A dedicated thread set up to primarily discuss scheduled coach operations which operate in the UK (e.g. Megabus, National Express, National Holidays, etc).
As some of you may know already... Rail Replacement coaches are currently being used between Newcastle and Darlington on the ECML on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings.
In use yesterday were
Abbotts - YN07LJZ
Alan Madrell - A15AVT
Colborns - B489UNB DIG2797
Compass Royston - M40CRT N30CRT P996JBC R459BAY FL02ZXF FL02ZXG DSU313 GSU230 HDZ2615 YIL1224 YIL1226
Croft - JIG3668
Durham City - N256THO FJ03AAF
Enterprise Travel - GIL2163 RJI2714
Garnetts - W229JBN YR02ZKU FJ06BSZ YN06OPY
Jim Hughes - BX06UMJ VNP893 YSV815
M&D Travel - LUI9950 RJI8609
Rowell - V501EJR W157SUP
North East Buses - www.northeastbus.co.uk
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