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General TV thread - Printable Version

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RE: General TV thread - Michael - 17 Oct 2014

I'm watching it to, that young lads story :,(

RE: General TV thread - Dan - 19 Oct 2014

Not sure what I think about this...

General TV thread - R852 PRG - 19 Oct 2014

(19 Oct 2014, 7:15 am)Dan wrote Not sure what I think about this...

Wow. I'd heard a rumour, mind just a rumour, that Ian & Denise get back together and get married, and Cindy comes to crash the wedding, because she never died.

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 19 Oct 2014

(19 Oct 2014, 8:44 am)Marcus wrote Wow. I'd heard a rumour, mind just a rumour, that Ian & Denise get back together and get married, and Cindy comes to crash the wedding, because she never died.
Not beyond the realms of fantasy, they did bring Den Watts back from the dead...

Dont really like 'enders these days, when I watch it, I like Kellie Bright...not the most beautiful, but I have liked her for years Big Grin

RE: General TV thread - Adrian - 19 Oct 2014

(19 Oct 2014, 12:26 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Not beyond the realms of fantasy, they did bring Den Watts back from the dead...

Dont really like 'enders these days, when I watch it, I like Kellie Bright...not the most beautiful, but I have liked her for years Big Grin

She's nee Jacqueline Jossa mind!

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 19 Oct 2014

(19 Oct 2014, 12:51 pm)aureolin wrote She's nee Jacqueline Jossa mind!
Jacqueline Jossa is well fit I must admit

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 19 Oct 2014

Hawaii Five 0 is getting more and more unrealistic everytime time its on....

RE: General TV thread - Jimmi - 24 Oct 2014

Saw an advert for Mrs Browns Boys Da Movie DVD earlier.

I don't like Mrs Browns Boys, I just don't find it funny.

Everytime I say this to someone who likes this show this is how that conversation usually goes:

them "WHAT!!! It's brilliant, how do you not like it, do you just not get it?"
me "what is there not to get about a man dressed as a woman breaking the forth wall, I totally get it, but I don't find it funny"
them "how can you not find it funny it is brilliant"
me "I don't like it"
them "it is hilarious, you are weird for not liking it"
me "I'm weird but not liking this garbage is not what makes me weird"
them "this show is brilliant you are missing out, it is hilarious and it brakes the forth wall and it is great and it is funny"
me "I'm allowed an opinion and mine is that I think it is crap"
me "OH **** OFF!!!"

And this is what I get just for saying that I don't like it.

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 24 Oct 2014

(24 Oct 2014, 7:54 pm)Jimmi wrote Saw an advert for Mrs Browns Boys Da Movie DVD earlier.

I don't like Mrs Browns Boys, I just don't find it funny.

Everytime I say this to someone who likes this show this is how that conversation usually goes:

them "WHAT!!! It's brilliant, how do you not like it, do you just not get it?"
me "what is there not to get about a man dressed as a woman breaking the forth wall, I totally get it, but I don't find it funny"
them "how can you not find it funny it is brilliant"
me "I don't like it"
them "it is hilarious, you are weird for not liking it"
me "I'm weird but not liking this garbage is not what makes me weird"
them "this show is brilliant you are missing out, it is hilarious and it brakes the forth wall and it is great and it is funny"
me "I'm allowed an opinion and mine is that I think it is crap"
me "OH **** OFF!!!"

And this is what I get just for saying that I don't like it.

Opinions are like arseholes...everybody has one...

I love Mrs Browns Boys', if you dont, thats your choice, we dont all like the same things, life would be boring if we di

RE: General TV thread - Jimmi - 24 Oct 2014

Opinions are like arseholes...everybody has one...

 I love Mrs Browns Boys', if you dont, thats your choice, we dont all like the same things, life would be boring if we di
It's not even the show that angers me, its when people ask for my opinion on it and then won't accept my views and look at me like I'm mental and my opinion is worthless.

General TV thread - R852 PRG - 24 Oct 2014

Ooohhh....he's back!

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 25 Oct 2014

(24 Oct 2014, 9:54 pm)Jimmi wrote It's not even the show that angers me, its when people ask for my opinion on it and then won't accept my views and look at me like I'm mental and my opinion is worthless.
Just downloaded Mrs Browns Boys Da Movie, I bet you, would love it Jimmi...

Kiddong mate Tongue

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

Nick Cotton =D

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 8:30 pm)Michael wrote Nick Cotton =D

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

Anyone watching Baby P: The Untold Story?

Can't believe that Sharon Shoesmith got over 600k in compensation for unfair dismissal, unpaid wages, and pension contributions.

Stupid bitch failed a child!

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 8:45 pm)Michael wrote Anyone watching Baby P: The Untold Story?

Can't believe that Sharon Shoesmith got over 600k in compensation for unfair dismissal, unpaid wages, and pension contributions.

Stupid bitch failed a child!
Yes I am...

Absoutely horrible and always stirs my emotions when it comes up on the news..

How it could happen I will never know in the aftermath of Victoria Climbie, Every Child Matters came into force and it should have prevented little Peter from the same fate...Given what you want to do Michael, you will most probably be aware of things like Every Child Matters, the Childrens Act and possibly the UN Convention on the rights of the child

That little boy was let down at the highest levels of Children and Young People Services, the NHS and the Police, how Haringey Council could miss what was going on is beyond me as they were the authority slammed for Victoria Climbie...

How the doctor, of all people missed the fact he supposedly had a broken back amazes me, utter negligence.

As for the sentences handed down, they should have been done for Joint Enterprise Murder...

Sick, disturbing, depressing, disgraceful...

Sharon Shoesmith should have been instantly fired for gross negligence and barred from similar positions for life

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

I am, its pissing me off so much because its still failing children now despite everyone putting referals in and nothing happening or following them up (i havent had to do it yet, thank god).

The only person doing her job was hes social workers.

Daniel Pelka was failed to, alog with many other children.

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 9:28 pm)Michael wrote I am, its pissing me off so much because its still failing children now despite everyone putting referals in and nothing happening or following them up (i havent had to do it yet, thank god).

The only person doing her job was hes social workers.

Daniel Pelka was failed to, alog with many other children.
I have been out the game for a long time now, so never really been keeping up with safeguarding stuff, I briefly remember the Daniel Pelka case...

To me, it seems like Sharon Shoesmith is looking for sympathy, she will get nothing from me, I jave dealt with the likes of her for years and most at management level of Social Services I dealt with could not organise a piss up in a brewery.

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 9:47 pm)marxistafozzski wrote I have been out the game for a long time now, so never really been keeping up with safeguarding stuff, I briefly remember the Daniel Pelka case...

To me, it seems like Sharon Shoesmith is looking for sympathy, she will get nothing from me, I jave dealt with the likes of her for years and most at management level of Social Services I dealt with could not organise a piss up in a brewery.

She is, shocked she still got that much.

 I can't believe all of this new information is coming out for the baby p case, like Peters spine wasn't broke when he was examined by the Dr and it was done after! I'm shocked at all this information whats being kept.

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 9:50 pm)Michael wrote She is, shocked she still got that much.

 I can't believe all of this new information is coming out for the baby p case, like Peters spine wasn't broke when he was examined by the Dr and it was done after! I'm shocked at all this information whats being kept.

206 kids have died since Baby P, 26 known to authorities, absolutely shocking...

If I remember correctly was there a case of death by child abuse closer to home round the same time, somewhere like Fencehouses or Chester Le Street

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 10:00 pm)marxistafozzski wrote 206 kids have died since Baby P, 26 known to authorities, absolutely shocking...

If I remember correctly was there a case of death by child abuse closer to home round the same time, somewhere like Fencehouses or Chester Le Street

Its shocking, loads of new information has come out.

I hope not Sad

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 10:02 pm)Michael wrote Its shocking, loads of new information has come out.

I hope not Sad
Something we should never stop talking about, because when talking stops history repeats itself and by talking Baby P, Victoria Climbie and Daniel Pelka will not have died in vain

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 27 Oct 2014

(27 Oct 2014, 10:22 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Something we should never stop talking about, because when talking stops history repeats itself and by talking Baby P, Victoria Climbie and Daniel Pelka will not have died in vain

Iv'e used them in my uni work for different stuff and we have a child protection unit sometime soon, should be a intresting unit now since all the new details.

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 28 Oct 2014

Hahaha i heard a rumour there's gonna be a new kids channel with all the old cartoons on.... such as Rosie and Jim, Spider, playdays etc

I miss the 90's kids shows =(

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 31 Oct 2014

(31 Oct 2014, 7:03 pm)AIG20 wrote "How its Made" is on Discovery Science +1 now (19:00), and it will be showing how Alexander Dennis Double Decker Buses are made. Smile
I never thought that much would go into making tomato sauce Big Grin

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 01 Nov 2014

Anyone being watching Life on BBC.... David Attenborough what a legend

RE: General TV thread - Michael - 06 Nov 2014

Watching all the old South Park episodes.... some really good ones haha!

RE: General TV thread - MurdnunoC - 06 Nov 2014

(06 Nov 2014, 10:16 am)Michael wrote Watching all the old South Park episodes.... some really good ones haha!

South Park used to be a staple of my weekly viewing around 6 or 7 years ago.

Haven't watched in quite some time.

As for old episodes, 'Good Times with Weapons' from Season 8 is pretty funny as is the episode 'Awesome-O'

Re: RE: General TV thread - MrFozz - 06 Nov 2014

(06 Nov 2014, 7:28 pm)AdamY wrote South Park used to be a staple of my weekly viewing around 6 or 7 years ago.

Haven't watched in quite some time.

As for old episodes, 'Good Times with Weapons' from Season 8 is pretty funny as is the episode 'Awesome-O'
I quite like watching the movie from time to time

The devil as Saddam Husseins bitch always made me laugh Big Grin

RE: General TV thread - MurdnunoC - 06 Nov 2014

(06 Nov 2014, 7:36 pm)marxistafozzski wrote I quite like watching the movie from time to time

The devil as Saddam Husseins bitch always made me laugh Big Grin

I consider the movie to be poor if I'm honest. 

To me, the film comes across as a musical - a genre I loathe in any form.