26 Jun 2014, 9:14 pm
Having problems posting this evening. The only thing I can post from is my iPad. All posts using IE or Chrome have been coming up with 'Undefined' as replies. Any ideas?
(26 Jun 2014, 9:14 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Having problems posting this evening. The only thing I can post from is my iPad. All posts using IE or Chrome have been coming up with 'Undefined' as replies. Any ideas?
(26 Jun 2014, 10:35 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm managing fine on Chrome.
Have you tried the usual cache malarkey?
(26 Jun 2014, 10:55 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Done that - and nothing. Still can't post using Internet Explorer or Chorme. So it's not a fault at my end because this isn't the only forum I can't post to from IE or Chorme , and funny enough it uses the same software as this.
(26 Jun 2014, 11:36 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What versions of Chrome and on which operating system? Could you upload a screenshot ?
I use Chrome on both my mobile and Win8 desktop without any issues.
(26 Jun 2014, 11:15 pm)park5354 wrote [ -> ]I have had this 'undefined' thing on Google Chrome for at least 2 months.
No problem if I use safari on my Ipad. STRANGE !!
(27 Jun 2014, 9:17 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome version 34.0.1847.116. The issue is that it's only forums that run off the myBB software that I can't post to off my laptop, even after clearing caches - all other sites I can post to, which suggests to me that it is a fault with the software not my browsers or connection considering....
(27 Jun 2014, 9:29 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]That version of Chrome is outdated.
I'm running 35.0.1916.153 and can post perfectly fine on Google Chrome (and indeed this has been posted from Google Chrome).
The fact that it's not a universal fault from all members makes me think that it's not something to do with the myBB forum software.
(27 Jun 2014, 9:35 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Well, if that is your attitude - sod you all and sod this forum. This is my last post on here.
(27 Jun 2014, 9:35 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Well, if that is your attitude - sod you all and sod this forum. This is my last post on here.Ok, so swiftly avoiding the toys being thrown out the pram for no apparent reason...
(27 Jun 2014, 9:55 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Eh..? What's with that reaction?
I only advised you that your version of Chrome is outdated and this is perhaps the reason why you're having difficulties!
(27 Jun 2014, 4:21 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I don't think it's anything to do with disk space. I'm quite curious what it is though if it's affecting more than one person.
(27 Jun 2014, 4:23 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Indeed - I've got 18,148 photographs stored on my laptop (totalling 100GB), yet I've had no issues.
(27 Jun 2014, 5:19 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]No idea then could be anything for all we know, I would laugh if he was simply just having a few problems with the Internet in the Area where he lives.
Dan is that 18,148 Overall Photos you have taken, or ones you still have to upload from trips out etc.
(27 Jun 2014, 9:35 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Well, if that is your attitude - sod you all and sod this forum. This is my last post on here.
(27 Jun 2014, 5:32 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm totally up to date with my photos now Adam, minus a few from yesterday and today which I'm uploading now.It's far top easy to go into paparazzi mode with a good DSLR isn't it?
Anyone who has been with me when I've been taking photos will know that I go in 'paparazzi mode' to take photos, and I keep on pressing the shutter release to ensure that the destination display comes out on at least one photo.
On Flickr, I've only got 7,300 photos. I know that I have got 2,900 archive photos too. The remaining 8000 photos will be made up of personal photos, but the majority will be from duplicate photos I took in 2013. Last year I just took as many photos as possible and then before going out again for my next trip out, I'd transfer them to my laptop so I'd have a clean memory card again.
I'm a little better at 'deleting dupes on the go' now - I still go into 'paparazzi mode', but I use my time travelling on the buses to actually go through my photos and delete any duplicates.
I've amassed such a large amount of archive photos because I always seemingly photograph the same buses all of the time. For example, I must have at least twenty photographs of GNE's 628 in my archives - simply because I always photograph it. I upload loads of photos as it is, so I just bang any in the archives that I've already got quite a few photos of that are online.
(27 Jun 2014, 9:35 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Well, if that is your attitude - sod you all and sod this forum. This is my last post on here.
(27 Jun 2014, 9:29 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]That version of Chrome is outdated.
I'm running 35.0.1916.153 and can post perfectly fine on Google Chrome (and indeed this has been posted from Google Chrome).
(27 Jun 2014, 9:35 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Well, if that is your attitude - sod you all and sod this forum. This is my last post on here.
(09 Jul 2014, 8:04 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Is it possible to place an image from my laptop into a post, if so how you do it.Scroll down below the little bit where you enter the text for a post.
(09 Jul 2014, 8:14 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Scroll down below the little bit where you enter the text for a post.
You should find an 'Attachments' section. Click 'Browse' (or something like that), and this will bring up all the files on your hard-drive. Find the folder you saved the image in, double click the image and then click 'OK', followed by 'Upload' when you're back on the forum.
(09 Jul 2014, 8:14 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Scroll down below the little bit where you enter the text for a post.
You should find an 'Attachments' section. Click 'Browse' (or something like that), and this will bring up all the files on your hard-drive. Find the folder you saved the image in, double click the image and then click 'OK', followed by 'Upload' when you're back on the forum.
(09 Jul 2014, 8:14 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Scroll down below the little bit where you enter the text for a post.
You should find an 'Attachments' section. Click 'Browse' (or something like that), and this will bring up all the files on your hard-drive. Find the folder you saved the image in, double click the image and then click 'OK', followed by 'Upload' when you're back on the forum.
(17 Sep 2014, 4:42 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Replies aren't working off my mobile. Not sure if anyone else is having the same issue.
(17 Sep 2014, 7:57 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]My tapatalk appeared to be working again earlier.Mine isn't...
(17 Sep 2014, 8:11 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Mine isn't...Only thing I've noticed is its reverting to the start of the thread rather than last viewed post.
Not properly anyway, despite having configured the settings, they are not applying themselves correctly on here
(17 Sep 2014, 8:35 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Only thing I've noticed is its reverting to the start of the thread rather than last viewed post.