(22 Apr 2014, 5:57 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]=), thanks
I'll also start to have a walk around before i head in to the city centre
Not sure they gonna be 14 reg due to them being ordered earlier? not sure, sure i read on here
It's when they're registered rather than ordered. I'd assume they're not registered yet, so would be 14 plates.
(22 Apr 2014, 7:53 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]It's when they're registered rather than ordered. I'd assume they're not registered yet, so would be 14 plates.
Alright, wasnt sure
Just spotted 22206 stagecoach in Teesside going along the felling by pass on a recovery truck I reckon it's off to the scrap heap
Walkergate's E400 19199 has gone on-loan to Manchester's Hyde Road depot for new service 38 starting shortly in competition with First.
(23 Apr 2014, 10:10 am)Acky81 wrote [ -> ]Just spotted 22206 stagecoach in Teesside going along the felling by pass on a recovery truck I reckon it's off to the scrap heap
22206 isn't one of the withdrawn MANs (though most of the drivers will wish it was).
21153 was taken away from Walkergate by Alpha today, for the final time.
(24 Apr 2014, 7:37 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]36960, 36977, 22079, 22080, 35190 and 22214 were all at the rear of Sunderland Depot this morning at 8:20am. 35190 has gained a rear advertisement for South Tyneside College and 22214 was loudly revving in the chassis wash pit.
I wonder whether 22214 is staying in Sunderland or whether it is going back to Slatyford - the depot where it was displaced to when the gas buses entered service.
Seems a lot of vehicles are leaving Sunderland just to return weeks later
(24 Apr 2014, 10:40 am)Acky81 wrote [ -> ]Seems a lot of vehicles are leaving Sunderland just to return weeks later
not sure why once the next batch of gas buses are in service Sunderland should have none of the 1999 ones in service =D
(24 Apr 2014, 11:15 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]not sure why once the next batch of gas buses are in service Sunderland should have none of the 1999 ones in service =D
No, Sunderland are likely still to have non-DDA MANs at the end of the year - as 22072-82 have been mentioned as being displaced by 28018-40, to join 22061-6 at Stockton.
(24 Apr 2014, 11:21 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]No, Sunderland are likely still to have non-DDA MANs at the end of the year - as 22072-82 have been mentioned as being displaced by 28018-40, to join 22061-6 at Stockton.
Well that's daft why not keep them at Sunderland to make it all non DDA...
(24 Apr 2014, 11:25 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Well that's daft why not keep them at Sunderland to make it all non DDA...
It's called spreading the benefits, Sunderland gained 61 new buses in 18 months so you spread vehicles around - especially with the upcoming DDA deadline (considering Stockton do need them desperately - 25 new vehicles will only go so far).
I know say before but is stagecoach on Teesside getting the same new buses like enviro 300 from 2009 or same buses like enviro 300 at south shields have. and when are the enviro 300 at Stockton going to start to get repaint is it this soon.
(24 Apr 2014, 11:30 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]It's called spreading the benefits, Sunderland gained 61 new buses in 18 months so you spread vehicles around - especially with the upcoming DDA deadline (considering Stockton do need them desperately - 25 new vehicles will only go so far).
After all the new buses arrive, how many non DDA buses will be in service?
I am told 22202 is back in service at Stockton, was seen on 36/38 today! Didn't see this one getting repaired after it tried to mate with Arriva Cadet 1914 in Middlesbrough a few weeks ago. Very bizarre!
(24 Apr 2014, 11:25 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Well that's daft why not keep them at Sunderland to make it all non DDA...
Totally agree Michael. But then that would mean Stockton getting a load of new buses again next year and we can't have that can we. Much better give Stockton some more cast offs then another new batch of buses to Sunderland next year!
(24 Apr 2014, 5:31 pm)Roland Pratt wrote [ -> ]Totally agree Michael. But then that would mean Stockton getting a load of new buses again next year and we can't have that can we. Much better give Stockton some more cast offs then another new batch of buses to Sunderland next year!
:p, I really think Stockton will get a decent delivery next year along with Newcastle
If the Green bus fund 5 happens, i hope stagecoach go for more gas buses for Sunderland! =D
where is Dan when you need him!
Known Dan he will know!
(24 Apr 2014, 5:33 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]By what I've spotted so far, it looks as if Pointer Darts 35190-35195 have all gained rear advertisements for South Tyneside College; and it looks as if the rear advertisements are being removed from MAN ALX300s 22022, 22049, 22067 & 22070 - which may prove that their stay in South Shields is coming to an end; for at least three of them.
Or the fact they need repainted?
(24 Apr 2014, 8:45 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I guess 22067/70 may be next on the list to be repainted. This is because 22049/50 were repainted last year to remove their X34 livery; and I'm not 100% sure but I think 22021/22 may have been repainted early last year to remove the Gateshead College Advertisement that they had all down one side, which is seen in this photograph:
22070 is the next to be repainted
Variation Accepted: Operating between Clavering and Owton Manor given service number 6 effective from 15-Jun-2014. To amend Route and Timetable.
One of Sunderland's new enviro's is running around with half light orange and half dark orange front destination plate
Variation Accepted: Operating between Clavering and Owton Manor given service number 6 effective from 15-Jun-2014. To amend Route and Timetable.
Anyone know what these changes are?
(25 Apr 2014, 4:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]One of Sunderland's new enviro's is running around with half light orange and half dark orange front destination plate
There's a destination display on one of the gas buses which is incredibly dim. I find it difficult to read from a distance. Has been like that since new as I first noticed it at the Open Day - but it has seemingly gotten progressively worse.
(25 Apr 2014, 4:52 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Anyone know what these changes are?
There's a destination display on one of the gas buses which is incredibly dim. I find it difficult to read from a distance. Has been like that since new as I first noticed it at the Open Day - but it has seemingly gotten progressively worse.
Wonder what the problem is then
As of 20 mins ago 27732 is stood on Perth Ave broken down....Alpha recovery truck in attendance.
(25 Apr 2014, 6:03 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Oh dear! I wonder what the problem is? Some of the E300s, in the past few weeks/months, have sounded terrible whilst idling/stationary. Instead of the nice usual smooth hum, rattling and clunky noises have been coming from the engine.
It's not an engine problem
Not always, some engine problems do require the bus to be towed

HI I hope stagecoach on Teesside are going to get some more new buses ever next year and it would be nice ever if only 10 more Enviro 300 buses.
(25 Apr 2014, 6:56 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I know that it isn't an engine problem, because if it was, the engineers probably would immediately sort it out.
I think its mainly just a sign of ageing and heavy usage.
Or a broken spring which the e300s quite commonly get.
(26 Apr 2014, 8:58 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Is that what the "squeaking" and "screeching" noises from the suspension eventually lead to, as that used to be an annoying issue with the E300s. Thankfully that issue has not occurred in a while.
You'll be surprised, they've went through quite a lot of springs in last 4 months lol
28014 is the example on display at the Teesside Running Day.
(27 Apr 2014, 9:27 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]28014 is the example on display at the Teesside Running Day.
Bet that stirred up alot of interest.