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Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - August 2013 - Printable Version +- North East Buses (https://northeastbuses.co.uk) +-- Forum: Local Bus Scene (https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Go North East (https://northeastbuses.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=54) +--- Thread: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - August 2013 (/showthread.php?tid=1246) |
RE: Go North East - Latest - Malarkey - 22 Aug 2013 (22 Aug 2013, 6:19 pm)Andreos1 wrote Yeah, its been there a while. I didn't even know there was a Volvo Truck and Bus in the Area at all, but atleast the mystery has been solved. RE: Go North East - Latest - Andreos1 - 22 Aug 2013 (22 Aug 2013, 6:40 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote I didn't even know there was a Volvo Truck and Bus in the Area at all, but atleast the mystery has been solved. I think its an extension of the stuff they have over the motorway on Portobello Road. That has been there donkeys years. RE: Go North East - Latest - big mac - 22 Aug 2013 (22 Aug 2013, 4:32 pm)V802EBR wrote I would be amazed if the 13/14 gets any improvements when its had straight cuts over the last 5 years. Speaking of which they've only just solved a major problem of the numbering of the additional 14 in the morning- bearing in mind the problem has been there for the past 5 years! Sometimes you can tell when GNE have made up their minds that a service simply isn't all that important - and I think that's exactly what's happened with the 13/14. A family member uses the 14 regularly as she lives in Nettlesworth, and I've lost count of the number of times she's told me that a journey has went missing. Two in a row have not turned up from Durham on more than one occasion, apparently. Reading the responses in this thread confirms that it does seem to be a particular problem with the 14 for journeys not operating. RE: Go North East - Latest - V802EBR - 22 Aug 2013 (22 Aug 2013, 6:52 pm)big mac wrote Sometimes you can tell when GNE have made up their minds that a service simply isn't all that important - and I think that's exactly what's happened with the 13/14. Yeah, its what they call a duty 2 or secondary service. I can totally sympathise with her I know people who would rather walk down to Plawsworth and get the 21/X21/50 into Durham. Its reliability is shocking even though missing Kimblesworth Village and Eastern Avenue in Langley Park on an Evening and Sunday, it still manages to run up to 10 minutes late! RE: Go North East - Latest - Andreos1 - 23 Aug 2013 Just noticed a comment on the GNE fb page from yesterday. I won't bore you with the entire discussion, but it was about the 24 changes and the consultation that was issued. According to the poster - neither herself nor other people she knows, apart from one particular street in Harlow Green, recieved the consultation. GNE responded, by stating 8000 surveys had been distributed. They had 500 back. What they are saying, is that the changes to the 1 and 24 are based on the idea of someone sitting in GNE towers, their JML computer and less than 10% of the initial sample. I would be very surprised if the service carried 500 individual passengers from the area in question anyway, but I can't see all 500 of them to be in favour of the changes. Even if a majority of say 400 people were in favour, GNE are taking the views of a tiny minority of the population into account. Basically, 5% of the people in the Chowdene, Allerdene, Harlow Green areas would be in favour of these proposals. Similarly, I find the fact GNE have gone to the expense of printing and distributing 8000 questionaires, quite staggering. RE: Go North East - Latest - Dan - 23 Aug 2013 We received a message on the North East Buses Facebook account a few days ago. The woman was saying that she wasn't happy with the 24 being withdrawn because customers on Waverley Road were being left without a bus. Of course they were not, but clearly the information on Go North East's website was not clear enough. I of course had to advise her that we were only a fan page, so couldn't comment on the changes made. I did, however, respond with what the changes were: The 24 would be replaced by "Coaster" 1 and customers on the 24 would receive newer buses to accommodate for the decrease in frequency. They would also receive a direct link from the 24 route to Newcastle, rather than having to get off at Gateshead. It's worrying that customers have not been contacted properly. It would perhaps be better if customers were alerted to these consultations being handed out via the website, and if they haven't received one, to get in touch with customer services. I did that with the X3/9/26 changes and they sent it out immediately, despite me not even living on the route of any services - just being an active user of all. RE: Go North East - Latest - MurdnunoC - 23 Aug 2013 Andreos1 wroteAccording to the poster - neither herself nor other people she knows, apart from one particular street in Harlow Green, recieved the consultation. It depends on how they've been distributed. In another of my long-line of dead-end jobs I once worked as a Team Manager for a well-known leaflet distribution company which went bust around six or seven years ago. Due to high-level of employment, and the calibre of people forced by DWP to take up that line of work, leaflets were often randomly dumped by distributors who'd rather sit around getting stoned and/or drunk. Sometimes, this meant just dumping them in the nearest skip or bin, at other times, it meant stuffing the bulk of leaflets through doors located on some unfortunate street. It's been around 10 years since I worked that 'industry'. If standards have remained the same, and GNE have contracted a distributor rather than Royal Mail or their own staff, I can fully well believe any story which suggests that one street received leaflets while the rest of the locale did not. RE: Go North East - Latest - Dan - 23 Aug 2013 Oops! Sorry Michael, meant to edit your post to include the photo not delete. As originally posted by Michael, a slightly better photo taken from inside Hexham depot of 5230 has emerged. With thanks to Alastair Speight for sharing the photograph on Facebook. ![]() RE: Go North East - Latest - Michael - 23 Aug 2013 Don't worry, i forgot to say thanks for the pic! oops. RE: Go North East - Latest - eezypeazy - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 9:22 am)Andreos1 wrote 8000 surveys had been distributed. They had 500 back500 back out of 8,000 is a response rate of better than 6 per cent. In my (limited) experience, anything better than three per cent is good. (23 Aug 2013, 9:22 am)Andreos1 wrote I would be very surprised if the service carried 500 individual passengers from the area in question anyway... GNE are taking the views of a tiny minority of the population into accountOnce again your logic confuses me, Andreos. If all 500 passengers had responded, that would be one hundred per cent of all passengers. But you would dismiss that because it's only a fraction of the population of the area? (23 Aug 2013, 9:22 am)Andreos1 wrote I find the fact GNE have gone to the expense of printing and distributing 8000 questionaires, quite staggering.I find it rather reassuring that at least one bus company tries to engage with local people and its customers. You knock 'em when they don't and you knock 'em when they do, Andreos... RE: Go North East - Latest - Andreos1 - 23 Aug 2013 As myself and others have pointed out eezypeazy - there has obviously been quite a few people who have not received details of the survey. AdamY has outlined his own experiences of the leaflet distribution industry, which could indicate why so many people have commented that they were unaware of the proposals. Daniel has shared a story of a disgruntled resident, unaware of the survey and confused by the changes. I think GTomlinson also stated he hadn't received a copy of this same survey. Of course, if those 500 people picked up a survey from a bus, then they obviously are passengers and their feedback would be welcomed - however, I am not sure of your apparent certainty that I would dismiss it, 'because it's only a fraction of the population of the area'. I am not sure if anyone is in a position to comment on whether those 500 responses are from passengers - however, I do doubt they all are. Of course I am going to comment on the survey, based on the apparent lack of resident involvement and the subsequent changes. You will be aware of the regular changes in the area, the contradictory statements issued by GNE and the reversal of decisions made only a few years previously? There are links and discussions about those very changes within this forum. Of course, any organisation interested in what customers have to say is a good thing. Whether they then act on that, is quite another. I 'knock 'em when they don't and you knock 'em when they do' - care to expand or explain? Once again, your logic confuses me. Not sure about your generalised statements either... Put whatever spin on my comments you wish, dismiss my comments, take apart my comments, do whatever you want to them - the facts are: * 8000 forms were apparently distributed to residents in the areas mentioned previously. * 500 forms were returned. * Based on the 500 forms which were returned, GNE are going ahead with the changes which they initially proposed. * 7,500 forms were either not delivered or not responded to. * People have commented in various mediums, that they did not receive the survey nor where they aware of such a consultation Whether you like my comments or not, it is upto you. Fortunately, you are not our benign dictator just yet and until you are, I shall comment in this open forum (just like everyone's favourite transport guru does on facebook). Kind Regards Andreos1 RE: Go North East - Latest - Malarkey - 23 Aug 2013 Diversions News Date: 21 Aug 2013 We have just been informed that due to urgent embankment maintenance works on a short section of the Leisure Centre Link Road between the police station and Parkway in Washington will be closed to ALL traffic, including emergency vehicles. Works are expected to start on 27th August and last for 2 weeks, weather depending. Consequently, buses will be diverted as follows: Service M1 from Parkway will be unable to serve Dryburgh, Newstead Court or the bus link and will divert via Parkway and Retail Park roundabout to Washington Galleries Bus Station in both directions. Services M2, M2A, M3, M3A & W5 will be unable to serve Washington Leisure Centre and will divert between Titchfield Road and Washington Galleries Bus Station via Parkway , Retail Park roundabout, SavaCentre, Retail Park Roundabout and Galleries Bus Station in both directions. Service W6 will be unable to serve Washington Leisure Centre and will divert from Newstead Court via Parkway, Retail Park roundabout, SavaCentre, Retail Park Roundabout and Galleries Bus Station. Service 2A will be unable to serve Washington Leisure Centre and will divert between Titchfield Road and Washington Galleries Bus Station via Parkway and Retail Park roundabout in both directions. Service 8 will be unable to serve Washington Leisure Centre and will divert between Newstead Court and Galleries Bus Station via Parkway and Retail park roundabout in both directions. Service 73 will be unable to serve Washington Leisure Centre and will divert between Titchfield Road and Galleries Bus Station via Parkway and Retail park roundabout in both directions. RE: Go North East - Latest - Dan - 23 Aug 2013 A few weeks ago, the destination blind on "Silver Arrows" services 2A/2C displayed "2" and missed off the second letter, leaving a gap where the number would usually be. This has been noted again today, with "Crusader" service 27 - see here. RE: Go North East - Latest - Adrian - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 1:41 pm)eezypeazy wrote 500 back out of 8,000 is a response rate of better than 6 per cent. In my (limited) experience, anything better than three per cent is good. 6 percent is shocking response rate, and it tells me that their tactics are all wrong. RE: Go North East - Latest - MurdnunoC - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 5:11 pm)aureolin wrote 6 percent is shocking response rate, and it tells me that their tactics are all wrong. Yeah, I was always under the impression that any sort of survey/consultation should be aiming for a response rate of around 20 per cent. Door-to-door and internet distribution aside, this should be easily achievable on bus services where passengers are essentially cornered with little else to do but voice their opinions. RE: Go North East - Latest - Adrian - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 5:37 pm)AdamY wrote Yeah, I was always under the impression that any sort of survey/consultation should be aiming for a response rate of around 20 per cent. I disagree with door to door. "Junk Mail" is about as welcome as cold calling these days. Plus you'd need a crystal ball to be able to target the correct audience that way. How many households in a street use buses for example? I personally feel that the *primary* source of capturing feedback should be face to face. i.e. spend a couple of days out on the buses and speak to people. I mean actually speak to them though - not take the 'Passenger Focus' approach and just hand them a survey. It would take no longer than a minute per passenger to ask the 5 or 6 questions usually on GNE consultation. The secondary source of capturing feedback should be social media and surveymonkey. This has it's obvious benefits, e.g. people can complete it at their leisure. We recently carried out a consultation with one of our customers. We sent staff to their sites over a two week period, and something like 93% of people they asked were willing to complete a survey. In addition, we got a high response rate to the online consultation simply by offering a prize drawn at random. RE: Go North East - Latest - MurdnunoC - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 5:47 pm)aureolin wrote I personally feel that the *primary* source of capturing feedback should be face to face. i.e. spend a couple of days out on the buses and speak to people. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Buses are potential gold-mines for feedback. That's what I meant about being essentially cornered on bus journeys with little else better to do. If you approach passenger in a friendly way and state that their opinion will help to inform how to improve current services, I bet most of them will gladly take the time to answer survey questions. A prize draw for, say, a free weeks travel will do wonders for the response rate. I agree wholeheartedly about your views on door-to-door distribution. Internet surveys can be useful, but they are open to all sorts of abuse that can obscure results. For example, with Survey Monkey, there is nothing stopping me from competing a survey multiple times. However, with Facebook and Twitter, that can be circumvented but, remember, not everyone wants (or has the means) to engage with social media. That's why face-to-face wins hands down for me every time. RE: Go North East - Latest - DanPicken - 23 Aug 2013 (20 Aug 2013, 8:58 am)W179SCU wrote When I had 8225 a month ago, that did have a full interior branding for the Blaydon Racers, but couldn't tell you if it still retains it! I haven't been on a SPD for ages! 8225 has been on the x66 and I got it and it still had Blaydon racer interior RE: Go North East - Latest - citaro5284 - 23 Aug 2013 http://www.optare.com/pr_latest.htm A piece about new vehicles ordered from Optare RE: Go North East - Latest - Kuyoyo - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:34 pm)citaro5284 wrote http://www.busandcoach.com/newspage.aspx?id=7938&categoryid=0 Dare I ask what the Solo SRs are for? RE: Go North East - Latest - Adrian - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:34 pm)citaro5284 wrote http://www.busandcoach.com/newspage.aspx?id=7938&categoryid=0 Thanks for sharing ![]() 12 Solo SRs? I can't recall any mention of them previously on the board? RE: Go North East - Latest - Michael - 23 Aug 2013 Thank's, it looks like the 58 are getting versa. Wonder where the 12 Solo SR's are going? - If u can't open link - here what it says - Go North East has ordered 26 Optares, with 14 Versas and 12 Solo SR models. They will be delivered in the autumn. A key factor in Go North East’s decision to order 11.7m Versas was a successful ten-week trial of the model earlier this year. The order is worth £3.5million. Chris Wise, Optare commercial director, notes: “It’s particularly rewarding to win this business off the back of very extensive testing of the 11.7m Versa model in very demanding operating conditions and against a background of good experience not only from these trials but also from over two years of operating Versa and even longer with Solo.” RE: Go North East - Latest - Wellsey18 - 23 Aug 2013 Are they the versas for the 58? If so mist be desperate to get rid of the bendies RE: Go North East - Latest - citaro5284 - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:42 pm)Kuyoyo wrote Dare I ask what the Solo SRs are for? Well you can ask.....but I am not tellin ![]() RE: Go North East - Latest - Dan - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:46 pm)citaro5284 wrote Well you can ask.....but I am not tellin You've got us all hooked now! Unacceptable behaviour! ![]() http://northeastbuses.co.uk/gnefleetsearch.php?fleetno=®=&chassis=&bodywork=&depot=&livery=north+tyne+links&year= Nobody is allowed to get their pitch forks out! The number would make sense though, but it's a similar story for all of the branded MPDs within the fleet. RE: Go North East - Latest - citaro5284 - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:48 pm)Daniel wrote You've got us all hooked now! Unacceptable behaviour! If you check my updated link, it is to Optare's page...it gives an idea of delivery dates http://www.optare.com/pr_latest.htm RE: Go North East - Latest - Dan - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:51 pm)citaro5284 wrote If you check my updated link, it is to Optare's page...it gives an idea of delivery dates The County Durham and Tyne & Wear mention makes me feel it may be East Durham... 17 branded MPDs at the moment - I imagine this could easily be shortened to 12, if services like the 238 were to be removed from the East Durham network. RE: Go North East - Latest - Michael - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:48 pm)Daniel wrote You've got us all hooked now! Unacceptable behaviour! Could be for the 40/41/80 - but then it could be for the 17/17A... or 5 could go on the 57 - 4 on the Pulse - 2 on the 18.. 1 spare. 7 or 8 on the 39 (not sure) - srest on 67/69 or 57.. haha we might get a new service for them RE: Go North East - Latest - Adrian - 23 Aug 2013 Speculation alert, but the looking at the numbers, potential for the North Tyne Links or Venture? NTL has 11 branded vehicles, whilst Venture has 12. I can only see them sufficing as a replacement for a current MPD router. I had thought WSS at first but they have 14 branded vehicles allocated. :s RE: Go North East - Latest - Adrian - 23 Aug 2013 (23 Aug 2013, 7:53 pm)Michael wrote Could be for the 40/41/80 - ![]() |