me who insisted at shouting to each of them, so just imagine how loud someone sat at the back just behind me is shouting to someone sat in the wheelchair bay, they were irritating the hell out of me and I was so pleased when they got off.
1515 1 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Hartlepool Victoria Road (Stagecoach in Hartlepool: 35162)
Looked round the bus station to look for something interesting to ride, in the end I went with this Dart on service 1 to Hartlepool. I sat at the back on this journey and soaked in the views out of the window, I quite like the 1 route, I like the industrial scenery as you leave Middlesbrough then Seaton Carew seafront, it's a cracking route, do it if you get the chance. Dart was pretty standard really but with the scenery it made for a good journey to Hartlepool which I haven't been to for ages, so I had a bit of a wander round after this journey, was especially nice as the sun came out and it was lovely out.
1702 X35 Hartlepool, Marina Way - Peterlee Bus Station (GNE 5204)
Ended up down at the Marina. Decided I'd get this to Peterlee, seem as the 23 doesn't run down here. Pretty quiet journey really, not much really occurred on this journey, so I just took in the views until I reached Peterlee Bus Station.
1750 21 Peterlee Bus Station - Sedgefield Barclay's Bank (ANE 4813)
Just missed getting a photo of Sapphire 22 branded Streetlite 1599 on the 23, oh well! I then waited for my 21, annoyingly someone was stood smoking next to me, yeah that no smoking in Durham County Council Bus Station's campaign certainly seemed to be worth while then! Anyway I was greeted by 4813 on this journey which pleased me as I'm sick to death of catching 4810/4811 every time I get the 21/X21. Pretty steady away journey really, not a great deal occurred on this journey either. I alighted at Sedgefield rather than continuing on home to Newton Aycliffe as decided to take the opportunity to photograph the Go North East evening service 239 which has been rarely photographed from what I've seen on Flickr, if you want to see this photo click this link: https://flic.kr/p/GFTwTR Photographing this was not as easy as I'd hope it would be, especially because some woman sat at the junction where the bus stop for the 239 is and waited for cars, even though there wasn't any, it was annoying me so much I actually started shouting GO!!! THERE'S NOTHING HERE!!! GO!!!
1858 X12 Sedgefield Black Lion - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1457)
As I didn't want to sit in Sedgefield until 19:37 waiting for the next and last 21 of the night, I took the long way home with the X12 providing the first part of this trek home. This example sounded pretty rough it has to be said, although it did get a bit of a thrash from the driver, he must have done some thrashing on this shift as it left Middlesbrough 10 minutes late earlier in the afternoon.
1937 X66 Stockton High Street North - Darlington Northgate (ANE 1444)
1444 was tonight's non MAX working from Stockton. There was four older passengers on-board for this journey when I boarded in Stockton and then we picked a few down North Road in Darlington, just about all of these wanting to be off at stops the X66 doesn't stop at. Annoyingly in typical fashion when we got to Harrowgate Hill Roundabout I got 'treated' to the sight of the 5A heading to Bishop Auckland but more importantly for me, home, DAMN! So I stayed on until Darlington Town Centre to catch my last bus of the day.
2015 7 Darlington Tubwell Row - Newton Aycliffe, Silkin Way (ANE 1513)
First we got to see 1514 come round with "Not In Service" on the blind with the driver dropping the passengers on-board on the next stand along, with some passengers walking down to try and get on that, shortly afterwards 1513 came round on the 7 to Durham. I sat towards the back and irritatingly the plug socket didn't work. Was a busy journey but fortunately for me the passengers weren't disruptive unlike the last time I got this 7 on a Saturday night. I then walked home and ended my outing for the day.
Thanks for reading, if you got this far. Was certainly a long day but other then the annoying passengers on the 22 it was a pretty enjoyable day out today. Tomorrow I'm heading on a Sunday outing to Richmond Market Place to photograph some Dalesbus services. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
We both seem to attract annoying fellow passengers!
We enjoyed the 1, when we took it, last week. The industrial landscape is so very different from anything else, isn't it? I do love the fact that there's a bird sanctuary in the middle of it all (mostly arctic terns, based on last time we visited)
That Indigo solo is a nice catch.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - South Tyne Lad - 28 May 2016
Had a trip to Cumbria and Western Northumberland today, Just a quick review but it'll do
A quick 5 Minute Walk to My Local Metro
Journey 1 Brockely Whins - Haymarket 4008B
What a shed, Had Wheelflats on both axles and lights were loose and banging against the cases, Its Compressor was also Defective and barely ran during the journey.
Also noted how grim and Filthy it was, It clearly didn't receive any sort of clean through the night.
Also noted was how the Metrocar was on its B-End, Which is usually the end sandwiched in the middle with another Metrocar.
Was happy to be off this Metrocar and made my way up to the exit, Through Haymarket Bus Station and into Eldon Square.
Journey 2 Eldon Square Bus Station - Hexham Bus Station, Go North East Scania L94UB - Wright Solar 5232.
Not the best Scania at Hexham, 5233 takes that spot, Though still a pleasant journey.
Traffic as usual throughout Denton and Westgate Road though we got up to 60 Mph on the A69, Which is what these batch of Scania's are limited too.
Two Italian Tourists who were on my bus went off onto the AD122 shortly after arriving at Hexham
Things noted was after the Bus came off the A69 at Heddon, The driver engaged Gear 3 Hold on the Dashboard, Which is now disabled in some Solars in the Fleet.
This is what is officially classed as kickdown in this Gearbox, Scania's Cant kickdown when D is engaged, 1 has to be selected, Before manually changing to 2 at 2200 RPM, A 3 Button is featured in Scania's 2004 up, Due to having HP-5 Ecomats instead of HP4s, Which are found in Solar's 2003 older.
A quick pop to Greggs and a few photos in Hexham and then my 3rd Bus of the Day came.
Journey 3 Hexham Bus Station - Brampton Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 - Wright Pulsar 1495
Took my seat at the very back on this Very Busy ( And Delayed ) Pulsar, Eat my Dinner for the first 20 Minuets and then enjoyed the views and the noise of the Voith DIWA-5 and Cummins ISBe Combo working hard underneath my seat.
Despite having a Restricted Voith Gearbox, It still works exceptionally well on Hills, Doing what it should do, It upshift's to 3rd before straight away downshifting back to 2nd and locking until around 1800 RPM When it upshifts back to 3rd and in this case, immediately upshifting again to 4th as the hill was cleared with ease.
Recommend this route to everyone, Tons of scenery, Long Fast Sections and a Variety of Bus Types used.
Encountered 5 types of Bus used on the 85/685 today, VDL SB200 , Scania CN94UB Omnicity , Enviro 300 Integral , MAN 18.240 Enviro 300 and E20D Enviro 200.
Got into Brampton 40 Minuets later and got a few photos from different angles of the Pulsar before it set off on the rest of its run to Carlisle.
Due to the Pulsar being late all the way through the route, I had only 12 Minutes to wait in Brampton before my next 685 came in, In the form of Enviro 200 37121.
Journey 4 Brampton Market Place - Carlisle Bus Station, Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire ADL E20D / Enviro 200 37121
Was hoping for one of the Slimline Solo's which are apparently allocated to the short 685's, But never mind.
Got a photo of this too in Brampton and I'm going to upload it to Flickr tomorrow
Got to around 50 Mph on the A69 and was hitting nearly 2400 RPMs at that point, Which shows how Cheap and Tatty this Voith DIWA-5 ECO is.
Past a Unidentified native MAN E300 heading back to Newcastle,
Before I knew it I had arrived into Carlisle Bus Station, With a Volvo Olympian Alexander RL greeting me in the set down bay.
Walked around Carlisle and the Station to get photos of various buses and was hoping trains ( Though I forgot about the engineering works near oxenholme )
Had around a Hour in Carlisle before returining to the Bus Station for the same Pulsar back to Haltwhistle.
Journey 5 Carlisle Bus Station - Haltwhistle Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 1495.
Pretty much the same as the journey earlier, And too my amusment mostly the same passengers too!
The Voith worked its ECO Magic over the Pennines and flew past Greenhead before getting stuck behind a VERY Slow car just before Haltwhistle.
I alighted at the stop before the Market Place and walked to the Railway Station.
Somehow managed to spend 2 and a Half hours in the same place without planning it.
Missed the 135 to Birdoswald so waited for it to come back to head to Alston and onto Hexham as the X81.
Journey 6 Haltwhistle Train Station - Alston Townhead, Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
What a Route! Honestly people need to rethink the 689 as their favourite route as this overtakes it by far.
Mostly Distanced apart Hamlets with Dales on Dales, Everytime I'm near that area, I try to guess which dale the Settle and Carlisle Route is located in-between.
Small Country Lanes with passing places every few miles, With me only seeing 8 Cars on the whole 1 and a bit long route. Better than the AD122.
On my arrival into Alston the Friendly Driver departs straight away as the X81 to Hexham, Leaving no time for a photo in Alston, Which was a shame but can easily be done again.
Journey 7 Alston Townhead - Hexham Bus Station , Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
Bit more open roads than the 681, Just like how I imagine the A66 over the Pennines to be when it was a 1 lane road ( with very little traffic )
Lovely route though the 681 wins it for me.
Had a cat with the driver, And he said on most days he only collects around £2 Cash Fares Which doesn't seem promising.
After arriving at Hexham, My Dad picked me up as he was in the area and we went home.
Photos will be gradually uploaded to Flickr. Heres one so far https://www.flickr.com/photos/140662069@N02/26705370234/in/dateposted-public/
Hope you enjoy and hope you enjoyed my review
Have a good weekend
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - South Tyne Lad - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 9:05 pm)Tom wrote Ramps on the ALX300 are in the side blind I think or near there anyway
Just under it, In a compact box.
Though it must be a very big hassle to get it out and back in.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Jimmi - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 10:58 pm)BusLoverMum wrote We both seem to attract annoying fellow passengers!
We enjoyed the 1, when we took it, last week. The industrial landscape is so very different from anything else, isn't it? I do love the fact that there's a bird sanctuary in the middle of it all (mostly arctic terns, based on last time we visited)
That Indigo solo is a nice catch. Yeah, the range of scenery is great on that route, especially the industrial aspects of it as it seems to work well with the hills and coast in the background.
I'm quite pleased with my photo of service 239, I've had the idea of photographing this service here for quite a while now, in fact it was still East Durham branded when I first thought of it. Kind of glad I put it off for a while as the sun was in an ideal place tonight to get a nice bright vibrant shot. Think just about the only other photos I've seen of the 239 have been in Peterlee Bus Station, so it was nice to get it somewhere a bit more picturesque rather than the eyesore that is Peterlee Bus Station.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:21 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Just under it, In a compact box.
Though it must be a very big hassle to get it out and back in.
That'll be the box above the door, then.
Definitely a hassle. There was a guy with a wheelchair on the dart we caught, for a while. It took all of about 30 seconds to get him on and off, as these have an integral fold out ramp.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - South Tyne Lad - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:29 pm)BusLoverMum wrote That'll be the box above the door, then.
Definitely a hassle. There was a guy with a wheelchair on the dart we caught, for a while. It took all of about 30 seconds to get him on and off, as these have an integral fold out ramp.
Ah no it isn't, I thought Tom was talking about the side destination!
Its in a compact box under the side Destination Display.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Tom - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:34 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Ah no it isn't, I thought Tom was talking about the side destination!
Its in a compact box under the side Destination Display.
Yeah that's what I meant - never saw one being used yet though so not sure how they'd work like
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Tom - 28 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:09 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Had a trip to Cumbria and Western Northumberland today, Just a quick review but it'll do
A quick 5 Minute Walk to My Local Metro
Journey 1 Brockely Whins - Haymarket 4008B
What a shed, Had Wheelflats on both axles and lights were loose and banging against the cases, Its Compressor was also Defective and barely ran during the journey.
Also noted how grim and Filthy it was, It clearly didn't receive any sort of clean through the night.
Also noted was how the Metrocar was on its B-End, Which is usually the end sandwiched in the middle with another Metrocar.
Was happy to be off this Metrocar and made my way up to the exit, Through Haymarket Bus Station and into Eldon Square.
Journey 2 Eldon Square Bus Station - Hexham Bus Station, Go North East Scania L94UB - Wright Solar 5232.
Not the best Scania at Hexham, 5233 takes that spot, Though still a pleasant journey.
Traffic as usual throughout Denton and Westgate Road though we got up to 60 Mph on the A69, Which is what these batch of Scania's are limited too.
Two Italian Tourists who were on my bus went off onto the AD122 shortly after arriving at Hexham
Things noted was after the Bus came off the A69 at Heddon, The driver engaged Gear 3 Hold on the Dashboard, Which is now disabled in some Solars in the Fleet.
This is what is officially classed as kickdown in this Gearbox, Scania's Cant kickdown when D is engaged, 1 has to be selected, Before manually changing to 2 at 2200 RPM, A 3 Button is featured in Scania's 2004 up, Due to having HP-5 Ecomats instead of HP4s, Which are found in Solar's 2003 older.
A quick pop to Greggs and a few photos in Hexham and then my 3rd Bus of the Day came.
Journey 3 Hexham Bus Station - Brampton Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 - Wright Pulsar 1495
Took my seat at the very back on this Very Busy ( And Delayed ) Pulsar, Eat my Dinner for the first 20 Minuets and then enjoyed the views and the noise of the Voith DIWA-5 and Cummins ISBe Combo working hard underneath my seat.
Despite having a Restricted Voith Gearbox, It still works exceptionally well on Hills, Doing what it should do, It upshift's to 3rd before straight away downshifting back to 2nd and locking until around 1800 RPM When it upshifts back to 3rd and in this case, immediately upshifting again to 4th as the hill was cleared with ease.
Recommend this route to everyone, Tons of scenery, Long Fast Sections and a Variety of Bus Types used.
Encountered 5 types of Bus used on the 85/685 today, VDL SB200 , Scania CN94UB Omnicity , Enviro 300 Integral , MAN 18.240 Enviro 300 and E20D Enviro 200.
Got into Brampton 40 Minuets later and got a few photos from different angles of the Pulsar before it set off on the rest of its run to Carlisle.
Due to the Pulsar being late all the way through the route, I had only 12 Minutes to wait in Brampton before my next 685 came in, In the form of Enviro 200 37121.
Journey 4 Brampton Market Place - Carlisle Bus Station, Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire ADL E20D / Enviro 200 37121
Was hoping for one of the Slimline Solo's which are apparently allocated to the short 685's, But never mind.
Got a photo of this too in Brampton and I'm going to upload it to Flickr tomorrow
Got to around 50 Mph on the A69 and was hitting nearly 2400 RPMs at that point, Which shows how Cheap and Tatty this Voith DIWA-5 ECO is.
Past a Unidentified native MAN E300 heading back to Newcastle,
Before I knew it I had arrived into Carlisle Bus Station, With a Volvo Olympian Alexander RL greeting me in the set down bay.
Walked around Carlisle and the Station to get photos of various buses and was hoping trains ( Though I forgot about the engineering works near oxenholme )
Had around a Hour in Carlisle before returining to the Bus Station for the same Pulsar back to Haltwhistle.
Journey 5 Carlisle Bus Station - Haltwhistle Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 1495.
Pretty much the same as the journey earlier, And too my amusment mostly the same passengers too!
The Voith worked its ECO Magic over the Pennines and flew past Greenhead before getting stuck behind a VERY Slow car just before Haltwhistle.
I alighted at the stop before the Market Place and walked to the Railway Station.
Somehow managed to spend 2 and a Half hours in the same place without planning it.
Missed the 135 to Birdoswald so waited for it to come back to head to Alston and onto Hexham as the X81.
Journey 6 Haltwhistle Train Station - Alston Townhead, Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
What a Route! Honestly people need to rethink the 689 as their favourite route as this overtakes it by far.
Mostly Distanced apart Hamlets with Dales on Dales, Everytime I'm near that area, I try to guess which dale the Settle and Carlisle Route is located in-between.
Small Country Lanes with passing places every few miles, With me only seeing 8 Cars on the whole 1 and a bit long route. Better than the AD122.
On my arrival into Alston the Friendly Driver departs straight away as the X81 to Hexham, Leaving no time for a photo in Alston, Which was a shame but can easily be done again.
Journey 7 Alston Townhead - Hexham Bus Station , Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
Bit more open roads than the 681, Just like how I imagine the A66 over the Pennines to be when it was a 1 lane road ( with very little traffic )
Lovely route though the 681 wins it for me.
Had a cat with the driver, And he said on most days he only collects around £2 Cash Fares Which doesn't seem promising.
After arriving at Hexham, My Dad picked me up as he was in the area and we went home.
Photos will be gradually uploaded to Flickr. Heres one so far https://www.flickr.com/photos/140662069@N02/26705370234/in/dateposted-public/
Hope you enjoy and hope you enjoyed my review
Have a good weekend
Will have to try the 681/X81 sometime if its that good! Most of the drivers at Hexham are canny too so shouldn't have a problem with photos.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - NK53 TKT - 29 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 10:34 pm)BusLoverMum wrote BIB doesn't surprise me!
The one we caught in Hartlepool, on the 1, last week - ex Newcastle - was a nice bus. Didn't feel tired at all, even if the floor of the bus at the entrance looked ready to collapse.
There looked to be a cupboard above the door on the ALX300 with a wheelchair sticker on, so I wonder if there was a ramp stored in there. Nothing to fold or (visibly) slide out, though. I know that simply kneeling to the kerb level was a massive novelty 25 years ago, but it still potentially leaves a gap which makes it impossible to navigate for a wheelchair, even if it is possible to heave a buggy over it (which is not what the DDA regs are for).
The KFC reg does make me 
I was on an ALX300 on the 7 recently only from South Gosforth to Gosforth High Street because I missed the metro and someone boarded with a wheelchair and it took about three minutes to sort the ramp and it resulted in me missing the Q3
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - NK53 TKT - 29 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 10:40 pm)Jimmi wrote Had a fairly long day out today, here's what I got up to...
0745 X66 Harrowgate Hill W.M.C. - Stockton High Street North (ANE 4656)
I was given a lift to Harrowgate Hill by my sister this morning, meaning I got to avoid the annoying changing of buses which is now a real pain since the timetable changes the other week where all my services got put back 5 minutes and I now seemingly have difficulties connecting with just about everything. Anyway, 4656 was my first bus this morning, the driver greeted me by saying "Hello Matthew" as the driver for this journey was NEB's own MrPottiski, after the greetings I sat in my usual seat by the emergency exit door and made my way towards Stockton. This one felt slightly rough this morning, possibly why 2849 replaced it for one trip after this?
0824 84 Stockton High Street North - University Hospital of North Tees (Stagecarriage: YJ07 VRK)
As nothing seemed to be going on in Stockton, I got bored and decided I'd have a quick ride on this to fill some time in, not a bad little Solo really although it was a pretty smooth short journey really. I alighted at North Tees Hospital then waited for another bus back to Stockton.
0846 37 University Hospital of North Tees - Stockton High Street North (Stagecoach on Teesside: 27166)
Had a choice between this and a Dots branded example on the 59, but as this left one minute earlier, so I opted for the 37. Pretty comfortable journey towards Stockton, a old bloke was chatting to the young female driver when he boarded at his stop. After this journey I went to buy some refreshments for the day.
0932 S1 Stockton High Street South - Teesside Park Morrisons - 1017 S1 Teesside Park Toys R Us - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1415)
Waited for this at the southern end of the high street, unfortunately someone was sleeping rough in the bus shelter, so we had to stand outside the shelter. On-board 1415 it was reasonably busy on the journey to Teesside Park which is good to see, nowt much to say about the journey with it being reasonably short, jumped off at Morrisons and got some photos then had a quick wander round the shops where I bought some stuff in USC and then jumped on the S1 back to Stockton 30 minutes later, irritatingly I just missed the X12 to Middlesbrough at the Uni, so I stayed on the S1 until Stockton High Street.
1028 17A Stockton High Street North - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 1914)
After alighting the S1, I photographed 2849 on the X67 then I decided to catch 1914 on the 17A. Not sure how much longer the Cadet's have at Stockton but I can't imagine it's much longer, so better take up the opportunities whilst I can. This one rattled at the back a bit but other than that it wasn't too bad. This route is slightly longer than I remember it being and I'm sure I think this every time I do it. I did eventually arrive in Middlesbrough though.
1215 64 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Eston Square (ANE 4700)
After some more shopping plus chippy for lunch, I returned to my bus outing with 4700 being my next journey. 4700 had a previous life at Redcar before the other examples arrived but later went to sale with Arriva Bus and Coach although it was never sold, so it became part of the Arriva North East fleet at Redcar once again. I fancied getting one of these examples to see if the e-leather is anymore comfortable than the fabric, not sure but my seat wasn't too uncomfortable. Apart from the strange seating layout (and the fires) I actually don't think these are bad buses, they seem to have a bit of power under the bonnet. This bus was quite warm though which was a little un-pleasant.
1255 63 Eston Square - Redcar Morrisons (ANE 1432)
Typical 63, wait for one and two come along at once! Sadly 1432 was at the front, so I had to get that one instead of the Temsa behind, I like the Pulsar's but I get them all the time on the 5/5A and 7, so It's nice to get something different. 1432 wasn't too bad though, think the last time I rode this one was when it was on loan to Darlington depot a few years back (was on-loan for a day fairly recently as well). Annoyingly we got stuck at the level crossing in Redcar which meant we were sat for a while, little wonder this service struggles to keep to time!
1408 22 Redcar High Street - Middlesbrough Bus Station (ANE 4512)
Decided I wanted a ride on this today, so I just had to find it, fortunately shortly after arriving in Redcar I found it on the 22 to Ings Farm, so I waited for it to come back. Would have preferred it to be on the 81 to Stokesley as I quite like that route, oh well! Back to the 22, some of the passengers actually thought this 16 year old Renown was a modern bus! Must say, I did quite like this bus and I enjoyed riding it very much... Until of course some people had to spoil my fun by being annoying as owt, large family (of course it was!) with them being scattered around the bus with some right behind me who insisted at shouting to each of them, so just imagine how loud someone sat at the back just behind me is shouting to someone sat in the wheelchair bay, they were irritating the hell out of me and I was so pleased when they got off.
1515 1 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Hartlepool Victoria Road (Stagecoach in Hartlepool: 35162)
Looked round the bus station to look for something interesting to ride, in the end I went with this Dart on service 1 to Hartlepool. I sat at the back on this journey and soaked in the views out of the window, I quite like the 1 route, I like the industrial scenery as you leave Middlesbrough then Seaton Carew seafront, it's a cracking route, do it if you get the chance. Dart was pretty standard really but with the scenery it made for a good journey to Hartlepool which I haven't been to for ages, so I had a bit of a wander round after this journey, was especially nice as the sun came out and it was lovely out.
1702 X35 Hartlepool, Marina Way - Peterlee Bus Station (GNE 5204)
Ended up down at the Marina. Decided I'd get this to Peterlee, seem as the 23 doesn't run down here. Pretty quiet journey really, not much really occurred on this journey, so I just took in the views until I reached Peterlee Bus Station.
1750 21 Peterlee Bus Station - Sedgefield Barclay's Bank (ANE 4813)
Just missed getting a photo of Sapphire 22 branded Streetlite 1599 on the 23, oh well! I then waited for my 21, annoyingly someone was stood smoking next to me, yeah that no smoking in Durham County Council Bus Station's campaign certainly seemed to be worth while then! Anyway I was greeted by 4813 on this journey which pleased me as I'm sick to death of catching 4810/4811 every time I get the 21/X21. Pretty steady away journey really, not a great deal occurred on this journey either. I alighted at Sedgefield rather than continuing on home to Newton Aycliffe as decided to take the opportunity to photograph the Go North East evening service 239 which has been rarely photographed from what I've seen on Flickr, if you want to see this photo click this link: https://flic.kr/p/GFTwTR Photographing this was not as easy as I'd hope it would be, especially because some woman sat at the junction where the bus stop for the 239 is and waited for cars, even though there wasn't any, it was annoying me so much I actually started shouting GO!!! THERE'S NOTHING HERE!!! GO!!!
1858 X12 Sedgefield Black Lion - Stockton High Street North (ANE 1457)
As I didn't want to sit in Sedgefield until 19:37 waiting for the next and last 21 of the night, I took the long way home with the X12 providing the first part of this trek home. This example sounded pretty rough it has to be said, although it did get a bit of a thrash from the driver, he must have done some thrashing on this shift as it left Middlesbrough 10 minutes late earlier in the afternoon.
1937 X66 Stockton High Street North - Darlington Northgate (ANE 1444)
1444 was tonight's non MAX working from Stockton. There was four older passengers on-board for this journey when I boarded in Stockton and then we picked a few down North Road in Darlington, just about all of these wanting to be off at stops the X66 doesn't stop at. Annoyingly in typical fashion when we got to Harrowgate Hill Roundabout I got 'treated' to the sight of the 5A heading to Bishop Auckland but more importantly for me, home, DAMN! So I stayed on until Darlington Town Centre to catch my last bus of the day.
2015 7 Darlington Tubwell Row - Newton Aycliffe, Silkin Way (ANE 1513)
First we got to see 1514 come round with "Not In Service" on the blind with the driver dropping the passengers on-board on the next stand along, with some passengers walking down to try and get on that, shortly afterwards 1513 came round on the 7 to Durham. I sat towards the back and irritatingly the plug socket didn't work. Was a busy journey but fortunately for me the passengers weren't disruptive unlike the last time I got this 7 on a Saturday night. I then walked home and ended my outing for the day.
Thanks for reading, if you got this far. Was certainly a long day but other then the annoying passengers on the 22 it was a pretty enjoyable day out today. Tomorrow I'm heading on a Sunday outing to Richmond Market Place to photograph some Dalesbus services. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Matthew  Great review, very long day though, it may surprise you but I have actually never been to Middlesbrough ever or Darlington or Hartlepool just because it's a bit of a faf to get there
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - NK53 TKT - 29 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:09 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Had a trip to Cumbria and Western Northumberland today, Just a quick review but it'll do
A quick 5 Minute Walk to My Local Metro
Journey 1 Brockely Whins - Haymarket 4008B
What a shed, Had Wheelflats on both axles and lights were loose and banging against the cases, Its Compressor was also Defective and barely ran during the journey.
Also noted how grim and Filthy it was, It clearly didn't receive any sort of clean through the night.
Also noted was how the Metrocar was on its B-End, Which is usually the end sandwiched in the middle with another Metrocar.
Was happy to be off this Metrocar and made my way up to the exit, Through Haymarket Bus Station and into Eldon Square.
Journey 2 Eldon Square Bus Station - Hexham Bus Station, Go North East Scania L94UB - Wright Solar 5232.
Not the best Scania at Hexham, 5233 takes that spot, Though still a pleasant journey.
Traffic as usual throughout Denton and Westgate Road though we got up to 60 Mph on the A69, Which is what these batch of Scania's are limited too.
Two Italian Tourists who were on my bus went off onto the AD122 shortly after arriving at Hexham
Things noted was after the Bus came off the A69 at Heddon, The driver engaged Gear 3 Hold on the Dashboard, Which is now disabled in some Solars in the Fleet.
This is what is officially classed as kickdown in this Gearbox, Scania's Cant kickdown when D is engaged, 1 has to be selected, Before manually changing to 2 at 2200 RPM, A 3 Button is featured in Scania's 2004 up, Due to having HP-5 Ecomats instead of HP4s, Which are found in Solar's 2003 older.
A quick pop to Greggs and a few photos in Hexham and then my 3rd Bus of the Day came.
Journey 3 Hexham Bus Station - Brampton Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 - Wright Pulsar 1495
Took my seat at the very back on this Very Busy ( And Delayed ) Pulsar, Eat my Dinner for the first 20 Minuets and then enjoyed the views and the noise of the Voith DIWA-5 and Cummins ISBe Combo working hard underneath my seat.
Despite having a Restricted Voith Gearbox, It still works exceptionally well on Hills, Doing what it should do, It upshift's to 3rd before straight away downshifting back to 2nd and locking until around 1800 RPM When it upshifts back to 3rd and in this case, immediately upshifting again to 4th as the hill was cleared with ease.
Recommend this route to everyone, Tons of scenery, Long Fast Sections and a Variety of Bus Types used.
Encountered 5 types of Bus used on the 85/685 today, VDL SB200 , Scania CN94UB Omnicity , Enviro 300 Integral , MAN 18.240 Enviro 300 and E20D Enviro 200.
Got into Brampton 40 Minuets later and got a few photos from different angles of the Pulsar before it set off on the rest of its run to Carlisle.
Due to the Pulsar being late all the way through the route, I had only 12 Minutes to wait in Brampton before my next 685 came in, In the form of Enviro 200 37121.
Journey 4 Brampton Market Place - Carlisle Bus Station, Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire ADL E20D / Enviro 200 37121
Was hoping for one of the Slimline Solo's which are apparently allocated to the short 685's, But never mind.
Got a photo of this too in Brampton and I'm going to upload it to Flickr tomorrow
Got to around 50 Mph on the A69 and was hitting nearly 2400 RPMs at that point, Which shows how Cheap and Tatty this Voith DIWA-5 ECO is.
Past a Unidentified native MAN E300 heading back to Newcastle,
Before I knew it I had arrived into Carlisle Bus Station, With a Volvo Olympian Alexander RL greeting me in the set down bay.
Walked around Carlisle and the Station to get photos of various buses and was hoping trains ( Though I forgot about the engineering works near oxenholme )
Had around a Hour in Carlisle before returining to the Bus Station for the same Pulsar back to Haltwhistle.
Journey 5 Carlisle Bus Station - Haltwhistle Market Place, Arriva North East VDL SB200 1495.
Pretty much the same as the journey earlier, And too my amusment mostly the same passengers too!
The Voith worked its ECO Magic over the Pennines and flew past Greenhead before getting stuck behind a VERY Slow car just before Haltwhistle.
I alighted at the stop before the Market Place and walked to the Railway Station.
Somehow managed to spend 2 and a Half hours in the same place without planning it.
Missed the 135 to Birdoswald so waited for it to come back to head to Alston and onto Hexham as the X81.
Journey 6 Haltwhistle Train Station - Alston Townhead, Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
What a Route! Honestly people need to rethink the 689 as their favourite route as this overtakes it by far.
Mostly Distanced apart Hamlets with Dales on Dales, Everytime I'm near that area, I try to guess which dale the Settle and Carlisle Route is located in-between.
Small Country Lanes with passing places every few miles, With me only seeing 8 Cars on the whole 1 and a bit long route. Better than the AD122.
On my arrival into Alston the Friendly Driver departs straight away as the X81 to Hexham, Leaving no time for a photo in Alston, Which was a shame but can easily be done again.
Journey 7 Alston Townhead - Hexham Bus Station , Go North East Optare M925SR / Optare Solo 668
Bit more open roads than the 681, Just like how I imagine the A66 over the Pennines to be when it was a 1 lane road ( with very little traffic )
Lovely route though the 681 wins it for me.
Had a cat with the driver, And he said on most days he only collects around £2 Cash Fares Which doesn't seem promising.
After arriving at Hexham, My Dad picked me up as he was in the area and we went home.
Photos will be gradually uploaded to Flickr. Heres one so far https://www.flickr.com/photos/140662069@N02/26705370234/in/dateposted-public/
Hope you enjoy and hope you enjoyed my review
Have a good weekend
STL  Great review and on your point about the pulsar speed the last two times I have been on the 85 I have had 1408 (not MAXED, also good because 4660-4662 and 4664 are rubbish the only bad omnicities)
and it screams between Corbridge and Horsley and I was on it late at night last time with an open road and empty bus, I thought at one point the bus would give up!
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - James101 - 29 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 10:58 pm)BusLoverMum wrote We enjoyed the 1, when we took it, last week. The industrial landscape is so very different from anything else, isn't it? I do love the fact that there's a bird sanctuary in the middle of it all (mostly arctic terns, based on last time we visited)
Did you spot any seals as you zip over the bridge at Greatham Creek too? That's my favourite part of the 1.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - South Tyne Lad - 29 May 2016
(29 May 2016, 8:04 am)NK53 TKT wrote Great review and on your point about the pulsar speed the last two times I have been on the 85 I have had 1408 (not MAXED, also good because 4660-4662 and 4664 are rubbish the only bad omnicities)
and it screams between Corbridge and Horsley and I was on it late at night last time with an open road and empty bus, I thought at one point the bus would give up!
Cheers I love it when a Pulsar turns up, Less gears = More thrash
Second best on there has to be the Stagecoach E300s ( Not the MAN Chassis ones ) for pretty much the same reason, Though the E300s come first for comfort!
I feel that Pulsars would be a better allocation when the route gets Branded jointly with Stagecoach, Omnictiys would've been better on the X16 though.
(28 May 2016, 11:59 pm)Tom wrote Will have to try the 681/X81 sometime if its that good! Most of the drivers at Hexham are canny too so shouldn't have a problem with photos.
I really recommend it, One of the best bus routes ive been on in my life and that's saying something!
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - NK53 TKT - 29 May 2016
(29 May 2016, 11:31 am)South Tyne Lad wrote Cheers I love it when a Pulsar turns up, Less gears = More thrash
Second best on there has to be the Stagecoach E300s ( Not the MAN Chassis ones ) for pretty much the same reason, Though the E300s come first for comfort!
I feel that Pulsars would be a better allocation when the route gets Branded jointly with Stagecoach, Omnictiys would've been better on the X16 though.
4660-4662 and 4664 need a big internal refresh, I like Arriva MAX ones but I really LOVE the GNE ones that were on the 19. The issue with these Arriva ones is that the seats are falling apart they are dirty and don't sound great.
I have only once had a Stagecoach E300 and it was last summer when 24119 turned up, the driver thrashed it but it was silent, and for me at least it has big firm seats. The pulsars I find are not suited to long distance which is something the omnicities are suited for, as for the X16 I think that 1408 and 1411 aren't a bad choice but I reckon you'll get a headache if you're on one for too long. One positive though of 1408 and 1411 being allocated is more MPDs for me on the 55, a service I use at least twice a week as for omnicities they would be good on the 46 in Durham but at Jesmond the 85/685 is really the only option, which I wouldn't mind if they had a refurbishment. I just get annoyed on the rare event they go on the 52 or 55
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 29 May 2016
(29 May 2016, 10:36 am)James101 wrote Did you spot any seals as you zip over the bridge at Greatham Creek too? That's my favourite part of the 1.
Unfortunately not.
Which reminds me that I don't think there's a Stagecoach most boring or interesting routes thread. Not many of their routes qualify as interesting, but this one's an exception.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - northern156 - 30 May 2016
(28 May 2016, 11:09 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote Was hoping for one of the Slimline Solo's which are apparently allocated to the short 685's, But never mind.
E200s and Solos (both original and SR) are typically allocated to short 685s.
However anything can turn up. Olympians used to be a favourite for it.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - S813 FVK - 30 May 2016
If anybody wants a ride on something that shakes more than a Streetlite, try one of Scarborough and Districts E200s - one of the 63 reg batch, at least.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Malarkey - 30 May 2016
Been having a look at Train Tickets and of course the Weather, and I am thinking of going to Glasgow instead of Manchester. This due the weather looking on the gloomy side in Manchester over the next few days, whereas up in Glasgow its going sunny and 18 Degress+, furthermore the Train Tickets are going to be a lot cheaper. Just need to sort out my Railcard tomorrow before booking my tickets.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Jimmi - 30 May 2016
(30 May 2016, 9:01 pm)Malarkey wrote Been having a look at Train Tickets and of course the Weather, and I am thinking of going to Glasgow instead of Manchester. This due the weather looking on the gloomy side in Manchester over the next few days, whereas up in Glasgow its going sunny and 18 Degress+, furthermore the Train Tickets are going to be a lot cheaper. Just need to sort out my Railcard tomorrow before booking my tickets.
Typical Manc weather that! [emoji1]
Last time I was down there for four days and on the second day I got soaked from head to toe as I made my way back to the hotel which took ages to get back to as I was at the other end of the city centre and I got a little bit lost, I only had a thin hoodie on as well and only had that one pair of jeans, at least I treated myself to a new hoodie whilst I was down there.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 30 May 2016
OK, so Ive booked train tickets to Edinburgh for next Saturday.
We'll have 4-5 hours there. Any recommendations for some good spots for photo ops without travelling too far around the city? I can kill 4-5 hours in the city centre very easily (particularly as I haven't been there for 11 years), but I want it to be interesting for big'un, too.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Adrian - 30 May 2016
(30 May 2016, 9:51 pm)BusLoverMum wrote OK, so Ive booked train tickets to Edinburgh for next Saturday.
We'll have 4-5 hours there. Any recommendations for some good spots for photo ops without travelling too far around the city? I can kill 4-5 hours in the city centre very easily (particularly as I haven't been there for 11 years), but I want it to be interesting for big'un, too.
If you haven't done plusbus, get a Lothian day ticket, as it'll give you bus and tram access.
Princes Street is decent, but quite hectic. You may be better going somewhere like the Gyle Centre or Ocean Terminal. Buses terminate both ends, and there's not a huge amount of footfall in comparison.
There's also the bus station. There's a wall on the exit, where you can get photos of stuff coming in and out. If you get the tram to York Street, it's a short walk back on yourself, and you'll get all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff coming in.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews - BusLoverMum - 30 May 2016
(30 May 2016, 10:01 pm)Adrian wrote If you haven't done plusbus, get a Lothian day ticket, as it'll give you bus and tram access.
Princes Street is decent, but quite hectic. You may be better going somewhere like the Gyle Centre or Ocean Terminal. Buses terminate both ends, and there's not a huge amount of footfall in comparison.
There's also the bus station. There's a wall on the exit, where you can get photos of stuff coming in and out. If you get the tram to York Street, it's a short walk back on yourself, and you'll get all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff coming in.
As I said. Don't really want to leave the centre,vor else I would have done plusbus. His attention span is probably enough for princes Street, this time around. Might consider this year's open day if he's happy with the journey and surroundings. He wasn't so fond of York, bu I don't blame him as that is much more awful and tourity than een a decade ago.
The tram sounds good, too.
Bus Related Outings and Reviews - Jimmi - 31 May 2016
So pleased the 11:18 22 from Ripon to York was late otherwise I wouldn't have a Little Explorers photo today as white MPD PK51LJX (665) is on the 12:00 from Ripon. It is an absolute **** heap as well.