North East Buses

Full Version: Stagecoach North East: Rare & Odd Workings - June 2017
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Assume there's a few gas buses on the X24 today, as the gas bus services seem to have Enviro200s allocated...

36085 - 3
36969 - 16

Both in tandem through Southwick, earlier. Unsure if any others are on.
(27 Jun 2017, 3:20 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Assume there's a few gas buses on the X24 today, as the gas bus services seem to have Enviro200s allocated...

36085 - 3
36969 - 16

Both in tandem through Southwick, earlier. Unsure if any others are on.

There was at least 2 gas buses on the X24 today. 28038 was one of them.
27509 on 58/35
The seven ADL E200s at Hartlepool were all out yesterday - four on the 1, two on the 6/7 and one on the 4.
28027- X24
22022 - 12
22346 - 30s
10651 - X47/87/88
(29 Jun 2017, 3:52 pm)LiamD55 wrote [ -> ]22022 - 12
22346 - 30s
10651 - X47/87/88

10634 also on the 12s.
Few odd working in Sunderland today:

36977 on the 20
36979 on the 3
36961 on the 12/13
36088 on the 10/11
28002 on the 4
28012/28025 on the X24
10640 - X88 this evening
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